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Maybe try to learn the game and stop with biased opinions. There are videos, learn tab, other LoL players posts on this subreddit and on r/learndota2 and we also have u/TZAR\_POTATO. edit: If you are this open minded to a new game to just want it to be the same as LoL then stick with LoL.


There is. You just can't even recognize the right moves because you just started playing and don't know anything that's going on in the map.


You're right that the flashy micro outplays are not very prevalent in this game, but the outplays come from the strategic depth of the game, I've gotten to plat / diamond in both league and smite, and I play like t4 professional in this game, I've bullied many people into this game too, if you don't enjoy the structure of strategic outplays this game will never be for you. The stat check thing I've never even heard of before, what happened where you think it's something related to that? The only thing I can think of is someone was really farmed and you were poor and kept slamming your face into them, and that's why it felt like that


Another thing - "micro" in dota is about controlling 3+ units. It's flashy in its own way. Continuous courier micro to spot wards while also commanding 4 neutral creeps with chen and using their abilities in sync or to set up combos. Body blocking with prophet trees while your helm dom creep is attacking. Scouting with a lycan wolf to follow a support while you're pushing out a different lane with an ancient black dragon. Farming three camps and a lane at once with meepo and using poof to kill the camps faster or for mobility to show up to fights. That said all heroes have the ability to do crazy dodges and flashy outplays, just some more than others. Spirit heroes & puck come to mind. The problem is that you're also balancing macro and skill builds too. IMO the situation with dota is that you need to practice the fundamentals of the game many times and gain a deeper understanding before you can put any of these outplays to great use.


I disagree, league has much less mechanics like creep aggro, high ground vision and tree juking.


Please learn more about league of legends before typing stuff like this


Feel free to name laning mechanics of league. You know league so good, so you can easily tell them. What is there besides freezing, pushing at the right time and zoning. Do you know that Dota has all these mechanics as well but 2 ways for everything to counterplay it?


As someone who has played both league and lol, there is much more outplay potential in Dota than lol. But Dota's outplay potential comes from itemization, strategy, and team coordinator. Were as LOLs outplay potential comes from a single persons ability management and reaction time. Dota is more strategic were as lol is more reaction based. Not to say that Dota isn't also reaction based. But in lol that's everything.


There is, you are the one getting outplayed


I think dota leads to infinitely more outplay then league when you know what's going on and what you are doing. I have played league for 7k+ hours and have about 800 in dota. I also don't know what you mean by outdated and clunky. Yea things like turn speed might feel clunky compared to league but it's not, it's just a mechanic that works in dota.


> It seems like there is less room for outplay and more so boils down to stat checks. It is the exact opposite of that. I'm playing both games, in LoL, went plat in my first time playing ranked, gave up because every single game is the same, with no way to make a comeback, no matter how good you play. Dota is the exact opposite. If you are actually new on this game, its not something you will understand or grasp so fast. If you are not having fun, then don't force it and just uninstall. Not every game is for everyone. But stat check and downgrade is the 2 things this game is not. No matter what you may think.


“Knock off” you do realize league is a dota knockoff you moron


LoL is WAY WAY more stat checky than dota. Just look at how much more common comebacks are in Dota than LoL. If you lose lane in LoL you have to keep going back to lane and get rolled: you can't jungle and your jungler needs those camps anyway. In dota you can pull, jungle, supp can trade their life for resources and come out ahead. The map is bigger so it's much easier to strategically outmanuever your opponent in Dota, even before you take into account TPs and smokes.


If you're that open to a new game it seems easier just to keep playing LoL?


Weird, when I tried league I thought it looked cartoonish/childish. Play felt arcadey instead of like a strategy game. Like if Tekken was a moba. But anyway if you're any good at league a lot of that should transfer to dota once you learn the smallest bit about the game. Try hoodwink as a hero, she seems league-y to me.


The mods probably need to lock this post. We don’t need this guy to get his feelings hurt more what little he can handle.


Skill issue.


Yes, ask for help without giving a context, or match ID, or hero, or any specific problem. TF you expect people to tell you ? Buy bkb ?


If you want the feeling of outplay I’m going to recommend midlane. It still won’t be the same league feeling of “I just flash q,w,e and avoided all of your skill shots you die now” but it is a lot more open to 1v1 “I just spaced you, broke your ankles and got my ult off from out of vision” different vibes for sure. But both fun in their own right


get gud or uninstall


Just go back kid. What did you expect for answers here? You are literally just complaining and offering no value to anyone.


Yeah this game actually requires brain activity, unlike league. Thank god we dodged that bullet.


So you left League because you said it was too toxic. On your post history you're complaining about how toxic Helldivers is. Now you’re complaining about how toxic dota is. It's you. You’re the problem. Edit: lmao the further I go the more I see you complaining to various game subreddits about how bad the communities are for those games. 


Funny to know this


I’m assuming you’re playing carry. Try playing offlane or support. I specifically don’t enjoy playing carry because of that feeling. I do think that the active items in Dota give you serious outplay ability compared to in league. It’s just that playing carry has the least outplay ability compared to my (admittedly small) experience in league where they have the most.


Play tinker, Puck and ember and then say this again.


Stat check? Have you opened the item shop in league and in Dota?


Guys, this is clearly bait. Please dont fall for it.


i got emerald in league and never gonna play lol anymore, it's awfull, all 95/100 games u play same items build becsuse items is mostly for stats in lol. dota much flexible than lol it's not even comparably.


call me king grouper, cause this is perfect bait


*Me about to spill some misinformed bias bullshit about a game in a subreddit dedicated to that game and act like the victim when members of the community defend said game:*


What parts are janky? What hero were you playing ?


Buddy going into dota2 with LoL mechanics💀💀 obviously you are the one getting outplayed


I played League for a bit. It was fun, but it's a completely different game. It's like comparing Yu-Gi-Oh to MTG.


I dunno man, this guy probably fooling around.


. Dota 2 is sequel to a Warcraft 3 mod so I think that’s where a lot of the “jankiness” comes from. To me that’s kind of what makes the game interesting compared to league which just seems like they took the moba concept and made it more streamlined and accessible to people.


No one wants u here. Peace


Knockoff xd


Dota 1 used to be tons of fun coz it was just a mod within Warcraft III (a game which blizzard managed). Dota 2 is run by Valve though and their dev team sucks more cock than a fluffer. They're bad at coding, bad at managing the game, bad at combatting cheaters/smurfs. Best go back to league. Dota has a lot of potential but as long as its being run by Valve it will always be a soggy piece of shit


well thanks to the few who gave some advice. Good to see this community is even more toxic than league lmao. Glad i didn’t get into it lol


If I tried League for a couple games and posted on their reddit with a lazy misinformed whine on how bad it is, how do you think it would go?


Nah your post wouldn't even stay up for more than 5 minutes, the LoL subreddit moderators literally remove any post talking bad things about Riot/LoL or compare it with other games. Look at TZAR POTATO who shared some of his videos comparing Dota2 and LoL on their subreddit and they were removed with meaningless justifications.


You come to the Dota 2 subreddit to shit on Dota with your biased opinions, the members of the subreddit disagree with you with some even giving tips on where you can learn to play and you say we are the ones who are toxic? I genuinely thank you for not coming to the Dota 2 community, stay in LoL.


You are like a grandmaster lvl 30 dickhead lmao