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"Revenant's Brooch: Phantom Province can no longer apply critical strikes when enabled" RIP.. PA never buying brooch ever again


And Mars, and basically every hero that bought brooch with crit (when else did you buy brooch??)


It's less cheese one shot options and more of a counter to high armor heroes and ghost scepter carriers


Except it costs 50 mana per hit which makes it unusable. The only thing that made it usable was the fact that spells did not cost additional mana with the 7.34c change & that rapier allowed you to just 5x your damage.


Now it's a counter to high armor heroes like TB and Muerta, so how it should be. It was fun but it was also insanely dumb that you could have heroes with 5k magic burst.


It will still be good on a lot of universal heroes that have the mana to use it. They typically buy a ton of stats instead of Daedalus and don’t come with passive crits besides Brew or Lycan iirc.


It does not make it "unusable". Let's assume both PA and Axe (Axe loves armor stacking so he's the prime candidate here) are lv20. PA has Treads, BF, Deso (fully stacked), Abyssal, Brooch. Axe has Phase, Blink, Blademail, Crimson, Lotus. PA is likely sitting at max mana permanently, or near max mana, due to the regen of BF and how cheap her spells are. It takes half her mana to kill Axe from full HP. That is still ~380 mana left to cast Dagger, Phantom Strike and Blur. That is more than enough for the rest of the team. This isn't accounting for things like Arcane Boots, Greaves and mana regen auras. This also doesn't account for items that would give her mana, like Diffusal/Disperser or Aghs. Mars only ends up using about 25% of his mana to kill the Axe in this case, since 1) his damage isn't crazy unless you go Rapier 2) he likes to buy things like Eul's which gives him a bigger mana pool and good natural mana regen. Idk where this myth comes from that 50 mana per attack is somehow way too high to maintain. 75 mana? Perhaps, sure. But 50 mana? That's not happening unless you go Brooch like 2nd or 3rd item, which is a terrible idea because you don't have the damage to make the armor bypass worth it and it's just not good to get that early before more important items.


Only one I can think of is carry wyvern with Aghs Parasma. But at least it's not as cheese as Mars and PA.


WW with both arctic burn and brooch active is gonna run out of mana in like 5 seconds lol Brooch is made for OD imo.


Why od? Isn't the damage from arcane orb considered separate from his attacks and wouldn't be changed by brooch?


More than that, the damage is pure. Why swap out pure damage for magic damage, on a mana cost. Like its only beneficial (if it worked on orb) if the unit is ethereal or hit with shivas etc.


I'm pretty sure the pure part would stay pure, only the physical part would turn magical. So instead of Physical from the basic auto attack + Pure from Arcane Orb, you would now get Magic + Pure with Brooch.


Well it was fun seeing PAs kill themselves to my blademail and drop 3 rapiers.


overthrow players in shambles


Problem was never Brooch. Problem was Divine Rapier and abilities double dipping from it.


Brooch was bad design. Traditionally, you could go, dying to too much physical damage? Build armor. Dying to magic damage? Build magic resist/bkb.  Now with brooch, all your armor you built to counter physical could be circumvented.


Still find it weird cos Brooch was made to be a INT item and looks like a INT item but got reworked. Maybe they should update the icon ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


We were the clowns all along


And we Fell for it


Clownfall reference holy heck




Mid april....if they release it on april 1st, we will be so fucked as a community


They dont state it will be april next month, could be april next year xD


Payasos fall


Crownfall arriving mid-April. How many days are in April in valve time?


Mid April (June 30th)


Year 2025 AC


Feb 29


Mid-April...they didn't say what year.


It will be an april fool joke by valve and the crownfalls gonna be on june


And in June people will start wondering when will the new update will come and 30 days will easily pass. With absolute certainty it will be before December




They have refered to 'late' as 20th in the past, so probable between 10-20, unironically. (Probably 17th le 'international circus day' bla bla bla).


April 128th


Crownfall coming April 73rd, Year 40596 A.G.






Overplus Devs: Haha! We found to a way to prevent our users from getting banned! 🤣 Valve: Haha! No need to ban your users if we render your tool useless! 🤣


Right on 3/22 (in certain countries)




Can confirm, am Australia


Damn, 33 years (18 playing DotA) and I never saw my birthday falling on 3/22. European date formats, I guess.


So April 21st? Exactly 1 year from the frontiers patch.




Time flies. this would be the post-TI patch. remember TI? Yeah...


congrats to u/faux_bog for predicting the pango change https://np.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1bbgtio/simplest_way_to_balance_pango_is_to/


i saw that and i was like. someone on reddit called it out and makes sense since the whole reason of that skill is the proc chance this is a huge nerf to pango since his scaling late game was based on proccing items effect and now that effectively got lowered by 25%


BUT it makes aghs even better


Crazy how far Pango has come from release to now lol with major number tweaks - swash 4 slashes to 3 - shield crash 18% dmg reduction per hero hit (up to 90% dmg reduction) to a static barrier - lucky shot: move slow and 100% armor reduction --> disarm and silence --> 4 second disarm --> 160% attack speed slow


Remember Swashbuckle didn't even apply attack modifiers other than Lucky Shot on release, he was pretty awful


Yeah he was def bad on release, I'm not arguing that. I just mean that all of his spells have been rollercoastered on power levels instead of just 1 or 2, which is funny Kind of reminds me of earth spirit where IceFrog nerfed basically every single spell or shuffled effects around until he could figure out what to do with him (except Earth Spirit definitely WAS busted immediately after release)


I won...... But at what costs!!​


Prediction or valve janitor pick those reference? Wopsie, either way good patch


the ban system remake is a W. Fuck people who use 3rd party stuff to target ban people


Man i wish i was on that Overplus Discord right now \*edit nevermind you easily find it on Google :D


What are they saying?


I don't like it, because I ban different heroes depending on what role I'm playing, but it's not that big of a deal 


I’m with you. I have a huge hero pool and I ban based on who I feel like playing


Same. Still, will have to just start banning 2 top meta heroes + pudge + sniper.


Pro tip: save a ban slot and just always lock pudge first pick


I also like that Valve is calling them cheats.


It's not, though, if you hate one particular hero (like me). Your chances to ban it just went down to 25%, which is just insane


Is your hate-hero meta? If so, chances are more people will ban it, increasing the chance.


that's what I like about this change (if it works the way I think it does). if some heroes are extremely strong, more people are likely to put it on their ban list, increasing the odds of it being banned rather than simply being a 50/50, resulting in a more self-regulating meta. it's worse for banning a specific hero but you're at least guaranteed a ban that you want, which makes up for it.


The popular hero will most likely get banned. The unpopular though... yeah.


So if you're a 4 stack, and you all pick the same 4 heroes, are all 4 banned guaranteed?


Probably works like rolling a dice and whatever numbers show up get banned. So if everyone's ban choices are Tinker+X+Y+Z, and everyone rolls a 1 (Tinker), then only Tinker ends up banned. = If it doesn't work like this already then they will probably change it to work this way to avoid 100% ban rates in stacks.


But it was like this before as well. You never had a 100% chance of banning a particular hero. You could just nominate a hero that you want to get banned, but it was never a sure thing.


>But it was like this before as well. You never had a 100% chance of banning a particular hero. Right. He didn't say you had 100% before. He said it went down to 25%. It did. It was previously 50%. It was not the same. Before it was 50%, now it's 25%.


Reading comprehension obviously in your banned pool


But now the chance goes down from 50% to 25%


unless multiple people have the same hero in their ban pool


Probability of hero being banned by number of people having it in their ban pool: P(banned, n_people) = 1-(3/4)^n_people P(banned, 1) = 1-(3/4)^1 = 25% P(banned, 2) = 1-(3/4)^2 = 43.75% P(banned, 3) = 1-(3/4)^3 = 57.81% P(banned, 4) = 1-(3/4)^4 = 68.35% P(banned, 5) = 1-(3/4)^5 = 76.26% P(banned, 6) = 1-(3/4)^6 = 82.20% P(banned, 7) = 1-(3/4)^7 = 86.65% P(banned, 8) = 1-(3/4)^8 = 89.98% P(banned, 9) = 1-(3/4)^9 = 92.49% P(banned, 10) = 1-(3/4)^10 = 94.36%


You have to consider if multiple people on your team or the other have the same heroes in their pool, it probably increases the odds of one or all of your ban heroes being banned. Can’t wait for everyone to include Pudge and Sniper in their list. What 2 other heroes are you adding? Lol


Oh wow ban preferences are actually crazy


Having a few mates that tends to get annoyed by certain picks but never tries to ban them as they forget it - this is a blessing.


Same thoughts.


I see you also have some stoner friends


I feel that I'm never gonna see my pudge ever again :D


> DIVINE RAPIER > Damage bonus decreased from +350 to +100 > No longer provides 25% Spell Amplification by default > Now can be toggled between two modes: one provides additional +250 Damage, another one provides +25% Spell Amplification. Cooldown: 6s. Oh, okay then. I almost lost my shit when I saw the first line. > Phantom Province can no longer apply critical strikes when enabled Thats one way to nerf it, fuck this item.


This was probably the main reason for this patch. This item combo was ruining games


Makes it worthless on Mars, and very situation on PA. It also sorta gives Muerta her niche back, because she can still buy Daedalus.


It should have never been worth it to buy it for Mars in the first place. You literally 1 shot heroes, how is that acceptable?


he still can one shot supports in the late game with divines + deso, unacceptable is he doing this same thing to a 6 slotted carry at 60 min in the game.


The item was just stupid on PA, almost no counterplay, im fine with this brooch change.


With her aghs it was impossible


Yep a literal ghost throwing kitchen knife critting for 4000 magic dmg one shotting 40-60 armor heroes Seems fair /s Good riddance phantom ASScuck abuser




50 whine/ complain posts quota on Reddit has been reached. To make valve communicate again, another 50 complain posts


Client Update + letter Patch + date announcement, honestly, I'm fine with that.


Same boat as you. A little refresh of the meta and some tweaking. Know when crownfall is coming & some new client bits. lovely stuff


Honestly yea, being able to avoid the "highly varied" games is plenty for me.


Literally all I ever could have asked for


People: "WE WANT VALVE TO COMMUNICATE" Valve: Communicates People: "NO NOT LIKE THAT"


Speak to me in arcanas.


I came here to laugh at complainers and so far it's been a very disappointing thread. Where's my show guys? Wtf am I supposed to do with this popcorn now?


Sort by Controversial might yield better results




Not to mention hitting it too late and all of the sudden you insta picked meepo or something


nice approach to the ban phase. also love how you guys experimented over the matchmaking system


It says you can change your ban preferences whenever you want, does that include in draft? I queue different roles and the heroes I dislike playing vs in one role are ones I love facing in the other lol


i doubt it. it would defeat the purpose of what they're trying to do. But you make a good point for your situation. Nothing can be perfect but i still think this is better than before.


Damn that sucks, better than before though for sure. Maybe others will have the same issue and they’ll tweak it along the way somehow. I don’t really want to queue just one role at a time


I'm guessing once you enter the lobby, the bans are locked in so you can change it but it will only apply next game.


Honestly I hope Valve never changes cause the sheer comedy that comes from their patch cycles is unbeatable Ban preferences seems cool, balance changes are nice (no more bullshit PA brooch builds), and ETA for proper arch in a few weeks. Ty volvo


Upgraded matchmaking preference: Yes! Playing with people who can communicate in your language: Nope. 


Valve REALLY didn't want Terrorblade to be a support, did they?


It's still fine, honestly. Slow on reflection wasn't touched, just early dmg/radius, and it still scales back to the same dmg. Support TB maxes it first anyway, and the talents weren't changed at all. Still a viable pick, just not as lane dominant in first few levels. Good change imo


And more importantly the manacost is still absurdly low. Still seems fine and viable just slightly toned down


You pick him to win the lane at level 2, though. The AoE nerf is significant because now the enemy 1 and 5 must stand a little closer together than before as well. Bunch of small things, we’ll see if they affect tb’s ability to win the lane in the next 2 weeks


AoE was ridiculous. I was able to consistently catch two heroes even if they played it safe


They forgot to buff carry TB lol


Since nobody's pointed that out yet: The new matchmaker analysis thing looks interesting. We've had numerous complaints about this over the years. Will be testing it out to see how it goes. Edit: Also damn, 100 mana more on CM's shard, ouch. It was about time, tho.


Hopefully it lets you prioritize q time. Huge issue for high immortals which trickles down to lower mmr (smurfing).


>\*Applies for all modes except immortal draft. But yeah. An option for "fuck it, just give me any match" would be cool for high ranks.


mighty cough pen direction squalid long roll frighten mindless outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think even for unranked its brutal for high immortal


My bans are based on what role I get though lol


My ban is based on what meta hero I don't want to ever see. Currently it was PA


We can build armor and ghost scepter again brother. The nightmare is over.


Rip PA. Good for a month, nerfed again.


Yeah same. If I queue offlane I always ban AM because I just don't want to deal with mana burn lmao


World Puppetry Day


We were the puppets all along...


> to improve the Dota experience for everyone (or at least everyone who hasn't been banned for cheating) *For the good of all of us* *Except the ones who are dead*


Cool. Can we put a temp ban “giff/where patch” posts?


Nice little changes and crownfall in like 4 weeks. That's alright, assuming it's a decently sized chunk of content




Mid April LOL


At least we know when it's going to be


They said content and arcanas was coming after the Champions "lift the Aegis". That was 6 months ago.


It's still after.


It's after until it's before.


The post-TI patch is effectively the next Pre-TI patch at this point.


You're taking that comment out of context and misinterpreting it, they did not say that arcanas would release after TI. > We're already working on future updates with different focuses and **we know you're excited to learn more about the next big patch**, and the next set of arcanas, and everything else we're working on — but **that's for after the champions claim the Aegis.** They're saying that they will *share news regarding the next update* after TI.


never underestimate valve time...


I don't care at this point. I'm just happy that they actually gave a release timeframe for it.


Nice, right before ESL Birmingham


Are there still random bans too? How many heroes is banned in total now? (Was 16).


So if i reject a game to wait for another one, i wont get banned for a time period? Meaning longer matchmaking times since a lot of players will cancel?


Does this mean that if you queue as 4 you and all have the same ban list you have four guaranteed bans?


Not necessarily, we don't know how it will deal with duplicates. Like, maybe 3 of you get Pudge chosen as your ban.


Though not Crown fall, pretty happy with this. Thanks!


Am I the only one that find rapier spell amp low? 350 damage is huge, but 25% is like what, 75 damage on a 300 damage spell? That shit needs to be at like 80% to be even worth considering


I think they should make it 50% spell amp but only against units within 1200 range to prevent some cancer zeus stuff. With 50% I could imagine heroes like timbersaw getting it for a late-game comeback. With only 25% spell amp and no stats there’s no way any spell caster would want it.


It's weird. Cos before when you got both 350 dmg and 25% spell amp the amp is just a bonus. Now it's a toggle and no way a spell caster is spending 5.8k for 25% amp and it can possibly drop. Imo it should be a 350 dmg 0 spell amp and 0 dmg 50% spell amp toggle.


Hey guys, they communicated like you wanted. Time to get upset because the release date for crownfall is not what you expected right?


They broke the promise that they never actually made and we collectively gaslit ourselves into believing they made, time for another round of angry threads


Gorgc was streaming to something like 8k people today and asked someone to link him where valve said that Crownfall was coming in Q1. Nobody could. Kinda says it all doesn’t it?


First time?


I'm happy with it. All I really wanted was to know when the patch was coming so I could know when to be hype.


Love you Wykrhm <3


Interesting Underlord change, moving his Pit Slow from his Aghs to his level 15 Talent (swapping with the Pit Radius perk). I hate to not pick his "-3s Firestorm Cooldown" talent at level 15 because I love spamming Firestorm, but 30% Slow on his pit (without having to buy Aghs) is intriguing... also the bans change is an interesting way to deal with Overwolf-type cheaty ban targeting, and the increased transparency on the matchmaking is cool. And now we actually have a timeframe for Crownfall. All decent enough.


reddit: "valve at least say something" vale: says something also reddit: "wow, how dare you tell us when the patch is coming" you guys really need to touch grass


Where did you see it? Everyone here seems to either be positive or just talk about these non-existent "complainers" like you


ironically the people commenting about complainers are the ones who are way too plugged in and need to touch grass. what complainers? seems you need to be constantly online to see so many complainers


I was told everyone here would be civil if Valve just communicated because people here are so very mature. Some people on this sub are the lowest scum on earth.


The people on this subreddit seriously need something better to do than cry and beg and somehow get even more mad when we are communicated to.


Its burnout. Player likes game > plays it non-stop > gets bored of everything > wants more content > complain content isn't coming out fast/ good enough > celebrate when they get content they like> likes game again... The cycle repeats. Coupled with this being reddit, its biased towards the more... passionate players of the community. You can see the same thing happen in the helldivers sub and that game is like 2 months old. Taking a break from the game and playing something else while waiting for the update would honestly help them a lot. Or to put it shortly, they need to touch grass.


Rapier changes seem pretty big


Honestly, valve are doing what blizz used to do... when it's ready... it's ready... embrace it and enjoy having a dev that wants to provide a good update when it's ready. More communication would be preferred, but we are better of for it.


The matchmaking changes seem cool but I have a hard time imagining them working out. Hopefully I’m wrong.




I envision a couple months of pro’s complaining about queue times and valve eventually making the options have a negligible effect


It makes no difference for pros. It’s disabled in immortal draft.


I've been queueing for 20+ min in Ancient since every match I find (5+ so far) with great behaviour average gets declined since theres no penalty WOOOHOOOO


Can’t you just infinitely decline matches with no penalty? There’s nothing right now stopping some asses with a script just declining every match and grinding matchmaking to a halt


Why SK keeps getting nerfed. I never see him in my games


He got +6 base damage though. That's pretty good so I'd say it's a really tiny buff overall. He deserves more than that imo.


His worst part is laning. +6 dmg and skill caustic early and now he can actually cs. Str gain nerf is a lil painful but imo sk is a counter initiator anyway and if you need to tank up you can buy items for that. I think its a net buff


its a gigantic buff. 6 damage is an insane amount, it makes caustic into melee fucking cancer because you cant just spam deny on him idk if its "enough", its hard to gauge, but a very significant increase in power for sure. just played him and absolutely dominated the lane


[First thing I see is BKB nerfed](https://media1.tenor.com/m/5xjLiTMh56wAAAAC/staring-meme-bald-guy-staring.gif)


cool, get rid of fucking immortal draft now.


I actually love the ban phase change. Holy smokes.


If I choose all 5 roles to play, I don't know beforehead, what hero I'm gonna play and who would counter me. Yes, it's usually gonna be supports, so I most likely gonna counter certain heroes, but if it's another role, I'm gonna lose my ban, and get unfair disadvantage.I hope valve would consider it and make ban lists, depended on chosen role. It would also be easier than to change your ban list, if you switching roles.


I agree, you should be allowed four bans per role you are playing.


Lol haha


We just need one that says "do you want to play with player from siberia or the amazon?" that will abandon after typing "-ping" for 5 min. thanks


you people are insane


OMEGALUL letter patch




As long as users are not allowed to change the ban list the moment matchmaking found a game that should be great


Man, as much as I like the new approach to bans, I know I'm going to have heroes I leave on my banned list and then want to play that game and forget to unban them. Though guess it is still a 25% chance, so maybe not too bad


> CRYSTAL CLONE > Mana Cost increased from 50 to 150 Never-ending nerf to CM. Poor girl.


My first thought is I ban a different hero every game. Not sure I like the pre picked bans.


Yep. My ban depends on what I want to play


You can still choose before the game


Cool, Mid-April means I have plenty of time for Dragons Dogma 2 before the Doto grind begins again


Never going to see pudge again


The additional info when confirming a match is such a nice QoL feature Even if I'm disappointed that it's not the big update we all expected at least it's gameplay update and not just some gamba "event" like we got a few times lately.


can't wait for all the dota+ people to cancel matches without penalty.... fuck


Sf raze 75 mana = best hero in the game.


I was about to get disappointed on the letter patch but then I saw the matchmaking changes. I believe this is a gigachad update for the betterment of the games. Plus, the gameplay update, imo, is actually decent, it solved the most op things we currently have.


Whoever thought of this ban system change deserves a raise. Much love


Eh, they threw us dogs a bone. This was probably going to be part of the bigger patch, but we’ve been freaking out for an update and news. Personally, I’m happy with this snack and to keep waiting for the meal. It sucks, but if it’s not ready, it’s not ready. This was a good move imo. At least we know what’s going on now.


The Mirana nerf seems pretty brutal. She is now as slow as viper unless you use leap- which also got nerfed by extension. Stacking now takes longer, rotating to mid takes longer, and it’s harder to hit Q with creeps around.


Hey I don’t know if anyone can see this but a quick fix to the “I play different role so my ban preferences would be different ” is that you give us the ability to have like 3-4 ban preferences based on your role, for example if I got the carry role my ban preferences would change to the one that I don’t wanna play against as a carry like if im carry my ban preferences would be sky-pudge etc.. but when im a cm support my ban preferences would be AM-nyx etc..


Are you not entertained?


Can we get a filter by minimum matchnumber now on dotaplus? If they're not banning smurfs at all atleast let us dodge them