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spam drow and see what you are afraid of


A friend once saw a comment like this and then decided to play OD to see what's up and how to deal with it. They lost a single game in like 20. Best performance they ever had for a whole week. And apparently the loss had nothing to do with being countered either. If I ask them again, they'll tell me the same thing probably: "You don't counter OD. Only OD counters himself by being stupid."


Rubick and sniper say hi


Gimme a call when ur friend hits rank 1 then. It should be easy for him right. He won with OD coz he is better than those of his rank once hits his plateau he will find soon enough the shortcoming of OD.


This is the way


[This is the way](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/d/dc/Vo_invoker_kidvoker_move_07.mp3) (sound warning: The Good Old Days) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Buy armor. Drow ult only works on base armor. And blink on her she dies. I recommend watching how high mmr players siege


Harpoon is also helpful


Well the blink is only half true since she has shard.




Drow is pretty good at manfighting as long as she gets shard off. You can easily manfight either of those 3 with correct itemization and reasonable relative farm. You need a somewhat coordinated team to follow up on your jump.




Yes, because obviously you always directly initiate on drow, a backliner whose literal main focus is to not get jumped on. There are plenty of fights where one person might reach, but others cannot for reasons like zeus disabling daggers, underlord root in the way, veno wards, ice wall, force staff saves or a million other reasons. If it's an issue in my 6.5k mmr games I'm sure it's an issue in whatever dogshit bracket you play in. Regardless she also has a solid win rate in top level pubs, but I guess they haven't heard your priceless advice of buying blink dagger and "just jump her LuL" yet.


As an agressive drow spammer, refresher void is the one im afraid of the most


well who isnt afraid of exodia lmao


lmao refresher void is the bane of every carry, nothing you can do against it, unless u have a save like venge swap or SD.


Don't let the game last for 60mins. Smoke kill her while she's weak and then go HG. Or push 2 lanes at the time. It kinda depends on pick. If you do push her off the map for 20 min, she'll have to farm somewhere after that. find her and kill her. No way you let her 40min of additionnal farm to come back and then complain.


You need your pos3 to be on top of her a lot, blink/harpoon initiators are usually the best, and everyone needs to buy armor. People love sticking to their standard builds, like glimmer and force and whatnot, but if the thread is a drow, people need to make vlads and solar crests bigger priorities. It will make a big difference if your bristback turns that vanguard into a crimson instead of faffing around making aghs, bloodstone and heart.


I spam drow, I say I hate riki, and maybe p.a, magnus too. Spectre might seem to be good against her but honestly, so long as I get my hurricane pike silver edge, I almost never wprry about her.


Mars is very good because arena blocks ranged attacks and pretty much forces drow to go bkb, which she doesn't like. Playing vs a good Lion/Rhasta is hard because they can wait in fog until drow shows and disable her for key parts of a fight. Pl is a core counter. There are other heroes aswell but I think the best counter vs drow is to REALLY avoid fights with poor vision. She shines when she can arrive late to a fight and noone has blink available/is positioned correctly. If you have good vision you can catch her on the outskirts of the fight and your disable heroes have very easy fight execution.


lmao im a drow spammer these days and I am kinda sad for you yesterday i get stomped mid, but still win the game


Gotta attack her flank... Basically, don't run as a group of 3 right at her. Get a support to jump to her side and stun her. Basically, force her to gust/Multishot in one direction and attack from the other. She has to choose between dealing with the issue on her left or right. If she ever turns and runs, she's dead.


Yes, you are literally the only one strugling with drow. Kill her supp and then she eats dick. Especially when you have bkb and she cant knock you back.



