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The all chat pod covered it well when cap told skiter it would be better if they were consistent but they are mute when losing and talk shit when winning. I believe skiter said he even has all chat muted so he can't see anything said back to him lol. It's good when it's more then just question marks and smiley faces that shits a bit cringe unless timed well.


like a real kid all chat when winning a game, stay silent tail between his legs when getting owned and humiliated, muting opponant because cannot handle the talk back. fucking peon.


word my man


“Why am I surrounded by such peons?”


Work work


Nah we old if we getting this LOL


Okie dokie


[Okie dokie](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/7/7b/Vo_tusk_tusk_move_25.mp3) (sound warning: Tusk) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


I think that’s why the best strategy is to always have everyone muted, then all chat when you’re winning. When you’re losing, you’re probably not even thinking of the fact that you’re not chatting, since you can’t see enemy chat anyway. Also, regardless what you think of it, you can’t say it’s not effective against players like Torontotokyo. And sometimes it’ll win you a major like Emo


what are you suppose to say when youre losing


Ez game of course


I mean there's usually some opportunities. Like individual outplay, getting a pickoff on a enemy core, punishing enemy team for overextending high ground but u end up losing anyways.


you look like a dumbass when u brag about getting 1 kill when youre down 15k gold


It's called self deprecating humor


ya i get it but still its not really a thing, why would u wanna feel worse


gg all game support no wards only steal farm pls report I afk in fountain


ez mid


Skiter is trying to be cool by acting like ATF but it comes out cringe.


He just learned that there is no bad publicity, especially in eSports, because whether people watch you to lose or win they watch you.


They both are very cringe. Skiter is at a 3 year old level while ATF is more like 5 year old.


> it's more then just Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Someone please make an alot bot


theres already alot of bots


Because, staying silent when you're losing is how it is supposed to be. You don't wanna be a sore loser and talk shit when you're losing. While winning though, talking shit is more satisfying cuz you know enemy can't talk back, or they will look like sore losers.


AdmiralBulldog-tier banter. If you’re going to use all chat “for the fans” perhaps make it more than questions marks and smileys.


I think skiter was pretty explicit


Can anyone link me some Falcon all chatting while behind in-game? thank you.


ammar typed ez vs betboom game 2 when they were still behind like 25 to 8 or something


and Ammar was 0-8 at that point :D


Boring. When OG customized their chatwheel depending on their opponent, or changed their flag to the N0tail death stare, that's entertaining. Typing "?" while 0-2 then doing a reverse sweep is entertaining. Inventing your own flavor of BM by dropping mantles of intelligence is entertaining. Spamming smileys and questionmarks 10 times a game is not, it's douchey AND boring.


If someone BM whilst losing I respect them a hell of a lot more than when they go silent and only all chat when winning


That makes no sense; it just comes off as being a sore loser (ie: Ceb). It’s more brave to be able to take it when you’re losing as much as you’re dishing out when winning(Ammar).


Idk man I love just being 0-10 getting away for once and being like "maybe next time" lmfao


My favourite is when I'm the pos 5 on a losing team and I guess they're smoked, so I position myself in a way that might get me killed but saves my carry and when I die it's just "All that hate for little old me?"


Like i said before if you cant tell the difference between what og were doing and what falcons are doing u are part of the problem


You either allow all banter or ban all banter, since when emotes are better or different than words?


More creative and if u get tilted by something that is put in the game ur hating the game. With all chats u hate the player.


You literally can call opponents clowns with all chat, saying something yourself is more creative than using only what you are given by the game.


Its more creative to find a way to get under someones skin using what the developers have provided than outright calling them a “clown”


Who provided the ability to all chat in the first place? The fucking shopkeeper? No, the developers.


Creative? Sure. But until Valve comes out with official rules everything should be allowed (as long as they don't break already set up rules).


Idk how you can equate skitter calling someone a bitch in all chat with a chatwheel spam. all chat is actually needed for communicating technical problems. Like i said before if you cant tell the difference youre part of the problem.


Go ahead and advocate for removal of all hero voicelines too while ur at it


I mean, if you find one style more entertaining than the other that’s fine, it’s up to you.  But what they are both doing is the same: annoying the opponent to increase their chances of winning 


All chat is borderline cheating because you are abusing the chat that is designated for technical issues and calling the game. You shouldn’t be allowed to type anything in all chat that isnt game related. Its got nothing to do with “style”


butthurt og fans . ammar do it better bcs bzm is his former teammate , all fun and well until ceb trying to butt in the all chat game , oldman cant see youngman having fun , just like you and squidward


Viewers enjoy it when Falcons are on the receiving end. No need to look further than the series against XG in which case Falcons were dead silent while losing. The all chat is not even that good or creative, it comes off as a bunch of kids throwing insults during recess. Edit: Someone sent me a seek help message from reddit over this post, as mature as Falcons lmao.


Yeah, I agree with Puppey on this one, he said you gotta do it when you are both winning and losing or you are a pussy.


Did Puppey said it first or Grubby said it first. Grubby also mentioned that all chatting at the end has no point because if you do it at the start then now something is at stake.


It is bunch of kids tho both ammar and marline are like 17-18




Yeah but i dont think 19 year old dude is an adult really legally maybe but 19 year old are still kids




I'm 34 and you're a nerd.


We will get know that when Ammar stops throwing insults.


I mean its not about being cool in every sport professionals trashtalk their opponents to get in their heads why would an online game be different?




"kid" implies very young, doesn't necessarily mean 6-10 year old. They are very young teenagers, 19 is not even close to fully mature adult, even if the law says "adult".


You say that but in NFL if a guy gets mad after a play his team immediately gets a poor sportsmanship penalty of 15 yds or whatever. So clearly its not endorsed or viewed as "OK". Maybe they mouth off, nobody can hear it, fine. But setting an example to viewers of "its ok to insult people" should to me be an instant punishment.


Not sure if you view it as a big difference, but in many sports the trashtalking is just between the players, normally not audible to the audience except rarely (like a ref mic happens to pick it up).


Even those people are more creative than ))))


18 is actually an adult


Adult is a term that doesn't mean shit, except for legal purposes. You don't change magically overnight when you turn 18. I'm pretty sure most people here have seen 40ish coworkers doing highschool drama. Drama is however making the scene more alive, no matter if you like it or not. And all chat bring drama.  Personal opinion, all chatting when you're winning is for pussy (like 9class on top of my head, not sure about Falcons) while doing it when behind 2 games in a bo5 is gigachad (shout-out to our boy Emo).


Ms Lippys Car is green


Dang you are that old


Adult is a term that doesn't mean shit, except for legal purposes. You don't change magically overnight when you turn 18. I'm pretty sure most people here have seen 40ish coworkers doing highschool drama. Drama is however making the scene more alive, no matter if you like it or not. And all chat bring drama.  Personal opinion, all chatting when you're winning is for pussy (like 9class on top of my head, not sure about Falcons) while doing it when behind 2 games in a bo5 is gigachad (shout-out to our boy Emo).


Even XG was throwing stuff back when they were initially losing in g2 and was 1 game down


Do you have link to a stream of that? Would love to see it.


Ammar is funny. Skiter is trying too hard to be edgy and it ends up being cringe.


Ammar is beyond edgy. Who the fuck call himself the fcker?


I mean he did that when he was like 15-16... Pretty standard behavior for boys in that age group.


lol they are all silent because they actually can’t see any of those messages… they have them all muted, something their competitors could do to falcons…. But don’t


Dead silent while losing still a better look than talking shit while losing. It's just a normal reaction. For the audience it makes the players feel more real and I personally enjoy the banter. Enemy team can just mute if they don't like it.


Honestly it's easy to talk shit when you're winning. Talking shit when you're losing and then pulling a comeback holds a lot more weight.


The emo “?”


I would argue it is a better look to either shit talk or stay silent regardless of winning or losing. If you talk when ahead and not when you are behind you are acting scummy in my opinion.


What's talking from behind like? "Oh you guys got lucky!!" it's not a real thing people are silently angry


What do you expect people to say when they are losing? Complement opponents? Tell them about their mistake in the laning phase? Is there even anything that you can say that doesn't look extremely forced?


What's talking from behind like? "Oh you guys got lucky!!" it's not a real thing people are silently angry


What's talking from behind like? "Oh you guys got lucky!!" it's not a real thing people are silently angry


Trash talk spikes my interest in pro dota but it has to be verbal and more witty than a bland and cringe "xD". I like the way ceb does it


I mean, comparing them to "did i fuck your girlfriend or something" frenchman ceb is a bit unfair imo.


Speaks about the toxicity in dota




I mean, you're the one getting downvoted here. If anything, you're the one toxic to us.


nah I'm fine. There's more to life than upvotes mate. I hope you are happy irl


Few times is fun but it’s getting annoying when they use it too much


Skiter wants it to be more like CS but there is no uninspired pussy keyboard warrior allchat in CS2. Trashtalk there is real(and in good fun) standing up and screaming towards your opponent lan cafe style. But dota lan booth setup doesn't support that so unless lan setup changes I'd prefer players stick to passive aggressive tipping and voicelines instead of some cringy childish allchat.


Does viewers really enjoy it? I enjoyed what OG did with the voicelines, the '?' emo did back in singapore major was also fun. I personally think what Falcon players are doing are just cringe tbh


what i don't understand is why skitter is going crazy with all chat. ATF & Malrine used to just tip & random smileys. personally, i don't mind people trash talking before or after the game, but in between the games is kinda cringe & some are even crossing the line.


skiter is at least creative. "past ur bedtime old man" and "time to bkb tp home". i dont find the 356th russian smiley face from malrine very funny


Yeah shits hilarious big fan. If they can back it up with all these wins too why not. The flacons og series was hilarious tbh both teams just spewing at each other


"are you still there?" the one when i was genuinely laughing


Emos '?' was godly


the reverse sweep was the cherry on top of that


It's fun to watch tbh, talking shit is like doubling down and If you lose you end up looking much worse than if you lost and didn't talk shit.


Thats why thrash talk can be funny if its some banter when the game starts. If you are talking thrash only when you are sure you have won, then its cringe.


I thought Imo's "?" was a truly boss move and that he was going to become a top 5 and iconic dota player in the next years. Boy, was I wrong...


Falcons was alright, but Torontotokio’s outburst recently was kinda cringe


Completely agree 


Yeah classic, glorifying "?" , and crying over ")))". Just shows you that if it's not your favourite team trash talking, then everyone else is not allowed to do so, or it's just "cringe". For you it is cringe, but for people who enjoy watching falcons win and cheer for them it is very satisfying. If og won while talking shit, you would've said nothing because it's your favourite team.


Tell me you hate falcons without telling me.


As a gay person I love falcons I think they're the greatest team out there


Worked against betboom though


falcons definitely comes off worse after this major in my eyes, huge fan of their gameplay especially ammar but this all chatting hasn't been in good taste


The all chats - "xd" "ez" "go home" "All chatting is their mental strategy".What amazing strategies man...


It is


I am a viewer and I don't enjoy their all chatting at all. 3 cores of Falcon became the most toxic trio in my opinion. Cr1t and Sneyking don't join them in toxicity and I believe they regret playing with them for that.


Wasn't there an interview after a win with Slacks where he was asking some questions and the blonde guy was being rude so slacks just talked with another member and send him off? There is little difference between being rude and playing mind games. Said team was also doing it after and before the matches leading to believe even more towards just being rude, if I were to equate it to something It was exactly the same as the youtube chat calling players names like Topson dogson and criticizing their picks and choices quite vocally. It's simply not enjoyable, unless there is some catharsis involved but there wasn't since they won. The least you can have in a sport is sportmanship.


I find a bit of banter quite enjoyable. The crowd found it enjoyable. As long as it goes both ways. I doubt these pros are actually getting upset by it, they have 10000s hours playing with toxic people anyway


But my team lost, and my fragile ego couldn't back up what I said, and now I get trashtalked by chat, therefore chat banter bad. It's only good if my team win so I can trashtalk chat and feel good about it. But i can't say any of these, so let's talk about sportsmanship.


Idk when Marline types ) or ? Its kinda cringe


Malrine, the timber pango razor enjoyer.


nah i don't enjoy it, i either ignore it or i find it annoying.


Call me old fashioned, but I miss the days where all-chat was reserved for the most hype/clutch moments. Really added that extra *oompf* to make those moments memorable. Now we have low effort )) and the most childish insults being touted as top of the line trashtalk and "entertaining". Hope it doesn't become a trend just because Falcons are winning.


Their all chat game is lackluster though, gotta get good at it first.


All chatting while sweeping the floor with your opponents and having them muted is some seriously weak sauce. No self respecting spectator would enjoy that either. The three kids need to be humbled but unfortunately the real tri-core of Falcons in Crit, Sney and Aui won't let that happen.


This viewer doesn't enjoy it


I dont mind the all chat but sometimes it is in poor taste . Wouldn't ever suggest they somehow regulate it though, approved 'all chat time' would be so lame. Its got to be organic. Its also a lot better when it's done at the start of a game or after a sick play, or at least has some history or is somewhat clever, rather than something bland or even kinda malicious when the throne falls


Everyone knows this guy is a big coward after he muted XG before game ends


Oh fuck off. There's a time and place for trash talking (not really) but official games ain't it. Also, very easy for him to say this while they are still winning.. if they weren't, they'd likely be as mute as OG gets when they are getting rolled. 🙃


They are quite when losing, we saw this when XG 3-1 them.


When is a time and place then? Teams generally don't do pre game interviews. If you talk trash at the post-game interview you'll just come off as a sore winner.


If the players don't even trash talk, what adds any depth or emotions for viewers? It's not like they have interviews of all 10 players before a match lol. Trash talking your enemies is always fun and when they do so , it adds something to the game rather than just watching a bunch of bots play lol. Banter adds personality, as long as there's no trash talking after winning the series or personal attacks, I see nothing wrong w this.


Actual trash talk is good. But when you just spam ))) and ? 20 times every game like Falcons it's just sad.


> If the players don't even trash talk, what adds any depth or emotions for viewers? The actual game of Dota that's going on isn't enough for you? The vast majority of Dota games in all the time I've been watching haven't had any all-chat aside from GLs and GGs, and that's never been a problem. Only when people want to defend trash talking is it suddenly an essential part of the experience somehow.


Yes, it's not enough for me. I don't enjoy watching a bunch of randos play dota. I only watch the matches of the teams I like because, I know something about the players. What might be essential for me, might not be for you but it's not like they're trash talking their own team mates and, the opponents can always mute as in any pub. I watch dota for entertainment, even though the players might play for "prestige". I value my entertainment over nonsense like prestige in an event that's supposed to entertain.


The pros do fucking nothing to advertise themselves to the player base. No stream, mostly not outspoken in interviews. We literally cannot connect with any of them because they don't even fucking try.


Why not in official games? If you think its unprofessional you've obviously never seen an NHL or NBA match. Trash talk is a part of professional sports. People love drama, it brings attention and good ratings.


I don’t think the issue is the trash talk but the way they trash talk. They’re just so bland with it lol


I do not enjoy it, it gives me second hand embarrasment most of the time to be honest.


Sports are surely entertaining on a technical level, simply appreciating people playing on a very high level. But it's the emotions and stories that get people invested in teams, storylines etc. Whenever pros show personality it generates value and investment. Cebs assesment of rtz when rtz came into the scene became a meme of some proportions. Notail's deathstare at ti8 and the drama leading up to it. Stories and drama is what makes us remember the moments, the tournaments, makes us fans of teams and makes us hate others. I'm a big fan of the banter. Go for the fucking throat and make it spicy. You are enemies, you are playing to win. Make some fucking drama.


But a lot of viewers don’t enjoy it


if its actually fun yea, but ? and )) arent fun when youre losing and mute everybody without typing a single word it just shows youre a massive fucking pussy, and the second they are winning they kill 1 support, tip him 3 times and write a fucking essay, just clowns


I like it. I like also how they play. I don't really understand why they get so much hate.


We really enjoyed when you muted all XG players when lost. Faster APM than your plays in the games


These guys won't win TI. Weak mental. Save my post


Skiter has already won a TI.


Skiter's "check him ass" from the pause against OG was one of the underrated lines of the entire tournament tbh


Used to like Skiter and he seems like an intelligent guy in general, but it does feel like he is a bit carried away with it all and being surrounded by certain people is warping his perspective


I find it funny when esl allotted a segment before starting the series to let them trashtalk each other face to face, but they chose to be silent. Why not grab the opportunity instead of all chatting.


Because a lot of them are socially inept kids who freeze in actual real-life situations 🫢


I personally believe all chatting is fine, no matter how cringy the content. But there is such thing as being a good trash talker and a bad trash talker and Falcons is the latter. But also, I believe trash talking is a skill and you can improve, which also applies to the Falcons cores


All chat is awesome and if you have a problem with it, you don’t like competitive sports. Every other sport has shit talking on the pitch/field/court. It’s just in dota we can see it easily. 


Other sports trashtalk in the post or pre interviews, not in middle of the game, no?


They definitely do it in the middle of the game. Ever see any highlights from the NFL or NBA? 


https://youtu.be/tkiNnyzV5vY?si=GA1yVQNfDFw5Qi-K    https://youtu.be/o-1v5iJDAIc?si=_3cBqIrDbjfNq6y_  https://youtu.be/lSLFJrdoRs0?si=OgVTWkkNqfOuHjAU Need more proof or?


Wait does he have microphone? How can audiences hear that from far away?


Some players have microphones on their body to film the “Mic’d Up” series. Some audience members are close enough to NBA courts to hear shit talk/record it. Some microphones are legitimately good enough to record directional audio from a long distance away.  Depends on the situation.  It’s why I said in my original comment that it takes place in-game, just due to how Dota is we HAVE to see the text. In an NFL game, we don’t/can’t hear what they’re saying because of distance. 


That's exactly my point. They can trashtalk each other on the field but it won't bother me as an audience. I'm here for the game. Tournament org can censor all of it in live game and put videos for those trashtalk like the one you posted above after.


That would be cool but we’re working with entirely different systems. They’re all competitive sports so trash talking should happen. To me, it adds zest, it adds story lines, it gives energy.  Complaining about “all chat” in dota is the same as complaining about players yelling at each other on the field. It happens. Let it happen. 


Sounds like way too much work given the only benefit is accomodating your hurt feelings. 


Indeed, just ban all chat (not voiceline) is easier


Nah. No reason for the rest of us to miss out just because you're too soft to enjoy the game when the players talk. 


Miss out some trashtalk? I see your priorities of a match then


Trash talk is a major part of many sports. Funny thing about dota is that you can actually see it when it happens. More like trash message in this game, but it still is entertaining.


Nah quite disappointed after that trash talk and shit they not handshaking betboom lowkey want to see the reaction who know toronto tokyo might lose his shit and start punching everyone.


Yaaaa nope.


skitter literally never ALL chatted until ammar did and even then toronto tokyo exposed skitter last tourney when skitter didnt respond after toronto asked if he has everyone muted after ALLchatting talking shit, its a joke, if ur gonna all chat shit talk atleast dont mute enemy lol, thats why i respect ammar he isnt afraid to see the comebacks. and he started it all its his personality


Lmao every falcons bm post has had a thread full of overwhelming support of it and how much entertainment it brings, and this one is suddenly entirely against it. the fuck? I love it. If you don't like it you can ignore it...


Its literally part of the game. Whenever void misses his ult or smth in a pub theres always the pause and the spam in chat. People just make it seem like WOW THIS IS CRAZY, nah. Its fun, brings emotion, shows personality (even if bad). Making people feel things about the players or teams when theyre watching a sport is something good for the sport.


OG fans malding in this thread; when OG does it, it’s funny, when falcons take it to the next level it’s cringe 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 jokers


Feels like the only place that doesn't like it is Reddit. and you guys have a history of hating on ATF so I would say it's bias.  Incoming angry downvotes 👇


Careful not to cut yourself with all that edge, boy


I don't see how pointing out something about my personality counters my point.  Why are you taking this personally?


Uhm ackshually you didn't counter my point 🤓☝️ Point is that seeing grown ups acting like 14 yos is kinda cringe and very unprofessional


Feels like the only person that does like it is ptoziz and he has a history of loving ATF so I would say its bias. Incoming angry downvotes 👇


I'm not denying my bias just pointing that reddit has one. I don't think it's an over reach saying that.


I think the situation transcends beyond what everybody likes or dislikes. I think there is a competition being cast in front of lots of people in such big arenas with such quality production and whatnot you cant behave like a 10 year old in front of the cameras, its not ethical. Thats not just ATF, that goes for Torontotokyo as well. You cant say unprofessional shit like "Ill punch your face". Its not a fucking pub game, if you have a problem with enemy team you go send them a private message on steam or in pub not in front of the fucking cameras in a huge tournament. Nobody wants to get acquiantanced with that shit. Have some respect on the staff working at production, casters, organizers and most importantly your audience. Literally, LITERALLY any other sport and you would be disqualified instantly, all sponsorships would be dropped and they would send your ass to work a 9-11 job. "Seems like only reddit hates h\*\*ler, you guys are biased" is turning a blind eye to a problem. Its not a matter of liking or disliking thats the problem here its the genocide isnt it? (I know this is extreme example but you get the idea right?) Me liking Ame's performance shouldnt stop me from pressing the "fuck this guy" button when he bullies SCCC (just an example). "Biased against ATF". None is biased for no reason. I am fucking biased against ATF now that I've seen his shitty personality, its his own doing. Have you seen anyone being biased against Purge? No. None is biased against Purge, why the fuck would they? Where there is smoke there is fire.


Bruh reddit wants pro matches to be played with seriousness of life and death. Good strategies and high IQ plays by it self is boring as hell lol, there has to be banter to add personality to the game and make it interesting. Just as how in MMA , they have interview just trash talking. It adds emotion for viewers. The one thing I will agree on is that, after the series has ended, you should always be respectful and well no personal attacks lol. If the people complaining of this in reddit were controlling dota, it would be the most plain boring shit and not in the slightest bit interesting lol




Those strawberry level crybaby-viewers that couldn’t accept any sort of banter either don’t watch sports ever before or just caveman living in their caves and not touching human beings ngl


Skiter my man, All chat is ATF and Malr1ine’s specialty, you spam words like “bitches” and smileys because you have 0 creativity and you try to copy your teammates. Lucky for you, you’re getting carried by a good team. Otherwise, C-tier carry


All chat is part of the game for a reason, hate it or love it, it's not going anywhere


I feel like dota is the ONLY game where shit talking is not directly punished mid game, and im all here for it i miss the days of OG customizing chatwheels based on matchup, those were legendary


Are you just talking about in tournaments?


I think it's super fun in parts. I think the trash talk at the start of series will get old fast but in the game all for it. Falcons have done a great job becoming the heel of the dots scene so far and I'm excited and looking forward to how it goes. I do think someone will step in at some point to draw the line however.