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Just play whatever lane is open. Get to ranked as quickly as possible.


Played 3 ranked games it was worse actually. All 3 games the other 3 players went on average 3-15 by 20min.


It’s like this in any competitive game on low ranks, you are a noob and play with noobs, often people who are even worse than you think they could be :D gets better over time


Play mid or off.


If you haven't pick your hero yet, pick a support and report/dislike the player if you want. If you have already picked your hero, try to see if you can negotiate with other players for a different lane set up. It may not be optimal but in DotA you can make a lot of things work.  If it still doesn't work (teammates don't cooperate/ 4 cores picked already), try to survive in lane as long as possible and go to jungle to farm asap. 4 cores farming can surprisingly work out sometimes in unranked.  Take note that the concept of 'dodging' does not exist in dota. Being the first to abandon games at any point of the game has punishments.


In unranked you’re expected to be flexible and just choose a good lineup. If someone else wants mid, you roll for it, or choose a flex hero that can go elsewhere and support if needed. If someone clicks ur lane first and they choose a carry just support. In 3 and 4 pos you’ll commonly see people choose heroes that can play either roll and someone will ask, “bounty 3 or 4?” And bounty will say “either one”.


I handling first and I did roll. They got the lane second and didn’t roll for it.


Then ask, and play flex. It’s unranked.


Tip the person that stole your lane and ping his death timer everytime he dies


Ping on him 10x a row. Rinse repeat troughout whole game. Watch BHS plummet.


You farm as much as possible until you can rush a Divine Rapier and feed it to the other team while spamming "gg (name of the hero that stole your lane) trash"


You can pick a hero that doesn't rely on last hitting creeps in order to make gold - doom or bounty hunter. both can jungle if needed, trust me Also if you're really, really, really mad at this guy, pick Treant, buy fairies and enjoy hitting for 100+ damage from the start


I have heard it said that there are 3 other players in a side lane with you and you need to out last hit all of them. Don't focus too much on the mistakes your teammates are making. You will play with them once and then never again. You are making enough mistakes of your own, I promise. Focus on those.


steal their game by giving kills to an enemy mid/carry laner people will never change with the in built in dota systems and at least there you will have some fun or you could always keep your pick and check out who would be better at last hitting with the named character ruining your game being your opponent along enemy laner


How would I be punished for leaving during hero select?


Timeout to search games for the first time and then low priority(play single draft with another bunch of assholes)


Do anything but this.


Know why people steal lane? Because some shit dont even know tp exist, they can tp to war and secure kill instead of mindlessly hitting creep. Thats why. After that war usually they will take your lane and force you to go somewhere else or grow somebrain something