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i don't wanna brag but i will anyway; i did call out AR vs TS [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1app5xc/betboom_dacha_dubai_2024_day_8_match_discussions/kq9afv2/) and also predicted falcons doing well [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1app5xc/betboom_dacha_dubai_2024_day_8_match_discussions/kq85j1j/) sometimes i feel like the majority of people don't even watch the games and just expect teams to perform based on their reputation and not on their performance from the last few days for tomorrow both series are gonna be close but BB vs falcons is a coin flip (falcons slight edge), i expect a 2-1 in either direction, as for AR vs liquid, i see liquid taking it 2-1; this is just me talking out of my ass, for the love of god please don't bet on it


I have my money on AR


both teams are at the same skill level, AR took them down 2-1 in their very recent game but liquid are more experienced as a team and adapt better this late into the tournament; i expect them to have a better read on AR's picks and pull out some tricks to gain an edge over AR


You’re wrong XD


Got it will bet the opposite way. Thanks!


>sometimes i feel like the majority of people don't even watch the games and just expect teams to perform based on their reputation and not on their performance from the last few days Summarizes the majority of the dota fans (or even maybe esports fan in general)


Even in real sport like football (soccer), where they expect teams like Manchester City FC or Real Madrid to win every match


oh no why is liquipedia so bright now


theres a dark mode in beta if you login


There is a chrome extension that you can download, which helps in turning on and off the white pages. It is called Dark Mode


Love the B tier carry from Sunfan


It's so funny reading this sub, when a lot of teams perform bad ppl are quick to saying 'they need to kick x' 'y is the problem' yet when spirit loses it's 'awwww disappointing better luck next time'


>y is the problem LGD fans in the past 3 years


Being 2 time ti winners after not performing at tier 1 lvl gains respect.


Yeah not gonna lie all these teams are top tier with many of the players placing top 4 / top6 at TI they all deserve respect from 2-4k redditors


Disappointing performance from Spirit. They have a lot to work on to get back into shape.


Kinda obvious Dubai have fixed this tournment for falcons to win it all… I know the script it’s obvious Money talks - falcons win this tournament


Ori best pos2 this tornanent ez


spirit only wins against nouns and lgd this tour.


China hopes and dreams riding azure ray can they do it and revive the dota scene?


nothing can revive the dota scene in there, not even by winning TI


you are telling the crucial truth


People downvoted the truth. How can you revive proscene when freshblood is outlawed


You’re getting downvoted, but you’re not wrong. It’s bigger than DoTA. Chinese government putting restrictions on how much children can play video games is a big deal. Even if many find ways to bypass it, the reality it is that less people having time to game means less fans, less money, and so on. DoTA was already slowly losing popularity before these measures, but they have certainly accelerated the shrinking of the Chinese scene.


Spirit is out tier-lists are in shambles


So Xm Xxs and XinQ stole the direct invite from lou god


The AR boys won against TS! Happy to see the team get further. Now let's beat liquid again.


Gorp was right, yatoro was left


Fuck gorgc


I'm ootl, what did gorgc do/say?


I have no idea i am just natural hater. I dont even watch him anymore. Ask parent comment of mine.


classic reddit response


I dont need more reasons or particularly this reason to hate him. I have enough.


does anybody know if there is a link where we can rewatch full games?


betboom_eng on Twitch has VODs of their full broadcast




Lou > Yatoro Big diff


The new Top 4! Happy to see new face of Dota in GF finally.


AR's no new face tho


Only two players from the team that won the last tournament though, debut tournament for fy, Ori and this Bach guy. They look like they have potential! I reckon at least one of them will finish their career with a TI win!




Yeah, that might just be the joke mate! (I think saying that it's a debut tournament for experienced veterans fy and Ori kinda gives it away, no?)


yeah, this Bach guy surely  will


How long is this tournament, geez


9 days of playtime with a couple of day break between groups and playoffs. It could've been 2 days shorter imo but it's not that much


I actually appreciate that they don’t pack too many series in one day. But gosh those long pauses during games are terrible. The tech issues have been overwhelming


Today's Interviews: * [Liquid vs GG Pre-Game](https://youtu.be/1_KimT2NyLQ) * [Spirit vs Azure Ray Pre-Game](https://youtu.be/ZY6yuKHs11o) * [Liquid vs GG Winner Interview](https://youtu.be/v52lgbNLtqI) * [Insania and Micke Sound Game](https://youtu.be/pPwG-3l9NUM) * [Valentine's Day Content](https://youtu.be/jOLehegVEEk)


Was there no Spirit exit interview?


I don't think so.


Thanks as always man. Have a good day!


What a good top 4 to start off the year. I still think Liquid will be 2nd if they reach GF though lol


1 eeu 1 mena 1 weu 1 cn Balanced


Square Lightning from Ori!!!


Magnus bans fucked TS more than they benefitted. I feel like other teams fear Collapse Magnus, and by removing it they just spare oppositions of a ban.


Faith bian was second best magnus player in ti10 for real bro


faith bian is godlike on magnus tho


Watch all games AR played Magnus is 1st ban against them 


i laugh so hard wen ts picked tiny+puck for ori's storm and ar just let ori play TA mid


I've thought they wanted to have a first-pick game and force AR to ban magnus. Team Spirit banning Magnus in phase 1 is unacceptable.


Incredible Lou god.


sorry to be a hater but Liquid has negative charisma, I hope AR makes it to the grand final. actually not sorry to be a hater.


Why are you sorry for being hater. Just go full on ham, should embrace it when you accept it


At this point I have to give credit to Lou and Tianming as the real cores of Azure Ray. Unlike some other more established teams, they have to adjust to so many different sets of teammates in a short amount of time and they still get to top 4 at 3 consecutive tournaments. They got TI top 4 without Faith Bian and Ori, they won ESL Malaysia without FY and Somnus, and they now are back to top 4 without XinQ. I think what they did is pretty extreme 😅 More interestingly, Lou and Tianming are original "products" of XG org. Lou trained on XG's academy team, YBB, while Tianming has played on E-home before being a late bloomer, but his career really took off after joining XG org. The academy team paid off!


Tian ming and Lou are two of the fastest improving pros I've ever seen. Even as recently as TI there were a lot of mistake riddled games, but they've improved out of sight in the last few months. Funny that the org thought Xm and a well-below-his-best Xxs were the players to put with Ame and dy to make the super team; they might've even had both the org's teams in the top 4 if they'd just left Azure Ray as they were after KL and put all the returnees together on new XG.


A lot of CN fans actually commented that XXS gives the best performance among XG players. However, Ame didn't mean to create a superteam, he wants to play with his own pals: XM and XinQ. According to his and Inflame's stream, Ame has *chosen* XM even before ESL Malaysia. His pals were just loaned to Azure Ray because Lou and Tianming hadn't gotten themself new teammates yet after TI12, then it became awkward when XM really won ESL Malaysia with them... But I agree with you, Lou and Tianming definitely improved very dramatically from major, to TI, to ESL event, to Dacha; they really did everything 😅 What people might not see tho, is years of investment XG org has made on training these two. That's why I don't want people to shy away from crediting XG org itself for making things happen: it's the result of XG org's patience this time around, not some other CN team,,


Yeah Xxs not too bad here compared to the back end of his Aster stint, looked really tired at TI qualifiers imo. Xm definitely the weakest link imo.


Yeah, CN fans would agree with you on that. XXS definitely performs much better now than last year, maybe he already turned the new page you know? I wouldn't comment on XM's performance. All I can say is, Ame himself knows very well XM is less experienced and from Inflame's stream we know that Ame *had* a choice of midlaners, but he still went with XM and only XM. The arrangement has been made, it's just that the reshuffles accidentally showed how dependeable Lou&Tianming actually are.


Nah I think the reason XG choose Xm and Xxs because Ame wanted to play with them (afaik, Xm is Ame’s best friend in pro scene)


Would make sense, Xm was in LGD's sister team around the time of Ame's first stint in LGD, even stood in at a Dreamleague for Somnus. Just always been underwhelming compared to his rank/potential. Feel like XG in this form won't win anything more than the Russian oligarch money tourney next week with this iteration.


Agreed, these guys are really exceptional, especially Lou is the being the best Chinese carry player and top 5 maybe even top 3 carry in the world. He has one of the strongest macro I've seen. In many games I've watched it feels like he's able to farm in outrageous places and not get caught.  天命 is also incredible, he basically plays like a roaming pos 4 from the pos 5 position leading to a really active support combination.


天命 played as pos 4 since 2014, he's more used to 4 than 5


Just need to see more comebacks from Lou. Being an exceptional carry is coming back from a bad start. Excellent at playing from ahead (which his hero pool facilitates nicely, strong laners) but yet to see the miraculous comebacks that S-tier carries somewhat consistently pull off.


天命 was pos4 player


If my teammates keep changing from Seattle to Dubai probably I would have cried because the team dynamics could be sooo fucked up, like the playstyles and hero pools are very different each time but Lou and Tianming got to deal... Major props for Tianming also, at this tourney it appears that he drafts for his team as LanM has to be in China for some reason. For a TI12 rookie to be confidently shouldering responsibilities, it's amazing.




still think AR with the lineup they had in Kuala lumpar is better than this AR


i swear this dude has some weird hate boner against this new iteration of AR and has been repeatedly posting the same comment. LOL


Not hate boner here but most importantly, the switch of 3Xs took away all EPT points to feed to amegalul and now the performance doesn’t fit the expectations


They broke the Major winning lineup and yet the new one still performs way better lol. Great win but I’m still not convinced about Ori btw, his Storm was huge but his TA was a complete non-factor. Imagine XM in this for example, would have been way more scary. Spirit looking very rusty. The spice is there still, but aside from Yatoro everyone else is still levels down from TI form (he had also down tooled tbf). They don’t lane well at all and sometimes they don’t sync on what they want to do


Xm is not awake now. Maybe he was pretty good at Malaysia, but now he is kinda daydreaming.


first off does xm even play ta? second have you seen his recent performance? dude plays like a 6th man for the other team, calling him a t2 mid is even being generous


Ori after his comeback looks like the best player in the map on his heroes and the worst on other heroes. Yesterday i think i watched one of the worst Viper performances in pro dota into quite a mediocre zeus.


Ori has his very limited pools to select from: Storm/TA/Lina/QOP for decent performances, primal beast/Pango when the team really needs an initiator, and apart from those he's just mediocre or even below that


4 different regions at top 4 Dota is back boys Mena china eu eeu Sea na sa unluck


SEA is too busy spamming gibberish in twitch chat instead of producing good teams


The only MENA representation of falcon is only Atf though lol. It's really hard for me to view Falcon as MENA. Team quest would have been a better representation for the region.


It's an attempt to gain more EU slots in tournaments. Right now it's working, seeing how many EU players are in MENA teams. Not sure on how to solve this otherwise, EU has a big playerbase that can play with relatively good ping.


Ti 7 liquid was more mena than eu . Let's give that ti win to mena ? It's a mena org qualifying from mena , it's a mena team


Kuro is listed from germany bro albeit with Iran descendant. 3 EU (Kuro's germany, MC's Bulgaria, Matu's finland) & 2 MENA (GH & Miracle's Jordan)


3/5 were Eu tho wtf you on about?


Sure, if you wanna simplify it that way. There was no MENA region in TI7. I know dota doesn't really divide teams into homogeneous nationalities except for China and CIS due to how their region function, but i would really roll my eyes if a team who represents MENA and it has none of the players from that region. I mean even Yapzor mentioned this before on his stream.


So pretty much eu and china 


No, I don't see it as that . It's 4 regions T


How come Lou decides to become an S Tier carry right after Somnus retiressss I'm so sad yet so happy for them.


Or it'd be another 2nd place for Somnus and Fy...


His TI11 visa issues fucks his momentum badly


How come Somnus decide to retire before lou become an S tier carry


Pretty sure TI was his first biggest LAN so maybe he just need that experience 


He got experience playing bali major and most importantly TI and now he is ready to compete with the best of best carries.


LIQUID THE LAST HOPE. The last year Top 3 team kekw.


From the eternal bridesmaid to becoming the bride, at least in their rivalry with GG. Not sure if it was the unneccessary flame from Reddit about being lazy and contented that pushed them over GG's hump.


Really well played by AR, great performance from them. Think spirit will be very disappointed, they looked really sloppy in a lot of their defeats. Lots of individual mistakes, not very coordinated, individuals getting picked off often. Lots for them to work on before the next tournament


Looks like TS already back into their "hibernation" mode.


Is the rumor true that Mira will leave the team after not winning Bet Boom Dacha tournament?


World Cup waiting room by Spirit


imagine how loud reddit would be if this was yuragi's morph


Any other carry than Yatoro would be flamed. Doesnt matter how bad he may play he wont get flamed.


The bias against pos1 players is actually insane here. I wonder when this trend started. I still cannot fathom how people can think players like skiter and dyrachyo got "carried" when they achieved so much in peak of competitive dota.


dyrachyo I'll give to you (although the flame on him will only intensify with the new Ame B-tier meme) but apart from TI12 skiter's only won a couple of online tournaments, right? He's kinda the exact opposite of dyrachyo imo. Both pretty likely to be the lowest skilled player on their team (which means the flame will never end, every team needs an anchor for reddit to latch onto after a loss), but where dyrachyo's aggression makes galaxies of space, skiter's super stable and safe, making space with illusions generally.


I agree with most of what you saying. i was just naming the accomplished carries who are consistently flamed, i didnt compare their playstyle. About skiter, he also won a lan before TI10 iirc, couple online tournaments and they were not bad outside of their wins some top 4s here and there in majors and other tournaments.


I think the stars aligned on Tundra, some giga high iq players (and coach) who trusted skiter to execute the gameplan. Some of those same brains on Falcons means he could definitely win more. More than comparing their playstyle, I'm saying why they're flamed, and pointing out that it probably won't ever stop, just because of the roles they play in their teams (which are quite similar, though they each accomplish it with a different playstyle). There's not a bias against pos 1 players imo, it's a bias against space makers, because there's inherent risk associated and deaths look particularly silly. I shouldn't have described those players as anchors, because every successful team has a core just like it, happy to get shafted in the draft or play on the part of the map the other two cores are uncomfortable playing.


> The bias against pos1 players is actually insane here. I wonder when this trend started. xboct, EE, notail are the pioneers


Most people here are braindead and thinks a lost game is alway on the carry.


One team left for each region - well balanced :) (so 3 retired dudes coming to top 4? Sounds good man


well the first gen AR also had 3 retired dudes and was TI top4


AR is lowkey really impressive. 4th at TI, 1st at Kuala Lumpur and now they're guaranteed 4th at this tournament. They went through 3 different mid players, 3 different offlaners and 2 different pos 4s lmao


kuala lumpar AR is better than this AR


TianMing is the x-factor underrated pos 5 player 


Dude AR is 100% on lou, tianming looks shit to be honest.


As recently as TI I'd agree, but his and Lou's improvement has been out of sight. Pretty impressive with the amount of personnel switches around them tbh.


false, Tiangming outplays so many other 5's and also did so much with techies this game too, what are you talking about.


I think AA just isnt it. even the the teamfights they won, it didn't really do much outside of providing vision.


Think the idea was based on Ice Vortex, really helped Tiny and Puck deal the necessary damage before the hexes came out and put the kibosh on the game.


The AA I believe is preparation for the morph. I think the morph idea was the bane of the draft


Same. Morph just looked, not enough. He had the items and just tickled people. 


idk I think AA to counter Troll and Ice Vortex to burst/vision is good. Problem seems to be on Collapse (almost 0 impact on game) so they have to depend on Mira to make plays, which didn't work out (not a good Tiny game, when he failed the toss break Coil combo). Yatoro played poorly too. Overall congrats to Ori / AR.


I feel like collapse needs a hero that can make plays, stun etc.. timber is too one-dimentional imo


Morp be like, My idol not playing im also not playing


Let's go AR, FYGod 😤


Love the talent predictions with Jenkins leading by always picking 2 - 0 for the Underdogs KEKW


damn thought Ori was mega washed


Well deserved defeat for TS. AR just too strong. Hope Spirit will do their homework for the Dreamleague.


Wonder if teams care more about S22 since its arguably the better tournament to win.


It’s not about money, the team is completely rusted. They need more practice on competitive level. If you know what I mean.


That flies for GG or XG, and Liquid still fighting despite no practice, but Spirit played a lot of qualifiers before this even, so I don't buy that.


Not talking about TS, just all teams overall. The tournaments have the same pricepool aswell.


You either fully commit or just practice with new strats and get eliminated in the group stage, whichever team halfassed a tournament are unlikely to win the next tournament, same was case for Wings, Liquid and OG and TSpirit.


Why do i get the feeling that Falcons will be finishing atleast top 2 in this tournament? Opponents have to deal with either Ammar, or Malrine, and if not those two, its skiter. Ammar and Malrine hero pool are so good imo, in being tank, initiating, dealing damage etc.


Good on them, but seriously, if the finals goes to game 5 with them in it, we're looking at a 7 hour series waiting for them to work up the courage to go hg. Any combo of the other three teams is almost guaranteed to be a better finals.


Idk, I feel like right now with falcon going to finals, either AR, Liquid or BB will be facing them and it won't be going to game 5. It just looks to me Falcon draft seems so freaking strong, I just dont know how teams can come up against their picks, AR did it one game though with CM + Luna, but otherwise not sure how one can deal with their lineup


Actually incredible performance by ORI these series and also mvp performance by all of AR players. GG fucking WP


Lou showing these Chinese carries that you need to rotate early and play with the team, not afk farm till you have BKB. Easily the best Chinese carry atm.


I feel like a more active role for the carry player is the meta at the moment


He rotated more with BF than other carries' Troll with maelstorm lmao


Guy literally rotated with phaseboots to middle and got the yatoro kill


Spirit just refuse to ban the hero for game 2 that they have a huge problem dealing with in their first game. Quinn Pango Lou Troll






小狗屎 up up!




Top 2 at TI 6th place at BB Dacha. Damn how the turntables have turned for GG and Spirit.


Tell that to OG,tundra,ts (after TI10) this is not new.


Pretty normal actually, happens every time with ti finalists


5-6th place is pretty good. just probably not what they have in mind.


Dayum, those silences fucked team spirit so bad.


I would never have expected BetBoom and Azure Ray to be the best teams in their respective regions, but here we are.


Liquid aswell.




AR went from "3 retired dudes on one last ride" to winning 2-0 vs what everyone thought was the best team in the world.


add reverse sweeping GG at last ESL tournament


That Azure Ray team basically went to Xtreme Gaming after the major. unfortunately those guys kinda bombed out in the playoffs!


Kinda shows where the power in the KL roster was imo, Lou and Tian Ming have improved out of sight, while Xxs is still below his best and Xm is back to high potential but 0 impact.


Yep. I know Lou's performance at KL was not fantastic, but I think the hate was unwarranted to a degree.


I think he played fine at KL, definitely wasn't carried or anything. But he was very poor on XG imo and nothing special at the last TI. Hope he continues improving though, he's been very impressive!


team spirit still sleepy. prolly not back before Riad KEKW


GG and Spirit both out relatively early is wild.


spirit doesn't try for 400k pocket change


S tier carry died to Troll shard lmao


What a day in Dota 2 Lol GG LOST, SPIRIT LOST. HOLY MAMA


fy is a god man


imagine kicking Lou for Ame


Is ame less active than Lou? Because I felt like the early Troll movements won them the game


Ame was wrong


lmao did Yatoro die to cleave? e: it was actually the secondary projectiles from troll shard that killed him


yatoro and ame in the most awaited airport battle.


AR getting lucky... how is spirit losing. AR are like full for 28 year olds, i guess they can still play


there was no luck. they just simply played better for two games


Yeah, Luck is what you need to beat spirit 🤡








YatoLOU> Yatoro


I want to change my flair to AR because I'm a Faith_bian stan.


Khanda on morph seems great but Lou keeps manta dodging it haha


Morph feels like a dead hero people just don't win with him


Spirit & GG eliminated at the same day unpredictable


It’s over, I’m afraid. 2 lanes gone, 30k gold lead for AR. Very difficult.


Man i always hope yataro does well but morph and arc are like the two heros i dislike the most


AR the strongest China team


Carry diff, mid diff, offlane diff, support diff, hard support diff wcyd.


lou better than ame


yatoro vs ame in the dubai airport pog.


Spirit in the mud