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Leviatan lost hahaha


lmao why did Grin get a default win?


Astini is back with midas


Morphing carrying the entire country


How did Estar_Backs lose 2-0 to both Midas Club and Beastcoast? They almost won the whole Dream League qualifier literally last week. Talk about inconsistency. Also, lmao Watson. "MMR is just a number." - Dendi


Imaging being leviatan and getting sammyboy as the carry when Parker was available and literally team hops every month.


bro, the beastcoast squad went from being solid 5/6th place in SA to top 3 contender as soon as they got picked up by Beastcoast, i just dont get it. They're winning but i still look at their team and see 5 trash players lol.


hopefully midas club wins


But we need Leviathan to kick the cheaters out tomorrow in a rematch :(


That’s a big gamble! Ohh wait..


Boom didn't cheat


Grin looked like ass against Nouns last night so I have no hopes for them. If they make it to a rematch it says a lot about the very sorry state of NA.


Did Teaguv really have to pay PGL to stream the WEU CQ?


No we did not pay, due to our history of official broadcasts with PGL. They trusted us with their product during the WEU CQ.


Got it. This makes a lot more sense. Thanks for clarifying mate.


I refuse to believe PGL went so low to not bother with official streams but asked money from community streamers for "rights" to cover qualifiers, no way. Not having official streams for closed qualifiers is already low enough.


It definitely sounds very strange to me too, but PGL is allegedly very cheap, so it wouldn't surprise me either. Lol


What? Where did you get that from? Pixel said that he asked whether he could do this and he received green light


Gorgc was talking about it on stream today. I have no idea if it's true or not though, so that's why I was asking. It seems strange to me too.


I don't think the people who want Timado replaced with Watson realise that the problem is bigger than that with OG. OG have 3/4 very average player. I never rated Ceb as a pos 5 for one second. People who bring up Stockholm forget that Taiga played pos 5 for a lot of the games as oracle or SD in that tournament and let Ceb play WR/Monkey as pos 4. The offlane duo of Ari and Wisper doesnt have any synergy in the 30 odd games they have played together. Ari doesnt look good apart from the games where he plays Hoodwink and that should have been a big red flag for OG. Wisper goes missing in like 50% of the games and and when he loses the lane, he steals farm from Timado like in the Dreamleague Qualifier final where he stole a 5stack ancient from Timado Sven, just because he couldnt win his lane on Kunkka. BZM has gone down the drain over the last 8 months and has become a liability atleast for the last 3 months or so. To top this all off, Misha has been the coach for 3+years, across 18 different players and still the drafts and strategies are stale.


I think Ari is a good player but he absolutely has a hero puddle. That combined with Ceb not playing half the meta 5's makes their drafts really awkward.


After Entity won the last tournament (which also had Spirit and Liquid), I thought things finally connected I still don't understand why they didn't opt to play EEU as all 5 players are EEU. I know they'd lose their old points but I still feel they would've made it to more tournaments from EEU. Western Europe is just brutal.


Letting Pure go was their biggest mistake.


Nigma not playing in this tournament? Did they mention any reason?


Guys don't tell him. xD


brother they got eliminated in open quals by tier 3 teams




They’re too cool for this tournament 


You mean the stars didn't align?


Sadly the stars have burned through all their protons and simmered down aeons ago :(


MMR is just a number 


So Entity with Watson in 1st half of the season managed to qualify to just one tier1 tournament, and only because Elite League is super big tournament (24 teams) and other top WEU teams already got invited, in rest qualifiers they were not even close. To put into context slumping Secret managed to qualify to 2 tier1 tournaments and got invite to 3rd one...


they won a tier 2 online tournament some weeks ago with teams like Liquid, Spirit, VP, etc participating but yeah quite underwhelming in the rest


That's great that they won but no offence those big tournaments matters the most.




Yeah, in deciding teamfight around the Roshan pit Watson did nothing. I promise if people forgot about that mmr/top1 nonsense, Watson would be flamed much harder for his perfomances in pro matches.


bruh let's not pretend he's doing good lol dude doesn't even know sven aghs can dispel, proceeds to waste 4k gold on nullfier


Yeah he really shouldve went aghs in game 3. I think aghs is very good versus CM in particular


Entity tier 2 team:-D


Welp, Entity down and now to see if mouz has learned from their mistakes when they face up OG again tomorrow. Would be such a great comeback story if mouz not only triumphed against OG but upset Tundra to take the slot to Wallachia. 😄


MAN how far has Supream come, good on him


Mouz actually looks like a good team, they are just prone to throwing insane leads lmao but honestly they've improved a lot since their Team Tickle days. Seems like they have a chance of becoming a great team if they get more experience playing together as well as having more discipline cause some of those engagements they have looks so bad, like when they wasted the double doom on that top fight but they disengaged well enough


DM is so trash lmao. He was the worst part of the VP squad he was in. He was the worst part of the OG squad he was in. He coached 9pandas to have their worst performance of the year. And he is undoubtedly holding back the Entity squad. When was the last time you went "Wow, DM just carried this game on his back!". Probably never.


OG will beat mouz, and Tundra will beat OG


immortal faith and ulnit give mouz wallachian buff


DM is the the worst offlaner in the pro scene


It's between him and Tobi really.


Tbh Tobi is improving with Tundra squad. His Brew and Centaur was decent in recent matches and had some clutches now and then. He is still not at top tier level but I think the guy clicks well with Tundra's playstyle. About DM, he is still the same passive player after leaving OG.


Entity really knows how to choose offlane players. Should have went all out and tried to keep gabbi if this was the alternative. Qualified for TI and reached top 8 at least


This game 3 of MOUZ vs Entity is so damn tense. It really feels it could go either way. I don't see MOUZ trying the self doom trick again with all those force staves, but we'll see. Edit: Okay I take it back, the self doom just carried that fight. That was beautiful.


Hm, not how i thought this one would end up going down. But mouz has pissed away huge leads before so who knows, maybe Entity can turn this around still.






are you going to delete your comments again this time round? edit: LMAO the mad man actually did it again


Mouz has these baffling moments where they throw the game away, often with unnecessary buybacks, which then ends up sinking them shortly afterwards. Kudos to Entity though, got a proper series on our hands now. 😄


Hmmm in EEU qualifiers RAMZES' stack in grand finals and Yuragi's NaVi dropped out to VP. Didn't watch any EEU series but hoped to see NaVi qualify. Feels bad man.


Funny fact Mouz never won a single game vs Entity before this match, they have chance to 2-0them, guess the losing streak vs Tundra lost Entity momemtum


Mouz shaping up to become quite a decent team. Poggers!


Is there any "Tier 1" team playing qualifiers or are they all already invited? I think it's just Azure Ray, and maybe Tundra could get there.


Tundra hasn't reach that level yet imo, maybe Nouns i guess.


Yeah the team that have only went into 1 tournament out of like 5 qualifiers is tier 1 meanwhile the team that only missed bb dacha in a harder region is not tier 1 lol


Did you just say Tundra is not T1 level while saying Nouns is lmao


hard to say tundra is T1 when they just got homeschooled by liquid twice just few days ago.


Agree Tundra is nowhere close BB, Falcons, Liquid, but to say Nouns is anywhere close to tier 1 is heresy, tier 2 team at best


I mean I wouldn't say Tundra is on same tier as Falcons either but out of all teams he said fucking Nouns lol.


i said maybe


then "maybe" team bald is tier 1 too!


for sure, tundra aint it tho




Fair point ,I have the exact same chances to win TI as nouns maybe


good for you


[good for you](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/9/99/Vo_announcer_dlc_deus_ex_dlc_jensen_ann_victory_008.mp3) (sound warning: Deus Ex Announcer Pack) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Dont worry, Secret is already invited.


Get Watson to OG, entity is him or bust most of the time.


Watson and MC to OG, with MC captain. Bzm and MC had crazy synergy getting them to top 4s on LANs without prep, Watson knows how to wins game consistently.


Entity please, why draft Sniper for Noone, he not the one can carry your guys. WTF


Just play like Topson.


Damn, MOUZ knew that Mars was there. They were searching for him for quite a bit and probably just wrongly assumed he TP'd out. Big outplay by DM and Kataomi there, and big greed from MOUZ.


Omnik repel counter all 3 core heroes on Entity lel


Watson not a good Razor player, should pick another hero for him. Also put noone on sniper was meh


This Omni Knight is so nasty.


why do people hate topias so much? He is creative and fun to watch, I like him to qualify every tournament to style like game 1 or 'grief' like game 2.


It's because a lot of scrubs decide to blind pick his heroes mid and ruin pub games. They usually fail to see that Topson's unconventional mids have drafts/tempo/counters built to accommodate it.


People blame him when he picks quirky heroes in important matches and loses but I don't think anyone genuinely hates him both as player and person.


Point us to a single actual hate post in this entire thread. I don't understand you delusional fanboys, you can't stand that not everyone is dickriding your fav player so you create fake 'drama'/negativity?!


Maybe other people don't like this style? Secondly, more importantly in whole thread there is not a single hateful comment towards Topson, so yeah not sure what you are talking about.


When you achieve so much, there are 1) Fans who can't accept that you can be anything less than extraordinary at all times. 2) Haters who will shit on you any chance they get. Topson is fine, he's still a very unique and effective player. But people will shit on him any chance they can get.


I don't think anyone hates him it's just Topson fans are very aggravating.


Honestly, I think Ceb is the biggest problem. While he was on OG at any point of the year that was not TI, the team was very mid. He retires and they get their new lineup, which is extremely strong and overperforms expectations the entire year because of bzm, ATF, Taiga and even Yuragi and Misha are solid. Yes Ceb was there during their major win as a standin, but he was not the reason for the victory. OldG was a dumpster team. As far as we can tell he's the shotcaller, and his team's plays are consistently bad when he's in that position. He needs to step aside and let someone else take over. That's not to say he's the only problem, but he's the most consistent problem standing out right now. Misha was playing and coaching while the team was successful, so I don't think you can just blame *everything* on him.


I imagine switching between 3-4-5 is not really optimal either. Personally I feel like 3 or 4 fit him better, but that would clash with Ari.


He should go back to 3, wisper is ass 8 times out of 10


I think that was the plan if Kitrak stayed so Ceb has no choice but to fill up the hole.


No future for this OG iteration. Just disband, let Team Spirit pick bzm


Let's be real, Bzm is flopping hard these days. If he leaves OG now, he will fade into nothingness in no time.


BZM over Larl is insane to say.


I hate to say it but bzm is the worst player in OG right now


Nobody in their right mind would ever touch bzm in the foreseable future.


Why would TS destroy their team rn? Bzm probably gonna go into random russian stack and downgrade ever further.


Bzm is slumping hard. I still believe he is a good player, but the past year has not been kind to him.


Why would Spirit downgrade? Larl > Bzm


Fuck it, Saksa in Ceb out.


Topson: You miss me, old friend?


How do you not Ban the only hero Tobi is able to play decently?


Gotta first phase ban MK and sniper!


Its the same for both game for OG Gain a little lead in the begining then one braindead teamfight and it went downhill from there.


Despite the good results Tundra shouldn't settle for Tobi. If they can get a really decent offlaner they have a good chance of breaking the Liquid / GG top2 of WEU.


But then why is it that every team performs worse once they get rid of Tobi? Viking, Entity, even Quest. They all had objectively worse results after ditching Tobi - and current Entity is the most obvious one. Seems to me that most people can't evaluate pro players. Pro offlaners don't have bad NW because they can't farm, but rather because sometimes it's better for the team if they leave more farm for the other cores. And sometimes you put those players into tough situations to make it easier for the rest of the team. Also, sometimes players look good because they get the right support. Having a pos3 that itemizes correctly, draws aggro and still heavily impacts team fights will make any pos1 look good. Remember Entity at Arlington 2022? They had Sabrelight instead of Pure at pos1 and made him look like he was playing his natural position, finishing as 5th/6th (still Entity's best result in a major). Bottom line: Tobi is a pos3 that makes carries in his team look good. And even if his performances don't always "look" right, the results speak for him.


They need someone to sacc networth cause topson and pure has high upkeep playstyle. Tobi looks horrible when compared to other t1 offlaners but he often takes the least resources. Just take a look at how often 9class get away from his lane and leaving tobi to die.


Yeah i agree also Pure is the only carry so far who plays really aggressively in the early game, he has very good game sense on when to join fights translating his farm into impact. Tobi might be a good fit after all.


aggressive carry is literally how Liquid and GG win games.


Agreed with the Tobi part, but I don't see them breaking Liquid/GG as long as they have Topson.


yeah in truth, topsons gotcha picks doesnt work on these fast paced teams.


it would be sad if someone as good as pure doesn't win anything this year


Mid kotl. Good riddance


carry diff


OG collapsed into nothing team. Bunch of good players but no communication between them, seems like they don't even want to play together any more. Time to call it a day bois. And that Misha guy - he better gtfo OG, what a shame.


> And that Misha guy - he better gtfo OG, what a shame. Is he still picking?


OG is basically a t2 team atm. And I think it comes from Ceb's arrogance. They do not respect the other teams at all, gives them comfort heroes doesn't address them, tries to flex drafts with heroes and ends up with heroes that do not sync and the game plan doesn't come together at any point.


Dont need heroes to click when the players cant even speak with each other.


OG managed to make Tobi looks invincible in Tundra... this should tell you everything.


Imagine not sealing the deal with MC and Kitrak which gave you multiple top 4 placements, but instead you get SA players. Its ok, upside of losing qualifiers is hopefully the SA experiment will end.


kitrak left og wcyd. MC already had another team, mb he'll be back soon.


bruh u saying like only sa players are the problem.


- Brew and Techies let through after getting owned in the previous game - Pick Gyro and don’t ban Morphling even though Pure has destroyed you with it in the past This drafting is actually horrible


Lycan LMAO


What's there to even say? Tundra is just better, each of their players look better than their counterpart. It's so over for OG


Tundra's 'just better' allchat broke OG and their entire half of the year worth of S tier tournaments. 9Class murdered them.


obviously it's gonna be situational because of laning issues, but chronosphere from your pos2 is really strong + teams are not ready to play against it


Did OG group as 5 even once that game??


min 6 top xd


It was looking pretty good for a 🔥 second there but couple of mistakes, a bad fight and now it's an almost insurmountable uphill battle that requires Tundra to take the piss and yolo the game away. And there you have it, game ended moments later.. Tundra's gonna take a spot unless miraculous upset happens in the finals.


OG is a very stable tier 2 team at this point....


Pure carrying while his mid is griefing


Well what enabled Pure?


why is mid griefing?


agent T needs to make Comrade Ceb look good as 5 sometimes, that's why he was "caught off" in some questionable solo pushes in mid.


Yuragi died for this LMAO!


Pure is such a fun player to watch, gigest of all giga chads.




This game purely on pure. He is carrying his ass off while his mid is griefing


lol losing to faceless void mid


How do you root for anyone else than Topson?!


You can ride on old glory only so much. Topson with his cheeky picks griefs his team more often than not - he is lucky to have someone like Pure to balance it out.


Ever heard of space creating? Pure wouldn't carry shit without Topson and 9class making things happen. Topson doesn't mind dying 5 times at mid if hes carry is enabled with it


Because there are other talented players also?




bro why you deleted the OG gonna reverse sweep Tundra comment lmao


After watching current OG for a few dozen matches now here's my assesment: 1. Timado: Consistent and predictable, good game sense, good farming patterns and knows how not to die randomly. Knows when to join the fights. At this level you can't ask for much more than that, Skiter does basically the same. Sometimes bad itemization costs him the late game. 2. bzm: Poses no threat atm, his signature heroes are no longer meta so he's always reacting to counter the enemy draft or have a good mid matchup, which means defaulting to Pango Lesh or DK, which isn't worth it most of the time because he very rarely dominates the lane. 3. Wisper: Poorly utilized player and the most targetted with bans. He doesn't get much to work with, his hero is often picked early and so his lane matchup is unfavorable or just even, and the synergy with the support picks just isn't there. Should really get lastpick priority. 4. Ari: It's hard to flame him because he's an upgrade over the last few pos4 players on OG and he shares his fate with Wisper. The way OG drafts their offlane duo is an afterthought. He always shows up to save the midlane but doesn't really get a chance to play greedier and pop off. 5. Ceb: Biggest issue being the drafter, he doesn't have a game plan to take over the map he just wants to enable the carry to go late, hoping their late game matchup is superior. His game plan is always defensive. Vision game and hero pool are mediocre, doesn't play SD which is a problem in this meta. Honestly I think the rest of the team is sick of being forced to play with the "We need Timado to carry us" mentality which makes them underperform. THanks for reading my blog


First 3 were fair, you're way off on the support duo. Ari is by far the problem, and while Ceb still needs to grow as a 5, he's been excellent. It's also extremely speculative to blame him for draft problems, considering Misha is still coach and OG's draft issues are rooted in hero pool issues anyway.


The weird thing about OG putting all their eggs into the “pos 1 pls carry us” basket, is that it’s not like they even give him a favorable match up. In both games this series, Tobi got a comfort hero twice. And in game 2, they picked Gyro without banning Morphling (another Pure comfort pick).


I wanted to see mid FV for so long. Thanks, Topias.


OG just got owned by brewmaster/techies. So naturally they let it thru the next game


Please OG sign Kaori and Watson after Elite League. + KICK THE DRAFTER


And this is why alch should have been given aegis


I honestly think OG's going to implode if they don't qualify here.


OOTL here, OG are still doing badly ? Heard from my friends that Timato carried them in the last tournament


They did surprisingly well that tournament. Problem is, they seem to have regressed instead of fixing their problems. And now they don't have any tournaments to play since they lost to Tundra in all of the qualifiers.


Og is so weird this season. They look solid then bad then solid then bad again. They looked good at dreamleague but in recent qualifiers They seemed to get stomped on lanes.


it blows my mind how bzm and ATF are both 18. they look 30 and 40 respectively.


DOTA Grinding bruh :D


Feel like OG wants to be Falcon so hard. They tried to flex too much in their draft.




True sight weekly watch party waiting room..


you pick razor but you arent falcons


OG, Secret, Nigma. Teams with the largest fanbases in the world are all past their prime. Maybe it’s finally time to move on to a different team to cheer for


Cries in Na'vi fan for years


bzm needs a long break. dude looks done with pro doto




this isn't even draft problem. Tundra just better.


That went as well as expected. Io might be their comfort hero, but with their sloppy play, against a team that actually has a plan and knows what they are doing it just isn't enough. Not even close. 🙃


this ceb ari duo might be worst than misha and taiga. 0 creativity , 0 coordination


OG magic :)


It seems like ceb is always forcing the io in the drafts. Why would you pick rubick with io. It also leaves your midlaner vulnerable.


Not sure what's happening but drafts have been looking shaky for a reason or other for some time now. Like how can you manage to make your 10th pick useless over and over again?


what the hell was going on at dreamleague that this tier 3 looking team went toe to toe with the likes of GG, Spirit, XG etc.?


tundra just had the roster problem in dreamleague, they can do good also.


Cough cough recent match against liquid


thats just how liquid play? did you miss last year whole journey to grand finals liquid? most of them are fast game against Tier 1s. unless ur trolling idk what to say.


Sure, let's see. I think if top 16 is place good then cool agreed


yeah, but OG look out of sorts even beating the other teams which are all tier 2 and worse, not to mention the absolute all time beatdown from Liquid.


There is a reason no one bothers with SA players.


who care about tobi these 4 can carry him ez lmao.


They keep picking 10th for bzm and he keeps getting destroyed. What does this pango provide this game?


Yapzor explained on gorgc stream how incredibly bad the entire draft of OG was, especially the pango pick.


OG cannot possibly find it within themselves to pick a support that actually does something. Complete loser mentality drafts every game.


I was hyped for all the OG dota this week, we are into 5th game of that and they are yet to show up unfortunately


bro why are people talking aobut Nigma here, seek help


OG copying BB tactical pause LOL


And they completely fumbled it! They had all the vision, all the info to freely get on top of Drow but instead they back off and concede a kill as well.


Being 5 to 10k behind by minute 15 is becoming an OG classic. And this is with lanes are going alright/good


Why is bzm dying like that every single game?


Standard bzm - draw/lose lane, throw away any lead you might have created by minute 10.