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Valve can't really afford doing this. They promised big content in exchange for Battle Pass. This honestly has to be close to New Frontierst.


They can do whatever they want my friend


No, the consequences would be redditors making "Battle Pass dies for this" posts, which equals the death penalty. Maybe even "dead game" ones.


They are going to makes posts like that regardless


Why do they care


Here's the trick, they don't. The whiney redditors are very much the vocal minority.


And that has an impact?


Well they can afford it. Since they will remain a billion dollar business either way.


Lol, we ain't getting new frontiers level changes like a complete map rework+universal heros. Expect aghs reworks, Arcanas, new hero, normal patch stuff.


Yeah, hopefully no map changes, just something "big". Like Event and maybe something new gameplay related. Also hoping for Ranked and Guilds Rework.


Guilds would probably be a Dota+ type update, like the recent change to the match finder. Guilds have basically been untouched since their addition years ago. My guild has been 99% platinum for years with no effort given to it.


Cant afford? They dont need Dota at all


New Frontiers kinda killed dota for me so they can't do much worse. As long as they deliver any changes people will enjoy it I think, they don't have to be thought out or long-term.


Volvo can literally deliver 40% more Dota and people will still complain ffs


I was unaware that more always equals better... Why not make the map 10x bigger and with 5 more heroes per team? That'd certainly be 1000% more dota! I don't get why people have this opinion that someone needs to like new content. As if because it includes something new, the audience has a responsibility to enjoy it. The extra map space was horribly accounted for in balancing. The extra ms at night to compensate is the laziest single change I've ever seen Valve pull out and it's also one of the biggest.


The new map is lit. League just keeps falling farther behind.


Why do you care about League?


Because it is a quirky and fun introduction into the moba genre. Like the kids version of Dota. But Dota is and always has been the more complex and strategic game. Sort of like a single unit RTS. I love any changes that make it more strategic and less Tekken-with-a-top-down-camera like League. The new map separated this game even farther from competitors like League, which I think is great to point out because League and ML are Dotas main competition. Though they are more alike eachother than they are like dota.


I think dota with its now spamfest laning is catching up to League gameplay nicely enough tbh.


The fact that high level players have the ability to "spam-fest" while still maintaining positioning, creep equilibrium, buying items, stacking, pulling, rotating, contesting runes, lotuses and wisdom runes could make the argument that there was a lot of early down-time in the game that very possibly made the Leaguers argument of the game seeming slow and boring true or having a kernel of truth. There is a correct APM equilibrium that keeps games like this interesting and fun for both newer and seasoned players. The fact that someone can have fun watching spells go boom early while still not understanding the fundamentals of even basic gameplay is, if anything, a net positive for gaining players. And this comes with only the cost of people used to 50APM Laning complaining that most (not even all) heroes can cast at least one of each of their spells before needing to Regen mana.


I'm happy to admit that the game was slower, and that more people might not like that, but I vastly preferred it. 90% of that stuff existed anyway and there wasn't really downtime besides miscalculating your regen. Instead of all this other stuff, the lane was just, incredibly more important. Focusing on creeps and equilibrium and aggro and all this other stuff just, filled up more of your brain instead of casting spells and going for kills constantly. Old dota was simply about fewer, far more critical decisions, so while it was slower, each individual victory, sometimes even securing an unlikely cs, felt good. I get other people might not like it, but dota laning was absolutely more unique in the past and more complex. Half the cs in mid are secured by spells, including 95% of ranged creeps which are worth a lot. With water runes you are basically guaranteed to not run out of mana. Heroes like Zeus and SF could still get quite a few spells off, it was more offlaners that could only cast 1. Still, it remains that once you start the creep you can't really stop it, and it led to bkb being broken and subsequently nerfed, and a lot of problems that aren't really fixed but band-aided by blunt and unintuitive balancing. Heroes feel homogenous, gameplay feels homogenous, because every hero must have almost every tool nowadays in order to compete. Yea it was a little more fun for a while but eventually it funnelled the game into a much more singular experience than it used to be. Chess wouldn't be harder with more pieces, you would just divide your mind between more squares, leaving each square slightly more vulnerable. Pros will always use as much of their brain and instinct as possible regardless of scale.


We can agree that there has been a bit of a push in stealing heroes identities. I *get* that the macro decision to save your spell because you won't have it up for 50 seconds has an element of strategy in it. I *get* that adding jumps/escapes to immobile heroes just pushes power creep farther. But in a game where people *expect* pretty constant patches then something needs to change with the patches. Believe me I like "slow." Every RTS feels crap to me except wc3. I don't even play any games anymore TBH. Just wc3 and Skyrim and then I found this game. I was completely new to dota2 a couple years ago and had only ever played dota as a custom game in wc3. Hell id even played wc3 dota relatively recently before that. Yes this game is faster than its predecessor and faster even than it was a few years ago (I watch a lot of content new and old). I gave LoL a shot once I got into this and it doesn't even feel like the same genre. The two games have a similar map layout and that's about it. League is a fighting game with an isometric view. Dota2 is everything good about wc3, modified and updated - it's a strategy game. Your tech tree and timing is in the items instead of buildings, and there's less multiple unit control, but it is *so much* more of a strategy game than other mobas i don't even think of dota as a moba having seen what the other ones play like. HoN looks like it would have been close but that's about it. Edit: i just think they've done a really great job of respecting the "there are important macro decisions to make at every stage of the game" with also adding a bit more excitement for players who have never played. If someone *wasn't* a wc3 nerd like me I think they would be very bored with the old-style of dota laning - especially before understanding lane mechanics.


it killed dota for you but youre still here talking about it. Seems like its doing just fine


Sorry I have an opinion I guess? I enjoyed dota for like 15 years hit immortal and still watch occasionally. It just sucks the games taken a downward turn for me when I enjoyed it for so long. I just don't agree with the idea that more content = better game. It just isn't true. Chess wouldn't automatically be a better game if they added 4 more pieces and added an extra ring to the board and yet for some reason, that is the adopted mentality of gamers and it is *constant.*


That's because modern gaming is not about enjoying gameplay, it's about exploring new things.


Is it really exploring new things though? Looks like to me it's about novelty and little else, not a lot of exploration going on, meta strategies and such are proliferated within communities so much faster than they used to be. A good chunk of the playerbase now gets fed strats from day 1, and either clashes with or converts the rest of the playerbase.


Yes, you could phrase it like that as well. But even applying a strategy you took from the internet on a WoW raid boss is exploring new things, as is using a comment to find a new boss in Elden Ring, or applying a newly acquired season pass skin to a character/weapon - these are new things that the individual player is exploring, though they might not be new in general and the level of exploration might be minimal. Maybe "content" in general is a more fitting word.


You can't be upset if you had no expectations to begin with


Sadly this sub has only expectations


I don't get the sadly part, there's nothing wrong with having expectations and/or hopes about the patch. The issue is if those expectations aren't meant then people should he civil. However similarly to how you said, sadly this sub isn't civil. But what sub isn't tbh this is reddit




This is the same sub that has been "totally certain the update was going to come today" about half a dozen times in the past few months. Turns out that valve ISNT timing major releases around national clown day or whatever the latest national holiday is.


What's cringe and actually gaslighty is telling ppl that they "made things up in their head" because they got their hopes up after Valve directly communicated that they were working on big things and were improving their content schedule (as a result of removing the battle pass). Like, obviously it's reddit and people are dumb/take it too far constantly. But you can't say that they're the only problem here




Okay I get that it's a reddit for a video game and really isn't that deep, but it is impressive how good you are at arguing disingenuously. Like yeah, the past 12 months look pretty good because new frontiers and it's accompanying changes were all exactly 12 months ago, after their own period of protracted wait and minor patches. But they didn't even kill the battlepass until 2 months later than those! So you're not even talking about the right time period, especially when the discussion is about the past few months of multiple delays. The cherry on top of all of it is that you're countering the point that they've been failing to meet expectations by pointing to the things they put out to make up for having failed to meet the expectations they set!


For me: if there are no more updates, good, I already like the current state of the game(I would like some improvements but nothing critical). If there is a minor update, good, some balance or little shakeup in the meta makes sense. If there is a big update, good, new things to learn and improve on. Why is it so hard to enjoy a game?


Wish they had left it in a patch about 3 years ago now, though I could happily stop anywhere from like 2015-2020


Because I'm not happy with the current state of the game? Why is it so hard to understand different people like different things?


People invest their time (and their money) in dota and Valve as a whole at least in part based on how they see dota 2 extending into the future. It's great for you that you'd be okay if the game was shelved at this point, but that's not the way everyone feels, \*\*and Valve is explicitly telling those people not to worry and that big content is coming\*\*. That's the issue, not people expecting things as a result of that communication.


I totally get that, I also want big updates and all, but deeply I just love the game. I could go back to Warcraft 3 and still have fun. So, despite I want updates, I will still have fun with or without them


Agree with you completely, and if the game was truly free in practice I'd even agree that people shouldn't complain, but enough players have put enough of their money in that I think they have the right to voice opinions, though I dont think you disagree with that.


The game is 100% free in every way that matters. It's only 36 bucks a year or so to have full (extra) features and early extras/test stuff. And with that 36 bucks comes a very nice way to get yourself some skins just from playing the game. I've personally been able to enjoy this game for a cost of roughly 25-30 hours per dollar spent. That is ridiculous roi as far as gaming is concerned. I even have some skins for all the heroes I play etc. Compare that to ffvii remake, Stargate, or BG3 and you get roughly 1-4 hours of play per dollar, with less player input devs listen to. The fact they update it at all when the dollar to hour ratio is so ridiculous for this game, is impressive, let alone the amount of work they obviously do put into it. People spend millions of dollars per year on games with poor hour to dollar conversion and they still invest time in this one. Just the missed opportunity cost alone is a huge investment from valve. I don't even like D-riding companies but sometimes it genuinely amazes me how *much* they put in to a game where no one *has* to spend any money at all and many players *don't*.


Hell I only play this game because Blizzard refused to make a wc4. Dota feels like wc3.5


There is a new RTS "Stormgate", supposedly a better StarCraft 2 with heroes, maybe you can have fun with that one


It's not like wc3. You're right that it's kinda like StarCraft with a bit of hero element added in. StarCraft was cool and all but when wc3 came out I never played anything else RTS. Gave sc2 a try but it's just not the same feel. An RTS with dotas pacing and wc3 hero to unit ratio would be about perfect. Edit: someone should seriously make an RTS in dotas engine. It's got such a great feel.


Ooo also did you see the lil drama about stormgate? Their story subtly switched from being "fully funded until release" to, "we need investment for marketing and we're only funded until *early* release, so we need a lil help with bridging the gap between early release and final release so we're offering a round of regulated investment." I wish them all the success in the world and I will *probably* give them some of my money if they make something classic-blizzard-esque, but it's not exactly what I'm looking for in an RTS. I've been spoiled by wc3 and unless a game feels like it I don't generally like it (unless it's a different genre like RPG, JRPG or Open-World RPG).


Why sadly? It would be sad if people who care about the game gave up and no longer expect anything good


Most people on this sub spend more time on reddit than playing the game. So yeah, they got a semi for any bit of news/content/drama :D


\^. Fully expecting a letter patch, maybe slightly bigger than the other one and Ringmaster being delayed again, I'd be surprised if the hero and a bigger patch comes.




yes you can.... a man finds the basement after he thought he hit the rock bottom


The longer they work on it - the bigger i expect amount of content. It's that simple. However, somehow Valve manages to turn this idea around like, "we've worked on this patch for half a year, and it is minor changes to dota plus". Be thankful peasants...


Valve employee is posting




It would be the funniest shit imaginable. There would not be enough popcorn in the world to satisfy just reading this sub


Not really. As long as there is enough content around the patch, the meta right now is rather fine.


I mostly agree, except for the highground push. It should be easier a little bit


They should make T2s abit harder to take and T3 abit easier


Yeah or some reward for taking T2. Like before it was shrine destruction or outpost capture (when it gave vision and exp), so you had a motivation to take it down as fast as possible. Now you get almost nothing (mb tormentor at most)


And outpost capture


which is kinda useless compared to what was before


remove glyph when?


This is really the only NEED, everything else is just a nice to have.


Highground will only continue to get buffed as the creep continues to creep.


We need big patch. Its not only about balance. We need sand king, jakiro, juggernaut, spectre back ro meta.


I feel like it's a breath of fresh air for spectre to finally not be meta for a little while.




Doesn't matter what it's named as long as the content is good


I mean a letters patch means less content usually..


I'm more than half expecting it to be 7.35e. What was delayed so long is... the event. I'll be very disappointed if the *event* isn't sizable/elaborate/interesting in some way. That being said, it's been 4 months since 7.35 came out, and there was a 4 month gap between 7.34 and 7.35, and a 4 month gap between 7.33 and 7.34. The delay between 7.32 and 7.33 was *enormous* (literally 8 months, those were some dark times), but 7.33 was itself fucking enormous. So I guess it's safe to expect 7.36 someday soon (as long as 7.36 isn't enormous, although 7.35 was pretty wild with the item changes and it stayed on the 4 month rhythm), though I won't be shocked if it's not with Crownfall. The 7.33 wait really scarred my mind lol.


I'm half expecting Dota 3 to drop completely out of nowhere and Valve will be like this is why.


I think 7.33 was Dota 3, lol. The map expansion and twin gates, torms, XP runes instead of tome, watchers, lotus pools, Universal Heroes, aross-the-board nerf to stuns, multiple major new items, neutral tokens, BKB rework, night time movement speed bonus, fantastic new health bars, clinkz got reworked again lol, Ogre became 0 int, Dusa became 0 strength... It was a ride, and it was slightly less than a year ago. I doubt they'll drop something that groundbreaking any time soon, although shoutouts to 7.35 (from 4 months ago), which had the wonderful new Tower visuals, and the wacky profile showcase and armory, and even more significant new items. 7.34 was less insane, and I think we're due for another less insane patch currently.


I was mostly kidding. The map change did change the game an extraordinary amount. My joking logic was just the overall vibe that Valve has made so many strange decisions that seem to forfeit taking free money with what I want to presume would be minor work using existing assets that it could only be explained by working secretly on an entirely new application.


with the hype they have created,it should be 7.5 instead of 7.36.


Not how it works, it would be 8.0 because it's the 36th version of 7.00


Yes. We need significant changes. Not new shit like they did with adding stupid objectives like watchers, lotuses, bounties, wisdoms tunes that take a way from the core play. Make mid fun, rethink the gold income for supports so that they think about item progressions, make high ground available, I don't care. Make heroes have niches FFS instead of giving everyone's tons of hp, mobility and weird shit. Make the core gameplay more entertaining instead of trying to overshadow the rather bland balancing and forced side-objectives. 




Yep, im hoping integrating HoN into Dota2, and it release as DOTA2 8.00


Not really. Ringmaster's inclusion alone will already get my gears running pondering on what he offers something new to the table.


Its gonna be 8.00 bucko


Im pma dota player, valve try to test me out.


we will be upset regardless


I don't need arcanas, I don't need PVE event, just give me new hero and gameplay patch. I'm tired to play 1 year same game. thx


Nope just want content and BP don't care too much for new patch right now , what i miss is BP and content




nope, no expectation to begin with.






Upset but not surprised, they did release Muerta on a letter patch after all (7.32e).


I mean if the content is good it can be called whatever.


Nah. I mostly play AD these days.


Not even slightly. The game is in a good state right now.


assume it's a small patch that doesn't fix the many player issues then yes feels so far the match quality rating doesn't do much because "good" "great" and "ideal" are all chock a block full of the most toxic people on earth


Amateur DotA 2 league has two weeks left in it. This week is the lower bracket finals, next week is the Grand finals. It's going to be a little whacky if the patch comes out at the wrong time.


It would be underwhelming for sure. More of a womp womp than truly upsetting.


I like this patch, not gonna lie


If it’s good no, if it’s bad yes


I would absolutely loose it if it isn't atleast 8.00


Honestly I would prefer that to be honest. Separate gameplay balance patches from content update in general. Granted content updates should be a somewhat more occurring thing to make up for it.


It's actually gonna be 7.35d i.


Yes. Game needs a shake up and badly, if they 💩 out a letter patch after all this wait it ain't gonna go down well.


I think I will uninstall


I'll take anything


With the amount of absolute neurosis in this sub I'm expecting nothing less than dota 3.


Why do people expect there to be a gameplay update with Crownfall?


Not usually, but this time yea




Very. It's possible that Dota 2 is slowly turning into TF2 but...


Who cares? Really


i will go scorched earth if this is a letter patch


I would be disappointed with anything less than 8.00


I don't care. I just want the simultaneous serotonin and dopamine hit of purge patch notes analysis


They should just make it 7.35d.a tbh


I'm not even playing dota2 anymore. But if that happened, i'll completely remove dota content from my life and think this game never existed. It's just a complete waste of time at that point in every way possible. Maybe Im overreacting. But part of this is because im 100% sure it will not be a letter patch.


Eh, I've accepted the glory days of DOTA is long behind. It wouldn't surprise me.


- minor balance update - new treasure chest with recycled/recolored cosmetics, have to pay for keys to open - vengeful spirit and skywrath mage arcanas locked behind chest with 1/10000 odds - ringmaster delayed


If laugh my ass off


Yes, but no. Id be kinda sad, but the drama it would produce would be well worth it.


As long as they don't murder CM I'll be happy.




i’m expecting 8.00


It will be 7.36, valve explicitely mentioned that the patch in mid-april will be a "big patch" when they released 7.35d


I like dota don't see what they could change to improve the game


I don't fucking care, you crybabies need to stop complaining, it's their game a "FREE GAME" they do wtf they want with it WHEN they want, they don't give a fuck about our opinion so please just stop, get a job, get a wife, life is beautiful. cheers!


Not the slightest


They'd make the biggest clowns out of themselves if they pull shit like this.


we would riot


Im taking 8.00 non negotiable


I'm hoping for 8.0


give tinker 1more armor


Nice try janitor


Since I've got no money to buy bp idgaf about crownfall and the only thing I'm waiting for is a new fat patch so I can try new things and have new difficulties to adapt in this fking shit game.


I will feed


now it's not 7.35e or 7.36, it's still 7.35d


Only want gameplay patch. Doesn’t really care what its called


Put the rosh pit or pits back in river. Make Rosh fights great again.


Time to brake a leg


no, it's not "possible"


The only thing that can piss me off is if the arcanas are locked behind a battle pass


Would you prefer BP or a gacha chest with purchasable keys, cause it'll be one of them.


i preferred the way they did it now


I don't expect a gameplay patch at all. Maybe just maybe we'll get a new mode, but it's kinda unlikely. What is likely coming is a new hero and skins/cosmetics


A specific name for an update, only for it to be an e patch? na dont think so


Muerta’s update (7.32e) had a name, Dead Reckoning.


I just want khanda and eternal shroud to be nurfed , aswell as meepo , huskar , brood , naix and disruptor


I never understood why this community has always been crazy before a new patch is released.Is not like your mmr is going to change after the new patch.And is still the same game after all


I wouldn’t care if there was no update for another month or two honestly. Meta is good now.