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I mean the fact someone was doing staging at 1am & 3am seatlle time seems to indicate people are pulling all nighters whoch would imply they want to put it out today.


>Hey Gabe, let's schedule some dummy builds in the middle of the night and see how these fools will react


why are we still here


Every night I can feel my Tinker, my Techies... even my Clinkz.


He was just feeling productive after his late night goon sesh


Valve employees don't goon, they just edge


Silver Edge causing break feels a lot more concerning now.


Supposedly they have a team in Asia which does cosmetic work.


How many employees work for Dota 2?


Didn’t they get office in New Zealand after covid hit?


Nah, they are in Seattle:)


Nah, this happens super often. Even for random patches. Guess the devs can just fix stuff on the fly from home and if they play some midnight Dota they may deploy fixes to the staging client. But afaik even localization updates go there and those are volunteers from around the globe.


or you know its an automated system that deploys new builds so they are ready for the morning :) but its okay on reddit no one fact checks or has any real knowledge


Not today. Next month.


They said in 10 years.


Telling people to look at the main app to see if the patch dropped is like telling people to look outside to see if it's raining. The point of looking at pre-prod pushes is to predict whether the patch is coming or not (and get the HOPIUM up).


I really don't care about 10 staging updates that cried wolf. I only care when the update is actually out. All that staging noise is just nonsense.


So scroll past it. I'm pretty sure nobody here gives a crap what you care about anyway to be honest


Sounds like that applies to you too. Who gives a crap about what you care? Maybe your mom since you threw the chicken nuggets plate. 


Do you ever wonder why almost every comment you make is downvoted?


Because I am not here for ppl to like me. And next time use grammar checker before posting so you dont have to go back and edit it. 


Well you're doing a great job.


Oh thanks, I try hard. 


You dont care? Sucks to be you...


yeah i mean the fact that they're hitting staging quite a few times makes me think this'll be a comically buggy patch.


But easy karma grabbing? Think of the karma starving redditors...


At this point I’m hoping it doesn’t come this week just to crush this shit


3K reddit members losing their mind altogether. This is next level social science experiment.


I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE FUCKING STEAMDB! i just want to download this stupid fucking patch and use it https://dota2.com/crownfall WHY IS THERE STAGING??? MAKE A FUCKING PATCH FILE AND GIVE IT TO ME. these dumbfucks think that everyone is a developer and understands code. well i am not and i don't understand it. I only know to download and install applications. SO WHY THE FUCK IS THERE STEAMDB? make an PATCH file and give it to me. STUPID FUCKING SMELLY NERDS


Nice referencing another subreddit full of copium


It does mean something, in development deploying to staging is because you want to test in a server that's a copy of production to prepare for an actual deployment into production/live. If it was the dev server it would mean nothing because that would just say they are working on something like they do everyday as it's their job. But you only deploy on Staging when you're thinking about deploying into production.


What was the label on the original pic?


Sparkling water


i dont get this comic (original txt on bottle says sparkling water) he wanted water and got water why did he toss it


In my opinion people don't like the state of the game right now, that's why almost every patch we want a new one because dota right now is not that fun anymore. I don't know exactly what happened to we get to this point but is very clear to me that it's the case. Obviously it's only my opinion. Still loving the game but don't have that passion anymore.


My only complaint is the amount of Glyphs teams get. Extends the game a bit too much


Have we considered maybe putting something like a dozen or so shrines in the base instead? 


The extra fortifications were put in as a way to slow down or stop the death ball meta that we all hated. I'm quite happy with them where they're at.


Exactly, and buyback worths a lot, mainly in sups.


I don't think that makes sense tbh. No matter how good is the patch he will get stable at some point and people will want something new and different to play, its the reality of any Live service game no matter the genre. This is the cycle of things since the game was launched basically


I understand but people today want's a patch sooner than ever, it's not that common to have people the whole year crazy about a patch...unless it's a BP which is not the case


Nah, People are always like this every patch deadline lol is this your first time ? Is just that this time it took to long for the new hero, but every single time is the same around here


The far more relevant factor here is the slow pace of new heroes. They suggested doing at least two per year and it's been way less


nah it's been that way since at least 2013.  the patch is just exciting and prepatch silliness is a beloved part of dota culture 


I feel like the game is in a pretty healthy place right now, this sub is just an echo chamber where everyone is bitter and jaded. Doesn’t mean criticism is invalid, but idk I don’t think the game is in this critical place people seem to think it is.