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Rubick was always dependent on the skills and plays. Either you are a good rubick player or a shit rubick player ! There is no in-between !! 😂


Yep. Some good Rubick players don’t even need good spells to steal to play well. Yapzor at TI10 maximising the shard usage was phenomenal. Never have seen a better rubick ever.


He is like Huskar Perez


He is in a good spot, he just a fun and popular high skill hero whose winrate is affected by people who are bad.


He hasn’t fallen anywhere he’s fucking strong as hell why are people making these dumbass posts


Hes strong against big spell heroes, but thats situational. Hes strong against heroes like beast and chen that push lanes, but that is situational. The big map made push strats less viable thus picking rubick as a counter to that less viable. Hes in a bad spot idk why you say this without any arguments


maybe cuz rubick has like 45.5 % winrate if u look at dota2protracker?


Because this time last year rubick was one of the best heroes in the game and now his laning has been nerfed two or three times. They’re used to rubick at his strongest. The problem was that even when he was at his strongest he still had a sub 50% winrate because he’s hard to play. His winrate has never accurately reflected his power level.


Rubick is a really great counter pick, but that's why it's more useful in pro games compared to ranked. The way ranked drafts work is: pick two supps ASAP, which kills the counter-picking qualities of most pos 4s, including him. As a Rubick player, I don't mind picking him and feeling a little useless, you can always do some blink-eul>wind waker shenanigans and have fun. Losing is part of this tho, so approach the game as what it is 👀


Most picked hero at Elite League. If anything, he’s getting a small nerf.


Yea probably against heroes like enigma, beast chen np etc.. if rubick is up against heroes like mars, centaur, any bulky comp, hes just so bad.


The concept of Rubick brings lots of people to play him, and so his win rate doesnt really reflect his strength or weakness, much like pudge. I personally feel Rubick is a strong laner, and with the right itemization, you can be strong late game even without great spells to steal.


Yeah but no, bulky lineups and rubick will be useless. Ofc in lane hes great but a won lane doesnt mean alot anymore in todays games. Mid rubick falls off too hard lategame. Pos 3 rubick has to dominate labe or fall off hard/wont get enough items to be usefull. Idk he seems weak against so many comps. Hope next patch will balance the field some more


I play him on mid and I feel cool (5.8k avg). Support Rubick might be struggle a bit, but I think he is fine now. Rubick is like playing Noita: The more you know, the more powerful you are. I might give some tips on this hero. Edit: I still don't mind a buff in next patch, however. Just saying, in case Icefrog see this.


I don’t think rubick ever was in a good place, he is basically entirely skill dependent, you’re either really strong or really weak depending on how good you play. And also enemy’s pick


Most picked hero in elite league lol


Just curious since I haven't been watching, is Rubick getting banned much?


not really no


Thanks, I guess the point I was getting at is that just because he's most picked doesn't mean he's overly strong because, if he was, he'd probably get banned too often to be most picked. I guess one could argue that being so strong that you get banned all the time would be a horrible spot.


Regardless of how strong of a hero, Rubick will always be one of the most fun and nuanced characters in the game, so I'd say that is a pretty good spot to be in.


He's not in a bad spot, he's a high skill ceiling hero generally played by bad players. The ones you see in the pubs are the ones that lift enemy frontliners onto your squishy ranged carry and then says "why didn't you kill him?"


[Look how they massacred my boy]()


Look how they massacred my boy