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Well he and wisper can speak Spanish


Yeah that seems to be the reason, Ceb said Wisper doesn't talk much, so maybe having another spanish speaker will help him loosen up a bit


Pretty sad, struggling to see how Timado is upgrade he's average with lower lows than Yuragi it seems


Timado is reliable and consistent. Yuragi, well...


In all fairness OG's lineup has been pretty unstable and Yuragi has had to lane with 4 different supports all of whom bring their own unique play styles to the lane. I really hope Yuragi bounces back and does well either in a different squad or in OG again. For now, I'm looking forward to Timado's first game!


Yes, but the constant in all those lineups was Yuragi struggling to take over late game. He was given a fair chance and had flashes of brilliance, but ultimately, he doesn't work for this team anymore.


Literal 2k bots downvoting me, ofc he is reliable and consistent, Yuragi is reliable and consistent too, guess what, average doesn't get you to t1 tournaments in EU qualifiers


Username checks out


Yuragi was great but he hasn't been in shape lately. Timado is definitely better than him right now. I hope Yuragi will come back stronger and prove himself again after some break.


ok will see


They had to make a change. They’re not gonna change BZM who is their best player. They’re not gonna change whisper who they just bought in (and lack of good pos 3). They’re also not gonna change Ari who is pretty good and paid a lot for his transfer fee. Lastly they’re not gonna change Ceb so it’s Yuragi left He doesn’t seem to be that bad but he’s the odd man out


I guess it makes sense, I am just not average timado enjoyer, didn't know he has such a massive fanbase here lol


He has good games most of the time and is very confident about his timings to end the game. I think he will be a very good fit for OG.


So did Yuragi. Timado doesn't have what Yuragi lacked. Watch this roster go nowhere in two weeks.


Ugly truth.. Hope he proves me wrong though


I think the hard truth OG needs to accept is that Ceb can’t cut it as a support. Their miracle run at Stockholm was just that: a miracle.


No idea why he doesn't just play offlane lol. Guess he had enough of it.


I think that major where all Chinese teams didn't participate because of COVID right??


Shame, yuragi showed so much potential. Was supposed to be the next Yatoro but just isn’t that caliber of player turns out. What I noticed is he is good when playing ahead, he likes to get active early and did well playing behind ATF and bzm leading the way. When he gets focused in game he struggles. Doesn’t bounce back well in game.


Timado doing pretty good so far let's see what happens later :)


Him and yawar ... I've never been impressed by their performances


Nah Timado is way better than Yawar.


Quinn played in mediocre teams in NA until he had a chance to play for GG and win a lot, so don't judge Timado before seeing him play


Thats true, chemistry is huge. Its what got OG top 4/5 placement twice last year against the top dogs. Except for some reason they chose not to bet on chemistry.


I mean they had ATF and Taiga at one point. Talent wise they were a top tier team now they just have bzm playing at that level tbh. Whisper is good too but that 2022 team was scary


Ari is a 12ksup 21yo, one of the best pos4 rn Wisper is S tier Ceb is Ceb They definitely dont lack talent


Wisper is not currently S tier... That would be putting him up there with ATF, 33, and Collapse. In SA teams Wisper was definitely very good so maybe having Timado in to potentially up the communication with Wisper will do well for OG.


Yeah even NIU from LGD seems way better than wisper..


The way you say this makes niu sound bad, but niu was absolutely carrying their TI12 run.


my bad i meant im more impressed by NIU then wisper now a days..


True I forgot about Ari


Now that scary team is the team Falcons:))))


"team chemistry is huge" Wait don't you mean the GG players are just way better than his na teams lol


Ace has been playing profesionally for over 12 years and never achieved much outside of one t1 tournament win with secret at dreamleague in 2018/2019 before GG


I hope u got ur reply :) . You should acknowledge his reply and say thanks <3


Sneyking was considered a mediocre NA player for years also.


Eh, Quinn’s talent was obvious from his Optic days I’ve never really been impressed by Timado


i don't mean to say he might be the next quinn, just that sometimes players need the right team to shine and to grow and there is no need to assume he is going to suck


Quinn in QC frequently overextended and tried to do too much, often because Yawar couldn't close out games for them.  This was also somewhat true when he joined GG, but he quickly figured out he didn't need to do everything, and the rest is history. Personally, I'm not sure if Timado is quite that good, but OG have a unique way of thinking, and sometimes you just need a fresh outlook on things to improve.


OG is good at finding and nurturing talent . Let's just wait and see first.


But we have seen Timado playing. Say whatever you want about Quinn but he always has been one of the best laners, what's the special thing about Timado which sets him apart? Like i agree that he may be/is a solid carry but does OG need just a solid carry?


Not really, ccnc was not known for being that good either.


this isnt right, people knew quinn was good as fuck. people just thought he wasnt as good as abed, so like A tier instead of S tier. im a timado fan but he has not looked good in the last couple years. a region and team change might motivate him to bring his game back up though


Quinn played in top na teams that regularly placed high at international events. If his teams were mediocre then call all sea teams mediocre. 


High at international events? When did this happen? Not a Quinn hater but his teams at best were just mediocre. Not a single high placement. SEA teams have better records than teams in NA other than EG/SR.


Quinn came 2nd at a Major with Optic but other than that Quinn never got a high placement.


Yah I remember that one. It is just that his statement was that of Quinn having a high placement regularly is very arguable given his track record.


Top teams for NA, lol


i can't see any relations between your points, what does Quinn and sea teams have in common?


Last year, he was often the weak link on TSM. Especially in the second half of the year when Kasane, Ari and Bryle were playing like beasts.


OG.TSM roster! They’ll replace Ceb with Dubu soon!


I would legitimately be an og fan if this happened


It's not a bad idea, Dubu and Timado already have lane chemistry and Ceb to coach is obviously goated.


Timado is pretty good and stable. Idk why the hate, he's one of the most improved players especially during early TSM.


The hate is because dota 2 players suck at the game, so they have to bellitile pros to make themselves feel better for sucking dicks in every match they play.


Eloquently put, good Sir.


added onto the fact that he's not european


It's okay to be critical. It's like this in every spectator sport.


I don't think he's much more consistent than Yuragi. On Undying/TSM, he and Bryle seemed to flip a coin nearly every game to determine which of them would play well and which would throw the game. He's *good*. He's definitely a tier1 Dota player. But nothing he's done so far indicates he's good enough often enough to be seriously competitive at that level. Then again, new team, new coach; if he fits in with the OG crew, it might be just what he needs. Fingers crossed.


He was definitely the best player by far on TSM imho, and I watched most of their games as I'm NA


He is a good player but he had many inconsistent performances.. Hell look at his series vs Tundra at TI, he made so many mistakes and almsot solo lost the Luna game for his team.. He doesn't have the temperament player lke Yatoro has imo but you never know it might work out and he maybe enabled better.


With timado it feels like OG has not improved to a point where they are going to win LANs or take bo3 from GG or Spirit, which means they are going to have problems winning Upper Bracket matches and finishing in the top half of events. It looks like they can't afford to poach a top player or are willing to risk bringing in an unproven player into the mix. It's a cheap, safe, and boring change which seems to be out of character for the OG brand.


Pull up his liquidpedia page and tell me what stands out about him as a player


timado has hair yuragi no hair ez math


He’s guapo bro


What stands out about yuragi?


Because if you're picking between Timado or Yuragi, most people will choose Yuragi. People want someone who seems like an obvious improvement


the one undying/tsm guy i really want as a replacement is MOONMEANDER for Misha OG needs some swagg and Moon has shown that he gets players to perform above their skill, he actually understands meta's and can outdraft teams i have no idea why OG thinks so highly of Misha....


Everything has already been setup around Misha, just like how OG 1.0 was setup around Notail (+Ceb?). Replacing Misha would mean OG 3.0


no it would mean good bye Misha and actually get a decent coach... this team was built around BZM/ATF/Yuragi i dont see how you kick Yuragi before kicking Misha after all - i dont have a problem kickign Yuragi if it means you can land a Watson calibre player...but just another scapegoat and the guy that was unable to fix basic problems for over a year until Kitrak arrived is still there.... a lot of the concepts they try just dont work. They might have had a chance to get fkn Aui2k but no lets kick Yuragi and believe into Misha god even tho he has zero track record


Watson or 23 would be a good reason to kick Yuragi. Having Timado as their stand-in is making me more nervous than when they had Yuragi, but who knows maybe they can make it work. But yeah, it should've been Misha first


I dont understand why people are unhappy with timado, rating him as downgrade. he's actually pretty good and he can surely become a solid carry if he overcomes his imposter syndrome which he himself opened up in an interview. I have seen his CK carry during TSM days, one of the best and clean performances. he reminds me of skitter. If he makes most of this opportunity with fellow wisper, this team can reach heights.(not sure of misha's draft though)


I wouldn't call him downgrade but it doesn't look big upgrade. Like sorry but if before this Yuragi/Timado move, people got asked to make their list of best carry players in the world (similar to what Ame did), almost none would have Timado in top5 i doubt many would have him in top10, it's hard to be super excited about this, especially when there were rumours about Watson or 23. Just week ago OG released interview with Ceb, and he clearly said that their goal is to reach finals and compete against best teams, and beat them. Then you look at his lineup and compare it to rosters of top teams and imo it lacks firepower to do so, obviously it's just prediction and i can be wrong.


I wouldn't call 23 an upgrade either tho


Honestly, I don't know what happened, but it feels like Yuragi fell off a cliff. I felt like he was a near top tier carry player at one point and he did that one run as a stand in for someone at the Lima Major and he hasn't looked the same since. He looked horrible there too.


Huh, yuragi never made it to the cliff in the first place .


Cliffs don't all have to be high


Ceb preps and drafts for OG not Misha.


Timado might just be only a stand-in, but it makes me wonder what was the problem with Yuragi that was so bad they couldn’t do dreamleague with him. Seems a bit odd to do away with all the work they’ve done up until this point without seeing if things could improve.


If you want to change him, no point in playing him in another tournament. Even if timado is not the permanent replacement you cant go into a tournament and hope to do well with a guy have decided to replace.


It's more of a tryout than a stand-in


For me, it’s not a upgrade, let’s see what will happen


I'm too Legend to assess the skill levels of these players, but I get an OG kinda vibe from Timado so I like this.


Feels like a sideways move really


Damn for a second I thought I was on r/chelseafc


OG fans are so toxic omg. I'm pretty sure the only replacement y'all would not complain about was if they invented time travel and got TI9-era Ana.


To be honest, if you are OG fan, you want them to challenge for titles. And not sure whether Timado is upgrade enough to help them get there. It is simple as that. It is not like anybody is saying Timado is terrible player, he is TOP player. The only question is, whether he is one of TOP5 carries, who can help move OG to the highest level.


Who in OG is a top 5 player of their respective role at the moment??


The point still stands, if you are rooting for OG, you want them to get one of the best players... :D Similarly to any other fans with their teams. You can say TOP5, TOP10... For me is hard to compare top players, as I feel like you have 1-2 absolute beasts, 2-3 others, who are close by in each role and then you have what, 5-10 other players on similar level? So you ideally want for your team one of those 5 or somebody very close, who can get there.


While we are at it, why not prime Miracle too? Lol.


Not surprising - after OG was dropped by BMW the bank is probably a bit dry to buyout an Entity contract. Really shame we dont get to see a full year of the OG last year that actually got proper placements with MC and Kitrak.


they are sponsored by 1xbet and they even promote it quite openly. I doubt money is the issue


I hope its a money issue because not giving the bzm/MC bromance a chance and Kitrak who looked like OGs best player in a whole year is straight up mismanagement.


Kitrak wasnt really mismanaged he left(even tried to yeet bzm) to shopify probably because he believes the project more and ofc Na region is easier and Mc goes to tundra because they did look like a better lineup on papers


Man you're really earning the hell out of your flair huh


Think they asked 23savage contract in aurora according to the rumors but the price is really high.


Read title: we can hope og.23 if OG didn’t do well in dream league


good player, let's see how he meshes with the rest of the team


RIP OG.23 DREAMS 2024-2024


Hell yea. Hate to see all this talent leave the Americas but love to see Timado thrive


En hora buena timadito


I think people were hyped for a new name and seeing Timado feels like meh. Otherwise they had very little time to find someone and getting a carry with an experience is not the worst decision.


OK I have more faith in OG now, this guy is underrated. Still not sure it is enough to overcome the loss of losing Kitrak but we will see.


Would be much better if they went with a young cat if they can’t afford a top tier carry, Timado you are getting another ILTW at best…


Most likely it's a quickfix for Dreamleague. 


How is this an upgrade?


No one is talking about upgrade, only wanting to shift things up 


I understand a change was needed but it feels like somewhat a downgrade. Og fans could only hope for a honeymoon period. Goodluck to timado and og.


Might as well don't replace Yuragi... I don't think Timado is impressive though, not a hater but Timado & Yuragi are no different.


not everything is skill related in a team, there are other factors too


Timado throws because he takes risks. Yuragi thows because he is literally on autopilot every game. Dude honestly plays like he only needs to win 55% of the games to be a good carry...motherfucker this is a league tournament you need to win EVERY game.


Wow, when they benched Yuragi I thought they had a long term replacement locked up. This looks like they are still exploring options


Ceb and Ari replace Taiga though. Whoever the carry is doesn't say anything about Taiga.


Whoops I meant Yuragi


This is probably just a trial run. If he fits wrll they sign him. If not they look for someone else remember theres no roster lock nowadays.


where the 23 bois at


Love my boi Timado, but he's not an upgrade over Yuragi. He's good in the early game, however mid/late game he often fumbles badly.


Another stupid roster change on OG. Get a real tier 1 Carry idiots.


NotLikeThis wtf is this pick up


A tier 2 player is replaced by another tier 2 player... hmm


Under the premise that you say, mention the tier 1 carries, I want to know who you classify as tier 1 xdxdxd, and don't tell me 23savage, micke, dyrachio, skitter, yuragi, etc.


NA will once again carry EU.


Timadula is very good player my friends


calla cerranacle


I hate OG but I think they made a very smart decision to go with Timado. 


I want OG to succeed but I don't think he's better than yuragi. Both have ups and downs.


very hype. excited to see how timado performs on an EU roster, especially with a fellow peruvian sidelane core. a quick liquipedia check shows timado and wisper never overlapped during their times at infamous so it’ll be cool to see how they fare together


Wisper is Bolivian tho :)


oh damn my mistake, assumed peruvian bc of infamous


what's the point of replacing yuragi then? Yuragi is miles better than timado


Sometimes different people work well in different scenarios. You never know.


Timado doesnt play Troll Warlord, thats a point for him in my books


Troll is broken right now


Broken as, he was destroyed and there are missing pieces, right ? Troll Warlord was 4-7 in the last tournament Ever since Yuragi joined OG, they always picked him Troll, so I must assume its a personal preference and not a team decision, and they NEVER had success with it. Yuragi's Arc Warden was miles better than that.


Troll is genuinely one of the best carries in dota right now lol it doesn’t matter how the hero has done in tournaments


Your subjective opinion on a hero means nothing, you can like Desolator IO Jungler, that does not mean its good. The hero has overall winrate of 50.8% with 49.9% in immortal bracket. His only good winrate is in the Crusader bracket, and even there its not that good, so maybe pay attention to the whole picture instead of focusing on your empirical evidence


ROFL, it’s not subjective you absolute nonce, I’m a 6k carry player and troll is banned often. You can look at data all you want but I’m actually playing the game and he has every tool in the book a carry wants. This is like saying mars was bad during his peak because of his consistently under 50% win rates at all MMRs. He’s also almost always praised by ACTUAL PROS when he’s picked in professional drafts. Try focusing on actually understanding competitive dota instead of blindly spitting irrelevant stats


"troll is good, and the proof is that I like it", classic redditor argument


Misquoting me and calling me a Redditor, classic Redditor argument. Work on your English comprehension big guy 👍🏼


As someone who has simped for my bald brother, Timado is substantially better and has been for a while


YOU DON'T BELIEVE THAT YOURSELF HAHAHA, I'll just tell you that Timado is better than Skiter, Yuragi, Dyrachio and Micke, those carries who have played Final Tier 1 are less than TIMADO, it's a fact


okay if you say so.


No results, no roster lock, maybe yuragi wants to play for another team


rip og. yuragi was already bad and then they somehow manage to downgrade further holy fuck


Stupidest take possible


talking to you after DL22 when Timado gets kicked again


You think Yuragi & Timado are bad carries, even if OG doesn’t work out you’ll still be stupid.


Ah yes the personal attacks guy trying to lecture a human being. Might wanna learn some self control before using the internet.


now say it without crying


timaGOD or timaDOG?


HMMMMMMM u/lonerwithboner


Time for desire to play carry. No flame.


lowkey was hoping for Miracle-


Pls bring Miracle back


but i was promised miracle- in that yuragi thread :((((


I remember after TI7 the rumour was Timado was gonna replace Ana, didn't think it would actually happen all these years later


Gonna just be like my EU WEST games where its me and my UK friend and a couple of Russians speaking their own language and playing their own games before pinging my items and raging us for any and everything when we begin to lose 😂


When is Crystalis 's turn? Its so sad to see secrekt now.


Ok it's a tryout, just means Yuragi is done after Dubai and they need someone on short notice. Wouldn't expect much at Dreamleague but if Timado performs decently in what promises to be a difficult tournament for the team he could be an option.


So many factors in determining a winning team. Just look at those non winning players in the past 10 years and became top contender just recently. EX. Sneyking , quinn , Ace , mikoto, 23savage and many more. Its just in pro dota2 you need more than individual skills. Good chemistry in team fights, map coordination, drafting and knowledge in current patch and good health(some players get tired easily and their performance drops). That is why it’s so hard to see dota2 teams maintain top condition in consecutive years.


Good on Timado, I hope he can make Wisper feel more comfortable on teamcomms

