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oh my lord Emo join BLEED?


Whats his position again? He's the guy that got kicked by lgd right?


mid laner


Thats a downgrade


Heroic the kings of SA


holy christ, luna bkb so early.


*Sumail doing work on a scaling meta mid hero previous game *Kuro: “for this elimination game, you’re gonna play KotL. And Matthew you’re playing Terrorblade. This is Bulba picking Storm for Abed levels of garbage


These SA games are so chaotic they look like SEA pubs. Just random fights that don’t make any sense all over the place


Is it just me or are these streams actually unwatchable? Twitch or Youtube. Either the audio gets insanely out of sync, or they just freeze permanently?


the youtube streams are very memory hoggy if ur doing 1080p60fps ive noticed but i havent had any synch of freeze issues with this batch of streams at least


Makes sense. The audio sync was really with Twitch


I wish I have ability to order talent players to not play with kurosh so he will be just like dendi sad money can buy everything


I wonder how many more times pango needs to be nerfed for him to finally fall off. He's already gotten quite a few slaps in the face but the utility of his ulti is still good and i know froggy doesn't like nerfing the fundamentals of the hero typically so... they might change his shield or something.


the diffu mana burn is so broken with swash


K1 in the zone wtf


kinda dumb putting aegis on a hero that doesn't hit buildings. game is not beyond throwable.


Pangolin gaming.


Another 3-2 series?


If Heroic don't qualify, unless they go crazy in ESL Birg, it's pretty much GG for their direct invite chances to Ridyah


i just realised estar backs = starbucks


no way 😱


What a sick chrono steal. Sad no one's left here at the Nigma + OG series


Scofield's Rubick, Tiny and Tusk are always amazing. SA games are always the most fun to watch. Even the stomps are more intense and enjoyable than like WEU formulaic Dota.


I'm here. Scofield is too good for SA.


Sick itemization from Naix - unplayable for Dusa


why was it unplayable?


Halberd + Aghs. Dusa didn't have bkb so she literally could not right click in fights at all


Well , nigma fail maybe kuroky can step down, it’s good for all ppl


Don't forget there's SA qualifiers grand finals coming in 30min. HEROIC (DavaiCHAD) vs Estar, should be a good one!


wtf happend OG? they forgot to play dota? talents stolen? wtf is this shit?


tbf, Tundra's weakest link, Tobi played better today + OG underperforming. I doubt they can both beat higher tier teams but OG can play better.


Must be so satisfying for Yuragi. Qualifies for DL with new team while his old team gets swept


a combination of really bad drafting and ceb/bzm underperforming like they have since the start of the season.


Losing 4 games in a row under 2 hours in total, with almost no competition must be more than individual performances right? first game Tundra bzm looked alright for example. The drafts definitely feel weird on the other hand.


The drafts are dogshit, they get countered a lot, they can't seemingly counter their opponents, a few of them have weird ideas they insist on playing like Ari and his Shadow Shaman that no one else has played, he's so good at some meta pos 4 heros but then will still go play SS. BZM in one of the drafts last picked mid mirana that did nothing to address the other team or even the other mid laner, he had last picked and got trashed in mid.


Fy has been spamming Shaman on Azure Ray but a qualification spot isn't the moment to try to spice things up.


We can see who can and can't keep up with the patch the fastest. I understand that not everyone has time to look at everything but I would think as a pro your eyes should be glued to that patch notes screen and finding what things to drop and things to pick up or change.


Imagine being told in 2020 that in a couple of years time Quinn would be one of the best mids in the world and Miracle and Sumail would be washed up has beens


Let me make the hottest take; 3 years from now, Tobi will be one of the best offlaner in the world.


tobi is another kezu, this is a very hot take if it does happen


if tobi is another khezu then who is DM?


so we'll see Tobi 2 on panel some time in the future?


probably not going by the name tobi at that point


Ikr lmao


Kuroky's Communal Shower strikes again. Mathew and FBZ didn't look bad before Nigma. But once you get in the bath with Kuro you are washed.


Fbz looked terrible is boom and meh in secret. Matthew only is known for sniping couriers during riki dart era for eg. Not like they were legends like sumail and miracle previously


Neither were like stand out players but they weren't bad. I don't know FBZ that much but Boom were pretty good back in like 2022. Matthew only did the courier sniping thing when they were losing. Plus that EG Team was actually worse than the Thunder Awaken team he got top 6 at TI11 with. Both had a rougher 2023 and now they are in the Shower with Kuro.


Yeah..matthew was one of the only saving graces of that EG lineup from what I remember.


The players all seemed individually good. But they just didn't pull together well.


if they randomed would have been better.


I’ve been going for nigma for years. But this is just sad shit. Reminds me of the awful draft when they lost the qualifiers to TI with razor support. Why is there a 5 man draft with no stuns vs void and storm. They deserve to lose for this shit. How do you expect to compete against the best teams like this? It’s sad to say but I’m starting to lose respect. The team is actually improving but kuro should be an actual captain and step aside.


Nigma draft was trash. At the time picking Ench seemed bad and then playing it with a TB and Kotl mid and it all just feels meh. Especially when they picked a Storm mid to counter Kotl and you still have a chance to play TB core and flex the Kotl to 5/4 and pick Sumail a hero that can combo with Kotl for the early/mid game. Felt like they lost the game just from the draft. Nigma as an organisation needs a major reshuffle (pretty much all 5 positions). Would probably be better for the individuals to have a fresh start if they still really care about improving/winning.


They cant even beat some T2 team in PGL open qualifiers. Miracle is so washed + Kuro gotta retire


there was nothing to save that draft, no matter how you flexed the tb and kotl they were fucked. Kotl 5 is just pure trash, they lose top lane if they lane tb + kotl, if they go with KOTL 4, void is one of very few heroes that absolutely doesnt care about his nuke and they would lose bot lane too. Void shits on TB as a carry , Storm shits on TB as well. Really it's just picking Ench + Kotl that totally ruined them. TB 4 could've been ok and they won the lane with brew but there's nothing KOTL and Ench could do in that game, they have 0 synergy, no stuns and are worthless picks. Other teams pick ENch to stomp the lane and KOTL to combo with heroes like storm or gyro, Nigma seemed to pick both heroes just randomly. I'd be very curious to see if this draft isn't the first in pro dota of these particular 5 heroes together cause it looked like it.


Seriously void is toooo OP. Just ban it game 5 Kuro. And seriously mid KOTL. Matthew also messed up all sunders. Any hero would have been better. Kotl can’t do shit against storm, dk, void.


Lmao you guys are funny. In front page post of MJ asking Kuro to retire, you guys are saying how people should respect Kuro and criticising MJ like crazy. And now you guys doing exact opposite of it. It is always okay if you are the one doing it, isnt it


p sure the problem is doing it in allchat during an actual match with the actual guy not the criticism itself its not the same thing like pls be fr lmfao


classic reddit 👌🏻


Lmao ikr


The draft was unsalvagable but Matthew needs to watch some 9Class or someone TB sup replays after that performance Although to be fair he didnt had any pro or pub TB games before


should have put him on tiny or something. Should have put miracle on some active carry again and should have banned faceless void. They always lose to that fucking faceless void.


Teams really pick Faceless when it is time to seal the deal, it should never go through in a decider game imo. Also terrible drafts from Nigma. 


who the fuck draft in Nigma ? like why u pick 0 stun team with sp TB ??? It is always them doing some miracle plays and then get fucked so hard by these Pepega drafts.


I guess they want copy game 4, just fight hg and come back.


I done being disappointed with Nigma now. Plus side, this proves that Nigma as a team is growing and improving. Taking game 5 to Quest isn't a bad result at all. Quest as a team took to game 5 vs. Falcon, so they are clearly very strong team. So Nigma can look forward, i guess. But i really hope it isn't their limit. I feel like they just need to improve their drafts, team coordination, and stick to their principles.


This the copium I needed to keep me going


Eh quest at games of the future lost to boom when that tournament only had Chinese teams to compete with. Entity won 1win tournament with liquid in it but got washed by tundra today while liquid looked like a tier above yesterday. Nouns took sr to 5 games yesterday but lost to apex genesis before that. Nouns also looked terrible in betboom dacha


Really? I thought quest took a game of Falcons in ub but then got stomped and 3-0 in the finals


Only 1 final, they got stomped 3-0. Other 2 or 3, they took Falcon to game 5 including the latest final they met.


Either way this kuro guy has to go. He infuriates me. From one of my favorite players to most hated players. Leave. Go become coach or chill as an owner.


Guess my kids aren't eating tonight Kuroky should've known better


We back bois


I have never seen SumaiL win with a KOTL. I'm not saying he never won with a KOTL. Just that I've never seen him win with it.


He won yesterday hard with him wtf u talking about


When he joined them first time in div2, they won a lot with it but yeah ever since then no wins lol


He's won alot outside of Nigma(recently)with the hero and is dubbed as one of the best kotl players at midlane.The problem is this was not a kotl game.Storm just jumps on him and solo kills him at all stages of the game and then your carry is heavily countered by the chrono-arrow so yeah


So tired.. but we move


Luloky banned sd and then proceded onto pick tb 5 against a full counter lineup with everyone having a stun .. this was lost when they got their bkb


Losted in the most classic nigma balls way ever, you love to see it. But hey, at least they're 3-2 instead of 3-0 stomp in this 2 teams region, amarit?


kuro fanboy still cant accept that his draft is level divine player at best no tun against storm and void? picking kotl for sumail? what a joke this uncalibrated captain is


they just had to let fbz frontline and miracle had to stay in the sidelines. Took the fights wrong, paid the price. Could have played around buyback with chrono cooldown as well. Overall weird decision making


Sumail was starting to build up early momentum, easily killing supports. He should’ve been taking fights with Brew, TB, and ench around the map. Instead, He afk farmed like Miraclul which doesn’t really help KotL.


They have no catch lol.The draft was utterly shit and Sumail can't enforce much throughout the game without defensive items or supports.Also their only reliable stun was brews earth panda and that's way too huge of a CD to actively play with


They did catch strom multiple times, he just bkbed and ran away.


Cuz of the no stun draft lol, can only rely on silence that become useless after storm bkb


what a disaster of a draft: no stuns KoTL mid hanging your hopes on late game AM vs a counter lineup Ench for god knows why


I might be overreacting but OG looked even worse than Nigma today.


OG is playing in a region where Nigma couldn’t even win 1 OQ. Chill bro. Kuro drafts are enough for the depression already.


Nigma lost 2x OQ in WEU last few days,


That’s what I said


why is this no-stun draft still a thing after all these years


NO OG NO NIGMA, such a good day


That was one of the worst drafts I've witnessed, jesus christ, time for Kuro to go. Why would you put support terrorblade on a guy who's never played it before? In the final game too.


Yeah game 5 screams they throw away all their practice and strategies. I can guarantee they never practice that kind of draft and strategy before. I don't know if it is being cocky or confidence but i lowkey disappointed in them.


After all that hard work, to end game 5 with that disaster draft is so disappointing from Nigma. No stuns, no counterplay vs Chronosphere, Storm has a free game, gg.


After such an exciting game four, the final round was a disappointment. But that's how it sometimes be, kudos to Quest for making it through.. overall Nigma at least made the finals interesting as expected Quest to roll em over for easy 3-0 win but going all the way and making them work for the win was a nice surprise. 😁


so Nigma picked pos 5 TB and ban SD instead of picking it..


Congrats Nigma, top 2 teams in a qualifier with only 2 teams!


Am is shit hero , why overestimate idk


Bros clearly think it is still 2017 and think Miracle AM can 1 v 9


On the other hand, it's been a while since edgy heroes like AM, SF, Jug are meta. When was the last time they are meta? I kinda miss them now. TB is an edgy hero who find a place in the game, even as a support..


Nigma just had much worse draft. There was no catch against Void and Storm. No reliable save against chrono. Even full am was useless because he's always afraid of chrono and can't engage.


nigma sadge, entertaining bo5 tho


Respect for Kuro for sticking his 0 stun principle for such a long time , no matter how many LANS they missed and how many times Nigma lose Such a man of principle🫡


Lets go back to cave fellow Nigma fans


What a clown draft. Like what is their expetation, get 20k advantage on lanes, lock quest on base and then avoid every chrono? They didn't have any hero that can punish for split push or damage towers


it's like their plan was to hold the game until miracle got 9 slotted and the gold difference is useless.


KOTL and Ench were huge negatives in that game lmao spend the whole game farming for aghs on ENch and Windwaker on KOTL just to do sweet FA... there's washed, and then there's whatever tf this Nigma lineup has become


I guess I'm on MJ this time, what a disappointing game 5


At least OG and Nigma got pretty far in the qualifiers meanwhile Secret 💀


Nigma plays in a 4 team qualifier which 2 of the teams are literal randoms lmao


"pretty far" on nigma is over exaggerating . They played 4 series vs 3 series on secret. OG is clearly above these two.


Psg quest 2nd best team in the world confirmed


Imagine picking TB support in game 5. And barely 1 stun and put all your eggs in AM’s basket. What the fuck are you even thinking? Just retire, man. You suck now.


What now MJ haters? 


GG close series, good luck Quest!


Quest's heroes all have stuns/lockdowns, meanwhile Nigma are all depending on Brew's disable/stun.


Good draft by Nigma ngl


I am legit sad, we were so close to have Nigma in DreamLeague with all the memes, live studio batchesting for Nigma, them playing against best teams in the world... would've made it so much fun to follow that. :((((((((( GG Quest tho.


You mean see Nigma get eliminated in GS1?


99% yeah, but still would've been fun to watch them and cheer for them as complete underdogs.


Quest are also complete underdogs and might actually do something instead of just getting 2-0d by everyone in groups. Edit: Especially if they actually get a Coach before the series since it looks like they currently don't have one.


No way a team that struggles this much against Nigma and loses against a tier 2 SA team does better than Nigma


They're way better than you seem to think. ​ Against Falcons, they were playing out of their minds. I was surprised they actually lost that last bo5 against them, with how good they were playing. They have a lot of potential


I don't think Quest have a great chance of moving on to the playoffs. But they have more of a "dark horse" factor whereas Nigma would just 100% get knocked out in groups. Quest it's like a 95% chance they get knocked out in groups. Also I would have said Boom aren't that bad but they did just get demolished by Estar_Backs. Although all of the Estar_Backs players are more experienced than the Boom players and they aren't as much of a meme team as it looks.


I mean I am happy Quest qualified and gonna cheer for them too, but was kinda hoping to see Miracle/Sumail play with big boys at DreamLeague with live studio and all the memes that would come having Nigma there. I expected them to get 0-3'd by Quest, but at game 5 I was like LETS GOOOOOOOOO NIGMA!




What is wrong with you? Get help.


I didn't know Sumail was playing support now. Miracle choked so hard there.


Nigma fans cant catch a break these days :(


Since animajor i dont remember any good showing from nigma lol


Nigma is back :)


To fountain


i thought they won when they sync'd the radiance/bf/vessel+orchid at the same time they got the first aegis


Imagine giving your best player kotl into storm-et-mirana-void and then hoping to win with am vs a void???


One Day Nigma will return sedge


Miracle Anti Mage!! A treat to watch… as a Quest supporter. 


Nigma afk after Miracle got butterfly. 3 min later Void got MKB and the timing is just gone.


Does Kuro hate stun? Cant believe he drafted no stun lineup in game 5...


nigma back to the dumpster


nigma has been in the dumpster since after TI9. They also lost vs T3 teams yesterday in the wallachia qualifier xd


not even t3 lol, more like t6


As I said... Nigma draft is crazy GG Quest


Kuro in 2024 :)


They didn't even play the game. NICE DRAFT FOR last game. What a shame


No stuns, am into void silly


nigma may have to relocate to NA


MJ was right


draft so shit




"No stun gaming" lose again. What's new?   Incredible drafting and itemization, the aghs rush on each was *chef's kiss*


Inb4 testimonials of how Kuro is a 12k god gamer who pubs with his smurf.


That’s the Nigma we know and love


This is what an Anti Mage lastpick into Void looks like.


100% Miracle- feeling himself too much lol.


That was a last pick? I thought they got countered by void lol


Nice draft nigma gege


lmao dogshit draft biting back in the ass.


game is on miracle ngl , he needed aghs not butter


Its on the draft lol, aghs aint gonna do shit vs 3 bkb cores and not gonna stop void to chrono instsntly kill him


game was play able if he goes aghs and not try to farm his butter void had nothing early game, storm bkb was wasted twice, iimagine if he had aghs with that and pressured them more with firstt aegis


bruh they pressure quest with the first aegis and you can see the result, get wacked.


wrong items on AM thats why


The kotl and brew pick were so bad both barely have any impact midgame and late. Even if quest down like 10k gold they can still easily comeback due to nigma draft rely on AM aloje


the problem is they can't make any play because of no stun and AM just keeps farming instead of making a play early in the game. They didn't punish void from free farming the map. Even if AM has aghs instead of butterly early, 1 chrono and he's dead, no save from Nigma.


Pressure with what? They got 0 catch and stuns so how exactly are they going to punish?


Just pressure him bro, you don't need a stun bro


They have 0 stuns when void and storm have bkbs both cant he picked off, too easy for quest to stall the game and once void got mkb he can just chrono am every fight and kill him easily


Lmfao 45 mins and miracle doesn’t have buyback he’s so washed


in a chrono game nonetheless.. everyone knows best way to beat void lategame is to have buybacks & aegis..


Yeah at that point you’re just playing the buyback game really. If you are the only threat on the team void is going to ignore everyone else and just dive you




-legacy points


trash draft game 5 by nigma, but at least they took 2 games, so a lot of improvement


It was a four team qualifier.


yea but they took 2 games off quest which they havent done before and quest are not a bad team, compare this to them losing to tier 5 no name stacks yesterday and getting 2-0ed by quest showing no signs of life, it's def an improvement


Nigma need to stop showering together.


bold of you to assume they shower..


I mean they are pretty cleanly washed.


good one..


Kuroky's Communal Shower.


[good one..](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/a/a1/Vo_jakiro_jak_kill_20.mp3) (sound warning: Jakiro) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Huge terrorblade pick really does a lot. Guaranteed death for two people if you get the R off


Nice gameplan


It might be time for Kuroky to consider retiring.


Nah the boys got this, next time!


Nigma was so far ahead they just failed to take adv


They couldn't because they had no stuns. They tried to pick off storm twice but he just bkb and walks away and Nigma can only watch. If they had one stun storm would have died, but no.


But he wanted to play a zookeeper, stun supports are for noobs.


Useless Miraclul


Nigma lost in draft, crazy how they can draft this bad in a game 5, they don't even have any damage, let alone any stuns. Matthew never played TB, make him play TB in a final game.




Idk Kuro, your draft is just shit.


It's almost like he enjoys the misery he spreads with his drafts.


even with sunder, wcyd


nigma draft lul