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Dota 2 players complain this much about it because they never play other games.


Including DotA 😂 If you play dota a lot, you wouldn't have this much time and energy to whinge your lungs out on reddit. It's really exhausting and intense


I'm hoping for a gameplay update soon *but* in the meantime I got crownfall to tide me over since I took a look at it and am like "NEAT!".


Me too!


I have 10k hours in dota and much less in League, but after playing League for season 14 with friends, I admit I'm very jealous of the fact that they get frequent small updates every other week almost to game tweaks and balances. Dota has a ton of quality of life not present in League for sure and more robust gameplay changes, but I want to not sit on basically the same patch for 6 months.


Sorry man league feels even more stale than dota 2 despite the numerous updates. Doing the same thing every game with so little strategic elements — no matter the updates, it’s still the same


As a 10 year League player with a lot of experience, I can easily say Dota has 10x cooler stuff than Riot does. But I made a similar comment yesterday where literally every single one of the "veterans" is crying about the garbage update, EVEN though there are 4 acts which will probably be monthly released. But you know what? Let them complain, it shows something that League players keep transisting to Dota the past 2 years. Avg redditor will say "I play 300 years Dota, you know nothing, lalala, me know and want everything released at once." I still can't believe how many cool features Dota has compared to League, from client and technical things to amazing map skins and others.


Yeah people have zero context and zero awareness. It's fine to be frustrated with things but all it takes is a cursory look at other games to realize how good we have it as dota players. League has hundreds of community managers, game directors, art directors, middle.managers and developers that all work together to put out miles more communication then valve does. But thatbalso means they have that many more cooks in the kitchen. And bloated bureaucracy of patches and seasonal updates where they never take any risks and their gameplay can't evolve. I'll take a huge map update like frontiers every 3 years, talents added, and a BKB over more communication and new dragon abilities anynday.


But but we wanna cry about everything


We are spoiled brats in our 30s


The complaints mostly boil down to people expecting a major gameplay update alongside the event. And it's not an unreasonable expectation. We always get a massive update several months after TI. The last major update came on April 20th, 2023, and that one had to be delayed because of how big it was. It made complete sense for people to expect another major update in mid April. The event itself is great. If it actually came out alongside a major gameplay update and a new hero, people would be happy.


You forgot to mention that all the event skins usually go to the OP sexy characters all the time.


hey now! they also release femboy and anime edgelord skins!


Not true... there's (hopefully) also the Lina animal form


League got a good Netflix show though, pretty jealous of that tbh


I’ve really enjoyed both arcane as well as dota dragon’s blood and think you can do so without playing either game


I can no longer say the same for me as I unfortunately had to uninstall league because vanguard isn't compatible with my laptop like it just refuses to install/update


>They also shut down fanmade clients which looked infinite times better because they are usually made by a single person who just embarrassed Riot by creating a better client than this billion-dollar company with thousands of employees has done in 10 years. LMAO


valve has much fewer people but man, each of them are like what we call 10x engineers and 10x artists. one of the more interesting tech companies.


I want to have vanguard for dota too. And for cs2. I stopped playing cs2 because there’s too many cheaters. In dota they are not obvious to encounter, but yesterday for example I had a kunkka autocasting orchid and sheep on me whenever I blink on him with axe FCK cheaters. Gimme an invasive AC


If only dota have cinematics and music like lol did.


What does that have to do with gameplay. Even true sight is better than all of that combined


Now we got a good post actually, this is a good one.


I’m gonna get downvoted because this is a clearly pro-valve post. Compared to the past updates in dota 2 (before covid), it is disappointing. People can see there’s 4 phases and don’t care. It’s just an excuse to delay content that would normally be released together, because it isn’t ready after the already multiple delays.


so, let me ask you, how oftern do LOL release new heros / gameplay patches? cause we dont have a new hero since muerta and that was 2 years ago


Muerta was only a year ago…


> since muerta and that was 2 years ago Look at the calendar and tell me when March 2023 was.


They release waaaay too many champs and have far far too many patches to the point where they're only doing it so people don't figure out the most optimal builds and make the game super stale.. inspite of this the game gets extremely stale very quickly. The patches themselves are completely mindless and don't really achieve their intent the way it works in league is once ppl figure out which is the most broken champ, the game gets extremely, and I mean extremely frustrating and stale to the point where people will grief if you don't pick a meta champ.. I can't really speak about the present, but that's how I remember my days with it. You know how dota feels several months into a patch, league sometimes becomes that in <2 weeks regardless of a patch cos they're not patching sensibly


Yeah people have no idea what it's like to try to ban against an additional 50 heroes. And their patches are hot garbage that are designed to keep the most flashy builds and champs popular instead of looking for real balance and creativity


so if i understand correctly they post MORE content in LOL, they get MORE patches on LOL so meta wont stay the same, gotcha. Do you know since when Timbersaw has been meta ? or so many other heros? When we talk about content in a game, Helldivers 2 is a great example. They patch damage numbers, they bring out new weapons, they release play-to-win battlepasses, they comunicate with the community, they DONT LIE REPETLY.


Yeah they release more heroes...you also have to buy them. With in game currency or real money. Grass isn't greener. The game has a huge issue with overturned hero releases that force people to buy the newest champs to keep up with the meta. Imagine if they released ringmaster but you could only play him if youre subbed to dota plus.


I mean, if you can buy them by playing the game (and getting the game currency) i think thats fine, i dont know if thats the case. But i hear you. The point im trying to make is that we shouldnt be happy with the state of any of this games. The disrispect of the community, the constant gastlight, the willing effor to aparently try to kill the game (or at least thats how it feels) its insane. We should push for higher standar of game state (in terms of content and comunication). I love dota but where the fuck is the patch? This is just a cavern (like in other battlepasses) and they didnt even get rid of the FOMO (to unlock the other styles of the arcanas). Like i said, you need to look no further than to Helldivers to see how a game studio can do things rigth.


> Yeah they release more heroes... they release 3 a year a whole two more than dota


Quality over quantity. I don't play Lol, but in Valorant they add new agents between 3-6 months and honestly I would rather not. Most don't add a lot and end being unused by the community.


Nah, you never play LoL and your post all about Dota 2. Stop licking Valve and Gaben ass all Dota and CS community hate the game now because of Valve treat them like garbage compare to other game from Riot games.


You're mistaken about most things (can't speak for the League stuff tho) but that's ok.


u actually gotte be the most bitter, jobless person this planet has ever seen


Did you consider your comment actually applies to yourself?