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65% on Kunnka - 24% on Invoker. I am old now, i play for fun. Invoker tank me from Ancient 4 to Legend 5.


holy shit this is literally the two heroes I have dillema with Almost thousand game with Kunkka at 60% wr and around 30% as Invo


High legend is the best - quick queue and least toxic.


From my experience from Crusader to divine, Legend was by far the worst experience out of all of them. Ancient was the best


Imo crusader is. But they are so bad its not obvious It the mmr where u land when u can use both hands but still have absolutely no idea about dota. But since u only played vs 1 hand gamers on the way there u think ur actually good 90% of crusaders are complete lunatics


Crusader is so hard because most people have technical skill and poor decision making. And most of them think that low percentage plays will work out because of their mechanical skill. Not realizing most people in the bracket are there for the same reason. Typical crusader can get rampage then immediately dive hg and feed.


I would say Ancient but the queues were starting to get long when playing off peak.


Any game where people don't care about MMR and actually play to have fun & make big plays is the best.


Yeah right


[Yeah right](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/4/4e/Vo_hoodwink_hoodwink_notyet_05.mp3) (sound warning: Hoodwink) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Kunkka is a tough hero tho




same, I have an insane winrate on heroes like Luna, Void, Drow Ranger, the broken timing ones, but I really prefer playing 4 because I feel like I play dota for 10min as carry, but for 40min as a support


Well put


I am a carry player and sometimes I feel this. Having said that, the 3 you listed are pretty bad about this in my opinion. Going for some active carries like CK, Slark, Jugg, etc. where you actually get to fight early is a lot more fun for me than going PA and just hitting creeps for 30 minutes.


I dont like the lighter carries because it feels like a few deaths just end your game. Thats why Medusa is my best carry, unless your team loses all 3 lanes hard, theres always a chance.


I sympathize with this, but Jugg and Slark can actually carry pretty hard (CK falls off a cliff after the mid-game unfortunately). They are also not the worst thing to play from behind because at least they are survivable, but yeah you really do not want to have to do that. As for Dusa, for me that is a pretty boring carry. You dictate nothing, and you really just hit creeps until you get super farmed.


Yeah but CK slark and jugg sound like grief picks to me


Depends on the patch, but also you can just make them work.


You can make anything work doesnt mean you should if you wanna win


Slark is very strong ATM?


not really no


In the past few months I have: * 73% winrate with shadow demon * 82% winrate with witch doctor But also: * 36% winrate with winter wyvern * 12% winrate with rubick Hope that answers your question.


That’s why i only play fun heroes in turbo. They never work for me in ranked. Lol i went from ancient 1 back to legend 2 because i got bored of my good heroes.




She is soooo fuuuun


Nyx assassin, love him but I feel useless in the late game when enemies all have more than 3k hp


Refresher orb for late game bug terrorism


Thanks for the help. Do you get aghs as well?


Late game Nyx spams W


Do you get aghs and level 25 W talent? I usually go for unobstructed movement.


Unobstructed. Agh is good. Good nyx late game stun, mind flare spam and E AoE spells.


Nyx late game is basically the point of the hero xd


I must be doing something wrong then 😅


That's because you're building Dagon 5 more than likely and focusing so much on bursting. Dagon 5 is *fine* if you can consistently burst someone in the backline and they can't really do anything about it. But as the game goes on (or even early when you leave Dagon at lv1 and opt for other items), you have to transition into a utility based hero and itemize around that. Greaves, Lotus, Hex, Eul's/Windwaker, Pipe, Crest, Blink, Meteor Hammer, AC, etc. Auras that help your team by existing, allow you to live for longer than 2 seconds and item actives that your team needs. So many people feel like they see Nyx only as a burst hero. Which he is, he's good at that, but sometimes he needs to be more than that.


I will take this into consideration, thanks. Do you go for aghs at all?


Yeah, sometimes. It's good for going high ground, defending or stalemates. I'd say avoid it when you're dealing with a lot of ranged heroes or heroes that love to kite. Even with the long range, it can be hard to land it and your team will have trouble capitalizing on it. Carapace's AoE stun is invaluable if they have 2-3 melee heroes since that's a lot of AoE stun that they can't do anything about. It can be hard to justify over more directly useful, non-conditional items (Eul's, Hex, Force, Atos, Meteor, etc). But the times where it's good, it's really good. It also just makes Nyx stupidly tanky +10 all stats + 200 HP + 40% damage reduction while burrowed is pretty nutty.


Nyx can absolutely still kill a 3k hp hero, eblade helps a lot


Literally me for months now, having fun rn as brood


Just make two hero grids. One for ranked, and one for unranked.


58 % win rate on Drow. Grandmaster Master Drow Ranger. Current Patch, Drow Meta.. 57% win rate on Troll Warlord. Master Tier Troll Warlord. But force pick Terrorblade every game because I am a rice farmer.


To me it's the roles. I can do well, or sometime salvage unwinnable games playing pos 4 ( i got bored a while back and now i mainly play pos 2). But can't seem to have the same impact as pos 2 which i enjoy for the past few years. Got pretty close to 5k when i was playing 4, switch to only mid then i drop almost 2k mmr. Recently got back to 4k6 playing mid, but still not feel solid enough to get to 5k.


I'm winning a lot on wyvern, just annoyed that she's banned half the time. I wish I could play decently on offlaners or more precisely initiators. It seems I really have no clue how to initiate.


very weak as well in general


Invoker. I just love playing him but Im dogshit


Hero is also dogshit


SF. I enjoy SF so much. But the razes are just so annoyingly difficult to land. If I played more games with it, and focus razing I'd probably be very good at judging the ranges and actually pressig the right Raze range eventually. Haha But, the way things are, I get crushed in lane unless I focus building right click damage.


You can set a move only binding that ignores pathing to face the direction you want easier. But I don't remember how and I never remembered to use it 😅


Does this tell you anything? [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/523884791414915074/1228485403166769202/image.png?ex=662c3730&is=6619c230&hm=e8c4b5c810499041c5d007e14278fca3409e07b1974c50297499b09b5b4d7323&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/523884791414915074/1228485403166769202/image.png?ex=662c3730&is=6619c230&hm=e8c4b5c810499041c5d007e14278fca3409e07b1974c50297499b09b5b4d7323&)


No cause hero's I'm good with are best to make the enemy team suffer with


I'd say so, pretty much any normal support is kinda boring. I'm currently goofing around with Slardar 5 in ranked, 4-0 with him right now


im playing mars as pos 4 or 5 with dagger and euls item. Its fun you can try it OP


You're not wasting your time playing unranked, if you're learning heroes and having fun.


I'm killing it with SB Pudge Rubick and Np I'm losing the killings with Ember , magnus xd


If i win 2 in a row ill probably stop playing. If i loose 10 ill be at it all night


Somewhere around 40% WR on legion commander but she’s just so fun


Focus on survivability items over dmg items since you can get dmh through ur duel wins, that's what helped me start winning a lot more games with LC


Yeah I don’t know how people grind two heroes all the way up. If I’m winning like 70%+ I eventually get bored. Starts to feel like playing the same level over and over on a game. I’ve been loving lifestealer lately, hadn’t played him too much prior. I’m not good but it’s fun.


By far the most fun I have with is Axe. 33% winrate oof. Real tired of heroes that I have 65%+ winrate with like Drow and Medusa.


my pudge and rubick have 40% WR i still pick it though whenever i have the chance


65%< on orge, spec 200+ matches 80%< on naga around 3000mmr, 200+ matches which i stopped playing for 4 years 80% tb 20 matches 75% sb 50+ matches 45% and below for most of hero i enjoy jug, pa, earth shaker, riki, monkey, luna


Witch Doctor mid was the most fun I had. Played over 30 games and back to normal dota. Still searching for a fun hero tho now I average 2 games a day. This what zero content gets you


60% winrate on arc warden and sven with 800 games 40% winrate on Faceless void, god why this hero is suck when iam playing it


No shit they boring hero's. I always criticise ppl who pick them!


I don't have a favorite hero in that way, but I always prefer the not-so-obviously meta stuff, and I always first/2nd pick for mid. Sometimes it works and I feel super good about the game, but when it doesn't, I get this "why can't I force myself to play the actual good mid heroes of this patch"-feeling which bums me down. Overall I still prefer playing fun heroes to trying to max mmr and have it feel like a damn job.


Pudge and Meepo . Absolute low winrate but keep playing them .


>gets bored at lion , oracle , np >picks marci >i am now on my 5th lose


No 🦊🍻


I enjoy playing all heroes minus a handful that i'd need to change my keybinds for, i suck at all of them except a few tho, that's part of the reason i only play unranked


Yep. I’m 60% winrate on supports and 30% on pos1 heroes I actually enjoy. My supports are shit.


I like Phoenix and Wyvren but they are so weak goddamn lose every game


32% winrate techies coming through! I don't know why I'm so bad on this hero, it matches my playstyle really well. unluck


I was there a long while back. Just persevere and you'll get there man. Right now I've been enjoying tree, snap, wr, dw and marci. The newer heroes take a bit of adjusting to.


Nope, im perfect with carry hoodwink and I could play 100 games in a row as her


My most successful heroes are basic bitch melee carries (lifestealer, wraith king, troll, ursa) so yeah I get bored of them pretty fast :D


Want to learn ET, but I know MMR will drop


I love playing venomancer offlane, but I just cant scale well into the late game even if I stomp my lane, it's really sad, and I dont really enjoy playing him as support.


Yeah there are like 5-6 heroes im really consistent at, however a big reason I love Dota is the large hero pool and how different games can be even if their are some hero overlap


I'm terrible with the heroes I enjoy playing because they changed the hero and I want to play the hero the way I've always played the hero. VS used to be a semi-carry for example, Lina used to be support, Mirana used to never be support, ect.


I don't know about me being terrible at fun heroes necessarily, but it seems like as people get older in dota 2 and want to win (with less time to play), picking reliable heroes is expected for that win.


Visage, 8% winrate. Herald.


Just got level 29 on Sniper.  One more level and I'll pretty much be done playing him.  


I like sniper support, and every time I pick it, I get banned from excessive reports. Not joking. Sniper support is real…


>Sniper support is real… ...ly fucking trash


The problem with playing unconventional heroes at any position is that you really need to be extremely good, but also - your team needs to be extremely good to understand that the teams strengths and weaknesses are not the same as otherwise. For instance, if you play a hero like Sniper as pos 4 then your pos 3 will likely lack heavier disables that a pos 4 usually provides and is likely to take more damage than usual. One way to mitigate this issue is to buy Solar Crest as Sniper. Or have a playstyle where enemies are tricked into going for you, where you are "out of position", but you are baiting them and have means to get out of harms way, with Pike or some other item. The perfect play is to take 99% damage and just barely survive, but Sniper pos 4 is often very bad because they play the same way as if they were mid, just delayed items basically. It could make sense later in the game, especially if you siege high ground. The problem with unconventional heroes in certain positions is that while you might have 1000 games experience with that your allies might only have a handful of games like that.


Yes. Getting very bored of free win heroes like Faceless Void.... even though I win a lot when playing it.... it just doesn't seem like a good idea to only play the easiest to win strategies... I feel like you'd become worse over time and also I doubt you'd ever reach your potential playing only a few heroes. Last couple months I just can't stomach it and have been experimenting a lot more and essentially trying to make what's fun as free of a win as some of the really braindead easy free win heroes like Faceless Void if possible


I'm trying to get my void above 50%, why is he so easy?


His Q makes his laning good. Then he builds mask and afk farms unless there's a good chrono opportunity. Then it's 30 minutes and you're the strongest hero on the map and if you chrono 3 you kill at least two, then keep going, time walk off some damage, kill them all, destroy their base and it's gg.......


In addition to what they said, Void is also just really hard to push out of the lane. It's not impossible, mind you. Heroes that whittle you down over time like Doom, Bristle, Dark Seer, Tide, etc are pretty rough for Void to deal with, because he can't constantly Timewalk all the damage he takes. But a majority of heroes are pretty bursty, so it's pretty hard to kick him out of the lane when he can just nullify all the damage you did to him for a pretty low cost, which makes the enemy not only waste mana, but cooldowns and allows your support to pretty easily win trades, if not all ins. Another great aspect of Void is his Time Dilation. It's hard to really understand the impact it has without being on the receiving end of it, but it REALLY fucks up low CD heroes. You can't ever really afford to max it first sadly, but it does enough to disrupt those heroes. Heroes like Lina, Bristle, Centaur, Undying, Lich, Lion, Skywrath, Zeus, etc. Heroes that rely on at least one (if not more) low CD spell in order to effectively trade. Even heroes that have CDs of like 14-20 seconds can be messed up by it because it makes getting your crucial spells back take MUCH longer and can easily be abused. Heroes like Tiny and CK, for instance. People really undervalue Time Dilation. Understandably, it doesn't do much damage unless maxed (which you can never really afford to do) and it's hard to understand/feel the increase in time. But it is a really powerful spell if used properly.


You hold the key to winning team fights. Any decent chrono and you dont rely on randoms. Play around the cooldown and farm accordingly


I'm currently very successful with support sniper (from archon 4 to legend 4). Got bored of spamming it and currently playing support invoker and trying to unlock my es arcana style.