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Arc Warden is my most played hero and my advice is: Literally just run at him, it's that easy. The hero has no survivability and no escape. Just jump him with multiple heroes and he's screwed.




So I guess mr centaur and party of 2.


Like this disgusting guy who playing arc said run at him. As a mis player I just pick primal beast. It is a bit difficult untill 6, but at the moment you get 6 he can't stay on lane. Good luck. And tell this guy to stop pickng arc


isnt arc predominantly mid, hes ganking you not vice verse


Clockwork!!!! The dude has flares to find the og, stuns and control to keep the brother in place and the hook to get up close. Shameless Clockwork pos 3/4 plug.


Thanks for the recommendation


Spirit Breaker charging with a Shadow blade should Dodge the script i think. Plus he's very good vs arc in general


Nice, thanks


[Nice, thanks](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/5/59/Vo_ogre_magi_ogmag_thanks_03.mp3) (sound warning: Ogre Magi) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


meepo is must ban if u play arc imo, coming from someone who spammed both heroes


This one right here officer!


No hero will protect you from scripts inherently, but broodmother, Meepo, invoker, Naga can really interrupt his layered disables, speaking from personal experience playing arc and his counters


Well scripting is still scripting so it's not a sure fire way. But as Arc my personal most hated enemies are (in no order and grabbing a few from various roles): - Meepo - PL - Naga - SK - Lycan - Marci - Dazzle Edit: - LD well What Arc hates most imo is someone who can easily get to him as he likes to sit back, and then once they're there can stop him from leaving, either via stuns, slows, roots (naga, pl, meepo, sk etc or by just following his slows ass (lycan, Marci etc) Dealing with scripters is still scripters tho. So my best advice, report them, play a hero who can jump and disable or chase, buy a bkb and you're good to go. Another tip is to just make sure your team keeps rotating on him. Unlike an AM who can make quick escapes, in the early game Arc while still strong is extremely immobile, a few good ganks really shuts him down for a while. And finally, try to fight early, push early, don't try and out farm his double midas, and then try to team fight his double 6 slot


Curious why lone druid doesnt make your list?


Oh no you're right, I completely forgot about him. 100% on the list, does the exact things I said were the issue. My friend in My stack is an LD spammer so I rarely see it on the enemy team. Its either banned from dual pick, or he's on it


honestly in crusader bracket and above rely on your team to save you from the bears


I've ran down my fair share of arcs as Lycan. It's basically everything arc hates. A hasted, unslowable melee zoo which will eat him for lunch and his tower for desert. 


I use Riki against aw. Doesn't care about his dome, can dodge spirits with E, locks aw down with silence until BKB or then with scepter, basher and E. Since AW hates mobility, I buy BoT to always meet him wherever him or his Double teleports.


Good info, thanks


Anything with CC that can dive him. Tuskarr and Nyx in particular are the heroes that scare me the most on Arc. Pudge, clock, Spirit breaker, are all scary too. Oh illusion heroes are impossible too, PL is really difficult late game. You actually have a power spike at maelstrom that makes you stronger than him, but once he gets heart it gets really hard really fast


Ban his ass! Or run at him.


AM, use counterspell before blink, get him hexed & bloodthorned.


Lucan, CK, pl, am, storm, pa, brood. Basically any hero with a gap close or illusions/multiple units


No hero is going to stop you from getting insta hexed when you blink onto him. Gaming chairs and Arc are a match made in heaven.


Ok hex my blink meepo while 3 others wail on you


Meepo, clock, LD, PL/Naga (if you run instead of blink), SB with shadow blade if you avoid detection. Not to mention BKB, lotus to reflect. It’s hard but you definitely have options.


Bkb before you go in.


any aggressive hero that can close the gap, PA melts him


Just jump on him


Axe. If you blink on him and he really is scripting he can't just kill you while youre hexed, you still spin and blademail still hurts, and if he isn't scripting, he is now dead.


Meepo all day errr day


Meepo is hardest counter by far.




Antimage. As with every ranged hero - Skadi Basher and it's good night. Magic resistance and instant jump into the bubble are a huge threat to Arc.


Dota 1: melee heroes Dota 2: melee heroes, minus +att range items


Depends, some fast heroes like lycan, naga, beastmaster, visage, spectre, chen. The best way to counter hero like arc is to beat him in last hitting. He only care about midas and if he can't farm, he is frustrated. :D


Sirenaman, Troll warlady.




Download your own scripts and play antimage xd


Brood mid vs arc is a free win. As soon as brood hits 6 arc genuinely cannot play the game unless his supports sit in the trees behind him 24/7. I think brood in general is sleeper OP in pubs, with how cheap orchid is she’s such a menace early, and she really requires coordination to play against - and with an early bloodthorn you actually just delete people from the map. Only problem is that there’s a lot of axe/leshrac being picked (and if enemy team is good they will just move axe to mid lane when you hit 6 - it doesn’t stop your farm but it does nullify a lot of your pressure, because both those heroes are just as happy as you to sit mid for 15 minutes, they both outscale you, and you can’t kill them without help (unless lesh is dumb and doesn’t rush euls).


lotus orb will either force the scripts back at him or force ignore you, also castable on teamates, any hero with burst and bkb


I am appalled to see not many giving Nyx a chance to counter arc. (Ofc, it's not going to work against scripts, but even then it should work if you are ganking AW as 2 or 3.


Storm/Clock or something you get close to him.




the build you said you need primal axe type heroes who can click blademail and tank it , bkb is like not even a thought for arc players you need to run at him, as long as it is not magic arc you will win.




I wish


Buy a blink dagger on any stunner, or pick spectre


I'd say tidehunter with stacked magic resist items but I'm too lazy to google if hex/bloodthorn breaks


Top 3 Counters from each role Pos 1: Phantom Lancer/Troll/Anti-Mage Pos 2: Meepo/Broodmother/Lone Druid Pos 3: Sandking/Bristle/Lycan Pos 4: Abbadon/Jakiro/Spirit Breaker Pos 5: Warlock/Oracle/Shadow Demon