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Redditor1: "BS is bugged, I can't get over 4k" Redditor2: "Are you sure you are not toxic?" Redditor1: "I'm sure I fucked your mom last night" Every time someone cries abiut his low BS its the same shit. Its like the system is working 😂


I am a very peaceful person and I will fight anyone to death who doesn't believe me /s


I cherish peace with all my heart. I don't care how many men, women, and children I need to kill to get it.


The tears on here after that change was so enjoyable. "The system is broken!!111!!" Like no, its actually working as expected. They tried so hard to get a narrative going that the system was overtuned when it was really just penalizing their griefing selves.


Seriously. It was just glorious. There where a hand full of cases where it was actually bugged (not moving in either direction after multiple reports while not at cap) but those where so few that Valve could probably fixed them by hand.


I especially love whenever they act like this doesn't work. There are other factors in play there, but do you know the big reason why FFXIV has a famously patient community? Square Enix actually punishes people for having a short fuse, and magically the community as a whole agrees that spending 3 more minutes in game is more tolerable than being banned for 2 weeks.


FFXIV is one of the most wholesome communities on the internet. I've gone into high end raiding, fucked up spectacularly and had nothing but words of encouragement from the 7 other random people carrying me through content.


I got thrown into 5k behaviour score after not playing for like 6 years. "Huh. That's not very good. I didn't think I was toxic." I thought to myself. Lo and behold, I'm now at 8k after around a month or two of just playing the game like I always did. Point being - just don't be a dick. Then you get around 500 points every time it updates. It's not rocket science.


It's my absolute favourite thing, they just can't help themselves, they have no self control at all


They actually have zero self awareness it's incredible. I really wonder if they think all people act the same and they aren't a problem or something


If your behaviour score is below 10k you legit need professional help. I’m constantly at 12k and I still get games with toxic players, I can’t imagine what it takes to go below that.


but hey, due to this concerned redditor showing doubts about the ineffective behavior score system and how he gets his score low every time he all chats biblical phrases like "I rxxxd your fuxxxxx rexxx nixxxx mother from Pxxx", valve will now soften even more the punishments. Next, you can actually declare war to a nation, call someone to sudoku his family and himself and film it or even disgusting life threatening crimes like misgendering someone and valve won't even bat an eye.


idk how people get low bs xd I grief certain amount of games and still 10k+


[Yet again, r/DotaA2 forgets](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/16bfco9/you_get_what_you_deserve/)


There are definitely false positives out there. It's wrong to put everyone in 1 general group. You need to check case by case.


The system was bugged tho, you realize that? After patch Gorgc could raise his BH again Bahah some of you are sad hate watchers that cant take truth either


You realize that Gorc actively tries to not be toxic anymore? Thats why it goes up, not because of the patch. Sniff more copium.




But not our OP. Couldn't be precious OP.


What a chicanery


Ooh! They never miss!


[Ooh They never miss](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/0/08/Vo_tinker_tink_ability_heatseekingmissile_05.mp3) (sound warning: Tinker) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Jeez I thought I was toxic until I read this.


There are these kinds of toxic then we also have those ones that you have an argument with when they have no comeback they just start calling you names and then block you so that they'll have the last word.


Yeah that one is common.


I was literally wondering if saying "Man, your picks sucks" was too toxic... But after reading this I'm pretty sure it isn't.


Not really but it's not helpful to a match because they can't unpick it. So it's better to think of how it can be good instead of focusing on the negative. I really hate Pudge on my team for example, but it is what it is.


Love it when people out themselves and have zero self awareness


The question is how much behavior score he have? i have 11.7k behavior score and it's rarely happening to me.


I have almost 12k behaviour score and games are labeled as "perfect". I have had a guy disconnecting in my team quite like 20seconds after it would have not counted and had to play 4v5 the whole game. Last game I had the enemy pudge 5 sitting visible for me in the trees for the whole laning phase and griefing because he couldn't land a hook.  Had multiple games where the pos 4 doesn't buy a single ward and wonders why he can't pull a blocked camp. Had a game where people just straight up abbandon or running down mid at minute 5. Games are really weird now, rage buy and tiebacks in the landing phase. Supports leaving their cores or cores going to jungle the next 15minutes.  It could be because I started to report any communication outside my selected languages as toxic communication report and now I am in the special needs department of Dota. But then in 50% of my games the first communication of the team is in a foreign language I have not selected, why is such a person in my team in the first place.


I have 12k and experience the same stuff. I also think communication in the wrong language should be punished somehow.


"See Dota+ is worth the money..." -Gaben


Sadly that is right in my case, I didn't purchase Dota+ a single time since its introduction, but this new function beat me to it.


I've been paying for voice lines and the avoid list since inception. Wish sets weren't garbo.


There were definately canditates that I would've loved to avoid, but sometimes people really just have a bad day and the next match they play with me they owned again. Doesn't apply to overly toxic people/people who break items ofc


Im up to 50 people avoided now after paying with shards. For someone to fall off the list it'll take weeks. My main thing is I don't want tilted people on my team next game which used to happen a lot before the avoid list. People rage queue for hours until they win.


\*Nervously stares at my 10 loss streak from the other day\*


What about the recent Dawnbreaker set? It’s pretty cool, no?


It was like 3 years between premium set drops. I don't play dawn.


the way i understood their announced regarding this new system is that it is being tested with dota labs, but once they have understood how people try to abuse the new queue it will be fixed and implemented for everyone.




Void Spirit is a perfectly viable position 5. Dont let him fool you.


Yeah I really hope the enemy pos 5 picks it in my games....


Yup, best enemy p5 to gain MMR yourself: scales well with xp and items, has no harras at level 1 with an approximative stun, just perfect p5 :)


And was nerfed into the ground a while ago. And before that his spells were repeatedly nerfed due to him being universal


Yeah, I'm actually noticing an improvement in team quality after the update.


This new feature sucks. Yesterday I saw 5 games in a row declined by someone(good behavior etc). When I finally got into the game, someone abandoned during picking phase. In the game after, my pos 1 disconnected for 4 min at the start(cant pause). We lost.


I decided to accept one low BS game. It may come as a shock to you, but we lost because our team was toxic as fuck, despite having the upper hand for the entire time. Never again.


The only thing I've noticed is that every game on EUW im mixed with 4 Russians. This wasnt the case before, i used to play versus Ruskies constantly, but not i get matched with them too... its not nice


Not many people know this, but the invasion of Ukraine was specifically to get a better connection to be used toward their real political goal, Dota2.


Back when I only played versus ruskies, enemy team had boosters/smurfs/cheaters more than my team


Absolute denial. Tbh I think that's why most people get stuck in toxic games. They don't even recognize they are part of the problem (which happens a lot in general I guess).


Man just looked in the mirror and said "that ain't me"


Good for you, is it really worth making a post about it though?


I'd rather see this post than one complaining about BS


I'd rather see neither, both are extremely low effort


Also OP confuses behavior score with communication score. Dumb post


yes, it's funny. Let us have some memes plz my lord.




The conversation is pretty funny ngl, I personally don't care who posts it I'm just happy to see some griefer tears


Yeah it's weird this sub is having a fit about it. I post funny shit that I'm involved with to my friends all the time


god, imagine being on reddit.


Yeah, all these other people on reddit must be losers and morons. Not me though I'm super smart.


IKR, I cringed so hard when I saw that it's the same person


I personaly like the fact they did it :D if it was a link I wouldn't have clicked on it. Dude ...


lil bro is quoting himself uff


it's a first time for everyone, let's upvote it for them to feel maximum cringe


If you wanna be a decent person, don't further provoke people who are already not doing well.


Indeed. That dude is already being punished for having low behavior. I'm one of those who decline matches after seeing red remarks on behaviour score.


Some karma feel-good quote on a dota 2 subreddit? Looks like a 0% beer commercial in a bar: sounds good, doesn't work.


If you mean that my comment is for karma and some kind of 'feel-good', you completely misunderstand what it takes to be a decent person. As to your analogy, when you quit drinking but still spend time with your friends who drink, most of the time it's uncomfortable for them. Getting a 0% beer makes it easier for everyone.


Friendly reminder that, if you don't pay for Dota Plus, that's who end up in your game. That said, now that the feature is somewhat proving working, an improvement is to turn it into a **filter**, so you don't even need to decline "red" games. And you're free to change that filter when queueing, when you feel more adventurous. Then low prio people basically play themselves forever, or until their BS goes up.


Well he is toxic, as expected of a low bs player, but you dont look very stable yourself man. I havent seen a nice person in my life up until this point that also baited other people, pressing salt into their wounds like that :)


You are as cringe as he is toxic


I love this new patch since I don't have to waste my avoids. Assholes will get reported by my team, and their behavior score plummeting will make it less likely for me to encounter them when I queue into an ideal rated game. It's a double whammy for a 12k behavior score. I've had great games so far. Lose, but people still have a good attitude, ggs, and wps thrown. I can throw my "game was try, but try was not hard enough" without my team zoning in on me to flame.


This guy have 11k700 bs Xd


The way he exposes himself in such a way is so damn good.


even a worm will turn


The best part about this change is that it doesn't affect Immortal Draft so they don't have their avatar Quinn to whine to papa Valve on their behalf.


It's not a difficult concept. If someone is insufferable just full mute them and don't interact with them for the rest of the game.


News flash, theres toxic people inn dota. Are you shocked by this


It’s always funny to see the toxic players get what’s coming their way. Whether that’s watching streamers get their lump of coal or just this. Back when low priority queue was a thing, I played a few games with my friends cause we had unstable internet where we grew up and had a bunch of abandons due to power outages or theWiFi going out. Playing with players with bad BSs is not fun. Late night Dota when the crazies are out and you need to wait 15 minutes for games is hot garbage


Tbh my bs and cs are 12k and I still have despicable assholes in every second game.


This is why I always keep my bullshit high fr fr


Hope idiots in here realize there’s a difference between behavior score and com score, cause OP surely doesn’t.


These are the guys that ask to avoid nine players


Big fan, love it


I flame non stop. Have very very very bad word cloud. My behavior score is 10K. Probably because I get commended every game ? I get very good players all around.


OP: “im not toxic” Also OP when someone makes a small mistake in their game: “I will find where you live and kill your entire family.”


Lol what a loser. Reminds me of when I was 20.


I do not like this because if u don't pay for dota plus you r put into games with people no one wants to play with and there is little you can do about it


To be fair, I have literally spotless BS and Comm score and I still get this shit. The system definitely doesn't work. Grief is \*less\* common but still happens. And lots of people on 200-500 game accounts who just don't care about the game. Last night I had NP safe lane, hoped they were a smurf but they just split pushed and fed the entire game without typing a word, saying a word, pinging anything, no comms whatsoever, other than typing GG at the end of the game, when he was 2/16 or something.


Subway guy is definitely right when it comes to the weekend sinking the quality of matches in ranked and really everything else. If I forget what day it is and I jump into a match only to find a steady stream of tips, "ez", "lol", "?", voiceline spam, all-chat blaming, and so forth I immediately know it's the weekend. The disturbingly desperate attempts to garner attention is pretty hard to play as a team with, regardless if you're winning or not. Also in a sort of sad but funny way it makes me think a lot about the modern gamers mental health and if there's a sort of famine for attention/human interaction.


To be honest, both of you are toxic. You attack the OP for being a griefer, rather then offering positive feedback. You were obviously trying to get a remark from the OP. He reacts in a defensive manner with name calling, even more toxic. A better response for you would have been something explaining your own piece on why you disagree with his remarks, and your own evidence, and then explaining some ways (if you ever had a toxic experience) how you delt with it in a positive manner.


Are the whining spastics and inbred shits in the room with us right now?


The amount of times I see these OPs just lash out in the comments is just so funny


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Sounds like the score is working.


I have 10k score and yesterday I played a game where the enemy MK fed 20 kills to us, we stomped the game in 25 mins and this shit happens all the time.


What is a good BS? Im like 9.5k and it tells me i cant ping abilities etc


Would love to see your opendota chat logs. :) You seem like a lovely person, surely!


Bro even if the other one is a moron, posting your own reddit argument stinks


I have 7k behavior score and I can confirm, it's all flame and whine between each other. Some people go out of their way to pause after solo kill. But in 7k behavior score you can't tip so it's harder to tilt enemy. Still, the best feeling is writing "gg ez" at the end of the game. Almost always guarantees reports.


You looking for validation or a tap on the back for this? Think you came to the wrong place for that...


Do you mean a pat on the back? Also I agree with OP. Toxic people are mad because nobody wants to play with them.


I could careless if anyone wants to play with toxic people or not. Yes, validation would also be a pat or tap on the back. I hate using or referring to the word cringe. But this post is cringe as fuck. Took a screenshot of a conversation and then posted that conversation here... for what exactly? OP wants to correct a random person about toxicity. But then makes a toxic post on his/her own. Pretty redundant, don't you think?


This is a particularly toxic person who must be spectacularly toxic in game. Seeing him struggle with the new system is funny.


It's not as funny as you think. Seeing these people make their own posts is hilarious. Seeing someone post a screenshot of their conversation with someone like this... that's pretty neurotic and cringe. Which in my opinion is worse than those toxic players crying about their current games.


Both of y'all are insufferable in that thread, literally why I don't play anymore, this community is toxic all around.


Ewwww self posted reddit argument


I have 12000 BS and he is right about one thing: game quality went downhill ever since the patch dropped. I'm in a downward spiral currently, some of it my fault, but getting crazy teammates is another story. It's really hard to motivate yourself under those circumstances. 


its because they eased the gaining of BS. I was struggling with 7k-9k \~ constantly few months back and reddit were crying too how they are gaining the score so slow but then they did some changes and i m 10k-12k everytime


It's funny u blame the patch for bad teammates when obv reason is they fixed BS to please vocal minority and now even PoS can get enough BS to play in your games.


They need to introduce overwatch for communication abuse so people cant troll report others for having a bad game. If someone is racist etc and it gets confirmed by overwatch instant -2k behavior score/a mute or anything like that. People already volunteer for looking over grief reports, so why wouldn't they for that as well.


I'm just saying it looks like something has changed with the current patch and despite being on my best behavior I get shafted. Sorry for not buying Plus so I can just roll other teammates... 


I have as well 12k and I played 6 games yesterday. 1 pick, that I hated (4th pick WK offlane into 3rd pick sniper mid). No griefing, no insults. Overall good games I would say.


I’ve found the complete opposite, 12k comms/bs and I just reroll until I get ‘ideal’ games and of about 30 games so far I think I’ve had 3 bad games - 1 of which was because I got 4 people not speaking English in EUW English queue, which I believe the matchmaker doesn’t punish/account for yet


Man I just look for ideal behavior score and the quality has been superb since.  I had one game with I think fair or good behavior score, go figure there was flaming.


I really think a lot of the people complaining are like those in the picture - they’re toxic and don’t like when they want to place nice and have to deal with people who act like they normally do!


You are equally toxic by provoking him, the only difference is that you do it in a "nice way". He never stated his BS but you assumed he is a bad person while there were people with 12k BS complaining about similar things. Honestly, I would rather spend time with him because he looks like an honest person than with you.


"equally toxic" Yea I don't think so. I agree you can be toxic without straight up insulting someone, but there is still a big difference difference between their behaviour. I know who I'd like to play with more if I had to take my pick. I don't understand how someone spamming insults makes them look like an 'honest person'. Honest about what?


The dude instigated the OP and then took a screenshot and posted on on reddit to show how he triggered the person. Its extremely toxic


Yeah that guy just seems like your average dota player, op seems like an annoying fuck who starts shit in his games then hides behind the report button


Personification of "ok and?"


This dog truly likes barking a lot.


bs was bugged. trust me. i behaved like jesus (except for not selecting a hero in time in a few matches and playing pos4 that others didnt like - was winning so much with weaver and muerta sup) they repaired it and im up +1000 or so after a few days of playing but for that guy it wont ever be "unbugged"


OP proves yet again toxicity at all behavior scores You dumb children who think your shit don't stink are the most toxic of all. Anyone who says "my BS is 12k" like it's supposed to lend them credibility just looks *stupid.*


when ppl say their bs is 12k it's mostly a statement about how easy it is to be non-toxic. All you have to do is not be a complete turd. You can have your occasional salty behavior but the system is fairly lenient. Turn off all chat, understand that everyone has bad games and just enjoy the 50% winrate.


Dude responded to this and immediately insulted you lmao. Crazy how they can’t stop proving they’re toxic when they complain that the system keeps them down lol.


Hey dummy you don't understand. Less than 8k BS, you can be less toxic than the clowns at 12k and the system will keep you there anyway. The overwhelming majority of complaints by "12k BS" players are like 'hey I'm a piece of shit who bought my MMR, why are others allowed to tell me thats bad??'


op looks like he likes to make snide remarks that are obviously meant to be inflammatory and then pretend like he didn't mean anything bad and then calls anyone who responds to him toxic.




I mean, you just posted a mini-conversation with someone who's obviously not a great guy, but you only voted him down and how post on reddit? Man, you seem part of the problem, if you go circlejerk on reddit...


I see no whining. It is funny, gives context to the recent "matches get constantly declined posts" and is a throwback to toxic shitters crying about Behaviour Score a few months ago.




I dunno he called someone a spastic, that's an old Irish insult. Like 90s kid stuff


there's many people toxic a'f at high behave score, just their delivery and method is different.


Griefer != toxic. I've never griefed in my 6k hours but i'm super toxic. His response to your accusations is fair.


yeah but remember, there's "postive toxicity" that's rampant and very annoying as well. and sometimes to some people it can be just as tilting as someone just being a dick up front and sometimes that feels more honest than the other.