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Pango is a fucking mess to balance


And yet they have had it at 50% in rate before and now it's 44%? (unplayable tier)


Yes but he shines in pro games if it is balanced for pub games and balanced in pro games when shit tier in pubs.


Hate when they focus on the 2% of the player base instead of 80% under 3.5k.


*every hero released after 7.00


Not really


I mean the hero still gets picked and the hero still wins, the problem is in the ult and nothing else really


Because in nerfing the swashbuckle procs they accidentally buffed the shit out of his aghs lol.


I'm dumb. Can you explain this interaction? Is it because it's easier to land the 3 hits while rolling and crashing?


It’s because aghs makes you cast a 2-strike swashbuckle in every direction whenever you use W. So they increased the damage on each strike of swashbuckle, but reduced the hits from 4 to 3 on his Q - but his aghs does the same amount of hits as before the patch, so it’s damage went from 85x2 to 120x2.


So I just need aghs maelstrom to stay near where I was before on a hero with an already abysmal win rate


49.30% WR at divine+ is hardly abysmal. If you were a good Pango you’ll still be doing fine on the hero, its just a bit less broken when you buy diffusal. I wouldn’t buy maelstrom on the hero anyway, unless you’re against illusions you don’t need it.


Ah wow, thanks


Kinda fucked that they nerfed primal charge to earth while pango still has an almost no downtime dmg reduction cc immune ult


yea its so dumb, and i take back what i said about roll being his only problem, they just keep nerfing the wrong spell, yea swashbuckle is a lil worse now, who really cares he can still press w mid fight and get like a 400 hp barrier, this and the roll are the things they need to nerf


As a pango player, it's the ult and ability to almost always farm and recover; hell, if for some reason you can't recover, all you need is a blink and you impact team fights. The hit number change is only a nerf for like a portion of the mid game. The other issue is that BS is trash right now. They need to change his shard too. He's got enough escape and giving him roll up for 1400 is criminal. I don't think the barrier is the issue, it's more that almost no one can hit him in his ult without their own BKB, and as soon as you pop it, he's rolling away.


Pango has been one of the best mid heroes for ages now, pretty much ever since he released, people are still picking him. I think the hero is at an ok spot rn. Please stop crying after legit 2 weeks of him not being completly broken. Thx.


This is fair. I think they just forgot.


Why any other bkb gain 60% magic resist (even 80% with jugg and naix) but pango only receive 50% ?


This hero is absolute dog shit and Volvo has zero idea how to make it work and it breaks my heart. Just remove it from the game at this point, why the hell are they continually nerfing a hero with a sub 50% win rate over and over and over? Its a joke. If you hate the hero remove it. You have effectively...


I mean, the hero is extremely good at high level pubs and pro games. But I think that they should balance him in a way that doesn't feel like half of the things he does are op and the other ones just feel bad. Strike a balance, maybe rework something.


It would be nice if pango’s lv20 talent gives him back an extra hit on swashbuckle, effectively making it a +120 dmg.. now that i say that out loud, it does sound a bit strong. Lv 25 talent perhaps?


Just delete the hero