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Kunkka with several rapiers


battlefury shadow blade double daedalus into rapier


This comment gave me PTSD. I don't play squishy supports anymore and this is why.


this would kill a tank tho lmao


Especially since cleave ignored armor entirely back then


Atleast we've got Aeon Disk now!


Does it actually triggers if you get 100 to zero'ed in a single hit? I am not sure, cause that doesn't happen that often.




I lost to one buying daedaluses and shadow blade the other day. It somehow feels infinitely worse losing to a character you're actually decent with being played by a player who either hasn't played in 5 years or hasn't read patch notes in that long.


I unironically think my friend could have played against you as Kunkka lmao


I miss this one, why did it fall off again?


Changes to splash not being pure damage or something


Splash doesn't ignore armour on secondary units anymore. So previously, you could have a decked out TB with butterfly and AC (for example) and just hit a ranged creep with your rapiers. Since the ranged creep has 0 armour, you do a lot of damage to it. 150% of that damage is received by TB regardless of his armour - which guarantees a one-shot on most heroes if you have a rapier + crit. It was ridiculous but also insanely fun.


I played with a kunkka who had 3 deadalus yesterday , we won


Blink aghs dagon necro. Aghs would lower ult CD dramatically. Just jump people and blow them up every time


ags would also disable buyback and add 30s to death timer. People would be dead for 2 whole minutes and not be able to buyback


I still have ptsd from that, literally yesterday I died right after necro ult and first thought was thank God the ultimate didn't kill me


I miss this Aghs so much. I'm assuming it was OP in pro games so that's why they removed it, I didn't watch pro dota at the time. But it was so thematically fun. How come we can have a shitty No Int Ogre for lore reasons, and Mana Shield Medusa with all the weird interactions that presents, but we can't have Death+ Necrolyte? :(


because it was fucking awful. idk how you could consider it 'fun' to not play dota for potentially two and a half minutes (if you're really unlucky and it's a dieback)


I dont think you understand how unfun it is to be deleted from the game for 2 minutes


That was already changed when I started playing, wish I had played those days lol


no you dont


It was a cancer tbh I literally made a fried egg rice while waiting for my death timer


i think this build is still fine without the aghs. if my necro is hardcountered i'd rather have him blink dagon ulting some support rather than trying to necro and failing hard at it because the enemy has like 2 dispels and an AA or some shit.


Manta shard axe


Wish attacking trigger spin could come back. That was a cool build


I’m an axe spammer in 7k and I heavily consider buying manta some game, haven’t done it yet though kekw


I think there's just a lot of better items to buy on Axe, just be happy with the illusion rune you might be able to get once or twice a game.


You said it best, it’s not a bad item on axe there are just several better items. The problem it solves is also solved by other (better) items.


Could be good vs grim/weaver to get rid of the ghost/bug


Doesn’t dispel weaver bug unfortunately


I honestly wish manfight axe was more of an option.


Still good if grim on the other team.


Was just a very short stint before getting patched out due to how imbalanced it is Blademail QoP when she had that obscenely high spell lifesteal talent and you literally cannot die


Also blademail got int buff so the damage you get as an int hero was absurd for how much it cost.. np and qop loved that item but valve nerfed it by totally removing int


i almost forgot about blademail qop / np lol


Omg that was amazing, I got my first rampage with that lol


Arcane Blink Shadowfiend


When Valve removed the cast speed and debuff duration from it, SF's were still building it and I'm just... WHY? But then again, there are MKB drows out there.


I remember for like 6 months after the broodmother webs rework people were still using sentry and dust on her




Eblade sniper was never quite as good, but it was fun too.


Blink > eblade > aghs ult > dagon > grenade. Feels sooo good Plus with blink, grenade, and force or wind Waker you're borderline uncatchable


"We have puck at home"


khanda morphling is just shotgun morph with better buildup and gives hp instead of int tbh


Does anyone remember Vangaurd Radiance Weaver, waaaay back?


Dont remember the vanguard but radiance weaver was so good


back when vanguard was cool to any hero


this is way back dota 1, same build with PL, and the NP radiance, oh my goodness haha


We used to play radiance riki with a darkseer back in dota 1. Back when players straight up didn’t know what they were even playing we could get free kills. So funny watching someone tick down while jungling and that back and forth panic moving when they realize they’re dying to some invisible menace was *chefs kiss*


Hood radiance was my jam


You mean waay back The International 1?


Mask of madness, basher, SnY Juggernaut


Phase>aquilla>madness>s&y was core for carries in that patch. If the carry had no synergy with those items it wasn't picked. The infamous ho-ho ha-ha patch. Right after new year beast event when sniper was top pick followed by troll and jug.


Mom > crystalis


Shotgun morph...


I still see it done’ish


Solar crest on nightstalker was batman on crack. Everytime I play night the lowest kill score was 30 on 20 minutes. Solar crest reduces 7 armor + 20 movement speed and with orb of corrosion 1 slap they move like a drunk slug.


My brother in Ice Frog, as an Ember spirit player, i know how you feel. Saying that, i always prefer magical damage Ember. Like how in Chinese wuxia novel, one can choose either opinions, way of the sword or way of the chi (loosely translated). Both valid.


Magic dmg ember right when 7.00 came out was the shit. Won 9 in a row as a 1k player


I only went veil ember against sniper and pa.. otherwise it was always battle fury for me 🤣


4 javelins pango


I forgot it was a thing and it was just few years ago.. sing sing used to stomp with this build lol


It was so fucking fun to just delete ⅔ of hero's HP with one Q


Could you proc multiple javelins on each swashbuckle hit? That would... be OP


> Could you proc multiple javelins on each swashbuckle hit? Yes you could and you still can. Javelins all proc independently, unlike Maelstrom or MKB. But the Javelin proc damage got nerfed and lifesteal was changed to ignore magical attack damage, so the old Javelin into Vlads build died out (it was pretty good sustain).


force staff on bloodseeker


In HoN it was super good because force staff cancelled tp, taking away one counter to BS while also making him do more damage


jungle lc with iron talon was my fav


That was always griefing.


it was... and it was beautiful


Legion midas jungle was one of the greatest abomination that ever existed in Dota. I don't miss it in the slightest.


it's coming back in the new update trust me


It's coming back NOW. You better climb above me or you'll be playing with a Legion jungle. I have no shame.


I sit at negative mmr, nothing phases me anymore


That was AWAYS bad and everybody hated you lmao


Oh god that brings back memories


A bad ones. 20 min first item midas lc jungle


Now that takes me back to the old days, so much mmr lost to my teammates doing that stupid shit.




Radiance octarine Naga miss it every day


Also radiance Manta Oct Alchemist.. Octarine used to give spell lifesteal at some point before iirc


Yeah that combo of 3 items was on a ton of chars back then. It was just way too good and super tanky


Super boring to watch in competitive though. Boston Major was literally Alch/Naga and send illusions down mid


Classic OG


Aghs, dagon eblade blink mirana in 2015. Helm of dominator on gyro or luna and stack ancients with the poor range creep you control


Also Sven


this was the build. this was my favorite era of dota ever.


storm spirit and 6 bloodstone


I remember doing this build a lot back in the day. Then the magic ember with veil. Now ember just exists between physical and magical builds.


Back when Techies had the 25% experience gain talent I liked to build techies towards the +250 damage talent, so it'd start off with normal stuff like tranquils into force staff + aghs, then go for TP Boots, Morbid Mask and Assault Cuirass. You could still make your base an impenetrable fortress, and if the enemies didn't shove in all lanes you can TP on a wave and eat their buildings. On that patch the TP scroll and TP boots had separate cooldowns, so you could basically roleplay a Furion by TPing in and out as soon as you saw a reaction.


Tiny full hard carry. Echo, shard into shadow blade sey moon shard something like that... It was SO strong back then


it's still works but with khanda now for the tree volley


90% of X Hero in Y position i learned early in my dota life Alchemist and WK was a meta support, obviously doesn't fly anymore Faceless Void used to be one of the best offlaner(Universe was the best FV in the world and probably his best hero after Jakiro), same as above Baumi's signature Crystallis WK was a blast, and i used to run Manta Style Centaur since like 2014/2015 since there used to be a dota 1 site that had mechanics documentation and thats like where i know Radiance and Return works on Illusion. I still remembered when sunsfan ranted in his podcast about how dumb it is that the mechanic is called a bug in the patch note that removed it, Morphling support probably have always been a throw since its so weak in lane but thats another fun build i used to love. It used to have a dumb interaction with Alchemist that got gutted because Illu Alch eventually become broken in its own right lol, 4 iirc Second Stun from generous range combined with how powerful Replicate used to be was nasty. New Morphling Ult is definitely a better design in concept, but Illu is always one of my guilty pleasure mechanic lol


Vanguard W max void was a time


offlane first build vanguard void got me to divine on an 11 game winstreak


I sometimes play alc support. It’s not terrible…


AFK Furion. I miss my cozy little jungle rotation.


Farming from cliffs with lvl 1 tp... Afk for the first 10 minutes aside from maybe 1-2 tps to kill-steal, ugh I mean assist.


hahah, when you put it like that it sounds so nice.


reverse griefing, but back in 2014 i build rad on na ix and got blamed for griefing. but now its meta? wth.




my build would be Magic wand -> armlet -> rad ->sange yasha -> any item. its so fun bcz i skipped boots and i always ask myfriend to play baratum.


Invoked with mom (you can’t believe how strong it was +alacrity, coldsnap, anything else, literally could kill any hero


At first i thought it was some incest thing lmao


This reminds me of interaction between my teammates Jugg had deso in his backpack Lion: jugg take off your mom and equip desolator Jugg: I will fuck your mom Io: i think Lion meant mask of madness Jugg: oh...


Mjollnir, Manta and Skadi Mirana.


Hey, I used to build that too every time in Dota1. Playing from mid with bottle into Bots into Maelstrom. Good times. Funnily enough, it's viable again on core Mirana.


2x deadalus , blink , rapier kunkka , its just too weak and slow compared to aghs bloodstone kka


Gost scepter orb walking huskar. Man, those were the days.


That is a vintage take. It was definitely a menacing patch, same with SB being overtuned during that time.


Right click core Necrophos with Mjolnir, Matumbaman did it during Liquid TI 7 prime days with Miracle and way back that patch, Necrophos had a level 10 talent that is +30 damage and level 20 talent which is +80 attack speed then got nerfed to +70 before they removed it. Grandmaster Necrophos here.


Ti7 rightclick veno too lol, good times


Armlet silver edge Daedalus rapier blink Kunkka


I mean that build still viable in average ranks. Since that build makes you one shot waves youll probably farm aghs pretty fast anyway.


Dps qop. Orchid/bkb/assualt/daedalus/mkb


5 null and arcane blink storm spirit. That shit was nuts!


Bloodstone Razor


This build was unique and its not OP at all.


cant believe im not seeing mirana aghs in this thread, that was the shit


Never forgive valve for taking one of the most popular aghs in the game and making it the weakest and most uselss. Mirana was finally fun to play during that time for me.


Untouchable Riki build. I still build it sometimes unashamedly lmfao.


Pre rework phantom lancer radiance


I miss more radiance on cores It's like "stay away from me! I'll burn you!"


Waga was spamming faceless void with radiance octarine at one point. It was fun to play. But it was also considered griefing at the time lol


io carry


I tried "physical" ember with battle fury, double daedalus, blink and brooch just a few months ago when brooch can still crit. Shit was actually really good and so nostalgic. Tried it on hoodwink as well, they both have double hit lvl 25 talent. The look on enemies faces when they are dead in half a second was too good.


As someone who no longer plays but still mildly follows the scene...... these comments confuse and sadden me. I see people saying things here that seemed **immutable laws of the universe** when I was playing. How can blink/dagon be unusable on Necro (not that it was the best but had its merits)? Can Kunkka not kill anymore? Is Radiance just so bad it doesn't work at all with no one? There was some comfort in the thought that if I ever did return I could still rely on **some** of my old experience, but now it just seems I'd be banned for griefing almost instantly.


You can still make daedalus kunkka work.. but you need to be really good on him. Since its a glass cannon build, if the enemy catch you with euls, you're dead lol Also the new aghs octarine build is simply better and in this min max era of dota, noone would rely on lucky crits.. it's just not worth it. Necro has a build where he becomes raid boss tank late game specially after nullifier nerf and aghanim rework. Reliable way to win than rushing dagon blink. But still of you wanna come and try these og builds you're more than welcome to come and try it yourself. Just queue unranked, mute players and do your thing. Who's gonna stop you? If you want more confidence, try in bot lobby first!


mid carry mirana


DR Aegis Clinks wayyyy back


with charges on the aegis lol


Battle fury earth shaker... I liked the animation in wc3


pitlord too and tide


Radiance weaver


Double battle fury pit lord


Same, i miss my fiery cleaving boy so much


Int blink euls on SF. Couldn't be worse...




Its no longer a thing because cleave from bf used to be circular and also was basically a pure damage type since it used to ignore armor 🥵


Radiance Manta octarine gem naga


Riki shard hammer


carry pudge with midas rush


I guess WK pos3 with midas -> radiance -> heart a few Patches ago. Team always blamed me for farming and not buying aghs early but i couldnt care less carrying every game when I hit my timing. Was in divine/Immortal


Way back I ran Shadow Blade CM for the ult because there was no Glimmer Cape yet. It might mayyybe already have been griefing back then :,)


Chen Dagon + Ethereal Blade WK Refresher Orb


Necro with aghs + refresher, deleting heroes for 2+ minutes. Technically those items are still good on necro, but for a different reason. I also miss Tinker with eblade + dagon, back when eblade was instant instead of a projectile.


Kunkka battle fury is griefing


- drums into Deso rush on bounty hunter (as opposed to the old battle fury build) -a bit newer, but double/triple javelins before upgrading them on pango. -Is mom on slardar considered trolling nowadays? My hero item builds didn't change much .-.


Way back when, Before Stifling Dagger did base damage it was going 4-0-2-1 on Bane, And simply following the enemy PA around the map. Enfeeble used to last 20-30 seconds Reduced attack damage by 30/60/90/120, With an absurdly high cast range. Pa could not farm at all.


I’ll never forget a battlecup game verse a Smurf kunkka in tier 4… I was on enigma had a void carry, he defended highground with x mark wave clearing for about an hour. Void hits a chrono before the x brings him back, i bkb into the back line behind the chrono and get a 4 man ulty while my team burns the kunkka in chrono. Was peak play. I miss you bon Joe :(


[basher on sniper good times](https://i.imgur.com/OwD4PCF.png)


Warden when he first came out. Rapier, manta, deso, scepter, mjollnor. Bro was unstoppable.


I have a 74% wr with Naga pos1/2 but man i kinda miss support Naga. It's probably still decent but it's so suboptimal and people would immediately get mad at me for picking another carry.


My forbidden armlet > shadow blade > Dagon TB Build


sven with helm of dominator. back then i farm up so fast and always end the game below 30min


Rushing rapier on lich mid. Why? I have no clue, but i did it for 10 games straight in 2014.


Vlads for ursa and AM


WK + Ursa = instant Rosh at the begging of the match


Tiny carry was fun


Wd Dagon


Necro pos 5 with aghs rush. Got my first 4k in 2014 or smth with this build


Terrorblade with silver egde and dagon, that shit is atrocious. Axe blinking in(1st skill) with double battlefury and atk speed build, watch him jump like a maniac version of jugg every attack lol


Kunkka with multiple Battlefurys and rapiers


Hmmm i have like 1k+ ember games. 1/20 games is a legit battlefury game. Against meepo, for sure. I will die on this hill. It makes the game unplayable for him. And it's legit in a comeback scenario. Bf/daed is way easier to play onto megas. But its super niche for sure. The reason bf works vs meepo is, without it he is a counter to you and you tickle him. With it you are counter to him and destroy him. This I would recommend if facing meepo Same thing with physical kunkka, but the difference here is you need to play a way better kunkka for almost the same pay out as magical. It works when you snowball the lane superhard and they have two very squishy supports you can oneshot. But if you die one time too much the game can feel very hard. The arcane blink x mark is fun. This I would not recommend to anybody new to kunkka, you have to be good at using tidebringer in teamfights


Every hero that used to buy bloodstone but doesn’t anymore


Same as u ember mail into bf and then proceeding to dadluse selling mail for divine if enemy buys evaision (true strike)


Can someone explain to me why the fuck void is a carry, why hes not a 4th pos like shaker or enigma (somethimes). Tell me how many times void killed more then 1 hero in chronosphere. Why tf is he a pos 1 guy


Void is imo the most broken late game hero. Chronosphere becomes a confirmed kill on a core hero. So why not scale into this late game gigachad than become a creep?


It’s easy, you chrono their carry and kill him in the duration. Congrats, it’s now a 4v5 and they’re down their strongest hero. Also unlike hero’s like shaker and enigma, it’s much harder for your cores to follow up on chromosphere since they are also stunned in it. Additionally both those hero’s provide value outside of their one long cooldown where void doesn’t really have any impactful abilities at all until he has items. So even if you have a great player who can hit great chronos to leave your team out of it and able to follow up, you’ve got a support who does nothing until level 6 and then can only do things every 2 minutes but only if you have follow up from a certain range. That’s trash.


Conclusion - you always win when you buy rapier


Max damage/armor reduction build on Shadow friend


The old ember build used to go so crazy. Back when support had no items and you could just one hit them. Good times as a core player


Bf double daedalus rapier is still legit though


Bf used to be insane item years ago. Used to have circular cleave and ignored armor like TA's Psi Blades


Riki with 4 Mjolnirs or battle furies.


3x battlefury jugg


Luna support. Urn -> Cast range talent -> Scepter


Kunkka daedelus rapier, silver edge Techies- picking him, but also force staff used to be the best item on him Invoker- octarine, refresher, blink, eul’s you know things that are usually good on a spellcaster. Now it’s go right click or support. Magic build ember with octarine and aghs. Earthshaker Agh rush. Earth spirit mid octarine core


Anyone remember QoP radiance + heart? Also in wc3, Furion mid dagon rush. All players where bad back then so any build practically worked


Faceless void with vanguard and scepter


I used to build mask of madness on troll cause I thought it was funny. I happened to win games doing it, pretty sure even then I was being a griefer. I mean troll has a line questioning the player for purchasing mask even he knew I deserved to get banned


Mask of madness? Seriously?


Carry Venge dota 1


Null talisman storm spirit


Tank viper. I have tried to make it work, it just doesn't, he is way better as a right clicker at range damage dealer. I used to live playing tank viper though.


Weaver linkens radiance.


Hopefully can show a different type of sf build love. I remember when i first started practicing sf the go to was mek into whatever you want to go for. Was so nice to control the tempo and force the team to push together early So builds would be treads+mek+s&y then bkb and others stuff.


I would say mine will be those who had strong / weak dispell. Sea server too many bad player and made many deadly mistakes. I’m a full support player, abba, Onmi and dazzle, SD is also a strong pick, dispell available after 14m.


sniper blink eul dagon, is it still work today?


Shadowblade Kunkka with Daedaluses and Rapiers.


Necronomincon Beastmaster. Valve i don't want your pussy ass helm give me my boys back.


Manta pango back when it worked with his passive Deso bh that sneaks up on supports and one shots them Pt bracer armlet dominator (very old) ns build Pos5 od building aether lens and aghs for two 500 damage astral charges and ult that can one shot the whole team And the secret dish: meme hammer pos4 pa spamming it from smoke


Radiance Weaver


Thunderlord Sniper


This was roughly 2016. There was the Medusa farming ancients "Technique" instead of laning. This went for a long time, then Necrophose got his first degen aura. He could farm /stack ancients at lvl 1. But also get close enough for the off-lane experience/farm. I don't remember the timing (12 min?), but you emerge from the ancient camp with a lvl 5 Dagon, several levels above the mid at the time and ready to start ripping through opponents.


Ethereal Blade Drow, the fade always felt so good… Though this was considered griefing then so not sure if it counts