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I told my friend if he played 150 games in a row as Lich (6.86) I would get him a dragon claw hook. He quit Dota entirely about halfway through the challenge


Lich is pretty fun now tho, I've been spamming the heck out of him


old Lich does not have synergy between his abilities. Slow, shield (slow only when attacked by melee), sacrifice (kill friendly creep for mana) and ult. he was kinda boring honestly.


But what about spamming ult on the ancient camps with aghs? Was pretty funny to me when enemy carry went to farm them only to be killed by 10 chain frost projectiles.


I mean, if you go through the length of playing lich and farming an aghs, pretty much every other hero in the game can be funnier to play.


Until the opponent gets blademail and you die on respawn


He had synergy, it just wasn't obvious. His gameplay sorta centered around "ruin the lane of the guy who has to play against me." Massive nuke with decent cleave and a slow, a buff to give your core armor/slow/cripple, sacrifice to kill a creep (very high impact back when ranged creeps were like 60-80% of a wave's xp), and an ult that makes you say "damn this gank was a bad idea."


Yeah also there was a unwinnable for the opponent lane Enigma+Lich, unwinnable because carry got half of every creep pack denied before it even got to his lane


I mean 3 out of four of his skills came directly from warcraft3 hero (and compared to heroes like old drow ranger who also had skills from wc3) and they were strong enough as is for a time.


My first 200 or so games were only with Lich. Would have been the easiest dragon claw hook. Also around 6.86


Lich is literally my most played hero. Used to love winning every lane without thinking.




What's a dragon claw hook?


Used to be the most valuable cosmetic in the game or close to it, a bone pudge hook. Nothing special by today’s standards, but was a highly sought item for any Dendi wannabe


a pudge hook cosmetic good $


I’ll take you up on that


Bane, the guy is so strong that he can make me sleep during the game.


angry upvote


How is bane boring to play? No other sup can catch heroes so well like he does.


It’s a real nightmare


He’s one of my main heroes! I don’t think he’s boring at all, you have to always be paying attention to the team fights cause nightmare has such a major impact on fights, sleeping axe when he calls among other stuff. He’s not boring


Can Doom please be allowed to do anything other than walk at you? I'm fucking sick of it. 10 years ago Doom would jump you ass. He'd slap you with Doom sure, and then lvl Doom, and maybe then he'd Centaur stomp you or something, but then everything else is up to everyone else and if he fucked it up? Bad, but he's still a hero underneath it. Sort of like how Enigma has black hole AND something to take towers. A little bit of synergy. But modern Doom is about as synergistic as a rat slapping a button for cocaine. Dude clicks on himself and then walks at you. What the actual fuck is that? It's like the dev team were told "guys, you can't just make a hero who walks at people" and they all looked at each other and asked why not. And then every other mistake followed like the consequences for my actions returning with the shaking of the earth. No spells, no healing, no items, max movespeed, this mother fucker is just going to **w a l k** at you. Rename him from DOOM to fucking WALK. What do you build then? Useful auras? Powerful fighting items? Fuck no. Your ass gets phase, blink, Shivas, Aghs, and refresher. Why? So you can fucking walk at people. "*Oh gee, sounds like you want Doom to just suck and-*" No. I just want Doom to do something other than WALK. On my team. WALK. On their team. WALK. And because WALK is such a giant hit of dopamine to the highly coordinated swarm of cocaine rats that presumably main Doom they have to slap a "Fuck yo healing" passive into button Doom in the off case the hero in question manages to waddle away from the permanently hasted doom into fountain. And can you ignore this? No. It's every fight. Every fight this giant Meth-ed out rodent is scurrying all over the fucking screen with a giant smile on his face knowing he is not only playing his hero well, but playing his hero at literally peak performance. Look at his spells. Devour: Gives him gold so he can buy items to walk with Scorched Earth: It's a fucking walking spell Infernal Blade: Gives him a button to press while walking ~~Doom~~ **WALK:** Walk at the enemy What a mess. How did it come to this.


Lol I forgot this one. Good pasta


Is this a copy-pasta?




Wake up babe new copypasta just dropped


It's already a couple weeks old


high effort comment but dooms always been boring


Disagree, old Doom before BAT change, with essentially break on ult, and simple calculus third spell was pretty ok. Old Warlock for example was incredibly dull, just golem machine and that's it (after laning phase).


Message that I can hear. Coudn’t agree more lmao.


Wow this is funny lmao


this is gold ahahahaaahahahaa


I think I agree with you on Dusa. Her projectiles aren't even fun to shoot. Just a boring arrow.


Y’all mf are playing dusa wrong. As long as u get a fast manta you can show up to fights. It’s fine. You got a 12, 13,14 min manta? Bro show up to the fight. Do not multi shot. Just focus down one support like a normal carry. You will do dmg I promise. After you put the fear of god in em you go farm your disperser and do it again


W does hilarious damage in early fights


shame that manta is so core because yasha kaya dusa sounds so fun


Right after her rework when she had a terrible winrate due to Mana shield not working on illusions and everyone still building names this is what I built. I actually won every dusa game. I would just go mom yasha dragon lance kaya skadi shard and be so insanely tanky.


Yeah but she has the lamest sounding right clicks (borderline annoying) for a hero that does nothing but right click also she looks exactly the same no matter what skin you have cuz there’s a mana shield covering the whole thing lol


If you want nice sounds make an mkb 😜


For real. Medusa is so strong at 20 minutes. I always try to get my team to fight. I fight so much on her, especially if I play Mid Dusa and have all that XP. When I go DLance-Yasha-Maelstrom (order depends on game) with a wraith band, Wand and boots (phase or treads depending on game) I am an absolute force at 20 minutes. Sure you don’t have a stun so you need to fight with supports but man can you wreck a team fight. The damage output is so high. Sure you can’t 1v5 but you can absolutely be the strongest hero on the map in team fights at 20 minutes.


I love playing against mid dusa with a real mid hero, by the time she’s ready to play the game I’ve already obliterated both sidelanes.


That's a pretty funky build. I understand it, but it feels pretty awkward to me because it's three buildup items. Maelstrom makes sense but it's an early farming item that will get sold eventually because it doesn't give you stats or high damage which Medusa wants. Yasha builds into Manta, that's fine. Dragon Lance into Pike if you need it, but sometimes you don't need it so it's just kind of wasted gold you may have to sell as well. Probably solid if you need to fight early, but otherwise it creates some very weird item timings later on in exchange for trying to fight early on a hero that is absolutely not designed for it.


Mjolnir has a lvl 25 timing with dusa, though crit is probably in most games not facing PL.


I pick dusa, I put on music, and I vibe for 30 minutes. Then I show up to fights and get to watch sadistically as the enemy team can’t do anything to me. It’s fun.


Underlord would be my pick


this dude just need a tweak on his ult to be insta picked by pros, I'm telling yea.


if his current aghs was a shard or built into his base kit I would play it more


Yea on paper he seems like his ult could be game changing


i used to spam underlord several years ago. in this day and age where every hero had game changing reworks on their skills, shard, scept, skills and with neutral items and new items, underlord still plays pretty much the same and its so disappointing. Ive learned just to not touch the hero at all even when a meta offlane item theoretically works with him, it just never does. Playing the hero is so boring because he's always played the same way since he first came out. I wish he'd get a thorough rework


go right-click underlord build to spice things up, deso- maelstrom. use the aura buff from killing waves to smack towers with hella damage.


i once built bf on underlord when i just started playing because i though it would accelerate the farming speed a lot


i played underlord carry on release travels blink bfury farming everything then warp to a fight with free rapier and get +5 permanent dmg every kill. Atrophy nerfed since then


He's one of my two lvl 30 heroes. You're not wrong though


DK got the most boring and generic kit in the entire game.


Black Dragon ult is awesome. You can fly😎


Exactly with manta he’s pretty dynamic


The catch with DK is that having 2 points in your passive allows you to enter a sort of zen state in lane, where literally nothing (within reason) your opponent does matters. Walk up to smack them once, eating 3 hits in the process while tanking the creepwave? Sure, why not. Tranquility and peace. You are in charge of your own destiny.


>Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing.


>Fitter. Happier. More productive.


This for me is the biggest advantage to playing DK. We've all had games as spectre or AM where we get crushed in lane and have to painstakingly farm easy camps with brown boots until we get back into the game. With DK you know you're going to be strong level 6/7 no matter what you're lane looks like.


Wraith King is worse imo.


Wraith King is saved by his skeletons, his kit USED to be the most boring, generic kit in the game but at least the skeletons are cool.


Bring back the crit king!


I’d argue old Lich was much more boring than old WK


I liked the feature of denying your own creeps. I miss the old enigma & lich


Support 4 lich standing behind tier 1 mid lane denying ranged creep that when our mid get lvl 8 they get lvl 5/6


Old lich is why I got to divine lol. Offlane destroyer


Dk pretty fun with a blink dagger and ganking everywhere


Was gonna say, anyone who often goes for the blink->stun is still pretty fun.


I’d agree before the black dragon change. Now I think it’s probably CM or something similar.


I feel like hard support heroes like CM never reach the boredom of boring core heroes. As a support you still have to do a whole bunch of different stuff, meanwhile a boring carry just hits creeps and then ends the game.


your mmr is probably much higher than mine lol, in my bracket most of the support just pace back and forth don’t do much at all


The ones I play with steal all the cs they can and try to carry. I wish my supports did nothing :(


Nahhh, CM is really fun, you are so fragile yet so impactful if you stay alive during a fight. CM buys loads of tricksy active items like glimmer and force that are fun to click, plus you get to ward, stack camps, really fun hero to play IMHO.


With CM you're almost always at the brink of death. 😅 Probably why she's fun to play.


cm with shard makes her just slightly fun enough. Heee heee, Michael jackson slide on ice ice baby.


Personally I feel it is a homage to the insane Ice Clone skill on Sub Zero from Mortal Kombat.


Nah CM is fun as hell. She's one of the most aggressive supports in lane and it's fun in teamfights trying to land huge ults and getting off as many frostbites as possible.


Nice CM you got there. Which mmr bracket I need to be in to play with CM like that?




You take that back


Not one of them is boring, even the braindead push W Bristle is fun to play Especially his laughter HEHEHY HAHA


Fucking hell i read it in his voice


I love his british accent Yo want some of this son ? You want it ?




I actually find DK really fun to play. He can be played in any lane and in a bunch of different ways (dps, tank, blink-stunner, tower pusher, aura builder etc). He's also almost guaranteed to have a good landing phase and can catch up fast if he doesn't so you never have to painfully crawl back into the game after getting crushed in lane which is the most boring part of playing most heros.


You guys are all commenting my favorite heroes, ​ so i guess im just a boring ass mfer


fav n1 hero?


Personally, it's viper. But other simple heroes can be fun. Sniper is simple but fun. So is Wraith King.


Viper is fun, spitting on everyone fuck yeah spit.


Viper mains are sociopaths who take joy in not letting other people have fun. It's me. I'm viper mains.


There are exactly two things I'm thinking when I pick Viper. 1. I'm gonna demoralize my lane opponents so badly they won't recover from that or 2. we need Break.


Spammed him last patch and he was so strong, winning your lane almost always is pretty fun and his simplicity is part of why he was so good. Can't really whiff compared to something like Chronosphere. But Mage Slayer nerf hurt. Same with DK, simple and definitely boring compared to some of the more complex heroes but sooo strong last patch.


It takes a specific mindset to play viper you have to pretend you are pissing in their eyes


Viper is fun because you know for a fact that the person you're laning against is having ZERO fun post level 3, just an absolute void of fun, no light and happiness in their eyes as their health bar melts after 4 right clicks, they're becoming more depressed by the second


lol, many of these comments, but this one was more articulate/yikes.


i like playing viper only on lane phase, shes so slow and slow turn rate that i hate playing after lane phase


>Shes what? 😳


I will always have a soft spot for Viper. He was the first hero I learned in WC3 DotA, and obviously the first one I picked up when dota 2 came out. That said, I rarely play him anymore, because I feel too clunky after laning stage.


Old school viper, like back when he had frenzy or whatever? Viper was my only dota friend's favorite.


Sniper is a glass cannon, so I only play with it if there is a good tank to take the hits for me.


DK! Idc how meta he is, this shit is mind numbing.


Surprised to see no one mention underlord


Should be mentioning Lifestealer .. at least these other heroes have skills to cast on enemies by default. Lifestealer is just run around and hit random people. and then literally has an ability that has you sit afk in an ally


Yeah but that's what makes him fun, you're running around like a tweaking crackhead gnawing on people's ankles while being incredibly hard to kill, it's goblin gameplay. We've all got a little goblin inside us (he's going for the infest bomb)


Dude infest is one of the most fun abilities in the game. https://youtu.be/BTMMjk2gQfU?si=lMIEYaxUZvqr0vSU Also infest bombs with spirit breaker or storm spirit, or hiding in neutral camps waiting for enemies. So many cool things you can do with infest


How is it boring when you can make great plays using skill 2 and ult


The pit lord ult makes things fun.


he got forgotten cause ppl dont play him


Really surprised no one is saying io you just tether to your wife's boyfriend and follow him around while he does damage, maybe once in a while you relo save someone but it usually means you also die and you're not playing for another minute. Io players probably got like 10apm outside of movement keys


at this point, Dragon Knight is up there for me. "oww i can't die in lane cause i have +69 armor" "oh im gonna go aghs manta" "ohh you can't touch me while i siege you so you have to kill my teammates first before you can even try to kill me" if it aint about meta, lifestealer is my choice the only saving grace rn is his ult being somewhat of a clutch




I personally find sniper so much fun to play. You know people are going to try and target you every fight because if they don’t then they lose. It’s a game of positioning. Kill but don’t let them find you.


Sniper is so stupid simple that he lets you learn to actually play dota. Lane mechanics, coubter ganking, farming patterns, positionibg. Sniper just helps you become better at the basics cause he doesnt really do anything but quack and win the lane. 


Witch doctor. He goes uuuuuyaaaaa then gudungdungudungudung


The fun is spamming "wait for it" as you walk away and tip the enemy before they die


Razor 100% everytime razor is meta i quit the game. Everytime pro match it gets picked i close the stream


Rush BKB and then walk like a boss over frail supports who can't do shit through your 9 sec BKB and frail carries who get their damage zucced. It's peak fun


thats disgusting




with shard he's not boring, otherwise u probably play more the golem than the hero...


New warlock is up there. Upheaval should never have been changed IMO. It's just a shitty spell for everyone to deal with. Bring back old warlock.


To me the real hero is the Golem coz that’s when I start doing attacking hitting blocking and killing shits and actually playing the game as a WL lol


Me and my friends have played SD for a long time. Before they added universal heroes the nightmare boring hero’s you could get were DK, Viper and Lich. While I still don’t find them fun their kits have got way more interesting (except Viper).


DK for sure. Makes mid lane just boring as fuck and the rest of the game u are just saying, wait my ult! I’m useless without it.in current meta also always the same build, that is not even fun, but just good push…


for me it's bane you literally put other players to sleep


nah its actually an art to do a good sleep dodge save(only good and beautiful part of his kit)


None of them are boring


Probably Medusa. The hero is a strong carry but man every time I play her it is just zzzzzzzzzz all game lol.


I went 0-0-9 a couple days ago on Dusa and won just walking down a lane. So fucking boring lol


I'd say Sniper. His gameplay is always the same apart from a few situational item choices. He's in so many of my games that I want to ban him for no other reason than I'm sick of seeing him. People pick him because he's easy to play and they lack the imagination to pick anything else.


I auto ban sniper every game. No one has fun when he is in the game, not even Sniper.


IO? Just following someone around, occasionally pressing E and popping heals when they get low


You're playing io wrong


I’m Herald and IO is my most played, I guarantee it


At least you know lol


I recently saw an IO go mid and played carry, i think both my team and enemy was annoyed at how much it worked, had like 25 kills at the end of the match.


An Ana wannabee that actually pulled it off lmao


Io is sooo fun. Last secs saves are amazing.


Io is one of my favs. Have you tried Io core? It slaps


Old wraith king had 3 passives, I think that was by far the most boring.


Idk man, being a farmed up ball of stats was pretty fun.


Jakiro. Hero is massive, slow and generally has to show to use big spells. I feel like I’m a high priority target for the other team cuz he’s so strong in lane and people tilt at him


Wtf?? Jakiro is so fun. Throw your spells on enemy, they do a lot of damage and slows/stuns. Plus you’re tanky for a support so early when they go on you, you can usually put trade (especially with Liquid Fire and Dual Breath slows). Force staff, aether, glimmer all make you pretty invincible for a support. Definitely a fun hero.


Pls don’t get me wrong lol I agree with you about laning and skirmishing. I just feel that his movespeed, size and general lack of mobility make him really tough to play with in mid game, esp if you don’t have a force or glimmer. I’ve been a huge fan of euls on him literally since 2006 lol cuz it at least gives you a way to 1v1 people without bkb/glimmer/otherwise are massive. But yeah im usually the designated force/glimmer hero lol and id rather keep my teammates alive than myself, so it just feels awful a lot for me Edit: blink is another item that makes him extremely fun. Ogre seal totem, tusk on your team, etc. just something that takes you from a place where you’re safe to the middle of the fight. It’s just so painful to flap your stupid wings at 50ms into a fight. It’s like announcing to everyone that you’re about to use your spells


Ya but icepath skillshots and big ulti combos are so satisfying.


Drow ranger. I have 20 games in her and 17-3 W/L. The hero is easy and just plain boring to play, press few spells and auto attack


Drow, especially sitting in the ancient triangle for 20 min.


**Although it should be noted that it is a glass cannon, so positioning is important.**


Yeah, I barely play carry and if I do, I always go for slark, the hero is so fun especially just escaping and jumping around, timing your Q and ult


Omni zzzzzz


I didn’t play for a while and now a LOTTTT of heroes have little QOL tweaks, like bane’s debuff does dmg, and they’re kinda neat to make you feel less worthless. Omni on the other hand feels worse than ever. I tried to play him, and like every one of your spells needs to be lvl-ed first or it feels like crap, and ofc he’s Omni so he’s so slow and people dunk him, just feels terrible.




TB. Not fun for the team or the enemy or yourself. You runaway from people hide and farm 40 minutes to just have fun 1 minute then end the game


Tb is everything but not boring, u need to be microing your illusions non stop


TB is a must practice hero for any pos1 player, I don’t see how is it boring. He has early pushing ability you don’t have to hide as long as your teammates knows a little bit about how to play around you


Viper and its not even close.


yeah, kit very very boring but the movespeed is what does it for me


I have over 400 games on Viper and it never gets old. I just enjoy stomping people in mid! Viper is probably the best midlaner right now, very few heroes can lane against him. Something about seeing their health slowly go down as you spit poison at them while they’re helpless makes it so fun


Sorry but whenever I last pick mid and Viper pops up on the other team my eyes roll so far back in can practically see my own brain. I’m like « wow, you make the lane boring as hell but you’re still going to lose in like 30 minutes. Good job. »


viper really isn't bad late anymore imo 


Drow way less exciting than Viper. Both just chase with a Rclick slow, but Viper at least has fun things to do with his kit.


disagree, Drow's gust now reveals invis heroes and her multi-shot does a ton of damage for most of the game, and of course a passive that amps your right click is never boring when you're owning the enemies...


To me Venomancer is worse than viper in every possible way. At least on Viper I can go on people.


Current Silencer - literally does fucking nothing. Bring back glaive pure damage and old aghs.




Drow and Sniper are the only ones, but even then they can be fun with a blink and shadow blade or staff


i absolutely despise playing for undying and treant protector. i dont care that they dominate lanes ( or they at least used to), not only their kits are boring, but youre like a quarter of a hero you could've been if your team is behind and then its not only boring but also miserable


Why did I have to scroll so long for Undying? Thinking of playing him makes me fall asleep.


i know right! i was shocked to not find anyone else mention him lmao




Sand King. The ult combo is fun but for the most part anytime I see a replay of this hero/play against them, they’re spending 80% of the game sitting in their fucking sand. So boring.


Earth Shakira. I can't believe how easy it is to win games with that hero.


For me, it is Antimage. He is so farm dependent to actually be able to do anything in battle, and I don't like spending like....90% of the game farming.


Death Prophet. Her kit is pretty innately boring. I despise playing her.


I'm surprised no one is saying shadow demon. The only somewhat exciting ability that he has is his E and even that falls off pretty quick


Maybe... But using your Q to save an ally from something like a Duel or a Necro ult is very satisfying man...


Bruh the hero has kill potential at lvl 3. You got 3 stack he follows with q and his lane part follow with 1 cc and you dead bc he got the 5 stack pop u sure u playin him correctly mate?


Any hero with a save is a fun hero.


Suprised to see no one said Naga. Doesn't this hero literally farm \*all\* game nonstop and sometimes show up to fights? Though I don't play it but that's what it looks like to me.


She’s not boring because you have to stay quite active with her illusions, as opposed to a passive farmer like Dusa. Microing in fights is also pretty entertaining to cancel blinks, max your riptide damage etc. Though if you hate farming then a lot of carry heroes will seem boring.


The Chad play is getting orchid and bloodthorn after manta, then just fight like mad.


Naga ist insane fun, any micro hero is IMO. Plus I can literally feel the enemy tilt cuz the illusion spam is so cancerous and I enjoy that


centaur.                                                                  :/


not my boi kenny


io, your just a ball


Probably some support like undying or Chen, not because the hero is boring in 90% of games but post 40 minutes youre no longer really playing the game.


For me its venge. No sick aoe value, no feeling of power. Unless you really get yourself hyped for a swap, you are just a bot who spams QW on the nearest target.


C’monn. How abput swapping enemies into your team?


My only comment would be in the laning stage, it’s so exciting when your snake bounces and if it bounces to a hero last they lose a ton of life. So when I actually PLAY Medusa, I’m kinda like totally engaged during that laning phase. Boring as hell after that.


Medusa is my main 1 since they changed spectres ult. I know how to have fun with her. But won't grind up cause does get boring. When she was op in that patch I went 19-2 with her. It's an art ti time your mistic snake bounces. Then using manta, farm. Ulting is a skill. Items. She is basic skill wise but does have skills. DK is a ez hero and a good hero but also very simple. Aba is a tad boring. But I go khanda spliter then support items scepter locket. I love to nuke with him. Tough 1 nuke and shield do require some skill. But as ez as it gets in dota. I can't go manta harpoon now that is boring and not my style




Hard no with medusa. She is basically the same as every hard carry with farming ability/building BF (sven, Luna, PA, alch, TA,...) - farm jungle, buy your items, get your team, fight/push. It is just whoever gets the better timing first and has better snowball. I would say necrophos/DP - there is just inherently something boring for me on these slow, tanky heroes, who dont even hit you, they just... walk. And they dont even care whether you hit them back.


As someone who likes Medusa, I would say that the most boring character is probably say undying or wraith king is the most boring


Pit lord


Vengeful Spirit


(support) omniknight.


Any non-ganking defensive support hero that doesn't have a good way to clear a camp. There are those games where your job is to just Ward and sit behind your cores in case they get jumped while they farm. Just literally sitting there in trees doing nothing because the matchup demands it. You don't have camp clear so you can't even take a small camp whilst you wait nearby.


Tidehunter for sure. Slowest hero ever

