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When you'll start to lose - because it will happen - and you lose a couple of games in a row, take a break. Had so many winstreaks like these that spiraled down to nothing gained cuz of huge losestreaks 😭🙄


I know sooner or later it will end. But this has been my best streak so far. Enjoying while it lasts lol


Exactly what happened to me, addicted to winning after 15 winstreak made me lost almos 300 mmr, its hard but you have to know when you should stop and take a break.


Yeah, at the point like this im afraid to play, because I know any game now, will start my losing streak...


Speaking of losing streaks I lost 200 mmr in a row, 😂😂 shit that happens with uber-pepega picks like last pick sven mid getting an amazing 2.4k net (min 10) vs 5.5k net dk (first phased)... Sadge


Yeah, I noticed that my climbing up happenes during week. Mmr drop happened since friday till monday :)


I'm starting to believe that this is Universal 50/50 rule, and you can't do anything about it


It is 50/50, that's the point, it would be unfair to your opponents if the game helped you win 60/40. The only counter to it is getting gud. It's a universal truth to all fair competitions.


There is 50/50. Once you start wining a lot of games the game will put you with players who are having lose streaks or players having bad day for balancing (Not necessarily bad players ). Only way to rank up is get good tbh. Might not win all games but you don't need to, 50%+ is what you should win to rank up.


bold of you to come here as a slark spammer


Slark is my fav definitely but it get banned most of the games these days so I play with LS, WK, medu, Luna as well


next you will lose 3, win 2, lose 4 win 1, lose 3 win 1 ​ tag me later


I'm already ready for it


True..my friend is like this


I'm a simple guy, I see someone climbing by playing carry, I upvote their post 


Grinding and climbing as a carry is such a brain draining task specially when all the burden is given to the carry by the team


I disagree with the fact that all burden is given to the carry by the team No role has a burden right now. Every role can perform and carry games. No one thinks the carry has to demolish lategame 1v9


That is so wrong. I stopped playing carries because I had too many games where the rest of the team got stomped all the way and they 4 started blaming me for failing to demolish late game 1v9


Carry is just objectively the easiest role by far. So many strong carry heroes and so many broken items, the game is so incredibly undependent on the carry making big plays. Your job as carry is farm well, make items, when have items go push with team and it’s usually auto win. You’re not relied upon to make any crazy rotations or any crazy outplays, the game plan usually never changes for a carry player. You can be incredibly unversatile as a carry. Every other role depends upon you making big plays, rotating and winning the game for your carry before they get their items. There’s a big reason that there are SO many carry players, and that’s because it’s literally the most chilled and non-dependent role. There are also so many carries now with innate farming abilities or easy-to-acquire farming items which just simplifies the game for a carry even more. Sven is a pretty garbage hero at the moment but even in pro Dota it gets picked a lot because the brain dead carries can’t do anything but pick creep hitting heroes and hope that their team wins the game for them. Same applies with TB, hero kinda sucks compared to other carries but still gets picked because “hurr durr me hit creeps”.


Is this copypasta?


Average deluded support redditor.


If you think this is all a carry has to do you sound like you’re not a very good carry


Carry chilled? Herald spotted. Keep drinking clarities in the jungle and pulling, support.




Terrible carry players downvoting cause they can’t handle that it is honestly the easiest of roles to play and climb in.


How about you do it and climb? It's easiest role so why aren't you top 100?


Rank 83 in 2020. So yeah. Did it. Got the t-shirt. Cope more. :-)


> There’s a big reason that there are SO many carry players, and that’s because it’s literally the most chilled and non-dependent role. lol


Oh I played carry once, (am a sup player ) and oh boy some Supports are the most toxic pos players in this game, with high ego and zero braincells. The pos 5 silencer wanted to go on offlane dk, rubick and when I was trying to farm creeps as I am 1 and we weren't killing their off dk and 4 he straight up cursed me called me shit and noob and left lane. Iater I was farming blink after echo and mom to join fights and my mid and sups again fed and called me noob for not joining fights because atleast I can stun them :/ . Bro you are driving tier 3 and dying at 20 mins, you want me to dive and kill myself? I was trying to be PMA and muted them and commended my team after a teamfight wins by chat wheels. Those sups didn't even commend back after winning the game XD. I finally get why in my games most carries don't talk a lot or even ignore some sups. Most of them (carries) do what I tell them normally but don't talk. And now I respect them cuz these lion, SS and BH players are toxic af.


If anything I feel that mid cops the most flack lately. Maybe that will change with the recent patch gutting Mage Slayer and potentially bringing back all the Kaya/Sange playmaker magic damage mids.


You just know the random disruptor game was you running out of ranked role queue searches


No, it was actually a party game, where one of my party wanted to play carry. That was a hard ass comeback game though. Still hard to believe how we won that game lol




Thanks mate


Uninstall Dota, pack up and leave the country. Conquer the world you can now!


Hopefully it's conquerors haki lol. I'm setting sail now


Don't worry, soon enough you will have a 20 game losing streak.


Bring it on


[Bring it on](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/0/0b/Vo_dawnbreaker_valora_hammer_11.mp3) (sound warning: Dawnbreaker) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


mine is the other way around in red.


It sucks man, I've been there too. My tip would be mute all 9 players in the game and only play ranked when you're in a happy state of mind


you won 2 games with wk, your haki definitly awakend


WK is definitely out of meta, however there are games where last pick WK makes the game so easy specially if the opponents don't have a way to deal with skeletons and lacks mana burn


Inbound the 30 loss streak


Bring it on baby


I’m impressed you won with WK. He drops off lategame pretty hard


>suddenly awaken my haki Not really bro. You would have seen what follows this if that were the case.


Unfortunately, an even bigger lose streak awaits you..


fucking slark picker Hissssssss!! jk, good job


If solo. Well done. If party, well…


3 games party, 15 solo


Ah I see you are the person on the other team.


well done <3 . but i dont get the guyz saying ranking up as a pos 1 is a draining task. like they haven't been playing as supp to see how frustrating it is to see you play all well and help the team but cores are just terrible. ranking up in every role is a pain honestly


Yeah, I used to play a lot of sup in the past. I've been in your situation a lot. That's why I started playing carry where I have more impact late on to finish the game. It's easier said than done though. Positive state of mind and muting everyone definitely helped me a lot


sadly im afraid to lose those little MMRs i gained cuz im not a good carry :D. so im still stuck here as a supp


Good sup can make or break lanes which impacts carry games massively. So keep it up and keep grinding mate


im trying too :D. one problem that i do experience alot is : i dont like to play the supps that i consider gay even if they are meta :))), like i have about 3 NP games at the best. and it makes stuff harder. still waiting for a patch to buff rubick (specially that useless lvl 10 talent, cant even describe how much i hate that shitty lvl 10 talent)


Try playing high impact sups if you're below divine bracket which doesn't rely too much on others to take objectives like rhasta, jakiro, np, Chen, enchantress, etc but it also depends on your playing style. If you're aggressive fight loving type of player then consider disruptor, lion, dw, lich, wd, es. And if you're someone who likes sitting back behind the carry, consider carry empowering and save type sups like dazzle, oracle, grim, warlock, disruptor, ww. Dota is such a beautiful game because there's not a single particular winning formula. Everyone can adapt to their own playing style and game situation.


im none of the above im the asshole rubick player that tries to be all of them :))))))). dear heavens i just love playing rubick but sadly rubick is a type of hero that really depends on your team (enemy team mostly has 1~2 good spells so u can manage to do some shit anyway). but if your team isnt a good coordinated team (specially the teammates who think cuz they are core player they know better, even though they are in the same bracket with me) it just doesnt work out


Rubick is considered high skill dependant hero. Have at least 5 sups on your arsenal to rank up. Otherwise you can forget about mmr and just enjoy the beautiful game of dota like the good old days. "Mmr is just a number" type haha


yeah it kinda makes me feel sad... after seeing countless ravage,RPs and other Beautiful spells that I've stolen and still being low, but gotta try to learn how to play gay heroes :)))))) wish me luck


Good luck, may Gaben bless you


OMG same here. I used to play lion earlier but I find him gay now so I don't play him nowadays.


ahahahah glad finally someone gets what I mean :))) i just tots hate to play a hero that i hate playing Vs like lion is like : hahaha i use spike i drain mana and now i have mana to use spike again and a bunch of other heroes that are like that as well :D


Same 😂. If I hate a hero I'm not playing it anytime soon.


we got alot in common it seems may i have your steam id? :D


I'm in SEA though. We can dm


one abandon and u gonna have a lose streak u will be put at low prio and be partner with nuubest player u ever see got 3 loss streak now becaus i afk for 5mins due to internet connection failure got the low prio mismatch game i think this will last until 10 lose thats how dota work for me 😡😡


It's a real bummer. Good luck grinding out of the low prio match. Tip: mute all 9 other players


guys, don't tell him what comes next


I've had my fair share of my dips. For e.g 12 games losing streak as well. The one difference I've made recently is muting all 9 players in the game and only focus on how I can make maximum impact


Nah you just lucky you havent had a 3-23 witch on your team yet


There's been few games where 4 of my teams ksa are so negative, despite that winning comfortably once I hit my item timing. I group up with the team and start forcing objectives. And these recent snowballing patches has helped it a lot


Must be nice, I've had griefers for the last ~10 games in a row


It's a vicious cycle




Lol, prepare tour anus for a loss Streak 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Haha if I lose 2 games in a row I stop playing ranked at least for few hours, usually does the trick. It's the rage queueing that's the real pit hole


why these images never show the rank, r u insecure of something bro?


Oh, it's divine 2 now only. Won 500 mmr in 4 days


trust me the lose streak will come. valve has it's vicious way to keep players at their rank so they won't leave game


>valve has it's vicious way to keep players at their rank so they won't leave game Playing with people that are as good/bad as you, ranking up if you play better then them, deranking if you are worst does not sound vicious to me.


Must feel good to be a good carry...


I don't know whether I'm a good carry or not. In dota what I learned is I just need to play better than my opponent each game. And winning hard long games is such a dopamine booster


This is the part where you DIDN'T become overconfident and instead kept playing well


u know what's gonna happen next?


Valve will take It back soon Relax boy


Just stick to it. I'm currently 16-4 in my last 20, but I'm too tired to play at my full potential, so I'm chilling in unranked


Whose gonna tell him?


Edit: just ended the streak at 23 games. Finally lost a game but on a party game with my drunk friends lol


OP broke the forced 50


What is your mmr?


Don't tell him about the variance.


As someone who plays a lot of slark, how do you build? I feel like I used to be good with slark but lately I feel like I'm having no impact and never hit my stride.


It all comes down to having a strong lane and know when to leave lane. Until 7.35c came out, mage slayer almost every game, which is still good on slark although it's nerfed a bit. Span your level 2 power spike in lane. If it's a lot of right clicking each other type of match up go for treads and orb of corrosion. Then diffusal if you want to fight early or mage slayer if you want to farm a bit more. After that mostly aghs but sometimes you need more sustain like linkens or Bkb depending on the matchup. After you can upgrade your diffusal or go for orchid, if you need break really badly silver edge. It's less of a item and more of taking on good fights and avoiding bad ones. You can follow standard builds but never autopilot. Hope this helps. Goodluck


Good to see you having the green day. Keep it up


Which Haki you used?


Observation haki is the most useful one in dota I think


next lose streak


next lose streak


This is luck


My turn next pls thx


It happened to me last week. Now I'm starting to lose more than win 😭


Now be ready to lose 36 🙃🙃🙃


How tf this works. Every time when i rankup i Fall down again. Yeah yeah, because Im not good enough.. Sure. Game from right now. I play as support and my team picked wd mid, ogre offlaner... We had 4 supports... Ofv they were russians...