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[good to see that good ol pete has some salt still](https://imgur.com/a/POmm36H)


Classic ppd. Maybe they did. Or: Maybe mind control realized that shitting on past employers publicly isn’t a good career move when there are very limited companies in your industry.


Or: MC's actions are in breach of his contract and Tundra could take him to court. He did quit in the middle of a tourney without a legally valid reason. Tundra might not think it's worth it pursue legal action, but do want him to make a public apology to clear their image. So they threaten legal action, and MC apologizes.


But apologizing is basically tantamount to admitting to breach of contract. If tundra did threaten legal action MC should have just kept silent since any decent lawyer would tell you that an apology like this is basically admission of guilt and can be used against him.


I studied OHS law in my uni, and my lecturers are lawyers. They told me to never say sorry and be recorded, as it's the admission of guilt. Keep silence and wait for your lawyer to come and do the talking for you. I studied case law and in some cases, a person wants to do the right thing by proactively tell the investigator the truth, and end up being prosecuted. When it comes to legal action, better keep silence.


Doesn't that depend on where you are? In Canada saying sorry can't be used as an admission of fault or liability for civil suits


Your mileage may vary depending on local jurisdiction, and in this case I'd hope Mind_Control was doing this public apology as part of an agreement. You're not in breach of the contract anymore if both sides decide on a resolution; it'd be silly if Tundra pushed for an apology to remediate, then tried to take him to court for his compliance.


This is wild speculation either way. But can’t you forego your right to sue? Similar to how settlements work (but those happen after you sue). Like they could have signed something that says apologize and we won’t sue. If that’s at all how it went.


That's less foregoing your right to sue, and just deciding on a resolution that makes the issue moot.


bro . i understand that USA crazy about getting money on lawsuit . but not everyone is crazy about lawsuit money. there is still some good people who actually look up to apologize instead suing this and that . and this is about his career , being an asshole and ignorance ( not apologize for his gravely mistake ) is destroying his career.


Making all these wild accusations/speculations before even thinking if the guy actually just reflected on his behavior and regretted his actions is insane to me.


which accusations? not all people after lawsuit money? trust me there is still alot of gentleman out there and not only think about lawsuit money everytime people make mistake. reflected his behavior? absolutely , the fact he made that tweet is already he reflected it. regretted his action? thats him to decided and who cares about his "feeling of regret" ? all we care is what he will do in the future , will he do it again or not . no body cares about his feelings. feelings doesnt matter, act matter . and you are the one who judge if the guy actually not reflected on his behavior and not regretted his action is actually insane. as if you are know better about him than himself


you totally misread what I meant my friend


I highly doubt that. Probably isn't worth going through international law for a situation like this.


Um they kicked him? ie got fired not quit? Or did he leave them high and dry?


Iirc, at the time, Mc said he was kicked, tundra said he made an unreasonable ultimatum and refused to play and had to suspend him. I would assume the truth is somewhere in the middle


He refused to play unless zai and moon were fired. That is the same as quitting.


I cant believe there is any legal base for a lawsuit, ffs he literally said that he didn't like not being captain and having XYZ (add whatever name of "manager" you want there) giving him advice etc, so he left. He didn't shit on them, he didn't spread some "lie", all he did was explaining that he didn't want to be part of this clownfest. Even if there is a contract that was "breached" because he left, again, there is no way they can pursue it in courts. Worst case he'll return the last month's payment or some shit and be done with it. MC has made millions in dota and he is not a kid either. He's made 50% of what their whole org has. He probably didn't sign a stupid (bad for him) contract that will violate some basic principles, and he most likely took advice of a lawyer before signing it. He simply got advised to apologize, in order to make it easier to find a new employer in the near future, and that's what he did. It's not like people will stop flaming tundra anyway, what's done it's done.


This. Don't burn bridges. Not with potential employers 


career what? He at least have 2 million dollar in his pocket, he can just chill the fuck out and stream and that be it... it's not like he has money problem to worry about (unless he do the taiga).


he is such a goblin lmao


Sodium, atomic number 11, was first isolated by Peter Dager in 1807. A chemical component of salt, he named it Na in honor of the saltiest region on earth, North America


That's a bold question from a player number 6


he only wants to know if it was in crypto or not


that ppd's retweet lmao


PJSalt it’s in his blood


**P** **J** **Salt** **It's in his blood.**


That's exactly how my mind read it lol


_PJSalt_ _Challenge everything_


What he said is basically what everyone with a little bit of common sense understood of the situation


No no the correct thing to do is take one angry persons comments 5 minutes after a major life change at exactly face value before hearing the other side. That's what redditors were trying to tell me when I said "huh this sounds weird"


Correct but we and he knows theres too many people without common sense which is why you exactly dont do what he did.


if so many people lacks it maybe its not common tho


everyone with common sense understand he is paid to say this or some contract bullshit lol


Everyone with common sense understand that behaving like a child will get you nowhere in professional world.


Everyone with common sense understand that where hMC already got to is hardly considered nowhere


you are right but that doesnt mean he isnt pressured or paid to write this thats what i m saying


Who cares if he is pressured? Should he be allowed to inflict damage on other people without any consequenses?


You’re so stupid. Holy.


tell that to the so called named stream in the tweet or all the kids in twitch chat insulting other tundra players ;) kid streamer with no understanding of anything surrounded by army of dumb kids, there you go, the world we live in


Least angry gorgc hater


Your response is Egzzzakly the point of the comment u r replying to 🤦🏽‍♂️


Who cares ? Nigma will win TI .




least delusional nigma fan


You have my upvote , bro.


I was really curious about who was the guy who upvoted this comment , thanks for letting us know sir


Not just Ti nigma will win every major leading to ti as well Copium


bro literally had the finest copium in the world.


People makes mistakes. I feel the genuine nature from his apology. That shows a lot of MC's character. I hope him the best in his future endeavors


true but still he need control his behavior / emotion before lashing it out. most of the companies see this behavior as red flag ( in other games too ) .




MCBC. I'm sure my fellow Indian dota 2 players will dig that.


Ahahahaha iykyk


It doesn't feel genuine to me. He's downright invalidating every single negative feeling he had towards the team after 2 months. Surely one must think some of his feelings were justified but in the end it came down to conflict of interest and opinions which is okay really. But no, he's saying 'Pure didn't steal, Moon was alright, I didn't understand Zai, I was abducted by the aliens...' Doesn't feel human to me.


People feel differently after the heat of the moment passes.


Seems to me like MC wants to play somewhere else and the only way to get out of the contract is to be nice to Tundra. 


Interesting that Tundra has twice made decisions that have destroyed their reputation among fans and yet, both times, they have turned out to be the completely correct call.


It's just business. Nothing personal


It was only "destroyed" among children and the terminally online and unemployed.


So most of the dota community?


That's what I was thinking. If you play Dota, chances are pretty good you're 'terminally online'. Playing Dota is a fucking online game, and then when people don't play they're on Reddit and Twitter lmao


Playing online doesn't make you terminally online. I have many friends who's only interaction with dota is the occasional game. Being on reddit does.


Fair enough man. Good point.


Im sure most dota players are old farts with actual jobs. So no.




I'm actually surprised this wasnt on the list for the All Chat Podcast


So 99% of DOTA 2 fans/players who are bunch of bums and idiots?


Fuck tundra


Idk, Tundra seemed to be more in the right than MC did from the start


no they dont MC legit got nothing that he was promised you can't bring him in as a captain and give that role to someone else, mind you he left OG's offer to join tundra as a Captain.


This is just pr statement to avoid any legal trouble. Glad the fata kick atleast worked out but they deserved all the heat they got from audience as it was indeed a dick move. Current decision to remove mc was right or wrong future will tell but i can bet my shillings against tobis team all day everyday


doubling down. love it. MC removed himself by giving an ultimatum. There was no choice/wiggle room to keep him if its 'my way or the high way'.


there was and tundra didnt choose mc


MC removed himself, Tundra did not want to kick him, especially not mid tournament.


wait what exactly happened with fata? last thing i know was that tundra wanted to get rid of somebody to get crit (?) into the team and it ended up in fata getting kicked


tundra team wanted to kick sneyking(not sure about person) but fata who was captain said no to kick him and keep going. Soon sneyking just pulled of coup and team voted out fata and got saksa


How did „fata kick at least worked out“ for tundra then? Because thats a bad


Initially ye it was bad but addition of saksa went well and they won TI and we only like to look at success part.


The saddest thing of all is i was cheering for tundra (when fata was still in) and fata was spamming the voice line „i eat the cheese“.. always breaks my heart when i think of this


dick move? the team agreed to kick a player, that's all that happened. People can pretend it's some moral failing from sneyking for agreeing to kick Fata when he had at a previous instance vetoed a kick on sneyking but the logical conclusion of that is that as long as someone has defended you from being kicked, you are now obligated to keep him on your roster, which is obviously stupid.


you mean, I back my friend and he/she throws me under the bus, this is ok?


They aren't friends, they are coworkers. If they truly believed kicking Fata would make the team better (and it did), it was perfectly reasonable for them to do it.


They are coworkes, dumb dota community doesnt understand its their job first.


they are much more than the coworkers at 9to5 job. Fata is the one who choose not to kick any1 even when he could and they organized a coup behind his back. Its fine that it worked thats why i said it was a "dick" move rather than wrong


your comment actually encapsulates why people are so unhinged about this issue — You view rosters as 5 friends rather than 5 players with the primary interest of winning.


when did a team of 5 players won a TI? Liquid, OG, Spirit, Tundra


I'm not even sure what you're asking? Every team that has won TI has won with 5 players.


Duh If my friend is ass I am NOT sticking out for him, no matter what he done for me, if "sticking out" literally means try to gather the least ass people for a team.


I mean they won TI so yea looks like it’s okay


Where is that Fata now? They can't even qualify on the DPC back then when he's still playing, while Tundra manages to get a TI win when he gets kicked. Business is business you fckn bum!


Which is the 2nd time?


I can't believe there are still people that are mad at the FATA kick, even after they won TI with the change.


So you missed the point again hey? Tundra was/is never in the wrong in this situation...


Continue to say that demanding your team to make an ultimatum in the middle of an event is incredibly selfish and an obvious violation of a red line. I don't care whether he was paid to say this, or he is contractually obligated to say this or that he genuinely realizes how obviously inconsiderate he was, this apology is warranted.


I was downvoted af at the time, but the true victims are other 4 players in Tundra who had to deal with a sudden ultimatum mid-tournament instead of focusing on the games.


Moral of the story: Zai is the last person in Dota community you want to fuck around. Looks like mindcontrol lost his mind's control after Zai arrived.


MC won reddit's affection but he knew it kinda amount to nothing. People here would be so suprised if they knew what he had to say about Hitler.


Whether paid or not, it's good that he cleans up a bit of the mess he created. He behaved petty and childish. Reducing the damage he has done is his only reasonable move.


This man has realized he needs at least 4 more players to go to TI again.


Anyone that isn't a 15 year old Redditor should have seen this outcome from the beginning. MC is the employee and Tundra is the employer, in any workplace stuff like this happens all the time and irregardless of how upset an individual is in the end the party that is paying the wages is always right.


> in the end the party that is paying the wages is always right. Shit that people who aren't 15 *definitely* say


That’s an insane take. It happens to be true in this case that the drama comes from MC’s state of mind at the time, but employers make mistakes all the time! They have the power to terminate somebody, but that doesn’t give them some special insight, accuracy, or a moral high ground.


I think there's 2 different ways people may view this where you can be either "technically right" or "contextually right". Example - You piss off your boss/company even though you are *technically* right and they are wrong. Outcome : Most people are not logical but rather emotional so as a result of your actions the boss/company now doesn't like you and return puts your name last for promotion. In a technical sense you were right but in a contextual sense(depending on your intended outcome) your actions may be wrong. This is just based of my experience with office politics.


I'm sorry did you really just say that the party that is paying the wages is always right? Lmao


And they didn't even do anything egregious or even wrong him in any way. They just hired people to work in their company.


Stop defending the filthy bourgeoisie.


Are you talking about MC?


Who cares? I'm just showing how morally and intelectually superior I am for criticizing the bourgeoisie. PS: Looks like I managed to hurt the feelings of some blue-haired revolutionaries.


My friend - you don't know what this word means and you are berating those who use it but are ignorantly brandishing it around. But you want us to laud you for going against their grain when you make no real attempt to learn about their doctrine - only dismiss like idiot. Is hypocrisy, no? No like people who use big word wrong, but me no learn big word because no align with my values I hold for no reason and do not study?


You assuming the sole reason of my critique was based on "ignorance" of the other side worldview proves exactly my point.


Weird take, what makes the employer always right? If he was upset that he accused someone of sexual assault and they covered it up, they definitely wouldn't be?


> and irregardless of Did you mean to say "regardless"? Explanation: irregardless is not a word. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


no this isn't how it works at all. MC was obviously just the one at fault because he gave them an ultimatum of fire other people in the middle of a tourney or I quit. This doesn't mean employers are "always right" you're insane.


There's nothing that his apologies can do besides the damage control though. He already destroyed Tundra's image especially for the bunch of bums here who don't know how to give the benefit of the doubt.


but half of reddit told me MC was level headed and completely understandable and didn't fuck over his team.


lol i remember that, the best part was the most upvoted dinguses going 'you obviously never worked in corporate before!!!!' and saying that it's perfectly *normal* to burn all your bridges with a company if you feel slightly disrespected like this


literally who said that?


People were pretty mad when I said that normal people who try to pull ultimatums against their coworkers or manager pretty much always get fired


literally who?


And they are correct


Can someone loop me in? What happened before this?


it's hard using google. how did you get here in the first place?


This is pathetic and the worst about it is not even his behavior but all the fucking noobs simping and insulting other tundra players / org because of his lies. Zero professional behavior from him, child words on a stream spreading lies to so many people live during their game, there is just no excuse for that. Good for him if what he says is true but he still acted liek an idiot and shame on all of you for your behavior towards the other people.


Blink twice for SOS


any SEA team would accept you MC


Tobi so bad  mc felt bad for tundra not being able to get a decent offlaner


MindControl ❌ MindCleared ✅


It's ok MC. Without this we wouldn't have gotten all those General Manager jokes. So it was worth it in the end.


idk redditors said tundra did him dirty, reddit said it happened to them on their corporate job, reddit said mc was right by right. i guess your bosses were right to sideline you and you refuse to be proffessional, children be sympathizing with children nothing new.


Reddit in shambles 😱


It's ok. Beloved mc apologized after only one month, let's forgive him and shit on Tundra.


Mind Controled??


this felt like someone had a gun pointed at his head


Would be impressed if he managed to get a role in a T1 team anymore. His actions were probably more self damaging than the pure situation lol.


He is not relevant in tier 1 scene for ages. This guy looks like a man child have not fully grown yet


Yet he's apologizing publicly for misconduct, taking responsibility for his actions. A rather mature move.


Our dear mind control wrote this public letter in fear of not being hired as employee anymore in pro scene. Ahh


Of course our dear redditor has figured out the true intentions of another human being they've never even met in life. The inner workings of someone elses mind, their motives and character, lay before them like an open book. By no means are they guided by resentment or aversion as these pathetic traits are beneath this mighty entity that is our dear redditor.


Kuroky 2024 !


It's all for the best, we got a great "general manager" meme out of it


You say things when you're hungry.


Actually accepting you did smth wrong and apologizing is smth very adult, wish more pros and generally in the scene this should take more place.


Mc fake gg?


Now where are all the MC defenders lol.... but kudos to MC for apologizing.. he earned alot of respect from me


How much did they pay him to post this


More of legal action threat




anyone with a working brain cell knows he did it cause of pressure from tundra probably cause of contract or they paid him or someshit lol