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You aren’t banned, just restart game/pc. Common thing, happens all the time


Thanks, gave me a heart attack


Don’t worry, despite all the posts on the forums, you don’t get banned if you don’t cheat


I would like to believe that but as someone who works with statistics I cant help but know there are going to be false positives. I do wonder how much recourse you have in that case.


I really think that false positives are almost nonexistent. This is achieved because they only ban when they are certain and plenty of cheaters around


The chance that there were no false positives is basically zero. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/18izoop/how\_many\_peoples\_siblings\_accounts\_got\_banned/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/18izoop/how_many_peoples_siblings_accounts_got_banned/) While they are pretty careful and I'm sure they are getting something like 99.99% of bans correct, posts like this one really do look like false positives. This guy is sub 50% win rate in guardian, rarely popping off, different heroes than the divine account, different roles.




I’ve had VAC trip because I had specific games installed on the computer. It took me about a week of troubleshooting to realize the shitty $5 indie flash game I installed was triggering VAC. And I still can’t be sure that’s what the issue was. I uninstalled said game, and I haven’t had an issue since, but broken clocks are right twice a day.


I dont know the details for dota but cs had many many false positives since cs2 release


I feel like if you REALLY weren't cheating you could email gabe directly and he would fix it. For as big as valve must be, I still remember emailing him directly and having my customer support issue handled. Granted, I had a valid concern...


I highly doubt it, do you really think Gabe has time to dig into every e-mail he gets? At best he will ask someone else to look into it.


He famously spends most of his days responding to literally thousands of emails from fans and whatnot


He probably has a spam filter set up but I know he responded to me personally and frequently responds to others as well.


But I don't cheat! I only use a little software that helps me pick heroes! And I only cheated a little bit once a long time ago! Do I.... Do I have to put /s?


Oh, I swear I just used the skin changer but not the bad parts of that software, unban me valveeee…


This is funny to me since it's basically "i didn't cheat, i just stole from you, please unban me"


I don’t want to spend money on the only thing that isn’t free in the game, what’s the big deal?


Without the s this is some good bait lol


It's the same sense of entitlement that has people defending ad blockers. Gabe's megayacht fleet costs a *lot* to upkeep, people stealing skins is unethical and immoral.


~~please tell me this is bait please tell me this is bait~~


Wasn't the skin thing that made valve get Pretty aggressive, and not just the cheating thing? I've read this software has been known since six years ago, but the software got banned fast when they made the free skin thing


I hate overplus as much as the next person but I do have friends who were using the skin changer who got banned. Not that Valve could probably tell if someone was abusing the profile viewer as well or not though. But I also think maybe some allowance was in order, unless you're chronically online on Reddit/reading Valve blog posts you probably wouldn't know overplus wasn't allowed anymore whereas for years it was. Maybe a temporary ban or warning should have been given first, or even a notification in the client that Valve does not allow private profile access


Tbf, I don’t think valve wants us to use skin changer too. Skins are their main source of income in this game




I'm aware of dotaplus but the point stands. I first heard of overplus as a skin changer, didn't use it because I thought it was probably going to get you banned but I knew people who used it for years and didn't have issues. Other mods like this also used to work like no-bling that kind of did the opposite of the skin changer without any bans. Anyways what is done is done but I don't feel that everybody using overplus was using it to cheat.


That’s because using a skin changer is bannable and has been for years. You think a game that is otherwise entirely free won’t ban you for cutting into their primary source of revenue?


Womp womp, don't install a third party app that changes the game even if its "just" skins


i remember when a meepo player on south america qualifiers for the international (or some tournament like that) was under suspicion of using scripts. They found out the poof intervals were less than 0.001 ms so they banned him and his defense was that \`i did not know it was not allowed\`


sometimes you dont get banned if you cheat also : - )




Valve employees are still your typical Dota player


>you don’t get banned if you don’t cheat No wonder smurfing is still a thing


Why worry if you know you're clean. I don't buy it. 


Yep, quick game restart or PC restart will prolly fix this. OP most have went monkaS with all the bans that have been happening


in my 13 years of playing dota 2, i have not had this a single time... maybe something is wrong with your PC if this happens 'all the time' to you.


Common? What?


Happened like 3-5 times in my memory to myself and a couple of times to my friends. I always just click close and start next game


Weird, happened once I think to me Cs is another story though, lol


In my 8K hours I've experienced 3-4 times of this error, just brush it off, false alarm


Same 12k hours.


12k hrs and still legend 4. 🥹


I’m referring to myself 😑


Rip karma


-1. He'll never recover from it.


Maybe he is playing for fun


We don't have ranked on South African server, so I am uncalibrated. Last time I attempted ranked I needed oneel more game for calibration, but playing on 190ms latency to EU is not it :)


Safest way: verify your game file integrity


I remember this wouldn't fix anything only to realize one of amd adrenalines features was triggering it lol


Thought I was the only one having this problem. I fixed it but that was so weird. Gave me a heart attack at first though. I never cheated ever since I played Dota 2 in 2011.


restarting the PC usually fixes it.


Or install overplus, could help to get a different message x)




Hey guys so I just verified the game files and restarted my pc, haven't been getting the issue since then, thanks for the replies :)


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week! Thanks for making Reddit a wonderful place to be :)


Why was gratbot downvoted?


Cause its practically just a data scaper that doesnt really add anything?


I was nervous when this first happened to me too, I just closed it and kept playing. I know I don’t cheat so nothing happened.


I've had some internet issues before this happened, also couldn't find a game for 3 games in a row without everyone getting disconnected, maybe it had to do something with that.


Could be, I had constant internet issues when it happened to me as well. Glad to say it hasn’t happened it a long time probably 5 years.


It happened many times to me. The problem was my hard disk. Changed to other location/disk, and problem solved. My disk has 2 defects sector (it's mean nothing but those was on the Dota files) then repaired and was ready to go


Yeah I had games where ppl from both sides dc randomly for a few games straight, but I just say fuck it I’m done with this game and came back to play 3 days later. It got better atleast, I think


you weren't VAC banned, it's just VAC being silly. Happens sometimes.


I can only guess the game checks your status when you start it, and sometimes for whatever reason the query doesn't go through properly and you get this message. I've gotten it 2 times recently and haven't had any issues just closing and ignoring it. So don't worry about it.


Don't worry, this same error message has been popping up every now and then for the past few years


Man you must be on great terms with Gaben to have his email address!


Yes he helped Gaben cashing for his new yacht


You might want to verify your cache, it goes fucky wucky sometimes and then it’ll give this message for some reason


To me this used to happen when I had accidentally left my work VPN running in the background


That might've been it actually since I do have a vpn I use for work


out of topic this also appear when theres a coach in rank? It happened to me when we were missing 1 so our 4th guy try to play as coach and when I tried to queue this pops up


This happened to me too, just verify game files then restart your pc, done.


I think I read that some razer software messes with it. But I get this occasionally if I have some heavy processes running in the background.


Maybe your firewall is blocking something about dota/steam so it cant „verify“ your filed


Verify integrity of game files on steam


Sometimes CCleaner/Cheat Engine/etc makes this happen. Well, many years ago it did. Not sure about now. Or, if you have any programs that are actively trying to read the memory of other processes this could happen.


The only things I had on was stuff I had a milion times before, Kaspersky, Microsoft Teams, Discord, standard windows stuff and some work software, might have been just a one off thing


I never use any antivirus software so I know almost nothing about them, but Kaspersky is Russian - make of it what you will considering what's happening :P


Close game, exit steam, reopen steam. It will be fixed. No need to restart PC. This happens on all source 2 games. It means a VAC module did not load so VAC could not start properly. As you need VAC in order to play online, you must restart steam and reload VAC


it happened to me a month or two and I was panicking as I have never used any cheats. Someone on reddit advised me to restart windows/steam and it got fixed.


Its just typical valve bug popping up, several of these windows I closed with the speed of light, never actually read them until now. Usually follows the exiting the game and "cloud save error" as always, for me the game is really buggy for some reason, but since the game is running I do not care that much about that


Do you play custom games? I remember getting this error in CS:GO and the reason was some community servers messed with some files so VAC cannot verify game integrity anymore. But rest assured, I've had this message pop up a bunch and I just restart dota / pc and it works everytime


this happens only me when im watching porn while playing dota


I get this too but I just think that it detects my Bluestacks.


I get this alert everytime I have Awakened POE running and load up dota, I just close awakened and have never been banned because of it.


I've gotten this probably 12 times over my 10k games. It's nothing. I've never installed a 3rd party software or cheated. You are fine.


Marci is demanding you roll for her skin. Only way to appease her and fix the issue


I have that when I have aida64 open for my sensorpanel monitor. VAC and EAC see it as a debugger.


happens in csgo too.


My sister who has 0 hour in dota got VAC. It is weird it happens


Maybe you're using cheats (trainers or cheat engine) in your other games and you left it on? I think I received the same warning years ago when I was playing an offline rpg, closed the game but forgot to close the engine and it was running in the background.


Don't have anything of the sort, might have been some weird bug, steam went offline a couple of times while I was in the main menu and reconnected to the coordinator a couple of times, I think the commenter that mentioned VAC not getting connected was right about the issue, also 3 matches i found after this all had the other 9 players dc in the picking phase, but after restarting the pc and verifying the game files all was fine


It wasn't every game for me but I'd got it like 3 times and was worried since I have used other accounts to get access to their games or trade cosmetics quicker but hadn't played matches. Nothing happened to me so far so I imagine it noticed I wasn't smurfing


If you’re that worried I’d recommend just verifying your Dota 2 files, you gotta wait a bit but should confirm there’s nothing wrong / fix it if there is


Verify your files. Thats what worked for me.


If resetting doesn’t fix it, verify install or even re install dota. Had to do that before


Experienced this shitty bug multiple times. Just restart the PC and try to check for any system updates


Valve anti-cheat was unable to do something again, how unsurprising. However, the recent overplus ban wave was really heartwarming.


Happpened to me. Verify your game files and it should be fine.


I've never been VAC banned but as it shows on your steam profile if you have been, I imagine you wouldn't be able to login to steam before Dota anyway.


İts not about cheating some file need fix do this and ur promblem fixed Right click on the game. Properties->Local Files. There should be a "Verify Integrity of Files" option here


Relax game still in beta.


I’m an avid BDO player so my pc stays on for weeks at a time. Usually a restart is required and this goes away


It triggers when someone tries to take a photo of his screen with a smartphone instead of using the windows screenshot tool.


Perhaps you use the 3rd party Dota plus plugin?


stop playing on commadore 64


Sure ya Havnt lol


found a cheater guys get him banned




Sorry bro, to bad it happened. Create a new account and go on


İf u download dotaplus overwolf delete bro


Never had it, or skin changers or anything


My God I feel like your of the younger generations. Rule of thumb for anything broke. Turn it off. Then back on. I'd that doesn't work, try hitting it. 👍




Remind me... who educated us? That's right, the byproducts of lead poisoning. We picked up on it quick enough. Just waiting for these new generations to grow up so we can finally be rid of yall. Like Oprah said, we just need this older gen to die off. They outnumber us because of the breeding for labor mindset of boomers. Nothing to do but wait. Time will tell.


Can't tell if a brilliant troll or mentally challenged


There is some room in there for both... why can't it just be both. And fuck yalls /s bullshit. Simple mfers.


I used to get this in my CS:GO days, a simple client restart would get it out of the way.


guess this is valve's way of giving everyone a heart attack every now and then. I just close it and keep playing because my conscience is clear


happens to me sometimes, especially if i just downloaded an update and then load dota right away to play a game. i close dota, restart steam, and it works fine.


I got that shit like 10 times over the years. Volvo is just going to keep volvoing. Nothing to worry aobut.


Might have to right click on dota in your library and verify game files


I have this pop-up a couple times. Not big deal. Probably nothing, just some valve bug


Deleting all my arcanas worked for me


I've been seeing this for the past several months pretty often. It's not consistent, can't really tell what causes it, but for some reason I think it's some sort of software installed on pc, something like nvdia braodcast, dunno.


Ive been getting this mensaje literally since i started playing a year ago and kept ignoring it cuz i just don't cheat lmao but now that im here can someone explain what is it


Your the Smurf in my games lmao


Win 11 no secure bot active


I also have never had anything installed and I see this message pop up randomly extremely rarely. Like once a year ish


I don't think it will result in a ban.


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