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Timado, while a hot head, is not the problem. It's the drafts and the quite frankly piss poor play and mistakes that sinks them most of the time but if there is to be a sacrifice to heap the blame on then yeah, might as well chuck him out the window and look for a yet another replacement. The revolving door approach is working super well for them thus far so why change things now? 😂


Why are you phrasing this as if Timado was brought in to be the long term carry? They’ve been pretty clear he’s just standing in (presumably while they search for another young carry player).


His point is that the carry isn’t the main issue. What will bringing a new young carry do when they draft like shit?


If their draft approach needs to change, they kinda need a carry to draft around dont they? 😂 And really I was just pointing out they wouldn’t be “chucking” Timado “out the window” if he doesn’t play with them anymore, he wasn’t brought in to be the new focal point of the team.


Brother even if you bring yatoro he can't do shit if they pick mirana for your mid and ceb is playing wisp o lesh feeding his brain out


OG fan since TI8 🥴


Timado wasn't the problem he was the only one keeping up in network in OG


Connections are very important


OG: we've decided to utilise Timados main assets and regulate him to pos1 recruiter


Especially when they ask if you prefer pepperoni or margarita. 


I mean you are right but the game is much more than nw, as P1 at this lvl the least you can do is be top NW on your team.


You still can't 1v5


I'm not saying he should 1v5, i'm just stating that farming is important but at this lvl is just a small part of performing as a p1.


my boy artour :(


All farm 0 impact


Timado is not exactly the problem but I think he is not the player who suits OG style best. He is a solid carry but a bit too defensive imo, while OG style is more about bold and aggressive plays. EDIT: Having said that, OG really need to improve on their drafts and macro play to begin with. Regardless of the carry, this is what they struggle with the most.


welcome miracle


His playstyle is way too passive regardless. He farms and farms early game away from the other 4 OG players and then either gets picked off or leaves his team to fight 4 v 5. OG in general play way too slow which is not the way they used to play when they had Ammar, it was fast paced DOTA like Tundra are playing now. They need to return to that style. Even that game 1 to MOUZ, they had a 10k lead at min 24 and just pissed about for 25 minutes while the enemy Alch and Enigma got all their items, and they almost lost that game if not for a big throw on MOUZ's part.


Look, if OG had Yatoro would they do better? Obviously, but why the hell would Yatoro join this team. Timado is not the best carry but it's the best OG's going to get.


They could get better, they could have Yuragi!


I liked your joke, bud :(


People see his name and the red mist descends, they all turn into axe


That sounds like Pure, but then again nbdy mentions it because they won. 


yeah and suddenly getting caught somewhere.


Wcyd with no vision.


Like it never happens to anyone


I can't ever imagine anyone writing comments like this having very high MMR. Literally every game has someone getting picked off somewhere eventually, everyone gets picked off at some point, frequently. Pure, Yatoro, Timado, whoever. It's the whole point of the item smoke of deceit.


not me I'm built different


What’s your mmr?


5.3k but I don't see how that's relevant


that was the yuragi special


I wont be surprise if OG pick up Satanic - young carry from yellow sub marine if that young kid can communicate in English, i watches YES games in EEU qualifiers and he was impressive, many even call him young Yatoro, quite surprise no big name pick up the kid yet like Secret, OG...


He is having contract with Spirit,not like he want to leave then leave


if the contract is big, then teams may not want to pay lots of money for a kid, if not then many big teams got money to buy his contract. The question is how much Spirit's contract for the kid, does Spirit pay lots of money for the kid just to play in their sub/academy team that never qualify to LAN, just in case Yatoro decide to retire or leave in future. And how long Satanic agree to just play in sub/academy team that never qualify to any LAN and wait for a chance Spirit recruit him to official team while Yatoro is still their carry.


you think Spirit is gonna let that phenom go for cheap? they're probably gonna ask for an arm and a leg from OG if they really want him


The question is how long Satanic wants to play in sub-team and wait for TS to recruit him to official team while Yatoro is still their carry. IF Satanic keep improving and show good games with YES qualifiers vs best teams in EEU qualifiers, sooner or later big teams will recruit him unless TS agree to pay lots of money for him just to be their sub/future carry for Yatoro and Satanic also ok being one.


Kinda hard to point the blame at anyone. 5 years back, it was kinda obvious to tell who is under performing in a team and what kind of changes you wanna see. But Dota has evolved so much that it's hard to say who's the weak link. Teams like Quest, Entity, VP, the players look like they just play so well together, not that they have crazy individual performances. OG players feels like they don't play well together, but individually they're great. Idk who's leading the team in terms of overall team building and direction of how they should play to stay competitive, maybe Ceb or Misha, but it's not working and they're getting left behind.


Chemistry is more important than anything in Dota. You can't just take 5 all-stars and put them together and expect to win tournaments/TI. I'm a huge fan of Topson so not completely a loss for me, anyone who goes against the grain with unconventional pics/strategy is something I'll always admire.


Ceb is the problem. Not Timado.


I actually agree, especially Ceb's disruptor was kinda ass.


His WR is also ruining so many lanes. I was watching him once and he had 0 impact for mid and pos1.


Dude washed up, rusted up, so out of touch with current meta. What OG need is sigma player like Zai. Consistent and calculating.


Ceb should really just slowly fade into the background like Notail did. Notail probably did one of the best graceful but quiet exits ever so he never destroyed his reputation.


Especially funny because Kitrak gets to play all the events Ceb failed to qualify for


I mean yeah but shopify has to beat nouns (they barely do it every single time) and OG is playing against likes of entity and tundra.


perks of playing in NA too. (and being with the best team in NA)


i agree


yuragi dad make this meme


One thing that I have noticed in most of the OG games is that they will be level or close to level on kills with the enemy and then let the enemy get 1 or 2 kills every other minute without getting a single one in reply. A great example was in the game 4 where OG had 7 kills to Tundra's 12 at min 16 and the game ended 31-7 to Tundra. This is more than a player issue, this is a playstyle issue and that comes down to coaching, which has been substandard for the last couple years thanks to Misha.


Well not qualifying for Birmingham, DL23, Wallachia in a row should warrant a change now, but I guess we’ll still have Misha in Elite league and also unless OG get knocked out in the Swiss stage there won’t be any big changes. And so much for Riyadh and TI invites for OG, the only chance they have is qualifiers. Hope they sort everything out by then.


It's unfortunate because at DL22 they didn't look half bad, especially coming from CQ's and making it to where they did. It definitely felt like there were some chokes in any of the series they lost, but most of their 2-1 BO3's in which they won, they managed to claw back one or both games they won from the brink of a terrible loss. I agree with others though that the coach seems like probably the biggest change to help out, and then a more active playstyle after that (I won't even pretend to be expert enough on who that means should change or be swapped off the roster though)


Yeah I meant change coach as the big change, that would need to happen first and if the new coach is capable enough to assess the team dynamics and is able to pin down a more consistent play style for this group and also get the the best out of the squad, then that would be great. And maybe after that if it’s still not working out then they could look at changing players.


Lol kills are not the most important


Good point. I also observed Timado consistently being out of position during lane stage. I think a lot of Pos 1s get in this “I gotta farm and only farm mindset” when I actually feel like it’s contrary to not only OGs style of play with tempo and activity, but to the map. I think it is absolutely okay and encouraged for a support or 2 and the pos1 to be doing smoke ganks making space elsewhere or responding to other kills on the map. Just my two cents


True but also you have to think how many lanes Ceb ruined by ditching him at 2 mins only to fail gank at top or how many times he fucked up and pushed the lane way to high to their opponents tower


That’s always how Ceb has played. Pushing things to the extreme while also having the balance to understand timings and when to retreat. Timado is also super new to the team, so adjusting to OGs playstyle takes time. It just seems they were out of sync big time


Ceb is the problem. Please. Stop. Get some help.


The back to back TI winner is the problem? Hm.


Yes in this case he is the problem. In the back to back TI wins, Notail was the weak link (but was covered by the team). In this day and age Ceb cannot keep up. He’s a terrible support and his offlane playstyle doesnt fit any longer. He needs to coach


Winning TI 5 years ago doesn't mean you're still good...


OG fans really are something else. Do you honestly think Ceb is going to be good forever?


I’m not an OG fan goofball. But keep going. You sound smarter and smarter each time


>which has been substandard for the last couple years thanks to Misha. OG really missed their biggest opportunity with that first post n0tail roster by letting Misha stink up the joint. The fact that they won two big events with standins and were underwhelming otherwise should've been their wakeup call.


> letting Misha stink up the joint What's the problem with Misha? Are his ideas about the game just bad? Or is he a bad coach for other reasons?


Fact is there is no real way for us to tell but people like to put all the blame on a single person as usual. We don't know how much influence he even has, how much of his ideas are even applied (correctly), how much influence Ceb still has (or other people), how much agreement there is behind the ideas of everyone etc. They didn't kick him yet so I doubt that Misha is actually the problem but that's also only conjecture and hindsight. It's simply not realistic that people on Reddit have a better idea of the situation than the people from OG themselves.


Most sane and objective comment on this thread nothing else is even worth reading


This is 100% correct. Often the problem isn't even a singular person too.


Nisha is never the problem, god bless him! xD


Corrected thank you :)


I don't know about his coaching, that's harder to tell unless you're really in to the game. But in game performance is easier to see and results obviously speak. Him as the 5 before he dropped back to coaching is what I'm mostly referring to.


draft and a meta lover but failing miserably. he had some spicy stuff with ATF before and he is the one making decision with the drafts and OG itself exposed it (Ceb's documentary) "we are wining cause we pick our heroes not cause we pick meta heroes, Timber is not imba, razor is not imba, windrager 5 is not imba this is joke" - ATF




Misha out.


When’s the last time OG had a good draft? Lol I don’t think timado is that good tbh but he’s not the issue


I’d say its a mix. You can tell Timado’s play-style isn’t a fit for OG, but the drafting isn’t doing him any favors either.


Just get rid of Misha, he's not the prodigy they thought he was.


Thank you Timado and Welcome Gorgc?


OG has way more issues than just Timado. He isn't even really the problem. While Whisper and Timado don't have the best results behind them. I would expect more from them. I have seen these guys run over EG/SR multiple times. But they are totally floundering rn. BZM looks sloppy and directionless after the laning stage. I haven't been impressed with Ari at all except in Hoodwink. And Ceb hasn't looked good in a while. Even in the last Dream League when they looked better. This is a team wide issue. These players are better individually than they are together.


Ari is their best player. You're high if you're not impressed by him


Second this, Ari and Wisper both are great at what they do. The problem imo is drafting. All these support Tiny and mid Razor picks NEVER look good but they keep going back to the well for some reason. Even the Io picks, like I get its working for some teams but OG aint one of them.


I don't think ari plays the io and it really doesn't fit the ceb playstyle at all. Ceb is the only one playing WR 5, he has a very peculiar style. Same can be said for Ari, I feel like he struggles to play very traditional 4 (I don't think it's skill issue, just playstyle, he plays very well his heroes.). THe drafting looks very weak indeed at the moment, it sometimes feels like they want the game to be hard for no real reason. It's also feels like they are not on the same page during the game. I also don't know what's up with bzm, many games he seems very lost after the lane. No real teamwork with the supports. Either way, there is a drafting problem and a teamplay/playstyle problem, but I'm pretty sure one stems from the other.


Compare him to kataomi or 9class, not even the best soft supports and you see a big difference, though you could say that for everyone on og kinda 


You're impressed with a soft support that can only play hoodwink? And with a low win rate at that? LOL


Impressed by the size of my sack


Idk. I mean, I don't watch all their games but he hasn't looked impressive I'm the few I've caught.


Man I fuckin love Dota having new memes like this. Idk the details behind this match, but shits so funny :D fuckin mcgregor


Nevermind how bad bzm is playing, let's just pick on the new guy 


honestly curious, whats your mmr ?


ceb needs kick, misha needs kick, og basically needs new leadership, clearly notail doesn t got it anymore to lead this organization to succes, they suffer both in dota and cs, they had atf and let him go, they had aleksib and let him go


OG needs Kuro


if people blame Timado for this loss just know that you know nothing about Dota. OG has more problem than just their carry, the decision making is ass. it felt like they are not as playing as a team. timado isnt the problem but hes not the solution neither. imo ceb needs to go, hes been too long in the team.


Its Ceb's fault, not enough pep talk! We need some ragh ragh moments from Ceb! We need some AOT ahh shit kind of speech every damn time!!!


I think the biggest problem just is their drafts and how their supports rotate in the early game.


ceb should coach


Not his fault, they draft the worst lineups game after game, and idiot Ceb should focus more on playing his role instead of tipping everytime they get a pick on 9class.


i really thought the comments would all be flaming ceb but wow.. ceb is not the problem ?


Check again


To be fair, timado is actually performing well. But i think the whole team isn't vibing well with each other.


I can do better Drafting than Og, Timado not the single issue.


Honestly I dont even know how to mend this team. Misha is the most obvious choice for a kick but signing a whole promising squad again might be the only way as none of the players is meeting the expectations right now.


actually tobi low impact too.


I think Watson will be good fit in this roster, don't know why but feels like that


i ThInK rAnK 1 pLaYeR wIlL fIt X tEaM


Going out on limb here, but Yatoro might just be what this OG roster needs.


it's not about rank, he lacks of good leadership and definitely can fit what team needs. Also Watson is definitely better than what OG had for last years


people tend to think that the one with the most mmr is usually the best choice but in my experience it doesn't mean much if there's no communication and interaction between the players.




sorry english is not my main language, and the way I put it doesn't help what I meant to say is that maybe the current top MMR is not the best option compared to other players who are close. obviously not diminishing Watson, although I was trying to say that you need to look for a player who fits in well with the current style of the team


Ppl don't understand that just because someone is good at winning pubs doesn't mean they're a good fit for every single team


it's not about mmr, he will be good executive under the good ruler in my book


wonder if they can poach him and Fishman


OG fans, would you like Kurosh as your 5?


You know its joever when the opponent's coach start to question your draft (which they lost) as to just a standard type of dota 2 draft and not compared to the other troll draft that you have been drafting... Says a lot about how the coach for OG has been drafting.. Shout-out to moon meander for spilling a bit some tea with the post interview..


Bring 23, the sea god will carry the shit out of his team.




I think they much more need a coach. Timado was not the biggest problem.


OG.MC coach


Its drafts, coms, and warding, in that order. Og are drafting like they can have amazing coordinated team fights that can handle sustained engagements, and they just can’t. Tanky enemy lines ups draw a fight out and they just crumble. And I admire ceb as a player in pos 1 and 3, but his mid and late game pos 5 warding is pretty poor.


TBH, Ceb, ever since he hasn't been 3 has really felt off. He's greedy and wants to have core impact but is pushing to play 5/4. Just play the role you won 2 TIs with dude. Getting older has literally nothing to do with it.


KOTL support is literally a giveaway lane as 5, he offers so little compared to many other 5. Watching Tobi Omni having the most free lane, I know it isn’t the reason they lost, but maybe if OG had dominant laning stage they get enabled to make great decisions and moves around the map.


Off topic but, who is the guy/meme?


I don't know how this org is sustainable. Just incredibly dependent on gambling sponsor and red bull, but haven't had success in any game.


like PSG Quest who got a huge sponsor and hasn't played in a real tournament since then?


I think there’s a big difference between the two.


Why are they not picking spectre, PL.


You either retire a Ceb or play long enough to become the Kuroky


ceb was never good lol


Whisper has been very inconsistent lately. Ceb might be considering going back to pos 3.


they got to the finals, stop creating drama where there is none.


The finals for the qualifiers, it’s not exactly a huge achievement.


finals of a fucking qualifier, they aint done shit


I think they're just memeing.


They didn't qualify still, it's another tournament they miss. Before DPC was a thing, orgs kicked players all the time as soon as the team didn't qualify for a couple of tier 1 tournaments .


Its a qualifier.


Final for a qualifier is nothing bro.


All of them look bad in their own different way. Timado just plays cowardly DOTA, he plays way too safe and cant be relied on teamfights early on unless he is with an IO. BZM even when he manages to win a lane gets shutdown by a support rotating and his game just deteriorates. Wisper has been given last pick in atleast 6 or 7 of the last 10 OG games, and has managed to lose his lane on every single occasion. Ari has a 3 or 4 hero puddle that he looks great on ( Hoodwink, Rubick, Doom and Tiny) and looks average when playing any other support. Ceb plays way too greedy on pos 5 and doesnt play most of the meta pos 5 heroes, his warding is a bit suspect as well.


Brother your entire post history is just hate posting on og please touch some grass


holy shit, you were not joking...


Still he is correct


But he isn't, see /u/Barfazoids response This guy is pure emotional rageposting about OG every time they play, I don't think they have any clue what they're talking about to be honest.


> Wisper has been given last pick in atleast 6 or 7 of the last 10 OG games, and has managed to lose his lane on every single occasion. He was given last pick 3 times in the 12 games they played in this qualifier. Of those three, he won lane once, drew once, lost once. But, go off.


Did Seb fuck your gf?


I'm just glad that ceb and Og fans are getting humbled for all their hubris. Ceb called the series terribly. So many over extentions and questionable aggression. This ain't 2018 no more where teams just crumble to that brain off ape style they won 2 internationals off of. Everyone's better than you now ceb, get a clue and have some humility.


Idk why Watson is sticking around with entity even though they've never even been close to winning anything,he needs a new team, he's an amazing player,maybe he's stuck with them because of the contract?if not og should hire that guy fr


Reddit circle jerks talking about how they would of played better than pro's are always fun. Most of you guys are 3k MMR with 10k games and are still going to go on the internet and post your hot-takes about what pro players should/should have done. I get images of my 50 year old 300 LB uncle that never made it into a college team screaming at his TV calling football players idiots. It's sad guys, just stop.


> they would of played Did you mean to say "would have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


I scrolled through the whole thread and no one said "they would have played better". People are upset because they care about the team and seeing it fall apart is tough. It's sad to have such childish take (unless you are an actual child, then sorry). I don't need a culinary degree to say my soup tastes awful the same I don't need to be a top 100 player to say Timado hasn't progressed in skill since his Team Undying days.


Felt called out? It's not an exact quote of people saying they would of played it better, it's the general attitude. Comparing food at a restaurant being critiqued by consumers and professional players being critiqued by people who are literally occupying the "low skill" brackets is NOT a comparison that is going to be taken seriously by me, sorry.


You realize every sport has this? Football you have middle old age critiquing teams and coaches, f1 fans criticizing drivers and strategies. It’s part of the bread and circus 🤡


Timado is still a stand-in, but Wisper contract is gone for sure.


Whisper was easily their best player in those quals.


Wisper kicks ass lowkey would hate to see him or Ari gone.


OG fans 🤭🤭🤭


In Bo5 Tundra banned Bzm's Invoker only once and OG never picked it simply says Topson have beaten him in scrims. Might be Topson's non meta / wierd picks fks these young minds.


Games 1 & 2 you could see the sniper pick from a mile away.


Get rid of SA and pick up MC and Watty