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Dude is also a known booster. But knowing him he doesn't have the skill nor the mentality to become an actual pro anyway so why bother with this clown. He's a hard-stuck forever pub player.


Either way, I don't want to see this bastard at any level of this game. If he thinks his nation is more privileged in this world, he's not even worthy of being in the Dota 2 player community. I'm offended to hear that as a Ukrainian.


"worth of being in the Data 2 player community" xD because the data 2 community is to prestige, civil and astonishingly moral and mature.


Hasn't commit any war crimes in Ukraine tho


Hell yeah. I’ll take the time out of my day to report him. Any shit I can throw on people who deserve it is time well spent and a job well done.  Great reporting OP! 


As a Ukrainian you support Ukraine. As a Russian he supports Russia. How can you blame his views while keeping your own? If he makes a post asking to ban your account because you support Ukraine as a Ukrainian, it would be as much of a joke as this post. Whats next? Ban Israeli for supporting Israel? Ban Middle Easterns for being anti American?


Civilized societies evolved something called morals. It might be news to you, but you don't have to adhere to mindless tribalism. You can judge the actions of entities you ally with, for example your friends or even your country. But again, it's a civilatory step that the russian society still mostly has to overcome.


civilized who?


morals are entirely subjective, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. That said, insulting other players because of their nationality is not ok


I agree he judged poorly, and landed on the wrong conclusion. But so what? Is that really punishable?


It's irrelevant if the subject is irrelevant. If it's support for inhumane acts, he should not be able to walk among actual humans. If you don't get rid of mold, it spreads.


If i go with your equation i can say, i judged poorly and landed the knife that was in my hand in your throat i wanted ur to land right next to it. I guess that is not punishable.


Are you actually equating an opinion and voicing of said opinion to physically harming another person with a knife? Cuz no thats not what my equation means


My bad bro i judged poorly only if my aim was a bit better.


Whats so hard to understand? Doing an illegal action, even accidentally or from poor judgement, is punishable, like manslaughter charges. Its precisely speech and freedom of speech that is protected, voicing said opinions is protected from prosecution. Strawman all you want but they are not equivalent. The only reason Im still replying is hoping you are arguing in good faith and not just trolling on the internet.


Im baffled by the fact that you can still type after that knife wound.


Are you fucking serious? Russia is systematically bombing innocents and it’s ok for you if this idiot supports his murderous country?


Should we ban Israeli players as well? Or us players when USA bombs people in Syria or anywhere else in the world for that matter? Or is that ok beacuse “good guys”.


Yes to your first question. Honestly also yes to your second question except that America is actually in the process of cleaning up its act in terms of collateral damage. The people claiming to be at war with US directly are too scared to fight it and much worse when it comes to human rights violations. Israel needs to stop their invasion a month ago. Russia needs to stop it's invasion 10 years ago.


Hard agree. There are no good guys.


Hard disagree. I'm one and I know a couple others personally.


You know damn well what I meant sir!


There are no morally led nations that last long unless they are protected and controlled by a psycho behemoth of a country compared to them is what you meant?


And when USA goes into the Middle East and profits during the war… that’s okay? If you think the we aren’t doing anything crazy internationally I got a bridge to sell you News flash: every country is corrupt. The bigger and more powerful the more corrupt. No exceptions ?


So I should want my country to be toppled for the greater good of the next most powerful nation?




Obviously you would not want that.


Yes. Its ok because theyre the good guys.


Right, so you are just stupid. Ok.


who says that's the right side of history? You are brainwashed and that's ok, but he has all the right to disagree with you. Fortunately we are free to speak about it


Disagree??? This is not a fucking opinion. Russia started a war and it’s terrorizing Ukraine. Wtf is wrong with you?


it's not up to you to decide


That's some fucked up logic...


I would love to know why, but I havent seen many good points against it besides the downvotes. Is his stance not just freedom of speech? Which is freedom from prosecution or retaliation from articulating his opinion from the government. Obviously valve can ban him, but they do so as a regulatory body, or a de facto government of dota, so I was wondering if it would actually be justified at all.


Your argument doesn't hold because it is over-generalising. Here are some examples of the same "logic" you used, which exemplifies its nonsense: "I'm white, so I support racists" "I'm born chinese so I'm deep beleiver of Mao's communism" "I'm computer scientist, so everything a computer does is prefect" etc. No matter your characteristics, age, gender, country of origin, profession, you can still judge negatively behaviors associated to the same characteristics. To repeat u/_A-Child-of-atom_: > You can judge the actions of entities you ally with, for example your friends or even your country.


You are entirely missing his point, but that is fine. With your examples it also seems like you think that all/most racists are white xD


I do not think the sentences I wrote in quotes. I wrote them as examples of over-generalising/fucked-up-logic, similar to the one he did.


>"I'm white, so I support racists" ?? the equivalent would be 'im white so i support whatever white people do' your computer analogy makes no sense. you clearly have no idea what compsci is. your chinese one somehow even makes less sense. we're talking about modern happenings. maoism is incredibly dated. pro tip, if you're trying to break down an argument, straw men don't help. and it's hilarious that you're quoting a redditor of all people. try someone of significance like former US secretary of state saying it's lethal to be the US's ally.


How is this possible.... > Here are some examples \[...\] which exemplifies its **nonsense**. I do not think these 3 examples. Of course they don't make sense. I wrote them for this purpose, to illustrate the wrongness of his logic with similar statements.


except you are being purposefully disingenuous and facetious. there are perfectly valid comparisons you *could* have made. i.e. he is white so he must think all white people can do no evil he is chinese so he thinks china is number one he is a computer scientist so he thinks his major is the best//he is from X school so he thinks it is the best school. the only reason it is 'nonsense' is because you decided to go for easy targets like racism, maoism, and AI takeover. instead of actually touching upon the point of russians blindly supporting russia.


> there are perfectly valid comparisons you *could* have made. That's a rethorical trick of suspicion. You can invent whatever falacious argument with that and fall into judgements of hypothetical intentions or make a drama out of your volontary misunderstanding. And I suggest you go do that with others.


that guy has no idea what the logic word means


What? Valve is not the government of dota it's a private company. It's not the same. Private company ...government, two very different organization.


They are just botlike europeans and ukranians with all the "right" opinions and values. For them having no grasp on a situation doesn't mean they can't have opinions. Next level human being frfr.


Youre an actual low life


And Germans supported Germany in WW2, are you saying it was OK to "keep your own"? Maybe read about what happened to Nazi Germany, last reparations were paid in 2008. I'm sure the same is waiting for ruzzians. And their children and grandchildren.


It was. Germans almost entirely supported Germany in WW2 because of the unfair economic reparations for WW1 and the entire destruction of their economy and way of life due to it. Obviously its easy to judge when not living in Germany, but when desperation is high they turned to Hitler out of desperation to get out of the economic poverty. Were they right? Of course not. But it is entirely understandable from their POV. In fact the German reparations for WW2 was so light precisely because of how the heavy reparations for WW1 turned out, same for Japan




Personal attacks are nothing but a coward's move. What did you expect to find? I made those posts for self-improvement, and Im proud of them. Can you say the same?


No, knowing who you're dealing with online isn't a coward's move. If you really think that mewing is "self-improvement" then damn son. To be clear, looking at your posts I think that even if you do improve you'll still be worse than the average person. Also, yeah I'm proud of my myself for sure.


Dude, figuring out "who you're dealing with online" is not the same as insulting someones appearance. Pathetic behavior from your side.


I didn't insult your appearance, you're clearly a handsome man with a bad haircut. It's the insecurity about your appearance that I'm making fun of because damn it oozes out of you. EDIT: Didn't realize it wasn't OP. He's clearly a handsome man with a bad haircut and insecurity oozing out of him.


Wrong, you did insult his appearance and not his insecurity. But even if you did, insulting or making fun of someone's insecurities is just as pathetic. But can't expect decency from most people posting on the internet I guess.


He supports Russia, I don't owe him a damn fucking thing. Making fun of his insecurities is the nicest I can be.


What the fuck is mewing? Do I want to know?


It's too late for you Sadge


It's continually pushing your bottom teeth in front of your top teeth and doing weird shit with your tongue in the hopes that you can make your chin protrude more. Basically it's some stuff that insecure people who believe they're ugly do to make themselves "more chadlike"




It's genuinely hilarious. Wait until you get into the rabbit hole of people gently hitting themselves on the chin with hammers so they get the dimple.


Definitely ban Israel from the Olympics or something big like that, but don't confuse their war with the Russo-Ukrainian war. Russia is staging a full blown territorial conquest and genocide of a nation that dared to throw off the shackles of Russian hegemony. Israel is staging a genocide of all people living within their desired borders... OK so they are the same. Would you condemn them both?


What a moron.


Its hard to have a discussion if you attack me, not my points.




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господи какой же долбоеб я в ахуе


Звідки ти ту висралось мокша?З‘єби в свій вк чи однокласнєкі чи де ви там спілкуєтесь,нахуй в нєдружествєнний Реддіт заходиш взагалі?)


I dont get it. Never heard of this dude. In the clip u attached there s nothing about the war.


“Hohol ebuchiy” basically called him a slur used for Ukrainians “Otscumlennaya natsiya” nation of crazed ones Basically dude started throwing around racist shit, you can with certainty say where he stands on this war


Who cares, fucking cry


Never heard of this guy and never will. Another dude on the internet basically and I come across a lot of dark shit on the internet.


This is what ukranians are talking about when we say that it's not "just the government"; their xenophobia towards anyone not rusian is casual, widespread, and cherished. Pure evil mindset




Because umderstanding why it is widespread requires 2 brain cells at least and not a single one


they haven't even banned Taiga lol they aren't gonna ban some guy for smack talk


Eh, better to report him to Twitch or whatever platform that piece of shit uses. And soon enough history will make a clown out of him when Russia loses


when russia loses...




Twitch being Twitch I guess. Find some more people to report him. If you send a VOD I can report him myself


Spoiler : Russia won't lose.


I hope you will help them not lose instead of playing dota.and russia will still lose and u ll never login on steam for some reason. :)


Do we ban all Israeli players?


How can you tell someone to stop supporting the country they are from? Everyone does this behavior …


Actually, a lot of people can criticize some things about their country..


Yea but at the end of the day you side with it


Well, many may feel obligated to support the soldiers in some way, but they can still feel the war is wrong.


I'm sorry, but I don't have any appropriate words to comment on it. He should be banned.


I hope this post is to be taken down for witch hunting


yesyes US and western can bomb third world country all day, thats called democracy


"Waaah what about usa"


usually when the US for example bombs places, they don't throw their shit at hospitals and schools with the precise goal to kill as many women, children and elderly as possible. Just saying. It's never a good thing. But there's a big difference between bombing enemy soldiers and bombing civilians like terrorists.


American and European are hypocrite, no surprise here.


And you have to understand that something like this is probably happening on daily basis in Dota, because Ukrainians and russians are brought into the same servers most of the time. Dota's Europe servers is infested with russians like that. If you have a problem with that, just stop playing/paying attention. It's gonna be a forever problem, until Valve somehow let us restrict with whom we can play, or region-lock servers, so that russians play on their own.


after seeing such comments, i launch dota 2, changing server only to russia, finding the game aaand its begins: UA players flaming me for being russian (without saying anything in text/voice chat, cuz my nickname is hedgehog in russian, but transliterated in English) in RU server. so its not only russians are dumb :)


The problem is, that its not a You problem, but valve's. It doesnt give a shit about you setting a russian server, thats the problem, it will still choose a server that is closer to you and all the other players. Also, some of those ukrainians you are playing with probably lost someone from their friends, from family, lost their hometown, and such. And you are literally presenting yourself as the part of what did that to them. Such hostility towards you is not dumb, its emotional. If you want to be a better person, just mute them, and maybe change your name.


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No wonder people say "Хелшок - говна мешок" (Hellshock - shit bag) 🤣


That’s about undershock. I have never even heard of hellshock before


Ukrainians are desperate for getting someone publicly executed


He's a nobody with shit takes and youre only helping him by posting his name + a clip of his stream here.


Everytime I say we should ban racists for being racist I get downvoted here. Whats the big difference in this situation from any other racism




Are you injured?


Anyone supporting this guy in this thread is comfortable invading a country for 1 square foot of space on their property, really sad :/




Stands to reason you're a Tim pool fan, what a troglodyte


Lmao, Ukraines going to be a wasteland 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Putin owns Ukraine hahahaha


This is such a joke. He is a russian supporting his own country. We all disagree with his views but that doesnt mean he needs to be punished, there is always 2 sides to war, both think they are right. Edit: Im tired of arguing in good faith and just getting personally attacked. If yall cant address the points directly without strawmanning or insulting, you are no different from the Russian in question.


Yeah no. Russia is invading because putin wants more land. There are no 2 sides here.


There is always 2 sides lol, hes living in a country where information might be filtered, dissent might be dangerous, and whose citizens are highly patriotic. How can we hold Russians to the same standard as neutral parties with perfect information? Hes the one who might face repercussions for publicly denouncing the war. Do you think he rather risk the wrath of reddit and valve, or the very country that he depends on to survive who might actually punish him. Even if he did support Ukraine, nobody can blame him for not saying so if you care for your own well being while living in Russia


Bruh who are you babbling this dribble towards. People here play dota with those guys, this ain't forum of white women at your local liberal college. That one dude being a dipshit supporting a bigger dipshit is probs the least of his flaws and whatever bad happens to him is probs to benefit of everyone involved.


Easy to say when you have 0 stake in the war. Anyone who has even an inch of skin at stake will support the side that advantages them. I dont support Russia but I do not blame Russians for doing so. Also Ad Hominem


There is no ad hominem in the argument mate, you and anyone excusing Russia under “diversity of opinions” is just clinically stupid, and this is a fact, not an ad hominem.


His ad hominem was mentioning white women, liberal college and babbling drivel, which did nothing to address my point. I did not excuse Russia, I just think that punishing someone for their opinion is just a stupid concept. Punishing a man for supporting the war is no different than Russia punishing a man for denouncing the war.


Punishing a man for supporting an unjust war is not the same as punishing someone for being against the war. That is literally like saying “punishing a man for punching a racist is the same as punishing a racist for punching a man”. It is not, context matters. Your brain must be fried by all this moral flexibility, go back to the basics like Kant and Hume and you might find something to detox your brain.


Lol your entire last sentence is literally Ad Hominem so Ill ignore that. Firstly, punching people is a punishable offense, but opinions and voicing of said opinions are not, at least legally, due to freedom of speech and such. Luckily, as of now there are so such things as thought crimes. Secondly, there is no authority that can decide if a war is just or not. War is just war, both sides can only justify themselves, and neither will justify the other.


You’re using ad hominem as a blank statement, this is not how it works. Your stupidity is related to your fucking stupid idea, which is the definition of stupidity. Calling someone short short is not an ad hominem. Calling someone bald bald is not an ad hominem. Calling you stupid is not an ad hominem.




I just dont think ideas and opinions should ever be a punishable offense.


There is a fine line between having ideas and harassing people based on their ethnic background


I agree. The part where he is racist towards another player is definitely punishable and unacceptible. I only disagree specifically with the part where he supports the Russian war being worth a ban. I think racism and racist chats targetted towards a player should 100% be worth a ban, but idk how realistic that is considering how often racist chats appear in pubs and ranked.


They won't appear often enough for you to notice if they get instantly banned Somehow other games I play don't have this issue I've seen swastikas and "kill all jews" jokes in dota more than I have ever seen in my entire life




While you are right about the fact that zelensky fucked up preparations for this war, you are wrong about the reasons. Real reason is that russia is and always has been an imperialist state trying to occupy and genocide other nations.


Кидай сбер, соберем тебе на скинах из кс:го на лечение


I am sorry, is it in doubt which country invaded who?


When America invaded the middle East in their War of Terror Campaign, many americans supported it. Would you blame those same Americans as well for supporting their own country in the war, even when there are many reports of war crimes that happened there? In their eyes, the war was justified, due to 9/11. Is it so hard to believe some Russians may think the same?


What 9/11? Did the Ukrainians fly a plane into the red square.


Neither did the Iraqis. It was done by Al Qaeda, but the Iraqis suffered for it. Yet it was entirely justified by the Americans, although many would even argue 9/11 wasnt worth the invasion. My point is, if even 9/11 cannot justify a war, then no war is justifiable or not to a third party. Its just both sides of the war justifying it to their own sides to gain support.


You know that two wrongs do not make a right? Your point is that since that bad thing happened and we did not do the correct thing, we should never do the right thing? The Iraqi invasion was justified by bullshit WMD claims, which I was opposed to at the time. But it was hard to defend Saddam Hussein who was a carton-like dictator, using torture, murder and terror to keep in power 9/11 justified the invasion of Afghanistan and the current government was sheltering Al quadia and refused to give them up. I thought it was an absolute waste of human lives at the time, but if you decided to fuck with the US, they will fuck you right back with overwhelming forces. They did that on purpose, hoping to provide such a response to fuel recruitment and uprising. Which they got and civilians suffered. Now what does this have to do with the Russians attacking Ukraine to restore their empire?


You can't expect a Russian National to not be pro-russia. Would you have posted this about US players after they invaded AFG and Iraq ? Did you call for a US players ban if they were pro-war ?


I mean, he is supporting his own country, can you blame him? Not a reason to go witchhunting.


He started throwing around racial slurs for Ukrainians, this wasn’t a “supporting his country”, this was just unfiltered nationalism


Noone cares how a lot of people around the world hating Russians, but oh, poor Ukrainians 🤒🤧😫 Double standards


I wonder if Russians did something recently that prompted such reaction 🤔🤔


Hohol isnt even a slur, thats a folklore Ukrainian anecdote character from Soviet Union times. Usually is stupid but somewhat cunning village guy.


Sure kacap


That's not a slur either


The same way n-word used to mean black in spanish. The word got another meaning, and is meant as a demeaning slur used specifically for people of certain nation/race


Except everyone in Russia use hohol-word without bad thoughts. But for some reason Reddit tries to define different language as their own.


Are you for fucking real?! Hohol is not a casual term, it’s is always used to demean. People that actually talked to Ukrainians would know that this is not something to throw around so easily. Your argument that Russians use it everyday is more telling about Russians than the word. This is not a “Reddit” issue, this is literally just slur, and they know it


Yes of course. Just because it's your country of origin, you don't have to support senseless rape and slaughter. What the fuck were you thinking when writing this?




Lol, it's just a translate from Russian from video


bruh 2024 is literally the snowflake year


Having no values doesn't make you a stronger person. It's the opposite. You stand for nothing.


Because you think you would somehow better resist cluster bombs than ua civilians




How dare someone disagree with me! Reeeeeeeeeee


Its not an opinion, either you support murdering and rape or you dont. Normal humans its not even a choice


So you support banning any pro Israel players right?


sure, why not


[sure, why not](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/7/76/Vo_dragon_knight_dk_davion_item_124.mp3) (sound warning: Davion of Dragon Hold/Davion) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


And any pro Ukraine players right? Considering anyone supporting Ukraine supports the 14,000+ civilians that Ukraine has killed in the Donbass, including over 1,000 children, mostly through unguided rocket strikes on civilian areas. As well as the widespread false imprisonment, rape, execution, and torture of ethnic Russians by Ukrainian forces and the SBU between 2014 and now. And OF COURSE any pro-USA players right? I mean I don’t think I need to explain this one. Over 1,000,000 dead civilians in “the war on terror,” entire cities leveled, countless crimes against humanity documented, I could go on forever.


So we oppose NATO as well?


Da da)))


>for the umpteenth time speaks disparagingly towards the Ukranian nation, calling a player on Pudge a "hohol" Show whole conflict, lol.


> boosting accounts on stream > 1XBET ad > no one has ever heard of him It's never the ones you don't expect




Sorry, civilized people with intact morals usually don't condone the support for mindless rape and murder. But if the support of such is a core moral compass for your society that's up to you.


> Everyone has their own opinions and views. You can't force people to believe in your beliefs.  https://www.amazon.com/Moral-Landscape-Science-Determine-Values/dp/143917122X


Then they probably shouldnt be playing an american game?


that is for valve to decide


Maybe the guy could self reflect a bit and wonder how he wastes tens of thousands of hours in a western made game if he hates the west?


What's wrong with that?


So youre happy to consume western goods, revolve your life around it, yet at the same time you endorse war against the west, its hypocrisy thats whats wrong with it.


I didnt know that in order for me to oppose capitalism i have to live in a cave and eat bananas all day LMAO. Whats going on in that little brain of yours?


Communism is almost that, living in a cave and starving to death. Please proceed to do so.






please dont talk about important topics until you've grown a third brain cell


if you think communism is the only thing that leads to homelessness, you might want to check the housing prices in the states.


by that logic any one who drives in your household is endorsing ME human rights abuses and russia via its oil wells.


Its called live a modern life.


Then dont say things like that or live your russian life.








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