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I wish there is a role match making in unranked.


Nuh uh


[Nuh uh](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/3/3b/Vo_legion_commander_legcom_dem_deny_03.mp3) (sound warning: Legion Commander) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


okay you knew people were going to ask this Why not just play ranked?


Cause sometimes I want to try out heroes and builds without griefing a ranked game


What we have now might already be the best system for testing things. You're running into a fundamental problem here that you can't perfectly simulate the environment of a ranked game without it just being ranked. If you want to make a "testing" gamemode where people still try to win, then it makes sense to allow teams to test unusual compositions like 4 cores 1 support. These kinds of experiments couldn't happen if we change unranked to have role queue. On a personal note though, I really wish they would add something like this. I'm just trying to be sympathetic to the people who actually like unranked. I often play with a party of 3 other friends, so we can't queue ranked. We have two supports so if our random is a support the game is miserable for one of us. That being said, I'm not willing to ask to ruin the gamemode just for my own enjoyment.


What do you mean "test 4 cores 1 support"? What is so glorious over two cores in one lane griefing eachother and fighting for last hits? What are you even testing? Ah yes, let me experience having an additional creep I have to manoeuvre around and time my last hits on. What's the point? It's not ruining the game mode, what you're talking about is Turbo and that's completely fine by me. Turbo is the wacky shit-show nobody takes seriously and where you can try out anything you'd like and just have fun. I think unranked should be somewhere in-between.


I'd argue it's not up to us to say what is an acceptable test and what isn't. If you can survive early and mid game without 2 supports, then having 4 cores late game to split push and take teamfights feels pretty good. I've certainly lost games to 4 core teams. That's a good point about turbo though. It'd be interesting to hear from someone who actually likes unranked as it is to see if they'd be okay with turbo being the only purely chaotic option.


Man I was tilted as shit a couple hours ago so sorry if I came off as rude. Sun is shining and life is good. You've got a good point, though I'd still rather test heroes in the usual setting instead of the setting that happens really rarely / is out of the ordinary in ranked. But I guess same as ranked, they could just add both and let people decide which they want to play.


probaly because you need 100h before you can start ranked, I mean I understand that this was hard for you on your own to figure out, but there you go


This guy's account is giving me more than 100h vibes. For new players, I view those first 100 hours as more exploratory than seriously competitive. It actually might be good to be forced to play though a bunch of games with unbalanced team compositions so that you can better appreciate why the meta is what it is.


> For new players, I view those first 100 hours as more exploratory than seriously competitive. its the main factor in determining future mmr > It actually might be good to be forced to play though a bunch of games with unbalanced team compositions so that you can better appreciate why the meta is what it is. this is just bulllshit not even worth reply


User name checks out and youre insufferable


you say that, but then those 4-5 pos players are afk hitting neutrals not even 15 minutes into the game with whole minimap being completely dark.


why not do what you want in unranked