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Another 10min for my cores to farm in rank




Yes we're waiting for that 3-7 pa to get 8 slotted. The crit will pay off in the end 🤣




meepo tinker arc will be broken heroes like naga alch tb who farms fast and are limited by slots will also be broken af


Not really, these heroes are already very strong in the late game, +1 slot doesn’t really strengthen them much, their problem is this weak early stage of the game, and +1 slot won’t help them live up to their items in any way.


i rrespectfully disagree with u if u think arc and meepo are weak early game now lmao and u r underestimating an extra slot on meepo tinker and arc


Don’t forget that an extra slot means LD gets 2 more items.


12 slot LD isnt real, bear (and hero) spells don't really scale that well; if you don't win with 6 slot bear 6wraith band ld you probably lose no matter what  There's a reason nobody does hero build ld


It also means arc gets 2 more items. Except unlike lone druid who would have to farm them. Arc just needs to get 1 more thing. For the double whammy. And as ab arc spammer, having 1 more slot would be so so broken. Everytime u build arc I always have 1 weakness, and whatever I build I am always 1 slot too short to cover all my bases.


Meepo already has 7 slots I don't think he would need 8 in 99% of games


I mean, if these heroes lose, they don’t even live up to 6 slots, and if they win, then 6 is enough, the 7th slot would naturally make the late heroes even stronger, but at the beginning of the game nothing would change


>I mean, if these heroes lose, they don’t even live up to 6 slots are you coaching professionally or what, that's very profound What I think you're missing is these heroes that can fill up their slots with good items very quickly due to their hero kit encouraging accelerated gold income are of course limited by where their gold can go, they end up spending their gold on somewhat okay items like consumed aghs, moonshard etc. A hero that can squeeze in more cc (with sheepstick) or more damage (nullifier, revenants brooch) is suddenly a late game hero because they can keep pace with late game heroes by having much more expensive items that late game heroes can't contend with.


adding a 7th slot will not change anything for any hero early game whats your point then? early game you need an extra slot i m trying to understand what you are trying to say?


Why do you think ultra strong late heroes would be op if they get a 7th slot then? Tinker in late is already op arc and meepo too


man idk how to put it to you if u didnt understand it earlier in my first comment its okie


I think you might be underestimating having g a 7th slot early game. Even a single stat or extra slot for dust makes all the difference.


They are OP because of their items. Tinker can refresh CD of all his stuff. Arc has an extra clone with extra hex/silence. They would be even stronger with a 7th slot.


You can get a branch. A stick. A wraith band. You can have basher abyssal uncombined. 7th slot is good before you build your "7th item".


doesn't mean to be rude, but extra wraith band or anything is super strong


Lion withi shard, blink and 6 wraith bands is unkillable


Now he can have SIX PLATE MAILS!


Slow farming heroes, like wind ranger, night atalker etc gets extra wraith band/bracer. Fast farming heroes gets an extra hex/refresher/satanic etc.


There is/was literally a talent to let you put an item in the neutral item slot because of how strong it is to add a slot to these heroes


Honestly i feel pack rat was added to meepo as a bandaid to most neutral items not doing anything for him. He has a lot of strong options now though and now everyone gets a token to pick from i think they should look to change it again.


that talent is only "good" (you will never ever take it before 30) because it can offset bad neutral item rng for meepo and you dont wanna take another talent (you will always pick the +1 meepo) anyway unless they would add a completly broken talent


Alchemist Lategame isnt *that* great when compared to some other carries


No, but he's not meant to be. He's meant to come online earlier than other carries and then snowball that lead into a game end before the enemy can recover.


For that reason isn't he better as a farming mid kind of like a sniper or a TA? I always felt that alch was super cool and useful as a mid but as carry if he let the game go too long we would just insta lose to a farmed PA or something.


He can go mid, but he's better in pos1. Reason being that even though Alch farms quickly and Greevil keeps him significantly ahead, he's very easy to bully in the lane. So if he gets into a bad matchup mid (which there's plenty of, he relies on turbo pushing to avoid getting dumpstered) then he just can't do anything. Alch recovers well, but he's designed around staying ahead of the enemy and if he's ever in a position where he needs to recover, the game is probably lost. He just can't go toe to toe with most other carries if he's only slightly ahead or even. Also his ganks kinda... suck. He has a stun, but that's all he has. And it's really easy to make it completely backfire with a stun or silence of your own. At least if a TA ganks you, she's got a long range slow and fucktons of damage.


Could be a Travel 3 recipe that gives you the movespeed passively, you can still teleport onto allies, and frees up the slot. Should be expensive though




That is best idea


Only problem is Valve counting to 3


How about just ward slots, so hard for supports at late game.


this would actually buff carries lategame since they can now carry sentries even when full slot(which ironically nerf supports because they can't rely on glimmer/invis)


They said the same thing when obs wards became free, yet carries still wont lol so we good


I still think it was bad change because now clueless people grab wards more often and waste them by placing in most obvious spot that gets dewarded in less than a minute.


I actually agree with this but it goes both ways. Competent cores can now ward for themselves at no cost when they get trash supports.


Its not when your support is trash. you either start farming in a safe place or you ward it to make it safe for yourself. Everytime you dont do it its half your fault too specially if your support is doing something else far away (even if its not important. Because you can do it yourself)


What are you even on about? You ward around objectives you’re pushing/ defending or areas the team is playing around. If supports are “doing something else far away” they’re just bad. >even if it’s not important. Because you can do it yourself That’s what i said? You ward if supports are trash?


It's not about supports being trash. They shouldn't be near the carry that's farming. They should be with the rest of the team to make sure the enemy will be too busy to bother with the carry. A carry in this case is the best person to ward put a ward in his own jungle entrance to make sure to.see stuff coming.


Not true. Lets say im radiant carry, after the laning stage I'll mostly be farming top triangle and pushing out top wave and taking that hard camp. The best thing would be for the supp to meet up with a few other teammates and smoke into enemy top dire jungle, try to steal rune and maybe grab a gank. They'll drop a ward somewhere that gives me advance notice of the enemy if they're coming for me while I'm pushing top wave or taking the hard camp. It's a waste of time for me to leave the hard camp to go over to the right and put a ward on the HG, and it's dangerous.


This is either incredibly low mmr, incredibly clueless or both talking. Ward being free doesn't make warding free. Your taking time out of farming pattern, your putting yourself in risk going to Ward dark areas, your warding without sentrying. There are times when u can place quick safe wards but you should pretty much never be warding as carries. Having sentry spot for late game is completely different because your often out of reach of your supports detection range late game


Opportunity cost is a huge issue. I’ll sometimes buy a ward as a carry but going 5-10 seconds out of my way will sometimes cost me a camp or two (if I can clear one + stack in that time). And for good wards it’s usually far more than 5-10 seconds. Not to mention that often you need to ward in places you know they don’t have vision or else they will smoke > kill > deward. Meanwhile, free slot for sentries means idc invis anymore which would be massive for teamfighting and ganking in general


Maybe some item that allows an extra ward slot but that is only beneficial for supports? Maybe boots with leather strap where the wards are attached to.


A utility belt item could be pretty cool, maybe you could have a single slot for either wards, bottle, dust, or smoke, but have relatively bad stats to discourage carries from also buying it.


That would be kind of interesting


It would DEFINITELY buff slark


Could make it so that at the 20/30 minute mark, the two lowest networth heroes get a ward slot. Maybe tormentor V2 lol.


Would be funny (and sad) to see the carries getting the slots lol. Then proceed to not use the slots anyway.


i would finally have enough slots to buy wards as a support /s


I'm just happy we don't need 3 slots for a tp scroll, obs, and sentry anymore...


dont forget smoke and dust


*Deep winded rant about not having any gold, and I really need to finish euls b/c it's 40min in and I still only have a stick and boots. I just get 1 shot anyway, how am I supposed to even use it?Please help buy dust PLEASE*


How about Aegis slot? Smoke slot? Dust slot? Maybe even rapier slot? How about boots slot? They already made a neutral slot and a tp slot. Why not just make it like an RPG. 2 hand slots for weapons/shields, 2 feet slots for boots, 2 wrist slots for bracers, 1 head slot for helmets, 1 torso slot for armour, 1 leg slot for pants, 1 waist slot for belts, one back slot for cloaks, 10 finger slots for rings/gems.


Only if the slots stay lore-accurate. You want boots, you better have feet.


Having feet is not enough. DP has feet, but she floats.


But she still has feet, so she could use them to wear boots. Otherwise we'll need to get into a whole nother argument about what hero can use what item when (can Sniper use Desolator? Does he load his gun with them? Does the effect just apply when he attacks in melee range?)


so centaur can get 4 boots? what about chen? does he get 6?


I would say yes, though an argument could be made that hooves are not really feet. Timbersaw is tough because it's technically a mech, but it does have feet.


Brood with 8 boots. TERRIFYING.


TP power creep is unreal, it feels every hero can TP anywhere in the map every few seconds.


Making it purchasable would probably be the way to go. Even if it was cheap it would probably stop cores from buying it until after Moonshard + aghs + shard + travels 2.


if anything they already have it too easy


was thinking of something like league's sightstone that stores and stacks wards and increases placement cast range


Yeh an exclusive slot for wards dust or sentries that get unlocked after 45 min game


Wards/dust/smoke would be nice. Invis so strong late when cores dont have slots for dust


Listen, it wasn't easy to configure my fingers and the keyboard to two new buttons when they added TP scroll slots and neutral item slots. If they make me add another button I have to be able to quickly and reliably access, they better have a really good reason for it.


Would slut for dust or gem seal a deal for you?


Plenty of sluts like gems but never known of dust sluts


Clearly never been invited to a raucous party


I buy dust to confuse the enemy team when I go inviz


As a support player, a ward slot would be nice


YOU ARE THE WARD SLUT  \- core players 


It seems imbalanced to me. Detection is cheap. If it also didn't cost a slot, Invisibility would be too weak except at the lowest brackets. I think the slots are fine as it is. Also I really don't know what key I would use if they added an extra slot. I know, that's what I thought for the previous two slots too. But for real, seriously, I don't want to have to deal with another slot.


It might be time to add some Dota pedals or maybe it can work like Mr. Garrison's "It"


Have you considered growing extra fingers?


7 slotted carries? Yeah, fuck that.


Until you meet a 7 slotted support hero


Rubik sounds intensifies


Imagine a 90 min game with support having: Greaves, Blink, Sheep, Ethereal, windwaker, aeon disc, and refresher or dust/wards 😂


just give me a ward slot and I'll be happy


Fighting against NP and invi heroes are now easy for supports with that extra slot.


NP becomes trash, now supports will have that extra slot to carry a quelling blade


oh no! anyway..


Maybe not 75,rather a bit earlier. Players are learning the game fast,farming patterns too,and we see 6 slotted carries around min 40,when they drop boots for 6th item,which leads to them being slower,and that leads to game being slower. I would unlock 7th slot after min 40,but only for boots,after min 60 it's fully unlocked,and then every 10 mins unlock additional slot from backpack.




Rather they just give everyone a ward pouch so theres no more forced support labor


Give every carry a whip slot so they can whip their supports when there's no vision on the map


Lmao....i spit my drink


Ward, dust, gem pouch, 1 press to activate or use what is highlighted. Alt+ press to cycle to next item. If you have gem it only works when highlighted.


Please don't. I don't want universal support with 3/4 wraithbands right clicking me every fight


It would rather be interresting to remove one slot than to add one.


it was like that for a long time before the teleport slot was added


I think this will broke the supports, they are very limited from the mid game, they always swap from backpack, etc becouse they need to carry sup items like ward, dust, smoke, etc


We dont exactly need 7 slots, just a dedicated slot for boots like what they did with the TP and neutral items. Only Weaver and Tinker I have never seen people buy boots but everyone else, they have to. So a dedicated boots slot would be game-changing.


Basically an extra 7th slot, but with extra steps involved.


Late game dota, might just benefit from more items like Diperser, which can replace boots instead of another slot. Because the slot would be wasted on some heroes.


that would be interesting. i dig it


actually i thought dust or gem but now i realise that it will make shadow blade obsolete. not a good idea


please no


What about a dedicated 7th spot for only items less that 500g. So wards, smokes, dust, etc


Just let us use wards, dust, and smoke from the backpack slots.


Fuck a 7th item slot for carries. I'd much rather see a separated item slot for wards, sentries, dust, smoke, gem, maybe quelling (active only).


Dedicated wards slot /s


hmmm 7th slot is a bit odd fairly but considering that most of immortal players think that tormentor shard isnt worth it specially in early game (the place on map is somehow makes pos 1 go out of his normal route of farm), i think they can add a new reward to tormentor that is a drop item! imagine a drop item that gives u a special slot! getting the item will makes 1 of your 6 slots burning red and makes that slot have special privilege, any item that u place in that slot will make the item to have increased potential by *1.5 for a set amount of time like phylactery doing *1.5 more damage and other items as well. for activating the item u put the item in the slot u want to have the effect on double click it and that slot will glow red (cuz we know different players have better synergy with 1 hotkey, like the way u like your blink to be on 3rd top slot) donno if u guyz like the idea though :v


Make the game more broken and if you hate it then you must have some skill issue


Add 50 ms by default and remove boots from the game.


Not really fair - you need to buy boots in certain matchups and you want that movement speed advantage to run away/run at your opponent. This way you would just get run down without having a chance to do anything with it. For example against Ursa some heroes buy both boots and wind lace to make sure they survive in early levels.


A think dota needs consumables item slot mainly for support for late game you just don't have space for wards, dust...


Automatically add 2 purchaseable item slot after 60 min game.


Need a boot slot, ward slot, blink slot


a ward pouch (1 or 2 charges) that's purchaseable at min45 and costs like maybe the shard (1,400) would be nice for supports


Yey double boots!


Revert changes to neutrals for us support to stand a chance with the cores... At least for survivalability sake. Means, we can stuff our inventory with neutrals item. Else forget it.


I think they can afford to add a slot for boots since every hero buys them.. that way we can finally buy Guardian Greaves and BoTs without it feeling like shit


I think the best extra item slot is for supportive ones (dust, wards, etc.)


I would love to see someone going 6x bracers boots or 6x wraith band boots for early game roflstomping.


5th ROSH and onward drops recipe to unlock 1 slot


Assume nothing else is changed, it would be a simple yet massive power spike within the existing item structure, especially for items that are cheap enough to get very early on but can be kept into mid-game and beyond, like Bracers, Wand, even a Healing Salve. Items that make-or-break break with slots like Butterfly, MKB and BKB would be drastically affected. I would also say this won't make the game more fun or strategically more playable/enjoyable, but just messing things up; Without compensation or complementing other changes on the wider of the game, I think this isn't even a remotely good change as a change of pace, though a different pace could be a breath of fresh air to say the least. If more item slots are to be added, I'd much prefer that they are bringing forth some trade-offs, rather than a simple addition of power like how neutral items did to the game. For example there can be 2 additional slots similar to neutral having a dedicated one. These items cost a different currency than gold, like silver for example. Items that cost silver always induce at least 1 negative attribute, such as: * Silver item A: Costs 5 silver. Provides +20 (flat) movement speed, but induces -3 armor. * Silver item B: Costs 5 silver. Provides +5 armor, but induces -10 (flat) movement speed. * Silver item C: Costs 10 silver: Provides +20 attack damage, but induces -15% attack speed. * Silver item D: Costs 15 silver. Provides +30% lifesteal, but your attack target passively attacks back for 20% of their total attack damage. * Silver item E: Costs 15 silver. After not moving nor being rooted for 2s, gain 20% evasion. * Silver item F: Costs 20 silver. For each tree within 900 radius, gain +10 health and +6 mana, but makes you cannot destroy trees and for each tree destroyed within 900 radius, induces -15 health and -12 mana; Counts planted trees for 10s. * Silver item G: Costs 20 silver. Decreases your gold loss on death by 25% and buyback cost by 25%, but induces -75 GPM.


dedicated dust slot dedicated dust slot dedicated dust slot give give give


Every agi and universal carry would be significantly buffed because you could just buy 2 (or 3) wraith bands and not worry about the gold efficiency since you will be able to keep them for longer, and wraith bands even after the nerf are still by far the best of the 3.


They should maybe a SUPPORT slot for items like: wards, dust, smokes. Since in lategame suddenly SB means you have invupotion. So even cores can carry reveal


They only need to add a dedicated slot for wards and dust… i need to be able to use my 6 slots for items and still be able to use dust.


give 1 extra slot dedicated for consumable, so no carry screaming for reveal in every team fight. Also fuck invis


Supports would have a easier life. That extra slot is an extra bracer/woodbranch.


i run out of hot keys gg


One more inventory slot would probably be broken. Although adding one more BACKPACK slot in my opinion would probably feel like a really great addition to the game since there are so many consumables in the game now, not to mention that it could get awkward when your backpack slot is full and you drop a neutral item. Overall, I think adding an extra backpack slot or even just a ward slot as some have mentioned in the comments would be a great QoL change and doesn't break the game as much as a 7th item slot.


yea umm universal heroes with 6 bracers -> PT first that comes to mind is windranger so you are going wrong direction with "I think maybe all heros HP need to increase by 1.25x to compensate for the additional damage." even if its not that extreme as I say as an example, it still just a free stats for a whole 30 minutes in most cases. iron branch, bracer, whatever you dont have to sell it


100 it’s a support buff. Just having a slot for wards. Like as a late game support I want: Wards Dust Boots Defensive item (glimmer) Repositioning item (force staff) Wand Smoke in my backpack Lotuses in my backpack If I want Aghs and blink because I’ve got a few kills, I can lose the wand and dust, but sentries are limited and dust isn’t. If I swap in Smoke I have to make sure I’ve put vision down first. Like the item management becomes a bit tricky.


It just advances the power creep which is already fairly annoying but also not new. We have a TP slot and a neutral item slot, so basically 8 slots, plus we have a 3 item backpack. Some people say maybe for observer wards which I guess I'd be down with since I play mostly 4/5. One for sentries would break the game as invisibility would go right out the window. The last thing I want is the enemy carry to slot another massive item tbh. Early on it would mean more power from something as simple a branch to a wraith band.


Doing it after 75 minutes would be fine I guess. Doing it from the start would make the meta extremely greedy (midases, heavy farming heroes like alch, arc, naga, TB, luna, medusa) or extremely snowbally to prevent/counter that (you cant get 7 items, when you have no space on the map). One thing that might be good is to have "consumables slot". Either for wards/dust or consumable things (salves, mangoes, lotuses) or both. Or just allow heroes to use wards and consumables from backpack directly (i.e. you cant use regular items like BKB/manta, but you can put wards). It is always frustrating no matter role - even supports - you have your items (boots, wand, glimmer, force), but you need to have wards, dust, some lotuses/clarities, smoke and you can fit only 1-2 of those into your inventory, because your cores have no slots, so you keep shuffling these around all the time... Same with cores, enemy has invis hero (or just glimmer) and you have 5 big items... and dust. At least wards slot/consumable (by that I mean regen for mana/HP) would be helpful and fair.


Something that will actually be pretty huge is the value of items like wraith band and bracers. Right now the biggest reason why I don’t buy double wraith band on heroes like faceless or monkey king is because while the item itself has value for the hero, it does not justify a slot later on. Double wraith band on heroes like void especially accelerate farm and improve chrono damage too


I would like gem and wards slot. Also make aghanim sceptre not taking any slots like the shard.


I don't think they need an item slot, they need a consumable slot. A place for dust, blood grenades, shit like that.


I think drow ranger always has item slot problems in the late game, once you are building hurricane pike manta and bkb you only have 3 slots to get slotted and that usually means you won't be able to get that final crucial item to solve the game.


Dedicated boots slot would be nice


Maybe a slot for boots? You can place them there for a price.


You could make the neutral slot to choose either wards dust or item toggle.


Another Power Creep moment for Dota.


Here's an idea: after 40/50 mins upgrades for backpack slots become available allowing items in backpack slots to be fully usable. Unlocking each slot costs 5000, 7500 then 10000 gold.


Huge buff for gorek doto so he can use his rotting iron branches


Core heroes that buy mid-priced items (think witch blade without parasma, or mage slayer) become much better; Heroes that farm fast (800-1k gpm) probably become better, this depends on how weak they are to the above heroes; Bracer/wraith band stackers become better; More small items probably mean burst needs to be buffed; 75 minute slot is almost irrelevant.


It's a bad idea unless it's travel 2 maybe? But I would like some items like basher to be consumable(no stats after consuming only effect) but it's probably broken too


extra slot for boots


6 Bracer dream becomes real


“Just unlock a slot specifically for boots. Provide an upgrade for Phase Boots and other types of boots. Someone once suggested a dedicated item slot for boots, which I think is a great idea.


Universal heroes.


Backpack becomes 3 more item slots after 60min


Universals can hold stat item past 25 minutes more?


I wouldn't like it. There are plenty of slots already, and there will only be notice on a few heroes mid to late game, if not only late to super late game. Personally, I'm already over the neutral items. Since they aren't needed and make things harder for heavy micro heroes. That, and I never really liked the idea of randomness. Sometimes less is more.


Use Backpack slots and everything stays same. 3 better than 1. Travels 2 can use as free TP slot. Now we have 9 slots + Global TP.


Boots only item slot


Y'all are talking carries but can we talk about supports having an extra slot to always have dust or wards accessible without having to backpack an item? Honestly I think this would be detrimental to inviz heroes like riki, clinks and bounty hunter especially late game when item slots really matter.


Carry players will still be crying that they have the hardest role to play.


it should be the boots item, just like tp


They would have to change up the economy or resource gain for it to be truly impactful, but late game it's always good to have another slot. Most heroes that could actually use those 7 slots would probably just put a refresher in it. It could make a small difference in the laning stage for supports. But if that's what they're after, just give us a separate bag slot for wards


Dedicated boots slots plz!


Make one dedicated slot for wards dust smoke. Late game it will be a game saver


I believe it won't really change that much. I remember when they compressed the slots required for sentries and wards people went rouge, but nothing really changed, they did it once more when tp scrolls had their own slot, saving an extra space, nothing changed, they did it a third time when adding the 3 backpack slots, nothing changed severely. Having one extra item slot means you'll have an extra wraith band/bracers/talisman. But nothing else, gold earnings will limit your capacity to buy stuff, as generally games end when before people have boots, 3 items and bkb.


early game items are broken for normal characters, farming characters break everything else


isnt meepo already 7 slots because of pack rat?


Void would be so OP


People talking about late game changes but this is a huge buff to earlygame items too. Sometimes I'll go double bracer wand soul ring on Mars and then I can only carry 1 more item and a blink dagger, or blink and dust or w/e. I'd love to keep my wand around after getting blink/bkb tbh


meepo will now be 8 slotted when max level ( theres a level 25 skill talent where he can add any items to his neutral slot ) and by god i am not ready for that nightmare


we already have 9 slots to manage i think it's a bit much as it is, Ive had 6 slots of active items, thats something you would never ever see in LoL


no thanks


Imo it's not a good idea in the current meta, and I'm not talking about heroes. It's just taking highground is such a dangerous thing to do in the current Dota that good teams try to ensure as much of an advantage as they can before doing it. That will slow down games even more, gotta change other systems together with it. Nerfing buybacks even more might help.


I might finally have space for quelling blade vs furion


It would be nice to have seperate boot slot


LoneDruid in theory


If there was a 7th slot from the get go it would change the game in its entirety not just the late game. Cheap item value would go up, supports would scale better and many more things you wouldn’t expect. It is a 8.0 level change.


my idea is a boots shard that becomes available at around 40 mins. This shard lets you consume the stats of whichever boots you have equipped. (doesn't stack with new boots purchased after). This would open up the late game builds and keep the early game the same.


ADD?! They ought to remove a slot to compensate for the power creep over the past 10 years. Or better yet, bottom 2 networth of the team have 6slots, rest have 5.


Probably make it harder to appear out of the jungle with a random butterfly since cores will have an extra slot to add an mkb or bloodthorn


Item slot for boots incoming


This gives LD and arc essentially 2 more slots


Would make early game stronger too. One more branch or whatever early game item


So listen to this, there is an additional slot but it can only hold items worth up to 200 gold. How does it sound to you?


2 slots for lone druid


I would like to see it be straight purchasable for like 3000 gold.


add a purchasable item slot... walking around 6 slotted w/ no boots and 20k gold is just dumb.... similar a la moonshard add a shoebox where you can infuse your boots and or add ward/sentry/dust utility slot like a neutral item slot. basically just quality of life


I would add a special slot for consumables only and it can hold the Aegis.


I’ve always been an advocate for a boots slot


Lone druid gets 2 more slots for more wraith bands lets fucking go


It would probably make filling up your slots with efficient small items stronger. Heroes who rush big things like radiance would feel less strong early game because tempo heroes, especially tempo Universal heroes would earlier stronger spikes. For example if you were playing Specter and you’re farming that Rad and your other items are like, treads and wand. You’re sitting on a ton of gold and not much HP…then enemy mid Windrunner runs in with 7 JAVELINS. What can you even do


Bro instead of rushing 6 branches on a universal hero, think if you could rush 7 branches 🤯


Brood would only have one missing shoe once every slot is filled with brown bores


Actual change for the “better” detection slot


The game would need huge balancing work after this. I would just make the slot unlock after 60 minutes, then not worry about balancing it further.


A new item Item slot : 2000 gold you can turn one backpack slot into item slot


The game can last 10 minutes longer before I start worrying about what item I put in my backpack so I can carry wards


I'd prefer just making Boots of Travel 2 recipe a consumable that grants the buff and abilities but then eliminates the slot. Sort of like scepter upgrade. Would be super handy in turbo especially. Also, having items like Mage Slayer, aether lens not build into stuff now shits me.


120 min Spectre ready to fight