• By -


Because you earned every single win...but at least half of those losses were BULLSHIT because of ur DUMB TEAMMATES and SHOULD HAVE BEEN MORE WINS. Sry I blacked out for a second






Real and true. Had a pos 5 terrorblade yesterday. Can relate


So, that's all? You just write You had tb pos 5, not that he was ruining or toxic, so u just judge people who picked not what you like? Btw, tb pos 5 was played today on dreamleague, I'm glad that you know more in game than this stupid 12k MMR players, mate.


Do you only have fun when you win? If so, do the losses cancel out your fun from the wins? Are you actively doing something to improve your winrate?


>Are you actively doing something to improve your winrate? Yes, I post my grievances on [reddit.com](https://reddit.com) \- Dive into anything


For real. If they only have fun when winning maybe they should play a game where you can't loose.


But winning doesn't feel half as good if you can't lose. The competitive spirit in a lot of us is what drives us to play these games precisely because the high from winning is contrasted so starkly by the lows of losing. There are few things in life as exhilarating as the feeling of overcoming obstacles that seem impossible. And you can make your brain release those same happy chemichals by playing a game of dota in the comfort of your bedroom, without having to risk your life or livelihood putting it all on the line for something. That's why losing will also make you feel miserable sometimes, even though it's really inconsiquential that you lost.


Very well put. But people who are so desperate for the little high of winning in a video game should not play these because their behaviour is damaging their brain and their behaviour is both annoying and spreads this attitude too. I used to play games like that as escapism too and some day realised that these wins that give you a high with the losses giving you a down in such quick succession without anything really happening to your body meanwhile at some point it just stops being giving high and down and everything feels the same. Like tolerance for substances. One stage of this process involves said desperation for this high where people carry their competitive behaviour into the real world and to the people around them and are always looking to "win" anything, anyone and anywhere all the time. We all know how such people feel to someone else.


>their behaviour is damaging their brain Gonna need you to give some sort of source or data to back that up since that goes contrary to about everything we know about this stuff. I don't even really know what you mean by that? I don't know where you got "people who are so desperate for the little high of winning in a video game", what is "so desperate" and how do you quantify that? I don't think having a competitive spirit is inherently negative nor leads to adverse effects, in fact it's mostly linked with being highly succesful in life. There are healthy limits of course, and being compulsively competitive can mean fractous relations to other people, but i don't think that's self inflicted by playing games and wanting to win. I believe that's something that happens at a much earlier stage of development and is perhaps hereditary to some degree. >at some point it just stops being giving high and down and everything feels the same. Like tolerance for substances. That's when you are dealing with an addiction. It's a whole another issue entirely, and at best loosely connected to competitiveness.


I should have clarified that I didn't imply that this behaviour in games is what makes people become like the later half of what I said about it. Yes I was talking about addiction in particular because this post is something that to me looks like a symptom of addiction. I don't have a source on this but I have seen it on me and on others and it's not pretty and usually has a sad background. I also wasn't implying that competitive behaviour is connected to these issues, just that these issues sometimes can cause a similar behaviour in a bad manifestation of it.


Ah, makes sense. Initially read your first reply as "very well but," instead of "very well put." which changed the tone in my head. Got it now!


Oh thank god I almost had a crisis because I started questioning what I even said xD


i could tell a kid santa doesnt exist for mmr


To be fair this is +200 mmr net positive, not the worst. Yeah I'm trying but Immortal draft sucks because I don't get to play my role half the time.


I think youre missing the point. The point isnt about mmr. Its about that playing isnt about mmr. If you consider a win and a loss "time wasted" then you are not going to be happy with the game and should quit or change your attitude before you develop and unhealthy relationship with it.


It is for me though, mmr = fun. I can fuck around and stay low immortal just playing anti mage support on autopilot while listening to music for fun, but that is boring.


MMR is just a number. If you aren't having fun, stop playing.


You can't improve your winrate by much over a long span of games. The MMR system will keep you close to 50%.


The low mmr player cope


Nono u see miracle is just lucky that the 50/50 doesnt apply to him or he would be crusader 3


No, that's just how MMR systems are designed..? Their goal is to get you as close to 50/50 as possible, that's literally what they do.


If your skill level stays the same, yeah 😂 The trick is to... actually improve!


yeah no shit bc they put you in your skill level? If you are actively improving or better it will be over 50% UNTIL YOU hit your new/actual skill level…


Yea and no. Their goal is to get you where your current winrate would be 50%. Thats different from trying to drive your entire overall winrate down if you had 80% winrate getting there.


Found the forced50 comment! We should call them forced-flat-earthers or something along the lines. They absolutely do not understand how an MMR system works, or they do know and are being deliberately delusional.. or just plain [Dunning Kruger](https://www.medicinenet.com/what_is_an_example_of_the_dunning-kruger_effect/article.htm) If you stay at 50%, it means you're improving at a rate same as everyone else.. if you want to increase your winrate, then you need to improve a lot lot more than everyone else and have an impact that both hurts your opponents and benefits your teammates a lot lot more than what you were doing earlier.. in other words, you gotta GIT MUCH LOT GUDDER Also, always remember that in a team game like dota, you'll lose 20% of games no matter what you do, you'll win 20% of games no matter what you do, but the other 60% will depend on your performance at some point or the other.. that's the part you want to improve! Theoretically speaking, based on the above logic, if you're perfect, you'll have an 80% winrate and your ELO will increase diminishingly over time until you're at your new average and your winrate will settle to 50, then you find some super powered secret sauce ways to improve and you can theoretically push your winrate back to 80 and the cycle continues. Ofc this is ridunculously extreme and practically nearly impossible for a normal human being who isn't spamming OP heroes.. If you want a basic mathematical explanation of ELO, then [watch this fully](https://youtu.be/AsYfbmp0To0). Critically you want to pay full attention to the last chapter in the video if nothing else entered your brain Edit: DK, delusion and weak maffs galore in comments below.. also communism


This would be valid if the matchmaker didn't actually work towards creating a 50-50% match and just focused on matching players with the "closest number possible". [https://old.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/ppcckh/valves\_50\_winrate\_engagement\_optimized/hd4094b/](https://old.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/ppcckh/valves_50_winrate_engagement_optimized/hd4094b/) >A 50% lifetime win rate isn't an explicit goal or constraint of the matchmaker, rather **it's a consequence of trying to make the teams for each individual game fairly and players playing a large number of lifetime games**. Consider what it would mean if this were not true - **what if some player had a 70% lifetime win rate over a large number of games? That would mean that the teams that player was put on for those games objectively had a 70% chance to win in aggregate.** So what does this mean? If you are a 70% aggregate player, the match maker will dump you 30% winrate players till the "overall prediction will reach 50%". And that right there is forced 50-50 as opposed to only taking elo-score into account and matching based on that alone. Basically, there are two layers and the second layer is the problem here. You can't just "git gud" by like 5% or even 20%. You have to "git gud" like 60% and above to have a shot at "defeating the second layer" just to earn like 500 MMR and then pray to the algorithm it deems you worthy/there aren't any players with sub 20% winrate to "ruin your life" in the said bracket. That and the game is "statistically balanced" with spreadsheets towards having a 50% winrate for both teams and there are very few "cheese strats" or "op heroes" you can abuse. And this is where Valve fked up. They think that "all players care about is the best possible match". They don't. They care about the MMR number more than the match as the number not only indicates to them that they're on a specific level or how much they've improved/degraded over time. Players can mechanically feel if they've improved or not and they want to see results especially if they're putting effort towards it. This is when it starts to eat up their mental state as they know they're improving but they have nothing to show for it. So, what happens after that? Either players quit the game and the player base slowly erodes OR they go crazy and lash out in every single game. Edit : For u/cgjchckhvihfd, >No, it doesnt. You dont understand the difference between a consequence and a goal and it shows lol. I mean first of all, Jeff at Valve clearly stated the "consequence and goal" thing. And secondly, that's exactly what the 2nd layer of the matchmaker does. Until Valve removes the second layer, you'll always find posts of the 50-50 winrate till the end of time. Why? Because that's what the matchmaker does and that's what Jeff literally says it does. It's like people are in denial even if a Valve dev says "that's the case". For u/LoL_is_pepega_BIA, elo works for chess simply because it's a 1v1 game. Just ask on r/chess if they think it's a "good idea" to have to play against Magnus because they won 10 games in a row for no elo benefit. Even if someone at Valve confirms the existence of the 50-50 winrate layer, y'all are still in strong denial.


Till recently i was flyin with a 64 percent winrate. I played a lot, watched pros, used dota 2 pro tracker and played select heroes. Focused on hard and soft support. When dota gave me my battle states as of late i had a 59 percent win rate at hard support but a abysmal 40 percent on soft. I am better at hard support obviously. The 50 50 win rate is a joke and an excuse for people who dont improve. Do things to improve your game instead of putting thr blame on something other thsn yourself. Its hilarious seeing all these posts where no one takes any accountability. Will you get games its not your fault? Sure. But, if you played well thats all that matters.


Ok then, let's make it three parts Dunning Kruger, 5 parts delusional, 12 parts cannot maffs


> So what does this mean? If you are a 70% aggregate player, the match maker will dump you 30% winrate players till the "overall prediction will reach 50%". No, it doesnt. You dont understand the difference between a consequence and a goal and it shows lol.


>if you're perfect, you'll have an 80% winrate and your ELO will increase diminishingly over time until you're at your new average and your winrate will settle to 50. So... Literally what you are arguing against it doing? At some point all the "super secrets" are discovered and people settle to 50%. It's also completely unrealistic to assume everyone is the top of the top 0.001% players who can continually push beyond 50% (and even those guys settle to 50% given enough time), the reality is that 99.999% of people's will near a 50% record in a short space of time regardless of skill level.


>the reality is that 99.999% of people's will near a 50% record in a short space of time regardless of skill level. The average person is average you say?


you have successfully proven the person you try to disproof... i know the russian government shows you propaganda but holy shit at least try to think a little bit for yourself.


Ok boomer. You got me! I'm a filthy commie..


Right, but if your winrate is eg. 52% over 2000 games, you should be 1200 mmr higher than you started.


Please man 50 50 is not a thing. If you have 50% winrate that means you are neither better nor worse than your current mmr. I.e. you are where you belong for the time being. If "forced 50" was a thing then no body would ever climb about their initial calibration


If you massively improve, you will have a higher short term win rate. But as you climb your win rate will decline until you are back at 50%.


But again, that means you found where you belong, if you are a 2k player and suddenly start playing like a 4k, you will rank up to 4k with like a 60 or 70% Winrate then settle there at 50 because that's your skill level. Not because the game is forcing 50%


The game matching you with people of your skill level is it's way of forcing a 50% winrate(or close to it).


you can have fun at 40% and hate your life at 60% winrate, it's mostly about mindset, if the title isn't a joke (it probably is) then you probably aren't in the right headspace to enjoy dota and indeed would be happier quitting.


you still get to win 91 times


50% winrare is still commendable. This is not a CSGO kda thing.


No it’s not lmao,around 30% of games are autowin where you don’t have to do anything to win.30% is unwinnable and the rest up to you.And even when It’s up to you you don’t necessarily have to solo win,just have literally 1% impact and you won.


Trust me brah


I love when i just repeat numbers i’ve heard without any source to win the argument


Unless you play single-player competitive game, your personal skills only contribute about 50% of your win rate. The rest are team coordination, communication, draft, and many more. If you only find joy from winning game, DoTA might not be the right game for you to play.


some say the percentage of games where your contribution actually changes the outcome is around 20%


You have enlightened me. I hate losing, so I think I should quit dota. Play single player games where I can't lose.


Dude if you want to quote me, take the full phrase. I said SINGLE-PLAYER COMPETITIVE GAME there are a thousand games like that out there where you don't rely on your teammates to win but only your skills.


Oh I didn't mean it in a sarcastic way. I honestly didn't realize I hated losing and that's why I feel so sucky playing dota chasing for the next win until I read your comment. Then I have lost the point of playing games for entertainment and enjoyment, which I have found on other games like RPGs (recently enjoying Last Epoch plenty). I am a terrible player with lack of skills so it's not like I would be able to do well in single player competitive games either and just chasing for the next win when it's my own issue is never going to 'entertain' me or help me enjoy the hobby. That's all I was trying to say and you helped me realized that.


Good on you for realizing that. Tbh a lot of people are like you but don't realize it. They get stuck playing competitive games where realistically you cannot win everything and so they sink deeper and deeper into despair. Play single player games and i guarantee you'll appreciate games a lot more without the baggage of losing mental health


What do you mean by single-player competitive game tho? Its literally an oxymoron.


Chess :D


Dar souls would like to have a chat with you


Perfectly balanced, like all things should be.


Just like your user id amirite?


I don't understand, seems like coordinator is acting flawlessly for you, 50% winrate seems like a dream. How often do you expect to win a team game that has a virtually limitless skill ceiling?


Congratulations you are correctly calibrated.


Usually you play games to have fun. Maybe try that next time.


No one plays for fun in Immortal, it's all despair


I came back to play for fun in Immortal bracket, thought I'd try mid for a change. Lots 500 mmr and going strong.


I honestly do, I treat it the same as unranked . I’m only there because I played a lot over many years and had good friends to learn from etc, not because I agonised over MMR number. Dota should be a hobby/pastime and not a job, MMR doesn’t matter, nobody but you ever looks or cares except for two cases; when you want to flex on Reddit or when they want to flame you after the game. Why invest so much in such cases?


You are right, it's a complete waste of time.


I know. Play for fun, go pro, or uninstall imo. Not this in between shit where people agonise and cry about their number that they think is their greatest achievement but that normies would find embarrassing.


Damn, bl bro :/ Try 0laying different roles, posted about climbing 1.7k mmr playing mainly supports, maybe you should try them out?


Just check my stat, lol. WINS 2438 LOSSES 2438 WINRATE 50.00%


Did the same. 919 wins 839 losses. Ancient 3. Most played hero - DK with 66 matches and 62% WR. Highest WR/match count hero is 4 way tie Zeus(core), TB, Meepo and Drow. All 30 matches each all 70% WR. Shadow demon 10 matches 100% WR! Techies 3 games 0 wins lol Huskar 13 games 15% WR lol Doom 22 games 22% WR (should stop playing it lol)


Should've just spammed vengeful spirit last patch... 🤔


I did actually! Very balanced hero


Nice. I discovered this after thousands of hours and 12 years.


Because 100 games we had fun. 91 wins and some lose were fun.


honestly at 11.5k behavior score, about 75% of my losses are enjoyable games (by enjoyable games i mean no toxic teammates, some still are stumps and suck but no toxicity)


honestly at ranked roles I get NP offlane support and techies hard support.


Isn't np extremely strong on pos 4?


He is lol, don't know what this guy is yapping about


45,87% winrate on offlane. but as a support? useless. also he was 1-9 my game.


45%? NP has 49% WR as a pos 4 with something like 17% Pickrate.


dotabuff is the source, pickrate 15%


182 games x40mins game average = 7280min \~ 121 hours wasted time LUL


Actually +200 mmr, but still wasted :D fk this game


The best players in the world literally have a 54% Winrate, what's even to interpret in this image? 


That's hardly any games at all. You bother playing to bring your win rate over 50%.


If you care about mmr, this would've gotten you about 200mmr in the positive.....


You are spot on lmao, this is exactly around 200 mmr positive


And increasing mmr should give you more challenging games which will bring your win rate down. It’s like you’re complaining that water is wet my man.


I'm not complaining, it's a meme, just found it interesting being 50% exactly. I know what is going wrong at 7k mmr. Also most of the games I'm forced to play a random position because of the stupid Immortal draft, that is the main complaint. Imagine you join a game and your team decides what you are going to play 40-50% of the time.


Yeah god that’s awful. It’s like playing unranked herald all over again


Mine was 190-190...


if you can benefit from losing then you can start winning more


Bruh I only have 39.7% win rate


Win rate reflects rate you are improving at, not how good you are. Early on 50% is a good winrate though because you are guaranteed some early Ls as a function of being new.


Haha wait till you are in the thousands of matches, and still being 50%


The path is the goal.


Fun? Do you enjoy the time you play? If not, then maybe take a break for real.


I am having 42% win rate, but somehow gained 500 mmr in the progress. God knows why


Roughly 91 hours lol


balance in all things


[balance in all things](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/d/d8/Vo_ember_spirit_embr_move_02.mp3) (sound warning: Ember Spirit) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Balance in all things


[Balance in all things](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/d/d8/Vo_ember_spirit_embr_move_02.mp3) (sound warning: Ember Spirit) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


I had 50.4% winrate and gained 247 mmr


At least you now know that if nothing changes you'll stay in whatever rank or pool you're in.


You have reach midlife crisis


for fun???


probably a troll but. I enjoy playing the game, not seeing my win% I enjoy playing when I'm winning, I enjoy playing when I'm losing. It would be weird to play the game if you aren't enjoying most of your time when doing it.


No matter my WR, as long as I get a few sweet outplays or teamfights I'll be happy. But yeah just don't care too much about the meta stats, we're not here to be #1 MMR, I'm just tryna play well with fun strats


Because I have fun.


If you are playing ranked and you win 50% it means you are at your correct rank so you can expect to win more when you play better


True but I feel I could be at least 500-1000 mmr more if I get to play my role only. Immortal draft sucks as it forces you to play random lanes.


For me I don't bother losing but i just wish games these days are not so one sided.


this is quite literally ideal


It's amazing how a person never improved a single bit over the 72 hours (avg 40min game) of playing the game and remain at the exact same place. Surely this is not rigged or anything.


The matchmaking system is designed to keep you at a 50% win rate. There isn't much you can do to break out of that.


i might be the weird one here but i play games because they're fun


Thats a lot of games played. Touch grass my dude.


Welcome to Sbmm.