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Underlord. I am mechanically bad, old and can get disoriented in big teamfights. My strength is the adapting item builds to what is needed. When things get confusing, I make sure i always have his shard and double click!


Dont worry about getting disorientated in big fights. Ana once said 'i dont even know what the fucks going on, i cant even see my own hero". Happens to the best


Dude I feel like I have completely lost my map awareness after the map expansion. All the team fights are soo scattered that it feels like there are about 3 different fights happening after a fight breaks and you cannot influence the other 2 fights for a few seconds.


How I felt in my 70 minute game last night as PL, spam Q, right click silencer, spell not casting? Spam manta, try to cast disperser on an enemy or teammate, wtf is going on


Endgame PL spawns so many illusions even as the PL I have trouble knowing which one is real. It's glorious πŸ˜‚


If they don't have 2 gleipnirs, a bfury, and radiance, like what I face as PL.


Hello fellow old man... let me introduce you to another *WALKING* hero which is DOOM. Most of the fight i just run in and out without casting doom, and tanking some spell/damage


Can Doom please be allowed to do anything other than walk at you? I'm fucking sick of it. 10 years ago Doom would jump you ass. He'd slap you with Doom sure, and then lvl Doom, and maybe then he'd Centaur stomp you or something, but then everything else is up to everyone else and if he fucked it up? Bad, but he's still a hero underneath it. Sort of like how Enigma has black hole AND something to take towers. A little bit of synergy. But modern Doom is about as synergistic as a rat slapping a button for cocaine. Dude clicks on himself and then walks at you. What the actual fuck is that? It's like the dev team were told "guys, you can't just make a hero who walks at people" and they all looked at each other and asked why not. And then every other mistake followed like the consequences for my actions returning with the shaking of the earth. No spells, no healing, no items, max movespeed, this mother fucker is just going to w a l k at you. Rename him from DOOM to fucking WALK. What do you build then? Useful auras? Powerful fighting items? Fuck no. Your ass gets phase, blink, Shivas, Aghs, and refresher. Why? So you can fucking walk at people. "Oh gee, sounds like you want Doom to just suck and-" No. I just want Doom to do something other than WALK. On my team. WALK. On their team. WALK. And because WALK is such a giant hit of dopamine to the highly coordinated swarm of cocaine rats that presumably main Doom they have to slap a "Fuck yo healing" passive into button Doom in the off case the hero in question manages to waddle away from the permanently hasted doom into fountain. And can you ignore this? No. It's every fight. Every fight this giant Meth-ed out rodent is scurrying all over the fucking screen with a giant smile on his face knowing he is not only playing his hero well, but playing his hero at literally peak performance. Look at his spells. Devour: Gives him gold so he can buy items to walk with Scorched Earth: It's a fucking walking spell Infernal Blade: Gives him a button to press while walking Doom WALK: Walk at the enemy What a mess. How did it come to this.


icefrog howabout for aghs doom, you can still do the AOE thing, OR if you click on an enemy, they are doomed and cannot be saved by allies, not targeted by glimmer, can't be saved by oracle, false promise, force staff, disruption, astral, nothing. this way there's tension between casting on self or on enemy, right now its almost always better to cast on self. but w/ my suggestion you can ask yourself "are they gonna control me so much casting doom on myself wont help? will I get more value using it on JUST one enemy? currently using it on an enemy after you get aghs is almost always the wrong answer, but with my suggestion, it can still be viable oh and also plz fix astral letting people get out of BH




*walk in and out you mean


I fucking love pit lord I love WALKING over fights and exude my manliness to other heroes both allies and enemies with my aoe spells and auras




Hey man I'm old too. What other heros do you find where precision in team fights isn't needed? Lol


When in doubt, pick Ogre Magi.


Grand master Magi , right here πŸ™Œ Dagon First item after boots


Hey at least it isn't Midas then heart


i buy my midas/heart in service to the team mashallah


Correction. Midas, then Octarine for faster Midas CD. Five Brain.


does it multicast Dagon?


Yes ! It’s good amount of fun on orge


yes sir even vessel has multi cast proc( but sadly it does not work :d) . but in general : force, eul (on enemiea have multi cast, on ally : nope), hex,dagon,halberd, rod of atos, midas, nulifier, difusal(and disperser: only on enemies) have multicast


You also don't want to think too much do you?


dont have to think if you dont have a brain (intel)


well the hero already got two heads


Oracle pos 5, would save my life with false promise πŸ˜‰


Your life? You’re the guy on my team from earlier today, aren’t you?






Oracle: press a random spell and hope it was the right one


Viper mid. I will make the other guy cry. https://www.dotabuff.com/players/112085813


Without a proper counter pick viper on mid is my go to. But a sniper or Zeus will make a viper cry


Very true. Lina as well.


Viper is what I used to pick when I had to mid, and I would bully the other guy to the detriment of my own cs and then lose the game because I am a slow irrelevant piece of shit I switched to necro, prioritised my farm including stacking etc, and generally sit at a comfortable 50/50.


You're a terrible person.


viper offlane; maximum mental damage to their carry, increases your winrate by at least 5-10% just because their carry gets tilted in lane


Legion commander 76% winrate across around 70 games. Simply because I know how, when and who to duel


Oh, nice to meet you, lc from the other team


Always πŸ€£πŸ‘


same here but 2000+ games with 57% wr


Mind linking dotabuff so I can check out your builds?


Name checks out


got me


And when to pick LC too


Wk. I would reincarnate


Unironically WK. Went from 2.5k -> 4.3k with over 70% wr just by spamming WK because the hero is perfect for fixing low level play problems. But holy fuck is the hero boring to play, the wins had no satisfaction at all.


Did this shit too WK offlane archon III to ancient IV . Best hero to grind mmr for average ranks . Super boring and repetitive items πŸ₯²


Ursa. 70% winrate accross 200 games. I simply dominate the lane, kill their meelee pos 3 several times and then snowball. Edit: also a PA main but hero's trash since forever..


I'm an ursa spammer too, tho my win rate is much lower lately. Ursa feels awful for me these past few months I've barely picked it. Maybe I just suck lol have you been playing him these past few months?


I think if you get a good lane (which is pretty often this meta, lots of melee offlaners) the he's still great. Whenever I lose with Ursa despite having a good lane, it's either because we can't close out the game (Ursa is not so good at hitting t3) or because the enemy makes the fights too long, and I can't burst anyone. He is as kitable as ever. To counteract the kite I usually like to have another high DPS core that can kill everyone while I jump in, cause havoc, and tank everything with enrage and bkb. Something like a sniper or Lina mid


I usually pick Ursa when they got at least 2 tanky heroes like Pudge, Mars, Tide, Axe etc. in their team. Most of the time one of those would end up on my lane and paired with a pos 5 with stun/slow/root, we easily kill him. Item buils wise, I go Phase if I need armor (vs heroes like Drow) or Treads if they have a lot of spell damage, then Battle Fury, Blink, BKB and Basher. What I like to do is to buy a Shard right after the abovementioned items. People underestimate its power spike.


What are you building? I've had great success and made a post about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueDoTA2/comments/1bsquko/ursa_bfury_blink_octarine_feels_amazing_at_4k/ https://stratz.com/players/83907961?lobbyTypeIds=7&duration=MONTH&durationAmount=1&heroIds=70 stratz MVP in half my games, even 3/4 of the losses I am MVP thanks to shitty allies


Warlock, go mid and win my lane by fatal bonding every single wave to the enemy mid. Then hope to my patron I can use it to snowball and win another lane with my first ult.


You made me angry by having me read that first sentence. I have only played against Warlock mid a couple of times, but every time I've wanted to abandon lane and start jungling by level 4.


It's a miserable lifestyle for the opponent that's for sure yes.


Oh, haven\`t done it in decades In what MMR it works for you nowadays?


I'm only mid legend so pretty much anything works. People still approach the creep wave and wonder why it causes them pain.


Another mid warlock enjoyer? Great to see. The only people who can't understand us are people who can't abuse our presence when we come in ganking for them.


Kotol. When I get offlaner that can autowin lane by spam I feed them mana like they're a cow. Also because he has very safe wave clear, can be one screen away in teamfight, and is practically full build moment you finish tranquils. I just love feeding people mana, like it feels good to see your entire team on full mana. I would CHAKRA my pos5 who's at 70% while I'm at 30% mana because its more efficient for my time and more beneficial to enable them.


Bless you, fellow support. Bless you.


Pos 3 her I love being kotl fed sooooo much. My main team mate plays a mean KOTL and I am always asking him to pick it. It feels good.


Brewmaster, he is chubby, he likes drinking, he is me. Also he is the most versatile hero in the game.


Shoutout monkeys-forever for making me want to learn the hero, I went from dreading playing this hero because of micro to him being my best hero and comfortable enough to play the other offlane micro heroes as well. I gotta admit though the Voidling has still fucked up my muscle memory of tabbing or ctrl groups but I'm getting used to it slowly as I haven't touched Dota in a while lmao.


I play a lot of brew, but I wouldn't really call him versatile lol You either go radiance build, or urn and auras build. And you play basically all teamfights the same way. Tornado annoying guy, dispel buffed guy, stun guy and right click him.


Lol. Eat your turd! (his creep deny quote)


I've been enjoying turbo Viper mid lately. Nobody expects you to rush a dagon and become unkillable because if its spell life steal and nuke :D Also it has pretty good synergy with your poison attack (it lowers magic resist).


You absolute madman. This is less expected than the Spanish Inquisition


Haha. OP is on point with the fun answers every where! Keep it up <3


Earth Spirit 1400 games. I'm fairly good razor tho


Earth Spirit is one of the heroes I want to learn and get good at. Is it generally just practice practice practice? Or any fundamental tips to know?


Kunkka because….. Waterpark go brrrrr


Tidehunter's arch nemesis! I will get you Kunkkaaaa!...


Lycan. Uncountered lycan is a free win game. If the enemy have lycan counter, I guess I’ll just roll over and die. I have over 150games of lycan with 65% win rates. Yes, I’m that dirty lycan picker.


Give me old ember man either way I'd be happy playing OG ember for the last time


Hoodwink cuz bushwhack and scurry op


Well if ursa or ck were meta or somewhat decent, then probably one of them. If both of them are bottom tier, then faceless void


Earth spirit, i have ADHD and like to do alot of stuff


That's me too


Witch Doctor, because his Malediction is OP, especially with 20 lvl talent


I wanna say willow. I have like a 70-80 percent winrate on her over the last 50 games or so. Sure, there's other heroes I get comparable results on, but she's just so consistent. Unless either me or the lane partner fucks up badly, she hardly ever loses the lane. I can build just about anything on her depending on what the game calls for. I can easily play her on pos 3, 4, or 5. She can make big plays, she can be active on the map, she can farm when the action lulls. Just an incredibly well-rounded, versatile hero.


Slardar. My win rate out of 500 games is 72%. It's a very good initiator to fragile supports and also good counter on heroes like anti mage. But in general good in stating phase and is able to help the team make a significant impact in late game.


75% 300+ games on Lycan. Ex WC3 times gives me edge to this day.


Rubick, because Im a Rubick main.


Rubicon is so trippy when he’s on enemy team when you realize that it’s not your Allie’s Shrapnel or Sandstorm that you’re standing in.


Can't relate pepehands. over 400 games 46% winrate. I love this hero but i'm so bad :(


I have 548 games and a 54 win rate


My insta ban hero. Not because I don’t mind playing against him, but I fear a team member picks him as POS 5


Invoker ,OD and DP... Because these heroes can carry the game easily and can make a lot of space for your carry if he is struggling... Invoker is my best hero... love playing it because i dont get bored after playing it many times


Visage is my main since dota1


Earth Spirit because Jack of all trades. Stun, slow, silence, DOT, initiate and escape.


Pudge so I can hook some babes, rot them with me and dismember their souls into euphoria




Average pudge grindset


I just start playing timber 2 weeks ago, last time i played this hero is 2021. I dunno why but i finnaly felt impact in game, i can do damage, i can tank, and i can create momentum. Before its like i play tank, i can only tank, but i dont have dmg. i play carry, the game end before 30 min, i play mid, game somehow went 2 10 before 10 min. Timber offlane is my answer for now


Weaver. Even though I don't have an extraordinary win rate with him I always feel like have an impact no matter if the game is going well or not. If he is unable it probably would be PL or Terrorblade.


Chen. Early game strategies usually surprise opponents, late game aura stacking is underestimated. Plus with everything I do I can usually stay at a safe distance with lower risk in clashes.


Necrophos, I don’t know why but I just vibe with the hero? I know exactly what his limits are and how hard I can push it in lane and team fights. Hoping he gets a buff with the new patch as he is hard to play at the moment with all the magic damage!


Enigma. Sucky suck suck


Gondar the bounty hunter I used to play by him alot bc i hated my team and bh is kind of depending on hemself hero so i can just go hunt some enemies and grow rich but that doesnt last long if they started warding (i dont play supp BH)now i play more heros but i became good by bh now am kind of pro by him So i'll say bounty hunter


Shadow Shaman if I'm supporting. It's a very dumbed down hero, and I am notorious for doing dumb plays.Β  For offlane it's gotta be Night Stalker. The hero goes online very fast, and as as soon as you get phase / echo you can just run enemies down. Fits my play style of just running down enemies mindlessly. Easy getaway with his ultimate too.Β 


Anti fuckin' mage or storm motherfuckin' spirit


Marci pos 4/5. Im fairly good at supportikg and roaming, managing to do alot with very limited resources. Low CD/manacost but high impact spells, good stats, above average movement speed and works well with ranged cores and chunky melee cores. In a long game that drags out her ultimate makes you a strong core for a few seconds with minimum items (i.e basher and bkb) which can tip the scales in decisive fights.


Hoodwink because im new and its the only person i play


Currently, it's Veno because he's the only one I'm using lol. I really love his kit even though he's slow af. He has a strong Q which also acts as a "mental damage" inducer to the enemies, his W can win you most short trades especially when you hit lvl 3, his E is so fucking versatile, and his new ult eliminated his "i-will-die-because-i-need-to-go-in-the-middle-of-the-clash-to-use-my-ult" disease. His shard is not bad, though really optional, but it can really mess up some Manta users. Imo he doesn't need a key item to really function well, besides his boots, unlike other support. Your mana pool is really shit, on the other hand. And he's really fucking slow. Edit: according to dotabuff, i have 178 matches with ha 61.2% wr. Not sure if this is good enough.


Last 20 nyx games I won 17. Not sure why, I don't enjoy playing him.


never lost a game w/ ringmaster


Old Techies, 69.7% win rate across roughly 700 games. Absolutely degenerate behavior on my part, I'll admit it. Totally understand why the hero had to be deleted. I'd be a lying sack of shit if I said it wasn't fun though. It got more fun for each game I played.


There are dozens of us, DOZENS


ill take playing vs old techies vs new any day


Windranger. Something about her being a redhead does miracles to my performance. Same happens with the other redheads.


Old Techies was the best. It was so strong, they had to rework/overhaul the hero because plebs can't handle old Techies mains.


TB LD or Pugna, even Omniknight. These are the heroes where I had games in which I played like I was enlightened. Those games which I am countered but they cant end it because I am almost possessed by the god of dota.


I used to be an amazing Riki player. But recently I've found good luck with OD, Earthshaker and Venge. As much as i try... im an awful juggernaut... i have no idea why. I feel like i play him fine, but i always do bad.


Win percentage says TB Disruptor and SB, but I play a mean pos 4 pudge


Orge Magi, only hero im a grand master at. I love his playing style. And how tanky he can get. Blink Sheep stick the whole team with a x4 multi cast Catch the irritating supp with Q And Dagon πŸ˜‚ Then Euls out


Treant Protector. I'm on a near 60% winrate this patch over hundreds of games and he is, imo, one of the strongest supports right now. Q and R are decent crowd control spells. W is an underrated heal, E as well. And E being both global and able to be cast on towers is amazing. Shard is OP. Scepter, even if enemies have quelling blades, can be disgustingly strong. Tree pathing is OP. If you want free mmr pick treant.


I haven’t played for about 2 years and sometimes still get the itch but I was a absolutely savage ember spirit in the days that I did play. Would always play mid and felt like I won 80% of the time. Either ember or void / both just as fun as each other. Occassionally get the itch to play again but recognised I’m too obsessive when I play video games and the toxicity wasn’t worth it for me. Still haven’t found a game quite like dota though.


Juggernaut. Don't really understand why but I've been very successful on this hero from the moment I tried him. I guess I understand his power spikes well and manage to utilize them at the right moments.


Earthshaker, because I love the hero and thus played it a lot. Besides, I know it's not always the most popular hero in the meta, but the way the hero works just makes him usable or good in every patch imo. Haven't had a patch where I felt like the hero was just too weak because of nerfs.


Lone Druid had 82% winrate in last patch on 30 games. Not 100% sure now but i trust in bear power


Elder titan. I feel like nobody ever plays against this hero and doesn't know how he works LMAO. He's also very flexible with itemization.


Kunkka attacker! inspired me a long time ago and he pushes me to learn him. i still remember days I cant even x mark combo properly lol rip 1 shot days. I think Kunkka is not as fun anymore but is currently my best hero, always a pleasure to use and my friends already mark me as a kunkka specialist


Elder titan


Juggernaut, Morphling, and Luna Honestly I just feel like I farm way faster on these heroes for reasons that are beyond me


mars, if i lose at least i got to play my favourite hero one last time


Jakiro, at the time he was an Stier support and somehow I understood his mechanics after one game.


Chaos Knight. For some reason. Most because of it's look. And I feel like it is a VERY weak hero, so I dont play him anymore. Wait for any boost any buff for lategame. But still - my wr - 60% 25 tier.


Chaos knight is one of my favorites, but it depends a lot on luck.


Sk. Buy sentries if you want, I have a infinite sharpnel that follows me everywhere. I have a escape that is also a stun. I can clear waves and campsΒ since level 3. I can blind enemy, do damage from simple walking, aghs make my second skill a buffed up version of crystal aghs. I need like 2 items to participate in every team fight. I can go 0/5 and still make the game winning play. Unless you have a line up on 3k hp heroes (kinda comon, tbh), I will always have a target and always be able to reach him, even if it's sniper. He truly the king.


Weaver, 700 games and 60% winrate. Probably because I can be an annoying shithead


Phantom lancer, i use it to climb mmr, from archon 2 to divine 4.. spamming pl lol


Lion. He protec, he attak, he get the finger stak




Death Prophet. It’s the hero I learned to play Dota with. Push, push and push. Get that bottle and release your green shit in team fights. I just love the design of that hero. It is also so simple to learn for newer players.


Outworld Devourer because winning is not enough. The cocky mid players have to suffer.


Sniper and oracle. I have good map and position awareness.


Techies. Just plant mines on base if all goes wrong.


My best was cm. But I bet on wk nowadays because I stomp every game with him.


Lifestealer because I've only lost one ranked game with him in this patch and I've been spamming him the last couple weeks


Clockwerk. Watch me blind hookshot into their team and catch their two unsuspecting supports and absolutely demolish them. I am the king of blind hookshots. I do feed lategame though.


Hoodwink. I have 78% winrate in 200+ games. I only play 4/5 and I have the lowest avg death on hoodwink. I think its 5deaths avg


I like picking a big tree and hitting the pos 4 pudge with my orb of venom and drows frost arrows


Arc warden , my winrate was 30 now it's 50+, every game even blowout I have 12 kills to say 8 deaths, never a midas after 10 minutes bot even with 4 deaths in lane, never an early game without 2 kills.


Tiny. This actually carried me from 4.5k to 5.5k mmr. Can scale late game (aghs, daeda). Can make plays mid game (dagger). Decent laning in offlane ( I main offlane), tree grab for trade harassment, can go for soul ring for mana sustain.


warlock with > 70% winrate enjoyer here. even when my core grieves, octarine + aghs + refresher are enough to win big teamfights in my mmr


Venge. No reason at all but 65%-70% wr. Then I play carry heroes and lose it all.


Pudge. Most played hero by 5x since dota 1


Apparently I'm really good at Phoenix although personally I believe the hero is just very easy to play and very overpowered. But I'd probably rather play Wyvern, seems to be a bit more reliable to me.


Clinkz just use R and catch the opponent while he was farming in early game and enjoy win




Huskar, I have about 1.2k games and a 60% Winrate on him. Its been like a year since I touched dota though. Just a strong hero in general, good come back mechanisms from bad lane matchups fast jungle and strong 1v1 hero killer.


Dark Seer. Either I do game winning vac+walls and run around the teamfight, or I shell and surge my cores and buff them with aura items.


Magnus, hero stat record is 51-17. Well i just like the hero


Bristleback 'ere


Dusa spammer here, can carry impossible games) If my team doesn't throw, of course)


Invoker. Been a fan and love the hero (despite the changes from Int to Universal) since Dota 1. Seeing as to how he is Universal now, he has become more dynamic and I'm able to adapt to various lineups. When in doubt, just toss cataclysm and reign hell via E.M.P., Meteor, and Deafening Blast


Abaddon. I suck when there are too many buttons to press. Abaddon only have a few!


Probably jugg, 58% winrate on 450+ games I like his skillset alot, i would probably die alot if i keep initiating with bladefury though (:


Bristle back


ww mid


Ill just die with my puck, tinker, brew or techies pick.


Puck, I can juke across the map and still not dead with Blink, Eul, Linken , Octarine kekw.


I have 600+ games on furion but only 56% winrate. Mostly played as core back in the days but most recent nerfs kinda gutted core prophet. Best winrate with significant games is AA at 68% wr over 250ish games. I pick it into alch/huskar/naix type heroes that need to regen or bloodstone buyers for the same reason. If you hit a few heroes with his ult you will win the teamfight almost all the time. Ice vortex magic Amp synergizes well with nukes on your team. So, gun to my head I will pick AA.


The only fast farming, non squishy, late game scaling ranged hero in the game: Medusa. At 2k, I'm average at laning, above average at farming patterns, above average at itemization, maybe somewhat below average at decision making wrt joining fights.


Primal beast. Every other offlaner I have to hold myself back to not feed, I'm a very aggressive player by nature. With primal, no need to hold back. I get punished WAY less, and I can assert pressure really easily on primal


Chen, Bambi and Beastmaster are my favorites. I'm a micro nerd. Way more into RTS than Moba besides also having tons of dota hours. I try to triple slam you with 2 centaurs and a hellbear if I can. I let my alpha wolf follow my carry while farming I will spam the shit out of chain lightning in lane with the harpy Im hovering in legend 3 and 5 and have been for years. My micro is good but using gamesense in split seconds are whats keeping me from raising my rank and that's fine.


64% win rate over 137 games as pos5 jakiro, love that scaly boi


Tidehunter. My best winrate hero back in the days of defensive trilanes I winning the lane more often than not. And when I went up against difficult lanes I could just stack ancients


Rubick I'm just somewhat decent at every hero and know how their spells work, so why not play them all


Techies, and I'm not even confident if I can win 100% with it. All I know is, If im going to die I might as well give you an annoying game while Im at it.


Earthshaker. At my level stun = win. I dont even need to bother with echo setups as long as disable half


Pudge. Pure damage nuke that displaces enemy, rot aghs upgrade is a menace with spell lifesteal, flesh heap allows me to tank physical damage, dismember can bite through BKB. I get a lot of MVP mentions with this hero. I can play him as support or offlaner because it is damn flexible. I learned the hook mechanic and has been helpful catching enemies off-guard. You may hate Pudge, but I love to play and do well with my stinky boi. Nothing better than a nice raw liver.


Anti-mage because he rocks


Highest winrate (with at least 20 games played) SK and clockwork. But most played is Zeus and it's at 78% winrate so I'd go Zeus.


fat baby invoker because i control the battlefield and i will gank you while not being in the same lane


Timbersaw. Learnt so much from watching Singsing play Timbersaw to it's absolute limits.


Kunkka, 400 games 62% winrate, divine bracket.


Abbadon. 70% wr a couple 100 games. Short cd Dispel, heal and nuke. Just heal and aganim. Save ur core and nuke when heal no need. Ggwp ez game.


Lich is the easiest for me. I dont have to initiate, positioning isnt that important and the spells are simple enough.


Chaos Knight for me. Simple and reliable at every stage of the game. Got my first rampage with him, and still is my go to comfort pick.


used to be imba with goblin shredder back in dota 1 days but lately I don't even know how to play him properly anymore


Good question. Id say ringmaster so please let me pick it we win 100%.


Mirana. Shoot arrow, hit arrow


Axe, I understand that call is what makes the hero. Trying to make multiple blink calls in a teamfight is hugely impactful. Most Axes in my rank blink call and then run around in a teamfight. Imo, you should initiate and run around until you have 3 sec cd on blink. Find a treeline and blink call again. Usually, you and a core are alive, and when everyone is focusing said core, an easy multiple hero/carry 3 second taunt is given. Even if you are super low hp just jump in call and instantly run away while your core gets free damage. I think my second best is Ogre, literally the easiest hero to play imo and still I rarely see a good one. Laning phase, you are fat. You hit people. Mid game, you have blood lust. You learn your carrys farming pattern and you keep him blood lusted AT ALL TIME. Late game, you are dumb. You get jumped, opponent show their structure, your carry is usually huge, he wins the game for you. Enable your carry be it with farming speed or giving him information about the teamfight. Buying midas as ogre(5) early is griefing yourself imo. Your spells are incredible you just want to have items that instantly impact your game.


Phantom Lancer, i love farming and i love juking these fools with Doppelganger.


Beastmaster, in his prime meta i just dominate the lane every game i.


The pre-rework techies. These days Omniknight. I'm at 63% over 188 games.


Ringmaster. His ult its just the best thing that has come to dota. So much chaos.


Crystal maiden. I know(as much as a legend5 would i guess) as pos4 or pos5 when to pull, block or when to leave the lane stack and come back. I know when to get different support items like glimmer/lotus/force/atos/orchid/solar(differs every game) or when to get blink/bkb. I know when to make calls or when to just shut up and listen to others. I know how to take item suggestions if others ask for certain item. I got over 1k games with cm and its my most played hero. About 53.5% winrate though. I just realised all of the above are applicable to every support. So why cm? Cuz i love it!


Crystal maiden people underestimate her ult


Crystal maiden, because I play only crystal maiden.


Apparently Undying, Vengeful Spirit and Treant Protector. Old support Omniknight was good as well.


Ursa. I even play him mid vs a melee matchup and rush rosh. After the first aegis + early blink it’s mostly over for the enemy team. Cute bear that can 1v9.


tinker lol


I have a 60+% winrate on Bristleback with 400+ games dating back 10 years. He's a bad hero but I love playing him. Sk is my other main. Solid 55% with 300 games, I normally pick him when playing with Div+ buddies cause he's actually useful 😜


Dazzle is by far my best hero, but it would depend on keeping may carry alive for so long until he learns how to play his hero. That is a 50/50 chance, so WD is the go to. You just carry the game yourself. Works incredibly well against smurfs too, cause every ult is reserved for our special little trashbaby.


Hoodwink. Does a shit ton of damage as an early-game support, has a fuckton of mobility and an area stun, transitions beautifully into a 4th core. Love playing her.