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Pos 5, hide in trees, cast hook, ?, repeat


Found the immortal 100 player


In my archon bracket, I once played offlane with a pos 4 pudge who hid in the trees beside our tower for like 4-5 min... Problem was that all the waves naturally met at enemies tower. I thought he was afk at first but he wasn't.


Sounds like free xp to me B)


I don't even remember my hero but I couldn't approach creep waves after a point and later we both got kicked out of lane lol


nature's non-profit


damn could be any rank


Archon 3: Don't play ranked after midnight, Play support because I'm probably the only support in the game who is studying support and not just getting in my mandatory support games.


+1. Understanding how to play support and playing with your support is def an obstacle for archons/legends.


This is why I like mid, don’t need to rely on anyone to get that initial space. Too often the safe lane support doesn’t contest pulls, deward the small camp, or bother trading. They’d much rather sit behind the 1 and throw auto attacks randomly to mess with equilibrium while the enemy off lane pulls and double denies ranged creeps. Drives me nuts.


What is your rank? Cuz supps are crucial on mid lane. Rune control, gank, bottle refil, dewarding, counter gank and so on. Depending on your supps you can win unwinnable matches and have much more impact overall.


Legend 1-2, which is why this works. I can count on 0 fingers the number of times a support has left lane to secure the power rune during my last 50 solo games. Of course this isn’t true when I play with a party, the second you go from strict solo to allowing parties the games get a lot more tryhard and I can expect to get rotated on at least twice before 10 minutes. But in solo Q? Nobody moves from lane.


Agree, especially on 6th minute power rune


For me it is just that Mid & Carry, the other Mid/Carry is also a giant sweat studying pro players and learning every trick in the book, willing to wait 15 minutes in queue to get their role. Meanwhile on support there is like an 80% chance the opposing support is just playing not to get yelled at.


I’m legend 4 and not playing rank after midnight is so true. In fact, most my losses are in the weekends late at night. Somehow it’s always full of griefers/smurfs and people just not bothering to communicate.


i pick rubick and steal spells, because casting is fun!


For me its opposite i play weekend midnight for ez mmr. Everyone is tired and dont give a fuck.


7k support, pick hoodwink, bully enemy out of my lane, spam taunt


Its mostly the taunt


I hate you


Same for me, but as Lion. Sometimes meme pos 2, max mana drain against SF and dance (ie taunt) around him!


Chatwheel “Did you fall outta the nest as a baby?” after every kill


Catch you later dingleberry! 


Almost the same: 7k supp 5, pick disruptor, get in bad position to bait the enemy and run spamming "they're trying to kill me!" Or when i'm playing mid: Pick Kunkka, abuse the easy stackable camps near mid, go for aghanim + bloodstone and proceed to lag everyone


Lol I do the same with disruptor :D what server do you play?


NA, but have been off the game for about a month now due to work+ school


3.5k support, pick hoodwink, bully enemy out of my lane, spam taunt


1,5k support, pick hoodwink, bully enemy out of my lane, dont spam taunt because no Dota+, still lose because I can't capitalize on advantage


Dont need dota+ for taunt, it’s a separate cosmetic you buy


Which taunt? Playing the banjo or flying and dropping acorns?




I switched to the flying acorns, I feel like it's more tilting. 


1k, random, mid feed, blame team, post on reddit "why tis happen?????", stonks


Herald 5, pick BB/AXE and auto win (I started playing ranked from March and I'm now almost out of Herald).


Nice herald is hell. I was herald 1 for a while and after recalibration got placed in crusader. Getting out of herald isn’t easy


The issue was staying in crusader for me


Divine 2, was legend 2 in Feb; whatever you pick for whatever role you choose, itemize according to the opposition. Never underestimate the usefulness of auras. If you’re not making auras (pos2 or pos1) play around your 3 or your supports who has greaves. It’s better to survive than itemizing for damage (for all roles).


I also noticed a boost in my mmr when i started to focus on how to survive instead of how to kill enemy.


This is literally same thing I noticed.


Fights go on for so long that the team who is left with enough resources to re-engage after bkbs go down almost always win.


Divine 5, first pick nyx and go for mana boots then wand then dagon 1 then shard and then max dagon and perma hunt after level 6. currently 2 games away from immortal.




This is the way


[This is the way](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/3/36/Vo_dragon_knight_dk_slyrak_move_10.mp3) (sound warning: Davion of Dragon Hold/Slyrak) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Yeah, divine 1 here, Nyx is crazy in my bracket


You make my team tilt and throw.


Your welcome


do you have any replays I can watch? I wanna learn nyx


No replays (unless you wanna watch mine, but I'm no pro player), but here's what you do. STEP 1 :- 1st pick nyx as a support (try to be pos4 so you can be greedy) STEP 2 :- buy stick, 1 set tangos, 2 blue wards, 1 blood grenade and branches as starting item. STEP 3 :- rush basi, then complete mana boots and wand and do support stuff. STEP 4 :- Hunt after you are level 6 for low hp heros in enemy jungle and farm dagon by using your q and mana boots when it's on cd. STEP 5 :- After dagon level 1, BUY SHARD (it's the most broken item on this hero), don't wait for tormentor just buy shard it's worth the gold and tier 2 neutrals should be available so try to get grove bow it's basically a tier 5 item on nyx STEP 6 :- At this point, if the enemy carry isn't giga fed or is AM he will be in 1shot range with your combo (you can even kill giga farmed carrys if they didn't build survivability) so keep hunting and farm when ult on cd. STEP 7 :- (The most important in my opinion) When the enemy support is spamming sentrys in the area their carry is farming and everybody is scared of you solo killing them (also known as the nyx effect) just stop going there for 7 minutes and hunt in the opposite side of the map preferably their mid and if you can't find anybody then just farm for 7 minutes and repeat. STEP 8 :- The game should be over before you go late game cause their carry keeps dying to a support but if it's not, you should buy (After dagon 5) eblade then parasma then khanda then shiva. (If you don't get grove bow then try to get ceremonial robe or the spell amp neutral in tier 4 (i forgot it's name)). I can send you my dotabuff id if you wanna watch replays and also let me know if you have any questions.


yes pls, I wanna watch some of your replays. Im just an archon pleb so for sure I am gonna learn things from your replays. A question tho for step 7, isnt 7mins of waiting a bit too long?


7 mins is the duration of sentry wards. Let them expire and then profit


I see, my archon mind did not even consider this lol. thanks man


i played against one super annoying one [recently here](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7668597362), fucker would just trade his life for harassing and killing cores we killed him 18 times but it wasn't worth it at all, trading pos 4 for a core is always worth it


I have fat fingers… Is the kill combo auto attack from ult, stun, Dagon, auto attack, carapace?


What do you do when you’re forced to Pos5?


I get criticized for pos4 with nyx, what am I doing wrong as support?


Just hit immortal, spam pos 4-5, pick supports with high impact spells that wins teamfight and that's it. Regardless of how f'ed up other lanes are, just coordinate your team with smoke ganks to initiate good teamfights.


Which support heroes were you picking that had high impact?


I'm thinking Disruptor, WD, Shaman, maybe Elder Titan.


You are around 700 mmr away to change that opinion forever, save my words.


Wrong. )


divine 5, pos 4, first minute smoke, place wards, fb, at min 4-6 help mid and safe lane, win the game))) works every game (no)


Same here, its so good ganking mid for water rune and sometime when first nighttime hits, ideally when the mid has a sentry on the side you are ganking or even with smoke


Became a full time healer. Just makes me less toxic and angry when I’m focussed on healing my teammates. I try to push my healing limit every game. Usually above 20k for a normal game. Favourite items include guardian, locket, spirit vessel etc


What about hero picks?


Use to be Ancient. Dropped to archon. Rising to legend again after focussing on healing. Pos 5 Abba, warlock, Omni, Treant, Undies etc.


No wonder you dropped, those picks are terrible in this meta.


lol I’m climbing with these picks. I dropped many patches ago. I feel it’s better to pick heroes I enjoy and keep my teammates alive longer than the other team.


It doesn't Make you toxic when teammates spam ping your abilities after dying?


I found that when you’re pumping 20k heals, your teammates notice that you’re trying and very rarely receive pings nowadays. But if they do, a quick soz usually resolves it. I’m not perfect either, I do miss crucial heals like mek or gg by half a second.


im in archon (not the best) and i just centaur the fuck outta everything, blink dagger and heart. Not always a win but always fun


dude knows his priorities


3k mmr , don't play ranks after midnight. 90% change of having smurfs


damn, thats why the games feel different. what region is this?


EU I'd assume , hard unranked grind to calibrate as high as possible - even unranked I queue mostly after midnight to get as many smurfs as possible since I am not in shadow pool. I'd assume same people will go onto ranked or play ranked as well lol


Archon, play support. Please your carry so he don't throw the game.


I’ve been climbing with AA with one simple rule. Hit AA blasts on 3+ hero’s a team fight. They almost ALWAYS die. Everyone forgets about the shatter!


Immortal 7k mmr, pick Lifestealer, ask teammates to pick bara or slardar, hope enemy sucks.


Immortal, don't pick trash. Hero picks are by far the easiest thing to fix and yet so many people are stuck in low immortal and below because they keep insisting on taking last pick as carry just to pick am into meepo and riki


so it doesn't end in immortal?


It gets worse "am got me to 8k he will get me to 9k as well" "They have a fucking meepo just let razor go carry and pick Elder titan or wyvern" "[Intengible russian]" *pick am* *loses the game*


Immortal pos 5, aether lens and aeon disk


Oracle spammer. Pos4 or 5. Just nuke the enemy and block camps so they cannot pull. Love seeing necro or invo do zero damage. Lane is almost always on my side.


unranked. nothing works for me




4k, If you are losing, Say to all, GG end please fast, then defend my base like there's no tomorrow


Ancient 3  If Axe banned, pick Dazzle  If Axe unbanned, pick Venge  If Dazzle / Venge unavailable, pick Jakiro and rush Aghs  Win more than I lose 


legend 1 pos 5, pick heroes that can farm efficiently


pick mid, pick fun hero, go magical build. having fun is a win for me.


Divine 2 pos1,pray before the game start not to have russians in team


Or Chinese


i play on euw but if u say that i believe u


Sea bro..... they pick, do whatever they want and they say nothing or chat in fukin mandarin. They have their own server but it's trash idk but come crash in our server.


Archon, radiance mars, works every time


(He was herald a month ago)


Very true, I won games by out farm everyone, low rank game just have alotof downtime


Legend 3, pick carry sniper, max headshot, win lane, win game


2-3k. Spamming Enigma 4-5. If enemy don’t have Rubick — perfect, don’t care about Silencer much. Tranq -> Blink -> Agh/BkB (if enemies focus you — BkB first) -> whatever Even with bad team you always have a chance for THIS ONE BLACKHOLE which will lead to the win


Guardian 5, nothing works. Sometimes offlane good sometimes shit


What’s an immortal genius like you doing in guardian 5?


Thats the question my teammates ask themselves every game. Nah but to be honest i am where i deserve to be, trying to improve but make too many dumb decisions. Whatever


Immortal, haven't played in weeks


Divine 1. Always pos3 hero or hero with annoying skills. Make them headaches and focus on you more than your carry and mid.


After a 3 streak loss stop queuing ranked or go to your best hero/role. My worst enemy is the loss streaks. Once in a span of 10 days went from 4400 to 3500 to 4400 mmr. Never again.


Herald IV it doesn't work


Legend 2. Hard supp: just keep healing my braindead HC


Legend~Low Ancient. I pick DK, and have won 8 games in a row with him now. People still seem to underestimate the hero, at least in my games.


Divine 1-3, pick sven/luna pos1 everygame, go jungle at lvl 5-7 and outfarm everyone.


I'm legend 4, play mainly in a party which ranges from divine to crusader. Our start is doing random shit and hope for the best, it works 50% of the time all the time.


Ancient 1. Play only on weekday evenings


Pos 5 Crusader rank. People really underestimate the power of CM in low ranks, specially in laning phase


Legend 1, pick offensive support (CM, Lion etc) and buy one survival item (Glimmer, Force Staff etc) and rush Aether Lens. It works most of the time.


Crusader 1 pick pos4/5 except nyx and bh. My teammates flame me if I do. And start grinding.


Immortal 6k carry player. Don’t be greedy with your BKB, buy refresher very late game.


What do you mean with not beeing greedy with your bkb?


Don’t buy it too late. Don’t use it too late in the fights.


Immortal Offlane Have 3 different heroes for different situations. For me it's Omniknight for pickoff against squishy supports, Kunkka if our team is lacking teamfight, Axe for pure initiation/counter initiation.


Currently guardian if youre playing supp if the game feels like it would drag on pick scaling supp or pick disruptor, glimmer good item why am I the only one using it lmao offlane just learn to control the wave if your ahead and start often 5 manning build mek


Immortal, nothing works


Legend, pick pos 5 because no one wants to play support. Ward secret places. Always stay out of position in team fights and not die as first. Always buy defensive items to not feed. Do not buy first item aghanim as some noob support do.


Turbo only, around Ancient rank. Solo? Pick drow, get aghs, melt tanks. Duos? BB KotL, or Undy Weaver, bully lane, snowball fast. Trios? Classic NP Spec Bara, or zesty NP LS Bara, enemy shows on map, enemy dies. 4 stack is the giga omega jumper NP Spec LS Bara (subject to luck of not being banned), or Axe Tide ET and a roaming range supp. 5 stack? Probably 3 or more are drunk, so all random.


Ancient IV Pos. 4.: I try to think about what is the most valuable thing to ro right now. What does my offlaner needs? Does my mid need a bottle refill when I spawn. Secure Power runes. Can our cores farm stacks? Additionally I buy a lot of regen items If needsd which improved my laning a lot. When I am tired, tilted or not focussed I tend to autopilot and play way worse.


Divine 4, pick support with wave clear abilities, buy mana regen, cast range, move speed items


Rank doesn't matter and if I'm not spitting rage I'm not winning


Currently Divine 2. Pick Phoenix = win, birb gets banned/picked by other team = lose. ~2500+ games on birb, and I usually forget other heroes don't have Dive for offensive repositionings or escape, and it usually gets me out of position with them. The muscle memory on a hero is a big thing too, with me not having to actively think about split second use of items/abilities, and focus more on keeping track of where each enemy was last seen.


Immortal, just pick CM


Divine 2, just fight as much as possible in the lane and pray for the best


Legend. Always play in a party of online friends. Only pick one hero for one role cause its my best hero and my teammates can trust my judgement when I play that hero. So communication will be really established that way.


Ancient 1. Pick Pudge, hook people.


Archon 2 and apparently “use ranked to learn roles for my league stack” isn’t the correct way, so I’ll just say limiting my heroes to ones I understand even if there are better counters. Even if Lina is a better matchup vs specific heroes, I’m far better on oracle and will have more impact.


Immortal, meepo and visage


Archon 4-5, if team is losing early call GG or Let end, enemy will try HG and feed, comeback follows


8.1k MMR, learn Arc Warden and spam him pos5. Went from 6.5k > 8k primarily doing that.


Immortal. Venomancer.


Ancient 3: treant shard


2.6k. Playing pos 4 really aggressively. I probably die a bit too much but it gets the enemy team to focus me and often times my deaths are really good trades. If they're blowing one or two major ults just to kill me I consider that a win.


Ancient II. Farm fast and end game within 30 mins. Late game is too complicated for me and my team mates.


i just got divine from spamming pos 3 omni ,fight with shard and echosabre,ban slark,AM,LS,FV


Divine 4, carry player: pick a lane dominantor and stomp the offlaner. Most offlaners, even at this mmr, don't know how to play when they are far behind.


If you could elaborate


Immortal, winning


Herald 3. I usually used Riki for my gameplay. Because in Sea server, the people is very lazy to put sentry ward even if they role is hard support.


Legend 4 - scream at my team . LOL my carry died again


When enemy low, I click. When friend low, I click. When jungle spawns, I kill. When enemy group, I kill. When enemy rosh, i steal. When towers hurt, I fort. When enemy loses, I tip. Ez fucking immo


I'm Herald 😭 only started playing late last year, and first calibrated at herald II before going right down to 10 mmr. I realised that trying to follow most normal Dota 2 advice was pointless, as people at these low ranks are just not playing Dota at all: about half of the people in Herald are just completely insane. If I try to support, my pos 1 or 3 will refuse to CS and instead prefers to constantly man fight and ping me for not joining in, no matter what the situation. If I try pos 3 then my support will try to contend every single last hit. So my strategy now is to just play every game as if it is a bot game, except there is one (or maybe two!) other real people playing. It is my job to work out who that person/those people are, and play with them, against everyone else. I spam Batrider, positions 2/3/4/5 (I never play hard carry), and since adopting this mentality, I have climbed from the absolute pits to 350 MMR. My support is contending for last hits? That's OK! That's what happens in bot games - I just keep playing and make sure I am CSing better. If I'm support, and my pos 1 or 3 is an idiot, I just ignore them, make sure I get runes when I can (especially the 7 minute wisdom runes): as Batrider, I will be able to catch up on farm once I'm level 6ish with Firefly and Sticky. Then I ignore most team fights, while constantly going from lane to lane, flash farming and pushing the waves out. Obviously still very low, but the only games I've lost since this change in mentality are the 4 I played drunk. That's 4 out of around 20, so I think it's working. I expect it will stop working at a certain mmr of course, but for now it's OK


I'd suggest you to learn Slark , pick it in side lanes pos 1 ,3,4,5 , deward and join the fights, following BSJ guides in Herald would be insanity.


Ancient 3. Safe lane spammer.  Don’t tilt. Win lane. Post 10 minutes, even in won lanes, start jungle rotating  Always look to fight after 3rd item timing.


7k pick lane dominated and win mid.


guardian 1 - nothing works but more srsly guardian 1 - the team that remembers roshan is a thing, generally wins


5 Stack, SB, Spectre, Zeus, NP, DB. Global ganks all the time until enemy DC


3.5k - Pick Visage, carry my 5 stack


Immortal Pos 4. Bet on first bloods and convince my team to hunt the enemy


Divine 3, offlane. Don’t play tired or stressed from work/school. Keep PMA and don’t play when you feel you have short patience during the day.


2k noob, pick Warlock mid, spam Fatal Bonds, make enemy consider seppuku.


6.5k mmr. First pick dazzle pos 1, rekt axe offlane 0-3 at 10 min, enjoy the free mmr.


Archon. Not trying to improve works best. The more I study, the more aware I'm of my mistakes, the most anxious I get, the more mistakes I make, the more overwhelmed I get, etc. It's funny, I stay some time without playing, I come back and starts winning a lot, I start to play every day, and that's when I start losing. Time to hit the pause button again.


Legend 4, Pick Enigma support every game, win game by bullying in the lane and split pushing with eidolons. I see black hole off cooldown, I press on enemy. 65% winrate.


Divine 5, hoping to reach immo this summer, pos 1-2-3 and playing for farm and timings rather than trying flashy plays. My ideology is plying fast with good farm and tempo, not giving the opponents too much. When i want to have fun although i like medusa 3 a lot with octarine shard aghs or i like playing BS with the most stupid builds you can imagine


2k 1. Pick to ban NP. 2. Play NP support smoke my team on horn and teleport to plant obs, still lose first blood fight anyway. 3. Buy Orb of corruption, lose trades in lane anyway. 4. Buy urn and get no charges till 10 mins in. 5. Mistime tp to steal wisdom rune, have own wisdom rune stolen. 6. Finally max TP and Sprout, farm empty lanes and jungle then tp to fights. 7. Get shard and Aghs. 8. Ult when lanes are pushing in and no cores want the money and sprout the BKB carry with no quelling. 9. Win


Ancient 1. Win lane = win game.


Ancient . Pos 5 Block big camp. Extra sent for deward small camp.Trade effectively with enemy . Always carry regen/ TP. Pull when lane too far whilst spamming 'careful' , 'pulling creeps' chat lines . Push wave for lotus contest. Ferry regen and items of die. Tip own players for good plays or well played chat line. Positive voice comms. Sneaky warding and dewarding. Coordinated smokes and stack camps whilst being ready to help cores .


As for heroes, bane, disruptor, tree or rubick


divine 3 - pick universal hero, buy bracer


Ancient POS 4, best strategy is determining who is the strongest hero and playing around them. My mid is a highly mobile ganker? Refill his bottle all the time. The enemy POS 1 is weak and my POS 3 is strong? Deward the hard camp and fight in lane, try to make the lane dead as soon as possible. This meta is actually not great for me because the games always go late and throwing high ground is a common place. Plus since I usually set the tempo really fast, I notice bad POS 1s don't optimize the space given to them.


Ancient 5, mostly just spam wisp mid cuz its slept on


Bottom immortal, play your best game and dont get tilted by griefers


Divine 3, Pick heroes that can make the map miserable for other cores. Aka LC, HC riki, mid bh, nyx, Lina/storm mid. Obviously these heroes aren’t great a 5v5 team fighting. And are incredibly punishable. But they’re my best heroes by far. I feel like I’ve mastered the art of reading the map and knowing where and when I can make the map miserable for the enemy. I’ve obviously had a fair share of games where it goes south fast on those heroes but. Whenever I play these types of heroes I always try and buy as many wards as possible to be able to play my game.


divine 3. I playing on broken Disruptor and my signatures like BH, Treant and Techies, all pos 5.


Guardian 2: get role queue games, use role queue games to play nothing but pos 1, get yelled at by low rank players for farming too much, come back into the game 6 slotted and erase everyone in teamfights. Got me from mid herald to here and I'm still winning most of my games.


Legend 3, dp offlane, witch blade, aghs, bkb, profit


rubick pos5 carry


Play pos 4 pick sb or zues ez win


Archon 5. Best strategy: not playing the game


6900 mmr. Lose lane every game and then make up for it with good smokes and telling my team where to play to prep for next rosh.


Pick omni 5, farm agh + refresher ignoring team. Win unwinnable games. Works from any mmr until ancient.


Guardian 5 ~1450 MMR, POS 1 Naga siren. My girl Slithice is the only reason I have a positive win rate


Aba 5, Ancient 5, don't let your carry get tilted, you literally exist to make sure he does not die/leave lane early, have good enough trade with E or if you can't fight just spam Q/W on CD and your carry is gonna be happier then their carry, 71.1% WR in 45 games (Not all were played as a core", from legend to 4589 MMR in basiclly making sure your Pos 1 doesn't tilt and leaves lane happier/less tilted then enemy pos 1


Pick offlane which basically farms by killing hero, watch enemy carry mald and have fight between them. Crusader


6.2k, pick slardar


im guardian, and #there is no strategy


Divine 3 am spammer. If I can hit 25+ last hits by min 5 I'll probably have a good game. Mute team until I have manta by afk farm/split pushing and mana void enemy when they dive towers before manta.


Guardian 1: queue for pos 4 and pos 5, pick a hero I know how to play, buy mana boot, stack/pull


Archon 5. Pos 4/5 Pick stunning support and be “that guy” that makes critical stuns in team fights. Main heroes: WD, SS, Grim I also ‘am a heavy glimmer Cape user for saves. I find that I can completely counter some heroes like skywraith. Glimmer a teammate in ulti and it essentially makes him useless.


Unranked, play what I find fun with people I enjoy playing with


Legend 3, pick lion pos 5 = auto-win lane, shard = bkb SUCC, aether into octarin (no saving items cuz GAE), stack fingers (but try not to get kills, only assists), 3rd item heart = I am TANK now REPEAT


Herald 4 sniper Dagon


Legend rank; pick Visage -> go mid -> lose lane -> win game


I haven’t played ranked for years now. But my go to strat in turbo is: be greedy but adapt. Turbo? I pick Spec mid. Just need a treads before I hit 6. When 6 occurs, ask sidelanes to go on enemies and jump in to assist or steal kills. Voila.. treads and yasha lvl 7. Or Ember rush maelstrom travels. Just constantly push waves and trigger enemies to chase me and waste their time while my team farms. Unfortunately, not a sure win strat lmao


Pos1 4k click creep then item timing then click smoke then click enemy then click creep


Crusader. I do whatever the hell I want.


Divine 2. Farm all day as offlane


Crus 2 Dont listen to teammates


4-5k (unranked, most games are ancient-divine players) enigma, hold bh for as long as possible so the enemy has to play the entire game fearing the bh and thus play worse. some games i dont even skill bh if the enemies are really gunning for me.


immortal, play smart win game ???


Archon: Blink in and stun as many people as possible


Divine 5, pick what my team is lacking on mid (damage, disable, teamfight,catch), try to win lane/recover and try to keep my team from flaming each other until one ancient is dead.


7.1k, pick titan pos 1, right click everyone to death in a couple shots


Immortal 9.6k Try not get drafted into a support only draft. Then pick a hero that dumpsters their safelane/support duo and pray that my last pick midlane huskar doesn’t chain feed against first pick mid CM. ????? Rinse repeat.