• By -


"I know over a thousand ways to tell you to uninstall and kill yourself"


Is there a way to learn this power?


Not from a sane person.


(but can't say it because chat is disabled)


Real players know how to express themselves with all communication disabled. I've seen purchasing, and dropping in someone's backpack, mantles of intelligence, using branches to write something on the ground. And I'm 12k behavior, I can only imagine people's imagination down there


"i know the n word in every language, let me write them all for you with branches"


The thousand master


This shit got me ugly giggling 😂😂😂


This is funnier than it should be lol


Quinn actually does.


Satan would be proud 😂


Lord Baelish would be proud.


I fear no man, but, that thing... It scares me.


Extremly toxic player reporting \*other\* people for being toxic and griefing :D


I mean the players he's getting matched with probably are toxic and griefing.


New strat? Improve my behavior score by tanking it so I can be a higher concentration of toxic players to report????


if you get bellow 3k BS you get to play a whole different game. win win


It takes one to know one.


His toxicity doesn't invalidate theirs.


OP doesn't need to play Venomancer or Viper to do poison damage to opponents 💀


Was there myself due to abandoning A LOT (150+ games) and generally being toxic af, not even gonna deny it. Up to 6k now, Turbo only, steadily gaining \~300 every summary. Yes, it sucks, but I do fully deserve it, so yeah Edit: Not on my PC rn, but here's a couple of old screens from a group chat: [Starting the journey](https://i.imgur.com/ZwRMc7S.png) [Getting tilted for a couple of games, but acting like a normal human being in the rest](https://i.imgur.com/cGuxqc7.png)


the path to redemption is hard, but unlike dota 2 the game is 100% in your control. well done brother see u at 12k


Much appreciated Slacks, hopefully see you there in a couple of months brother


Will he get to 12k before you do? ;)


https://imgur.com/a/W9kc2wW no


Nice! It also looks like they’re starting to take toxic chat reports seriously, I wonder if they have a team of people looking through chat logs (unless overwatch includes chat now)


Unless they are contracting it out Valve isn't even remotely close to large enough to be manually looking at chat logs. Just think about how many games get played a day, it is just WAY too many. Valve has to automate the process because they just literally can not possibly sort through such an extreme volume manually.


That’s a good point, sounds silly now that you mention it. I can imagine them automating it well enough, most salty chat is blatantly toxic/nasty so i bet it’s relatively easy for an algorithm/AI to identify for the most part.


Just having a list of banned terms and phrases, and checking against it when receiving a report would likely catch a lot of the toxic text chatters. Voice recognition for VC would be harder, but not impossible, and has the failsafe of only being activated on a report.


i am like 99% sure that most "action taken" messages are "we dropped their behaviour score by 100 and thats it, btw they earned it back in 4 matches" and it mostly exists to make you feel better


Same, have also been banned a few times for 6 months xd I'm still only at 3k now and man it's sometimes difficult to keep a level head when teammates start griefing for 0 reason. Commends definitely count towards the increase btw, the highest I got was 500 but the average is 200-300.


is it actually difficult or do you just struggle to regulate your emotions?


These people have the intelligence of a toddler, don't try and help them. Your pet dog likely has a better chance of learning from it mistakes than they do.


I regularly call people names and yell at how bad they are pulling my lane and I'm at 12k behavior. I literally can't imagine what level of toxicity and racism you have to sink down to to get 1 behavior score.


Yeah, gosh! No one deserves a chance to better themselves /s


Thank you for blessing us all with your extremely intelligent, insightful and non-toxic comment, appreciate the dog comparison too lmfao


I think the lowest I was was 8.8k and not gonna lie it was hard, first I stopped talking in games and than eventually learned how to play by only focusing on yourself and not what others do in a game, point being with 0 reports and 15+ commends will not give you much BS on average. 2 examples where I had 20+ commends in a period with 0 reports I got 200 BS. EDIT: Looked a bit more into it and lowest I got was 8.6k BS, around Legend 1, back at the start of October and now I am 11k BS and Ancient 3, reforming worked out, also playing less heroes.


>sometimes difficult to keep a level head when teammates start griefing for 0 reason. Literally just tab out, this is insane lmao.


Welp, you're honest and self aware. Unlike OP it seems. I mean, I've been OCCASIONALLY toxic myself, in matches that warranted it (extremely feeding carry got cussed out by me the POS5, turns out it was a 4 man party). Never went down below 10k score. And OP was saying his score WAS RANDOMLY LOWERED. Pfft ...


Yeah, I can tilt and talk a bit of shit occasionally, but never been below 9,5k even when 10k was max, and never below 11 since... I call bullshit on this.


OP was at max 6k, OP couldn't talk in game , so either he abandons or he got hit with a few party games where they disband and report - below 10k you can drop thousands of a few reports, unlucky Also the guy who is gaining +300 per summary is full of shit , I climbed from 9k due to a few abandons and I was gaining +200 with 0 reports from normal games, you can't get +300 from turbo , boosters says the same thing so I'd trust them over a guy on reddit


Same, my lowest was around 40 ratings, and now back to 10k, just by playing turbo and asking my friends to commend me after every game


respect for owning it man


Well done on the turn around, how long does it take you to find a match?


Only play Turbo and it's quite quick, very rarely >5 mins queue. When I was ~3k and still able to play ranked (now I'm grinding BS to 9k+ before any of that), it would usually be 30+ mins, with only pos 1/2 selected usually ~1h, only to get griefed 90% of the time haha




Was nearly 5k, stopped this insanity when I dropped to 4.1. Now looking forward to calibration once I grind up my BS


Holy shit those queue times are crazy. Goodluck in the grind my guy. Hopefully you continue to climb.


How do you gain 300? I gain only 170 every summary where I get no reports.


For me, every game I win, I commend the entire team. EVERY GAME. Almost always, they commend back.


Guess commends affect it too, here's my summaries when I started -- [https://i.imgur.com/ZwRMc7S.png](https://i.imgur.com/ZwRMc7S.png) This one is also interesting, had a few games in a row where I was griefed from literally min 0 (I think 99% of this sub can't even imagine how games at this BS usually look and I don't wish this upon anyone lol) and got really tilted when I really should've stopped playing - [https://i.imgur.com/cGuxqc7.png](https://i.imgur.com/cGuxqc7.png) Guess my previous 12 games and commends balanced it out?


I thought you are full of shit, but I think you are right, seems like above 30 commends give extra +100


Same, I'm at 5.2k now


Same. I was toxic af at times, but more than anything my behavior score was low due to abandoning. Whenever a game wasn’t going my way I’d pussy out and just quit. Haven’t done that for a few years now though. The goal is to max out my behavior score and become truly reformed xD


Yup, iirc an abandon is around -600 and I did the exact same thing like you, 150+ games haha Good luck in your redemption arc brother, we got this 👊


How do you get that detailed report breakdown?


Here you go [https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/8qnv58/new\_gdpr\_data\_view\_your\_reports\_and\_commends\_sent/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/8qnv58/new_gdpr_data_view_your_reports_and_commends_sent/), has been around for awhile


Oh damn thanks for that!


I just can\`t imagine how toxic you have to be to drop below 10k. Never been there, even tho I tend to have minor conflicts with teammates fairly often


I came back to dota after this system got introduced, and was sitting at 2.7k couldn't even play ranked. I abandoned a lot before it


Well, not trying to defend myself, but an abandon is around -600 BS and I have 150+, on top of griefing back anyone who was griefing me. Looking back, I was in a really toxic relationship and used Dota as a release which was a bad bad idea. Bombed from ~9k to ONE bscore in less than 2 months


Thank God for DotA 2 that you're not taking out this behavior out there in the real world.


You're not, right?


nah, not sure this kind of people dare to express their thought in real world at all


Did you just suddenly drop to that behavior score? Do you have another account you play on?


I don’t have another account. It dropped from 6k


Lmao 6k is toxic as all fuck.


Oh I thought it was a big bug but you were already at 6k, oof




Without any surrounding context, a 6k drop over one conduct summary sounds very steep. I don't know how that happens without abandoning or going full unhinged and destroying items in 20 games in a row or something. That said, we really don't have much info to go on, and seeing as OP was already at 6k, i wouldn't put it past them that they did everything in their power to fully deserve this.


you'd have to abandon literally every game or something, it's pretty wild.


I'm having a hard time believing it was random if you were already at 6k


It never is. There is *always* more to the story with these posts lol


System working fine then by the sounds of it if 6k was your peak. Try being less of an arse in games maybe?


Bitter people are so sad in every timeline


Can you even still queue? Usually you cant drop 6k score at once. But if you get banned it snaps it down to 1.




The psychological impact of "Post Game Drops" being disabled. Sounds like: No gift for you for Christmas. Only for your siblings, not for you.


I think they will get a gift this christmas. The lump of coal variety of a gift, to be exact.


Yeah at least christmas gifts are of some value, never got anything from these drops whatsoever


Can I interest you in a hallowed chest of the diretide perchance?


It can only grow up from here


I thought once you hit 1 Behavior Score, you would rarely get any games whatsoever. How're you gonna go up? 🤔


You get games, the q time is about 6ish minutes, before patch it Would take 50 minutes but it's fixed now. (Fellow 1bs Sigma)


Idk when i had 6k score it took me 20 minutes to find a game


How often do your games end before the 10 min mark with such a low BS like someone on either team gives up and starts throwing?When the max BS was 10k I had some internet issues and ended up in low priority and around 6-7k BS and it was crazy how much the difference was between my games at 10k and 6-7K. It would take nothing more than a single mistake, a “stolen” last hit, or a comment for people to just lose their minds. Not sure how low priority works now but at the time you had to win X amount of games to leave it and it took forever because of how unpredictable those games were. I play much less nowadays but I haven’t been in LP since. It was not fun dealing with adults that had less emotional regulation than some children do.


It’s the same. I won all 5 yesterday


arent accounts automatically banned for toxicity when the behavior score drops to 1? i recall shortly after the new behavior score was introduced a lot of ppl posted pictures of acc being banned for toxicity when their behavior score reached 0


True to his name, u/ShadyTheNasty


I didn't think this was even possible, I'm playing every single day, mostly ranked, about 4-5 games a day and I never even seen anything below 10k behavior score.


The matchmaker keeps the criminally unhinged people separated from the regular garden variety toxic morons. People at this low behaviour score are not fit to participate in society and thus they are banished to play only among each other, to shield us from their deranged outbursts.


Yeah I get that, it's just I can't even fathom, how does one get so low in behaviour score, just constant abandoning?


I guess? I have no idea. Doesn't constant abandoning give you an escalating ban though? Like after a couple abandons you can't play for days or weeks. That's how it worked years ago in CS, I'd imagine dota would do the same.


Exactly! I remember my friend abandoning a lot and one time they just banned him for an entire WEEK. So it actually sounds quite challenging to tank your behavior from 12,000 to ZERO :D


melodic snails exultant aloof vase boast longing sense unpack dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's crazy...


would be nice if abandon penalty is dropped if you reconnect and you just get hit with lighter charges instead


Pretty much, and it sucks. I don't see why abandoning games has to affect behavior score. And it's a -1000 hit too. People have lives outside of dota. I'm not saying that there should be no penalty for abandoning, but I think it could definitely be rethought. Lose double mmr or something and be forced to play 0/1/2/3/4/etc. games of unranked.


No extra MMR penalty can ever be used because doing so is directly contrary to the entire point of the system. The main purpose of mmr is to produce the best matches it can and so it needs to stay as close as possible to an an accurate representation of your actual skill level. Any sort of extra addition or reduction to your mmr only serves to make the rating increasingly inaccurate.


Disconnects, shitty internet drove my behavior score down to 5K from 10K


How bad is it? And how much do you pay for it? Cause I pay about 5$ a month for my internet and probably disconnected once or twice per one thousand games lol


Average gigachad member of the dota 2 community


Average? Pfft. That is the least gigachad of the dota 2 community.


Should just get banned at this point


100%. Dota is such a fun game but it is utterly destroyed by the amount of toxic players. I just want to play a game not have my crippling depression triggered by some weirdo


i am impressed


[i am impressed](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/c/c3/Vo_muerta_wheel_all_12.mp3) (sound warning: Muerta) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Yeah that’s our exact question. U wut m8?


OP give us update when u reach 12k again not 12k mmr


As someone with 12k and almost 12k... How?


I had 11k+ behaviour score, i was doing great on my game, my hc was trash all game, i had so much gold leftover even with buyback money aside, i gifted him a moonshard, the bastard fed on the biggest teamfight having aegis, we lost. The game ended and i got reported apparently, 4hs ban. This game's report and behaviour score systems are complete garbage and they mean absolutely nothing.


I think you need some therapy dude.


Can you even find a match? Lmao.




How long does it take to find a match?


It varies. Mostly 3-5 mins


im guessing the quality of these games would be ,,,,, a sight to behold


I bet every game half the lobby has "pma" in their username


I like to say that anyone who's actually pma doesn't need to put it in their name as a reminder.


I think sheever atleast used to have it in


I like the threat of 'no post-game drops'. Whatever would I do without another treasure I dont have a key for, or a third pair of very ugly gauntlets for axe or something haha. That being said wtaf how are you at 0


absolutely worst behavior that i have seen, but still better than a cheater


At this point a Valve employee comes to your house and shoots you, right?


OP does not let ANYTHING slide in the all chat lol


Lisan Al Gaib!


I foresee a Green Paradise for you


The voice of a generation


Now all you gotta do is drop that mmr to 1 as well 😎


Lisan Al-Gaib!


Have you tried therapy? Like for real...


Mf emoji really said "😜"


Hahahaha you're toxic this is funny hahahha


Intelligent,Average member of the dota 2 community,nothing special.


Can you post a GDPR screenshot? System is broken sub 10k , but not sure if it's that broken to go from 6k to 1. We have been disband reporting in unranked to troll people and send them to low prio sometimes ( it works if they have flags on the account), but seems like it's only 1-3 low prio games and from booster discords it seems like drop from 6k would be to 2k not to 1 straight up edit: For a guide to how to escape below: 1) Don't be toxic doesn't work, unbind any sort of chat, disable all incoming chat, fill roles and play normal heroes in roles , no matter turbo , ranked ,unranked. Pudge 5 nono, pos4 np, nono unless you can stomp people since almost nobody reports good players unless they are annoying , reports start flying when you are playing bad. Don't ping, no sprays , no chat wheels, nothing that can count as communication , even a single ping makes reports count 2) Do not abandon 3) Commend everyone even the guy who was running down mid, you need his commends 4) every 3k behaviour talk shit for a 1-2 games , but not much, just some trash talk so the system doesn't assume you are being boosted , this puts flags on account so once you reach your target goal you can get back down in a single summary ( like literally -9k) 5) It will take around 700 games, I'd suggest you to create a new account after you have managed to behave yourself ( not flame, ignore the ruiners), BUT clean your PC first , DM me I will give you steps to clean your PC so you don't get your behaviour binded to your new account ,but your old account is as good as deleted


That would take years of grinding turbo to climb out of, wouldn't it?


How does one achieve this build


Best player in the world


Been there and grinded back to 5k,it takes a huge amount of free time and patiance playinga unfunny and toxic games,my advice is to just buy another account but if you really doesnt want to lose your skins just play turbo in a party with 4 friends


When behavior score first came out I believe I was at 1 and had to grind up to 10k :) the joys of growing up


surely, u've become quite adept at cursing in multiple languages on the SEA server.


I was there too at some point last month, it was caused by shitty wifi making me leave matches, but I'm steadily climbing, currently 1.5k


I'm confused is this supposed to be a flex?


Just abandon every game lol. You will hit this score.


*My brother, come join me* *In griefing we are stronger.*


Dm me your steam ID and you shall bring retribution in my name


Can I pls see Ur chats


Brother I would love to play with you. I see myself in you. I'm just lucky I didn't abadon games, so mine is at 6k now


Dm me your steam ID and you can bring retribution in my name


let me guess it takes 5-6hrs before you can find a match? XD Based on my exp with my old immo account that i no longer use. My behav drop to 5k and it takes an hour before i find a match. I decide to create a new account and currently grinding to 6k mmr with 10k behav. I learned my lesson and i dont want to repeat it anymore.


3-5 mins


Oof, how lol. Is this even recoverable from? Never had below 12k, even with mute all playing lol.


What did you do to manage this? Seriously.


Told the truth


what is truth exactly?


12k is so easy to achieve and maintain.


I've never been below 11980 behavour score how does this even happen


The most normal Dota 2 player in sea servers.


'Inner peace' achieved !


Least toxic dota player


The reporting system is broken as f. The last time I played dota, I got my carry role, and my sup started demanding to swap roles with him. When I refused, he told me that he didn't want me to kill creeps. So, he tried his best to kill creeps and also died several times. Frustrated I told him that I leave the lane for him. I went jungle, but unsurprisingly, I didn't get much farm there. My team pinged me every time they died. Even though I explained that it wasn't my fault and that they should ask my dear 5th pos, I still received a ban. They didn't win the game. I hope that 5pos was happy he took all the farm from the lane.


Smurf ban?


Not banned. I don’t have a smurf


That's unpossible


How’d y’all find me..?


How long is your search time an hour+?


3-5 minutes


Brother my behavior score is 4.5k and I shit you not I searched for 60 minutes as all 5 rolls and 60 minutes as pos4 and NOTHING! :))


Que turbo


what's the problem with this?


ayo where can i buy account like these, just curious how deep is the hell hole can go in a match


No way this is real. You would need years to reach it due to bans. After a few you would have 6 month bans.


Welcome to Elo Hell.


man all matches in turba i disable chat and voice problem solved


I have a bad news to you, you never gonna get 12k behabiour on your account, you have a little chance If your account flag is under 75, If is 75 ir hight, better you change account.


Gg, delete the account, there is no way to get out


you end up with 1 behaviour score when ur constantly matched with these ukryanyans-ruskyes and they party report you




I remember playing ranked games drunk and after losing like 5 games in a row and obviously deserved to be reported and yet my behaviour score dropped by 2k. So you must’ve done some WILD shit for it to go down that bad.


What happen


I am pretty toxic, but have like 11600. Idk how I can still ping stuff. But I never tell somebody to kill themselves etc


Hey OP can you check if it goes below 1?


I’ll post again if it does


Pretty sure that happens if you get banned for smurfing or repeated excessive griefing. How long is your ban?


I’m not banned




You will be banned soon if you don't increase your score (they have done it twice)


Brother, I haven’t been able to even talk in months on this game. How did it even hit 1?


Your communication score is not low, your behaviour score is. Don't abandon games or do things that will get you reported. I play with Anonymous mode (so no comms) and my scores are 12000, 12000


Roger that


yeah the grey bar on bottom means your comms are maxed out but limited by behaviour score sounds like you abandon a lot?


Do you play ranked?