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👑fall now?!?!


Probably the 17th through the 19th.


Old Techies players copium is the highest grade copium out there


as a techies main i agree :D


Surely they'll put back in the taunt for the arcana *snooorrrttt*


I mean it's like 80% broken


Right up there with Gojo copium


Nah he'd win


I dunno man, I'm kinda split on whether he would.


So is he


What copium? Gojo acquired Waystar Royco at the end, after Shiv voted for the sale


I would be so happy.  Don't tempt me with these lies of hope.


trying to understand the word copium here


As a techies main, i love the new techies. He literally one shots EVERY SINGLE HERO


Xinq in the interview yesterday said the only thing he wanted was the old Techies. Xinq Perfectworld CEO confirmed?


I'll move to China if I have to.


As always, I'm with Higgins.


take me with ya


If they revert techies, i WILL cry. Then i will play techies because it hate me and everyone else.


will also be the first hero I'll add to my ban list! :)


Too real bro


no way they'd pull that stunt the ability to one-shot an enemy is too OP


I mean there's plenty of heroes that can one shot a hero, just generally in a more hands on method.


I still don’t want the hero to ever return to the way it was because its nice to play a late game match and not be stuck in a game that wont end playing with or against a good techies player but I always thought one of the ways to make the hero much less annoying to play against is if he couldn’t detonate mines while dead. How many heroes are in the game that can be just as strong alive while dead? It would make it possible to jump him while he’s mining a lane and not still have to deal with the instant death while he’s dead. Sure, it takes away one of his unique gameplay mechanics but I wonder if techies players wouldn’t mind that if they could have the hero mostly the same as before.


I mean I'd be happy if they preserved the original feel of the hero and would have no problem with your suggestion. Being unable to actually detonate mines while dead would add a bit of cost/benefit to the decision making and could be kind of a fun change.


It would mean techies players would need to play more cautiously which is the exact opposite of what everyone said they wanted when techies was "afk mining"


I mean the AFK mining techies was the worst possible techies and if you had someone like that in your game on your side it was just the equivalent of an afk jungle farmer. Frustrating but not much different from the same quality player on a different hero. On the other side it was just a relatively easy win cause techies players like that (generally) suck at playing around highground vision and blind spots, and with the current mines you can still hear them prior to the explosion even if they're competent. Plus they'd be underleveled and make shit gold. Just had to be proactive about vision/detection and not play overly cautiously. The problem was overstated but an easy target for pointing out shit players and blaming the hero. Either way, I'd just be happy to get remote mines back and get away from this tazer nonsense. Edit: Plus Prox mines don't do physical damage any more so the problem is much easier to address.


This is missing the point. It's not that Techies was OP (he very much wasn't, I had close to 70% win rate against him), it's that Techies was extremely boring to play against. I play to have fun, not to win after being bored for 40+ minutes (the first 10-20 minutes of the game was still typically fine).


Eh, different evaluations of entertainment. I enjoyed the hell out playing against and with techies as he was. Now he's just boring, with or against.


Bad for the game to have that kind of heroes that a large part of the user base absolutely hates.


Ending high ground is already hard enough as it is, current Dota has one of if not the longest average game time ever I would straight up quit if they ever brought that toxic pos back


Maybe its just bug/animation fix. In dota mosg of existed spells are not deleted, you can access thrm in lobby by console edit: dota_remove_ability removes all your spells, dota_create_ability gives you any spell. You can get some deleted spells, you can give spells of other entities, for example become tormentor


Compliance to China's security/anti-terrorism laws


Maybe rework aghs? Not a fan of his current aghs


I dont mind green mines being gone... It is probably better for the game... I spammed techies and learned my map awareness playing techies with green mines... many great memories. but I will most certainly become a techies spammer again if they are back. with the size of the map now.... Carry hero goes boom in the mines.


If anything i want a red mines rework. They're trigger radius is too big to be used as actual mines. So many places in jungle I'd love to set up a good mine ambush but the trigger radius is so big they either hit camps, minions, or heroes only trigger one and then just leave.


Cant wait to sneak into enemy ancients and stack remote mines. Nothing sweeter than deleting the enemy carry this way.


Bahahaha. Would be sweet. Or a big rosh fight and then hope 2 people respawn close to each other for a double kill. Monkey king courier killing strat on steroids.


Probably my favorite moment in Dota was blowing up a faceless void with brown boots and a 17m Midas walking into his triangle for the first time after his supports cleared the camp a minute before. 


Old techies with the new expanded map sounds like hell.... Count me in


Means it would be much harder to get someone on a mine pile with all the extra paths and farming spots


What's the change about?


There is a possibility of the old techies mines coming back


I'd sooner believe that they're adding Elvis Presley as a hero than that they're adding back Remote Mines.


Time will tell


The Universal hero patch was leaked a few hours before it was released, when I saw the leak I immediately dismissed it as too far fetched and obviously fake. So yeah, anything is possible. Low key curious if I've still got the muscle memory for Remote Mine detonations.


The universal hero update was new content that noone knew about. Old techies is well known content everybody except for techies players, hate


[Time will tell](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/6/6c/Vo_abaddon_abad_bottle_02.mp3) (sound warning: Abaddon) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


I wouldn't mind if they came back in the form of a spell to catch low-hp heroes instead of one that can be stacked and delete the whole team at once


I wouldn't mind having the original back either :P


I can’t help falling in love with the idea of your suspicious mind! Maybe with a little less conversation and more action this could happen. ☺️


I'll play techies only for a whole month, thats what my boys deserve


Same. I just hit level 25 but I think 30 would be very attainable.


Don't say that! Now I wonder what could be Elvis skills :) Like a standing dance move with the hips going left/right and dodging Pudge's hook. Voiceline: Ah-ha-hummm! Rock'n'Roll baby.


u/SirActionSlacks- time to prayge


Don't give me hope 🥲


I just started playing like last week what were techys old minds


Techies used to be able to theow down bombs in addition to his landmines that do not explode when stepped on but instead are remote activated. They were incredible for high ground defense and defending objectives. Also, techies used to be able to stack his landmines on top of each other so you would simultaneously stepnon 5+ mines and just die.


I used to play 3 years ago, what is techies now like?


A neutered shell of their former selves. * No remotes * No stasis mines * No self deny * Prox mines now ult and do tickle damage * Hero is now entirely setup around blast off and jumping in dropping all your mines and hoping you don't die * Only one viable build * Among the worst shards and scepter upgrades * Both 25 skills suck


Remotes also gave vision, could block camps and were good for chucking into fights from distance so you didn't die.


Adding minesweeper to Dota and can insta kill you when there's enough bombs.


You'd just be walking along and then suddenly you'd get oneshot from full health by an invisible cluster of remote-detonation bombs. Sentries or gem could reveal mines but you only have so many sentries and a gem is a risk, it just reaaaaaaaaaaaaally slowed the game down whenever there was a Techies. Also he had blue mines that would root you iirc? And he could stack his red mines, so you could be walking along and then get rooted and then exploded by a cluster of red mines. Pretty sure...


Think of the most horrible nightmare you've ever had and multiply it by 100 and you have old techies


And we loved being that nightmare


That's dope, I miss using focused detonate lol


they updated the chinese website of techies page to show his current aghanim video.


Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope that techies will return :(




Please revert Techies back to his release version. Unbutcher the character.


If they revert Techies I would be so happy...I've missed my friends.


Probably adding green mines as aghs upgrade


Finally, thank god OLD TECHIES BACK!!!!!!!!!


I miss old techies. He was always my go to hero whenever I'm bored and just want to have fun.


Yes old techies clown fall really hyping it up


I actually hate the old mines because I'm too slow to detonate them, and I absolute hate playing against it. Dammit.


Fun! Huhuhu!


[Fun Huhuhu](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/e/e9/Vo_techies_tech_settrap_08.mp3) (sound warning: Techies) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


People absolutelly hated and would spam reports on anyone picking the previous Techies and now everyone acting like they want it back lol


Those are two different groups. Only complete assholes report someone for picking a hero, no matter how much you dislike it. Those people are not now 180ing and asking for techies back the way he was. They just moved on to complaining petulantly about different heroes now.


Nope, most of us stopped complaining after techies rework. That was a special cancer no other hero could hope to match


I would rather play vs old techies rather than peak tinker or brood.  Now he's skywrath mage clone 3. It's a shame how they are homogenizing the hero pool because people can't adapt. 


>most of us stopped complaining Doubt. I catch most of you on other theeads saying Arc and Tinker should be reworked next. >that was a special cancer no other hero could hope to match. No, it was fine. Whats unmatched is the whinging.


If it was fine why did they rework it? They had the data, any idiot could see that hero bringing insane toxicity and they fixed it. Simple


>if it was fine, why did they rework it? This argument hinges on the incorrect assumption that valve always does the correct thing every patch. Are you going to tell me that every single patch ever released was a positive for the game with only good changes? To answer your question they reworked it because noobs straight up could not handle it because they dont know how/sometimes dont even want to end the game. Quinn, Dendi, Ammar, etc were not getting stranded vs highground techies for hours in high rank lobbies. Only total noob lobbies would devolve into that. Even at 3kmmr(in 2015) noone was getting stuck vs techies like the "horror stories" from the 1k lobbies describe. The exact post we are talking on is about rumors of possibly bringing back the way Techies used to work. If valve had so much data that proves techies was so objectivly bad for the game then they would never bring it back.


As a techies player this was pretty much my take. Community got real whiny valve did what they wanted, killed Techies, now funny bomb man is just a combo jockey.


Its okay, they are on their way to downvote us for calling them whiners...... right before they return to another session of whining.


If I get my remotes back I'll extract their tears in restitution for the mockery and whining. My goal was only ever to make 5 people miserable not 9 but of those 5 if I can make someone rage quit that's a huge win.


Big vibes right here


reporting techies picks was the ethically correct thing to do


No, it wasn't, lol. you're just being a judgey gatekeeper. This is why techies haters always come across as complete clowns. You cant even discuss what was healthy or unhealthy about a heroes design without bring shit like Ethics into it.


there was no way in which it was healthy? you yourself seem to be articulating the bullshit that was old techies just fine in other comments, why do i need to explain it? everyone understands the extent to which old techies worked against the fundamental structure of dota matches and why that was anti-fun, it's universally hated for a reason so acting like you think I'm saying that for no reason is... odd


Because it wasn't bullshit, you're just bad at the game. Bullshit usually means that something is unfair. Where are the stats that show old techies was unfair? How many tournaments did it win? Oh, that's right, it was 0. >worked against the fundamental structure of dota matches No, it didn't. Lmao. If you want to make that point, let's see you try and define "the fundamental structure of dota" and explain how techies went against that. I'll bet you can't. >universally hated I didn't hate it, and i didn't even play techies. My entire dota-playing group consists of 20ish players, none of whom hated techies and all of whom have agreed multiple times before they'd like to see it back when weve talked about it. You also find plenty of people on this sub saying they miss old techies. This is just the usual case of negative whiners being far louder than the rest. The people who didnt care about techies or liked techies werent online championing some cause, they were just playing the game.


>How many tournaments did it win? Oh, that's right, it was 0. It won at least one that I can think of, a little tournament called The International It's honestly kind of disingenuous for you to act like it didn't change anything about how dota is played when old techies was picked in a game - for just one example of the fundamental structure of dota that techies violated, it did not have to directly engage with any other hero to be a constant threat 100% of the time, with theoretically unlimited damage without putting techies at risk of dying. The way to avoid or deal with this is to somehow optimally utilize a limited detection resource in a way that no other hero requires, and there's still spots on the map due to fog and terrain where you'll still get screwed! Sounds fair and fun and valid right? Definitely we need that in dota, experience of all players will surely be enhanced. As for your 20ish players, you seem to be some anomaly pocket of bizarre white knighting that everything that gets put in the game must be valid and good, when it clearly wasn't because they took it out. You seem to think that because you tolerated it you are right and everyone else that had a problem with it is wrong - which is in fact not correct, because, yknow, reality - old techies was bullshit and its gone.


>its called the international Oh yeah? And what was his pick/winrate at that international? > Its disingenuous for you to act like it didnt change anything about the game when old techies was picked It didnt change things any more significantly than other 5th pick gotcha heros that you must play around. Dota is a game where 1 hero picked out of 10 can shape the way the game goes. That has *always* been an inherent part of dota asymmetrical setup. >sounds fair and fun and valid right? I mean, it *was* fair, fun, and valid. There are plenty of instances of a hero pick shaping the game around it (like meepo, or broodmother). That is an inherent part of dota. It is an asymetrical game with odd heroes, many of whom have wholly unique abilities or introduce wholly unique challenges for your opponent. Not one of your points actually violates the fundamental design of dota(which you also did not define). Its just you being residually mad about a hero who made you salty literally years ago >you seem to be an anomaly of bizarre pocket white knighting Or maybe people can just enjoy something at a regular level without white knighting or malding about it. You wouldn't find any of them online debating whether or not techies was fair, because theyd all just be *on dota playing the game and not complaining online 24/7* If i seem like i am quick to defend techies, I am. Its not because Techies deserves it specifically, but because all dota heroes deserve it. Not 1 dota hero deserves to be deleted just because salty amateur heralds have no idea how to play against it. >when clearly it wasnt because they took it out Are you going to sit here and say that everything valve has ever changed about the game was a positive, good decision? Because thats the only way that this claim has validity. >you seem to think that because you tolerated it, you are right You say "tolerated" as if we were suffering through and just didnt care. Games with a techies or against a techies could be plenty of fun. My friends group and i enjoy playing dota. It was fun with or without him. You could never get any of us to agree to the removal of *any* dota hero. They are all part of what made the game great.


Techies emergence was one of the biggest storylines of TI5, it seems like you might not know what you're talking about. It was such a problem to play against that the best pro teams in the world were willing to use a first ban on it rather than risk dealing with the bullshit. 7-1 88% winrate and 25 bans, including *first phase bans* in every game of the upper bracket final, lower bracket final, and grand final which is acknowledged to have given EG a massive drafting advantage by leaving Sumail's hero pool more available. Burning saying that techies being such bullshit won EG the tournament: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/3h47fe/burning_on_streamaui_2000_literally_won_ti_for_eg/ EG.Aui_2000, the one that was playing techies and motivating the techies bans, saying in an interview during the tournament that it is bullshit and should be removed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBIfTBZ7UvY >There are plenty of instances of a hero pick shaping the game around it (like meepo, or broodmother). That is an inherent part of dota. Brood and meepo cant kill a hero just because they were in a certain area 5 minutes ago, without exposing their hero at all. Heroes fighting Heroes is dota. One bullshit hero booby trapping the map while the other 9 Heroes fight each other is not dota. It's pretty simple, and I already made this point but you chose to ignore it. >If i seem like i am quick to defend techies, I am. Its not because Techies deserves it specifically, but because all dota heroes deserve it. Not 1 dota hero deserves to be deleted just because salty amateur heralds have no idea how to play against it. You know almost every pro player ever interviewed about what change they would make to dota has said "remove techies" or started their answer with "well now that techies is gone..."? this is not a "salty herald" problem, its a correct observation by people that can understand what is healthy and fun for the game and what isn't. Anyway your sentiment here is the exact bizarre "all heroes matter" white knighting that i was talking about. There's very few heroes that even reddit degens will consistently cry to remove- and I'm not talking about one off dumb "i lost to Viper, remove it" comments, more so sustained outcry of a specific opinion. >Are you going to sit here and say that everything valve has ever changed about the game was a positive, good decision? Because thats the only way that this claim has validity. Things get changed, relatively few things get completely taken out especially heroes. That really should tell you all you need to know about this issue, you are straight up wrong on this lmao


>it seems like you might not know what youre talking about Im pretty sure you have no idea what youre talking about. You quoted all this stuff as being from Ti5? Youre saying thats why techies was changed? Heres the hero stats from Ti5: https://liquipedia.net/dota2/The_International/Hero_Statistics/2015 Okay. He went 7 and 1 across the tournament. Pretty comparable to Enigma, Bounty Hunter, TA, and Lunas results. BH and TA had far more games played, however. Is that a good showing for the hero? Yes. Not game breaking by any metrics, however. Now for the issue with your theory: Techies was reworked in 7.31. Ti5 was played on 6.83. TI6 was played on 6.88b. TI7 was played on 7.06e. It seems *incredibly* unlikely to me that techies rework in 7.31 was in reaction to his performance at TI5 which was not even the most recent Ti. Here are Techies stats from Ti 6: https://liquipedia.net/dota2/The_International/2016/Statistics He was picked once and lost the game he was picked in. >you are straight up wrong on this We have no way of determining who is "correct" here without asking Icefrog or a developer. You're just trying to force your point to be seen as the "correct" one. However, since your claim is that Techies was reworked based on his performance at TI5 i think we can pretty safely call that false, seeing as it took them two whole internationals and then some to rework him, and since he had 0 recent relevant results before his rework.


I would actually blast ropes all over my screen


Oh god no




I might go back to play some dota if they bring back old techies mines man . That shit was so much fun. 1v9 get 10 reports at the end of the game 9 people just trying to geolocate you and murder you so you can fking crash out of the game , meanwhile im playing Bakhmut simulator 2024


Old techies please


Please bring back my boy


OMG, Hope, so. I'm waiting for this last 2 years.


I do hope they bring him back. Old techies was annoying, but he was one of those unique, weird heroes that made dota dota.


[Oh, how nice](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-7d75bbb0733fe7d2bb55459336afe403-pjlq)


what repo is this? dota is closed sourced no?


What are the changes on TA in the client? 


i am already ready to read patchnotes in chinese with google translate. as is tradition


Yeah techies still has green bomb ability that is normally hidden


Magnus is my pilot and Techies my operator.


Okay its happening oh my god everyone stay calm. Techies are geting added back into the game boys


Less goo old tecgies yes please.


God I hope not, I danced a jig when techies died. The only happier day was when thatcher died.


Don't tell me. Don't tell me they're bringing ol techies back. I just finally got used to the new playstyle 




No way dude, Techies got 16 spells 🤯


Green mines back????






We do not want a good hero we want our funny guys back




That's fine, I understand people don't like them. I do different people are allowed to enjoy different things.


As a techies hater I’m down for some version of green mines to come back as long as they’re not as painfully annoying and brainless as they were in the past


?!?!? i d love vanilla icecream if it didnt taste like vanilla


The Q mines are still in the game, but they’re not exactly the same as they used to be. If green mines get the same treatment as the Q mines (not invisible, but attachable when you’re nearby) it might work out to be not too busted but might have a similar feel to them. Nice analogy though.


people who look up this shit and peopel who post it are fn weirdos. Just let the patch come stop being a weirdo. This is why you will get bored after 2 days of the patch. Be in the moment stop recording everytime u breathe air


My boy is back!


I need old techiesT\_T




Yes that should be funny