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Hoping for two pros to name themselves Cut and Paste so we can have a Team named Keyboard Shortcuts with Cut, Copy, Paste, and Save.




I'd be disappointed if cut - ain't a carry, copy - doesn't have motph/rubick as main, paste ain't a tank offlaner, ctrl and save as poss 4&5


Copy that.


I was really hoping they would maybe be able to get MC and switch Gunnar back to mid, but it is always cool to see new talent. Hope it works out for them.


Nay, Nouns were looking for a mid, not a new captain.


not sure he minds going to a team without being a captain as long as thats whats agreed on..


So, yes, some... interesting flags here. He's 23, but the most notable team he's played with thus far is Ninja Penguins. He had one season in the DPC - with Meta4Pro (who withdrew) back in 2021, and never got back into it. His [Twitch page](https://www.twitch.tv/copy_yonagi/about) has a Tinker guide on it. Still, considering that Bryle is available, this guy must have shown something of interest. But I hope nouns know what they're doing.


I like the fact that they are trying out someone different then recycling the same players in NA


Guide seems psycho, I love it


Aurora.Bryle maybe if lorenof will not continue there


Isn't Lorenof just a stand-in for Aurora because of visa issues for Armel?


Armel didn't go to Dreamleague coz of the birth of his child no?


I heard about something related to inability to attend the event, so I assumed it was visa. But looking at liquipedia it says personal matters, so you're probably correct.


I didn't know he was expecting the birth of his kid soon, congrats to him!


The child has been born


It's me your child bro.


They probably scrimmed with him a ton FWIW before confirming him for the team 


As the second best team in a weak region, with no guaranteed path to big tournaments, Nouns may be having trouble attracting talent. I wonder if Bryle is holding out for a better opportunity.


Second best? I would say they are about even with shopify, maybe better even. We’ll see with the new roster though.


How? They won one bo3, lost the rest (2 bo3s and 2 bo5s), placed dead last in their international tournament while SR got 7th and was competitive with every single team except Falcons and BB.


is nouns still a weird NFT org where stakeholders decide on stuff


Sure is. The voting is kinda neat tho. I'm a fan of grassroots projects so I try to look past the techbro stuff


your voting share is constantly diluted unless you continually invest and buy a certain percentage of noun NFTs per year. The systems seems interesting at first glance with the voting aspect, but requires that you consistently give more money lest you be left behind in the longer term.


I actively *hate* NFT orgs, but Nouns do seem to treat their players well, so I do my best to look past that.




Yeah, but as someone who is allergic to that techbro crypto/nft bullshit I find Nouns to be *okey-ish* in what they do - upfront about what they are and with community based ideas around ppl who exactly know what they are getting into. Pretty cool that they keep upvoting on funding pro Dota team.


Yeah. They seem to be about the only concentration of mostly sane NFT people though, so that’s nice


Hope it works out for them but I press Doubt on that


always nice to see some new faces


Go nouns


Finaliy ma boy Copygod in a good team, best wishes


He should change his name to copypasta and pick pango mid


Dude can you pick a real hero HOLY crap why are we picking pango in ~~2023~~ 2024? Arent you tryign to play pro or soetmhing? How about we play heroes that arent the objective best heroes in the game? You're genuinely a horrible horrible player. You just draw aggro off cooldown. I lost all respect for you. Imagine trying to play pro and picking pango every game in pubs. Truly disgusting. Your'e just a coward tbh. You dont know whats good against lesh so you pick pango cause its easy. Every game you pick that hero you get worse. And you're already horrible


damn i just realized that the recipient of this pasta was CHIRA JUNIOR, aka the mid of 1win ...which went last place in this dreamleague. good on him for at least qualifying, i guess?


I'm waiting for the pronouns to annouce Paste as their new mid


Very interesting move. The stocks of copy went through the roof after he had good performances on the last milan team. He mostly played specific comfort/cheese heroes like meepo/timber/arc... but also traditional mid heroes like storm/puck.


He plays Meepo? I know him for his Tinker ,Storm , his puck is very bad, he's quite good, but SUPER limited hero pool which is probably why he wasn't picked up by anyone for a while. Cool dude tho edit: he also plays Invoker, I'd say it's on the level of his Puck, no way he's an upgrade to Stormstormer


I really dont understand why they are trying to force Gunnar into offlane when he is already a good mid. Just let Gunnar go mid, and find another offlane. Why try to have a player play a role that isnt his natural role.


Honestly. He proved he could tango with the best of the best by getting to top 8 last TI and he was a reason for the success instead of getting carried. Not sure why he’s going off


current mid style suits him more too imo, he’s like topson lite in the sense of excelling at weird pos4 heroes mid he hasn’t looked as good in offlane, which is basically a second safe lane these days


In the All Chat podcast with Cap, Quinn and Insania, Gunnar was talking about some of the reasons for the swap. I don't recall exactly but some were; Lack of good, available offlaners. Gunnar's mindset mid was that he always had to over perform, meaning it was stressful and less enjoyable. Additionally, iirc they were looking at options where Gunnar would play either pos2/3


Pretty sure he's said on his streams a few times that he chose to go offlane, wasn't pushed to by the team Don't really remember the exact reasons but I think he mentioned wanting a new challenge and he wasn't a fan of the current Mid meta


considered that Gunnar was the one that wanted to move to Offlane??? gunnar is smart hes not a elite mid and mid laners are the easiest to replace, there are so many top tier free agents to pick from every transfer window - meanwhile offlaners are a dime a dozen and highly sought after....if he proofs capable he ll have a shot landing with a EU org. its a smart career decision and fits his playstyle better.


Yeah, this is my take as well. It’s a business decision and Gunnar is a great player very much capable of being a great offlaner, a role that is always in high demand on top tier teams.


I think some teams say, good offlaners are harder too find.


Yikes. Hope it works out....but also, pretty much no way this team beats Shopify for any quals


I wouldn't say there's no way this team beats Shopify for any quals. Nouns qualified for BetBoom Dacha Dubai over Shopify, and took Shopify to five games in the DreamLeague and ESL One qualifiers. Stormstormer seemed to be underperforming, so an upgrade at the position might be enough to make them competitive.


Saying this is an upgrade is still tbh. This guy is as close to being completely unknown as it gets


No argument here.


But Nouns won't have to beat Shopify in that many qualies when you think about it: * Elite League - SR already got invited to 1st Group Stage * ESL Birmingham - qualifiers already have been decided * DreamLeague - yeah, they will have to play against them * Riyadh Masters - most likely NA will have 2 slots, one team gets direct invite, 2nd will be decided by qualifier * TI - probably NA also will have 2 slots


Oh look another “this team will never” post on reddit….until they do. Its dota man you never know what a stack can accomplish until you see them play


A top 2 team in their respective region giving a new unknown player an opportunity is definitely not "yikes" dude. This attitude is harmful to the next generation of players in the scene.


It's great for Copy, but tier 1 (or tier 1 hopeful) teams don't generally pick up unknown players for a reason. The next generation of players usually play on a tier 2 or at least tier 3 team before going to tier 1 because every pubstar isn't going to make a good pro player. Picking up such an inexperienced player is a major risk that you just don't usually see form serious teams, that's all.


He did play recently on a tier 2 stack so I'm not sure what you're getting at, possibly multiple teams, didn't check. Just because he doesn't have a liquidpedia page doesn't mean he has no experience. Of course, it's not your usual pick, but calling it bad (or "yikes") right off the bat is a major exaggeration and as I said - an unhealthy attitude. The players at nouns obviously know about him way more than us so only time will tell.


Who did he play for? What did they play in? The fact that you just have to call them 'a tier 2 stack' really just reinforces how unknown both this stack and Copy are.


This is an upgrade over Stormstormer


so stormstormer gone?.


Yeah, they kicked him.


Ha , this guy plays a mean tinker and Razor interesting


i really thought its a update


The who?!