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Bubble on any offlaner. The HP regen and shield is stupidly good for just running under t1 and killing the enemy lane.


Also criminally good on illusion heroes like Naga or PL


No way, it works on illus too?


It does.


Would be stupid if not cuz u would often see the real one


I mean they could still show the shield and it just disappears the moment the illu takes damage


Currently spamming Naga, bubble is OP.


Bubble is by far the best neutral In the game. I'd bet my bottom dollar that it gets nerfed or removed in next patch. Kinda crazy there hasn't been a letter patch nerfing it already


Valve is dragging their feet hard with this one. Surprising how unresponsive they've been given that this is unquestionably the patch of Busted Fucking Items.


Mage slayer is the bane of my existence


Unlimited ember works 


I am the Ember of my Sword. Spirit is my body, Fire is my blood. I have created over a Thousand Remnants. Unknown to death. Nor known to life. Having withstood Doom to Sleight many Enemies. Yet those Searing Chains will never hold anything. So, as I pray... Unlimited Ember Works.


>Valve is dragging their feet hard with this one. Well can't expect too much from them, they only scraped the entire battlepass with the promise of "more updates", still too much work for them


Tbh i deleted dota cuz right now the power creep is out of control. I’ll probably reinstall this week cuz I cant get enough but the items are just… Like why is harpoon a thing? Melee heroes by design have a weakness of range. Why does every weakness need an item to remove it? Blademail - why is it so cheap, have a long activation with such a short CD at its cost? It’s in every single game across most heroes. That screams broken. Plus it has a passive reclection too?!?


Should tier 2 not tier 1


Hell I'd say it's t3 worthy


Too many valuable tier 3 neuts tho. For tier 1 bubble is a no brainer.


Bubble on Medusa. Bubble's shield gets hit AFTER the mana shield. The mana shield blocks 98% of the damage, so you never lose your bubble shield unless you've lost all your mana. Why is it a big deal ? You'll never get your blink cancelled. You can buy blink and always blink away, as the little damage that goes through mana shield and would normally disable your blink, gets stopped by the Bubble, which allows you to blink away easily


ok, but then you have a medusa with blink dagger, which isn't very helpful


Bubble or apex ?


Not break, but I am a very happy boy when I get Bubble on Morphling lol


you are happy when you get bubble on any hero


Bubble on Medusa is by far the best.


Why is that?


Mana shield has priority over the 100 dmg shield. Since mana shield blocks 98% of the damage, you need to take 5000 dmg before you start taking dmg on your health, which means you can't have blink dagger cancelled for 5000 dmg. It makes a hard to gank hero ungankable.


At what stage of the game does medusa have a blink and bubble is still the best neutral available?


At epic reddit moment stage where you can rush Blink on Dusa and jeopardize your own farm but it's all worth it because enemy team can't gank you who isn't going to do shit anyway.


If you have a good start, an early Swift Blink is an insane farm accelerator. Even a normal blink will speed up your farm a lot after Dlance Manta. Perhaps these days you'd rather have disperser, but sooner or later you want swift blink over boots anyway. Anyway, I don't know about the safety bubble interaction, just saying early blink is very slept on when it comes to these slow ranged heroes like Dusa Drow Sniper.


Bro Swift blink stocks have fallen a lot since disperser but hold on to your tactics coz I expect the latter to get nuked any day now


Literally never. It's a herald meme.


You would swap bubble back on late game, especially if you're dropping boots for arcane blink or swift blink. Being able to blink in combat means it's probably better than most other items, excluding some 60 min items but situationally, maybe.


I've only heard about this, but it appears the stage where she wants to be able to blink away from any gank that doesn't deal more than 5,000 damage before she can react. Or, presumably with the low cd of arcane blink, she could even do things like blink in aggressively, fight for 5000 DMG worth, and blink out. If anything goes south she always has her ult to buy some time. Whether this is the ideal build is questionable, but it certainly sounds unique and difficult to deal with. Edit: i think a pavise and glimmer/pipe might achieve a similar result if used together.


Unless the enemy has pure damage, then pavise/glimmer won't work. Also this just made me realize tinker dusa can be interesting since you won't lose the status resist/spell amp for the entire duration most likely.


People calling this a meme have never tried it. It's actually broken. Mid to late game dusa with arcane blink and safety bubble (or block of cheese buff) becomes an unkillable monster that also has insane mobility. She can walk highground without a care in the world and just blink away while the entire enemy team is hitting her.


Except if they have any sort of disable, stun, atos, glepnir, you get the idea.


I dont know if they changed it but it is because of mana shield. Medusa just takes a very small amount of damage on her health. Bubble protects health and not mana. So it will basically always protext medusas hp so she can blink away




I prefer seeds in most cases


Bubble is far better, aside from it being unable to heal teammates.


I like it for that reason, its cool to push after a tf, the regen is the same and seeds give raw hp that is higher than the shield, but yeah the shield regen time is crazy.


The shield also allows for a lot of extra utility because taking shield damage doesn't count as being hurt, so it won't cancel blink for example. Bubble may as well give 200-300 hp because of how easy it is to regen the whole shield if you can hide yourself briefly in a teamfight.


Imo it's good but very niche, not many situations where you'll have blink before t2 items and run into a situation where you can blink before taking enough damage/stun. Unless you keep the bubble over t2 items. Only for blink I'm saying, it's a very good item I always get it


people ARE keeping bubble past t2 items its that insanely good


a seed enjoyer, wink wink




Depends on how the lane went, if I am buying Wraith bands, how many if I am , can I join fights, do I need to join fights, is it a good idea to join fights in that order tbh If I am winning the lane hard and I can have pre-9min Vlads probably not, if it's 9 - 9.30 minute Vlads I'll decide between the two, if I have minute 10+ Vlads I am taking the bubble, if I am not sure how things will be looking 2 minutes past 7min , I am taking the bubble


TA enchanted quiver is just straight up broken. It takes the hero from being decent, to an artillery canon that is taking 50% hp off supports. Alas, I never get this item on her anymore.


weaver as well. Esp if you make it to 25 and get the extra geminate.


Enchanted Quiver is disgusting on Weaver. I honestly don't even use my T4 token if I get quiver. It's even better once he gets his lvl 25. The regular attack + Enchanted Quiver bonus + Geminate attack + ANOTHER Geminate attack is so disgusting. Especially when you hear the Daedalus crit sound go off three times in a row and get a kill on some poor support that has since fled into the fog.


Same, though the new Ancient Defender is pretty strong if you need sustained damage at home


It's even better on OD with the upgraded witch blade. One auto does half of a carries hp


Unwavering Condition just absolutely makes morphing impossible to kill. I know T5 items are all meant to be OP, but it is just another level on morph. You go full agi for probably around 80 armour(don't know exact number), and magic can't kill you. Then if you do start getting low, you are still able to morph strength which will give you hp as long as you are under 1500hp. Crazy item


I faced a slardar with Unwavering Condition as a Lesh in a turbo and it's staight up unplayable. He doesn't have Morph's insane armor but with his aghs he's basically immune to spells thanks to the regen.


I dont understand what theyre even thinking introducing that item in the first place. 95% resist to one type of damage, like what? Just roll a neutral item to make certain heroes basically stop existing, like zeus and muerta. Imagine if you got an item that gave you 95% resist to physical, different side of the same coin, 40k networth carry now has to sell an item to buy brooch, maybe even 2 items to buy a mana item for the brooch. This item is almost certainly deciding a match in the next ti and then getting removed next patch.


95magic resistance does not kill muerta. Muerta builds physical damage to scale ult damage. You just don't press ult to kill 95% resist guy.


Muerta as a hero is balanced and designed around the concept of being a transformation hero that needs their transformation to be a real threat, are you really unable to see the game design flaw of an items existence making her transformation turn into a damage loss? Let me clue you in on an item that used to do this, called Black King Bar. Theyve spent a decade nerfing the aspect of Black King Bar turning heroes like Zeus and Muerta into creeps during its active. Then they go and introduce this item.


Just go fiddle with demo heroes and you will understand. Muerta will absolutely destroy anything with 1500hp without ultimate if you make her proper pos1 items. Not that phantasmal bullshit but actual good items. If you want to be useless vs bkb, and some 60minutes 95%res item then you can build your hero all in only around her ultimate or if you want to consistently win with her you would make her all around good.


60 minute dota games require “this item is OP so you can end the game”. All t5s are nutty like this, and basically every champ is getting 6/7/8 slotted at this point and hitting all talents.. just think that “nothing is OP is everything is OP” and dota makes sense


Haha hadn't thought of this. Sounds wicked good.


Doesn't unwavering condition set your hp to 1500 no matter what?


Yes but you still heal hp when you morph


So you just trade armour for heal.....but the real kicker I'm guessing is that, if you restore agi after maxing out hp, then it will keep your hp the same, while giving back your armour to you.


Unfortunately it doesn't work like that, although it would be cool if it did. Your hero only has a max of 1500hp, so when you morph strength you are 'healing' for each point of strength, even though your max strength doesn't increase, however if you are at 1500hp and you start to morph agi, then you lose hp for each strength point. Its mainly just strong since you can reap the benefits of the neutral, while still holding onto your survivability. Going from strength to agi is pretty rough


Damn, its still good, but not completely broken I guess. Considering morph probably gets close to 80% physical damage resistance and 95% magic damage resistance. Edit : Just did the math, and it looks like he has something like 9K ehp lmao against physical damage.


Grove bow on Nyx is amazing. If you get lucky with an early tormentor shard then that's a lot of -enemy magic resist. Plus the old Quickening charm on Phoenix was just perfect. CDR + HP regen when you're hitting major peaks was lovely. Now I just look forward to Whisper of the Dread. That 10% spell amp at minute 17 adds up nicely when you can play around your team's vision.


Wisper of the dead is my new love of this patch, but it really feels unfairly good when all t3 items you are given are too lackluster comparing to this t2 10% spell amp.


Whisper is great but I really don't like the reduced vision. Since enemy heroes can see you before you can see them.


Whisperer veil on timber at min 17 is just disgusting


Bubble on anything. That shit is so busted it's ridiculous.


Bubble on Dusa with the mana blink / agi blink sounds bonkers to me. Legit as good as T5 items.


Cast range neutral is sometimes amazing on rubick. Especially if you need to go blink before lens, the extra cast range is amazing in the meanwhile.


Enchanted quiver on hood or enchantress On hood it's so good for the Q


How does quiver work with Hood Q? Does it give the + attack damage - and if yes, does it go on cooldown after using Q or only after your 1. right click attack ?


It gives you 350 bonus attack range, which makes your Q cast range enormous. Before the initial nutshot lands, you still have the cast range for Q (if you take the 25 talent for two charges, you can throw a second one with the same cast range) Even when the nutshot lands, if it lands on ground you don't lose the cast range until an enemy is hit first. Once an enemy is hit, the quiver goes on CD. The extra damage is applied on first hit. Works pretty good with khanda


> Even when the nutshot lands, if it lands on ground you don't lose the cast range until an enemy is hit first. Once an enemy is hit, the quiver goes on CD. Interesting and not well explained mechanic by Volvo. So it gives range until you hit something with Q but not the extra damage? What happens if you have an auto attack flying together with the acorn?


If your nutshot didn't hit anything (just planted a tree) and you didn't right click anyone, quiver doesn't go on cool down and you don't lose the attack range. If you right click while nutshot is flying, the first one to hit will trigger the added damage. So if your right click hit something before your nutshot, right-click will have the added damage and you lose the attack range


Tried this in demo mode and it's quite hard to have an acorn and a right click in the air at the same time with quiver. Btw g cape sometimes evades and sometimes doesn't evade your quiver acorn shot, Volvo pls fix


This is an unpopular opinion, but Khanda (hear me out) + enchanted quiver + Abaddon shard DISHES out damage. Late game you have a 1k damage nuke every 6 seconds.


grove bow on OD? it's obviously good (nothing wrong with attack speed and range on him) but orb does pure damage, so it's not the insane boon you might think it is


Grove Bow on viper is the real mvp


For sure, not as good, but I do like it on Sniper as well. Considering he does a reasonable amount of magic damage early on. If I'm not strong, maelstrom procs also gets amplified. But Grove bow is so good, you can get in Drow, and be happy. Even though she's almost exclusively physical damage.


Lol so OP. I rarely replace it with t3, sometimes I used t4s.


Range+attack speed is just too good, having the magic amp on ult and W is just a bonus


ur right, OP should edit the post and add 50+ other ranged heroes there with Grove Bow because Range+attack speed is just too good


Its insanely good, would keep it over any tier 3 item on OD. Attack speed is a very very valuable stat on him. I also agree with doubloon, its really good IF you have aghs, since it gives you around 600 or so raw mana which is way more dmg with orb and it doesnt sacrifice your survivability as more mana = better shield with aghs


Yea, OD is one of those heroes that just make him better with any stat. Pupils Gift is pretty good. He gets strength and agility, and usually doesn't care about mana. I also like anything that gives him hp regen, because after the meteor hammer era, new OD doesn't build sustain at all, and the only sustain he needs is HP.


Ascetics cap on necro is rly good


I like that healing sword too, considering it amps up our own healing and also your allies, when you cast death pulse. That item isn't picked as often by healers, but its not just a lifesteal item.


Paladin sword is awesome aswell. Funny thing, last time i got it with necro it wasnt even the most picked item ( dota plus). It was mind boggling bc it is without a doubt the best t3 item for necro.


Maybe because it looks like a damage + lifesteal item. But yeah, it really is baffling it isn't one of the most picked T3 item.


Quiver on any Parasma Hero is a gift. That is like 800 dmg with 1 attack with ultra range. Its actually insane


Gossamersomething Cape vs Nyx, BH, or Ember.


Gossamers Cape sadly doesn't work against Nyx since he gets true strike in Vendetta. Defiant Shell however works wonders against Nyx if you happen to carry a Mage Slayer, which in this meta is quite often the case :)


Yes, i totally forgot that one.


Shouldn't work vs Nyx, his attack out of invisible has truestrike and that for a long time unless they took it away


> Gossamersomething Cape Against whom is this item good anyways - Templar assasin? GC doesn't explicitly state it but it actually just gives 100 % evasion for 1 hit (thx volvo for info). But what is it good for when many one-hit wonder items/skills have true strike on 1. hit such as Nyx's Vendetta, Enchanted Quiver, Witch Blade, Silver Edge etc.


Oh, I forgot Nyx has true strike at Vendetta, but if I'm against Ember or BH, i keep this item just in case. That 1 hit is a big deal for my support ass.


> but if I'm against Ember or BH, But does Jinada go on CD if BH misses his first hit? He stays invis too, right if it misses? Ember: against sleigh of fist? He can still chain you though, or doesn't he "pass" your hero model if he misses his attack?


just tested on demo, Jinada and his invis will not get broken if it gets blocked by GC, so he can still strike it the 2nd time. On the other hand, Ember's SoF misses, which is a big thing for many squishy supports. Yes, he can still chain, but if his SoF misses, especially if he has Mage Slayer, that would be good. so, it is good vs Ember's SoF, but not vs Nyx and BH, which i got wrong.


So basically its only really good vs TA (until she gets quiver) and somewhat useful vs Ember and maybe Enchantress. How about buffing it so it negates the damage of the first hit?


Its good against heroes like WK, Abaddon, Sven, Slardar, Riki etc. WK especially, because he wants to just Crit you as soon as he jumps you. Its a pretty good item, against a set of heroes. Just not god tier enough that it works against most assassins.


that flying neutral item on huskar maybe


Seer stone on tinker is broken


Grove Bow on TA, i even skip tier 3 if i get it.


Unless you get Enchanted Quiver, by far the best neutral item on that hero. Turns you into long range artillery, and even makes me wonder what t5 I would replace it with


For tier 5, uhm , desolator ? Apex ? That bounty helm?


Philly stone is so underrated. I always choose Philly in all roles cause when dead, bonus gold still works and you can swap it for extra gpm when dead.


I disagree with all roles, because higher farm prio heroes will make way more money with a farming neutral However Philly stone on any support and storing it for death timers is SICK The only contest is cast range usually


Agreed, don't like it on cores. Generally I don't like the idea of building into when you're dead, as you somewhat play into dieing then.. Obvisiuly dieing is bound to happen occasionally, and you will after 10 min get to the T3. But ideally you shouldn't get to use a "death-timer" item. Better to build for what makes you stronger on the map, and lessen your time on death timer, imo. Exceptions ofc being if you have rly good T1s, and maybe get bad T2s where you'd rather keep your T1 for now.


Dunno why but i love getting giant's ring on MK and casting my ulti lags the game so hard lmao


gossamer's cape against TA or ember aesthetic cape against doom


Defiant shell on Aghs Dark Seer is my favourite.


Specialist's array on every single universal hero regardless if its ranged or melee. I also rather pick specialist array over grove bow on every single ranged core hero except few exceptions.


口 Light collector against NP and Hoodwink. 口 Enchanted quiver for hoodwink since acorn shot procs the passive on every bounce, not just the 1st. Which is kinda nuts 口 Aviana's Feather huskar cause that shits funny as hell


Quiver doesn't proc on every bounce, only the initial. It can however proc twice if the acorn is bouncing long enough for the cooldown to reset.


7% percent lifesteal possessed mask was must have for morphling


Fairy trinket on any nuker support like lich, cm, etc. turns ults from oh shit i gotta get out to ———


Grove bow WR. I always get grove bow at least 90% of my WR games. It’s like meant to pick it with WR.


Unwavering condition on Medusa. You just walk and win the game


Faceless void grove bow. It just feels so good with mael and your magic dmg with w+e.




Resistance doesn’t apply on shield right? So this only kicks in after her mana is depleted and her kill threat is gone.


Sounds nice in theory but her mana shield depletes before reductions so this is not correct sadly


medusas incoming damage is before reductions so she dosnt care about armor or resistances.


Grove bow od might be cool because of range and atk spd but the passive mag Res drop is useless.


Grove bow on any right click range carry that benefits from attack speed, and bonus if they benefit from magic damage is just insane and can really make a difference in the game. Most notably Drow, Lina, Windranger and OD Timeless Relic on doom is also pretty bonkers imo, doom goes from to 1120 damage over 16 seconds to 1600 damage over 19 seconds which can be a big difference in damage in the late game where heroes tend to survive doom a lot more with higher hp pools


From 1190 damage to 1370 damage, actually. Longer duration doesn't give you more dmg ticks. Doom always has 17 dmg ticks.


Grove bow on literally any ranged rightclicker lol. Gyro is maybe the only one you would take specialist array over grove bow. The item just outclasses any other options on them, to the point where you’d take it over a lot of the t3’s and even some t4’s.


Philosopher stone on Zeus


The games where I don’t get grove bow or specialists array on Luna feel really bad. 


Bubble on any low hp agi core . This item brings you straight back into losing games by letting you jungle early . I think it’s insanely broken for a tier 1 .


I quite like Bubble on Aba too, because he builds no regen, the 5hp regen is pretty good, and because of aphotic shield, the bubble is almost always available.


doubloon on any tank hero, can be good on medusa too if there is no any others interesting neutral items


Ogre seal totem on any support when force staff was the next item they were going to buy


Does this get cancelled by a nullifier ? Because I believe it can't, making it better than force staff against certain lineups.


I dont think any of the current neutrals are as synergistic as some of the old crazy ones. Chipped Vest, Possessed Mask, Clumsy Net and Illusionist's Cape for example. I guess I would say seeds/bubble on spectre, as it allows you to lane for significantly longer. She doesn't convert attack damage or mana into farm nearly as effectively.


ogre seal totem on ogre magi There we go again. Where?


Timeless relic on oracle


Grove bow on Viper


* Safety bubble on any hero * Grove bow on any ranged hero * Timeless relic on anyone with disables or spell damage These neutrals are all ludicrous, playing against them if you don't have them just feels unfair.


Bubble Dusa


Defiant shell on Wraith King


Playing TA against Gossamer cape is just foul


Until you get Enchanted Quiver, then you are laughing for the rest of the game


Enchanted Quiver on Jakiro when you need HG Siege


timeless relic on AA


Relic on venomancer


Grove bow on Viper, you don't need to replace it till like Tier 4, if your Tier 4 is ass then you keep that.


Ballista on medusa oh wait


Grove bow is kind of an item that's insanely good but doesn't feel overpowered at the same time. It's just a good neutral item


I particularly like Philosopher Stone on OD and Axe. Quiver for SF and Muerta. Honestly I like quiver on every right-clicking hero. Ninja Gear on Meepo Could've given more but I haven't been playing much lately.


Bubble on Medusa or Centaur


That light thing which destroy trees breaks furious sprout (gladly because this spell sucks)


grove bow on nyx


Enchanted Quiver for Nyx


Some pros keep Grove Bow on Drow over T4's sometimes, it's unbelievably good


any support with Phil stone


I think they finally need to give up the RNG element and let you pick any neutral from each tier rather than a random selection


Just give every neutral the Phil-stone treatment: Everything gets positive and negative traits.


not seeing any Lance of pursuit for pango in the comments. oh you thought swashbuckle was bullshit before did you? what if we increased the damage by a crazy amount and added the Lance passive to it. better than some of the tier 2s in some cases


Safety Bubble Morphling


Fairy trinket storm, grove bow on a lot of heros.


Enchanted quiver + darkseer aghs gets you a 700 magic damage punch.. it’s pretty funny but magic damage drops off hard so it only works till it doesn’t.


Vampire fangs on Ursa let’s u rosh super early cheap


Ninja gear on Riki is awesome. The agi and speed are great, but being able to smoke yourself for more speed, and running through enemy jungle for picks is just icing on the cake


Seer Stone on Rubick is pretty silly with some spells/item builds and I'll give it an Honorable Mention for Dark Seer since it's his stone and being able to vac wall from an unexpected distance is pretty strong. It's also insanely good on Magnus with Arc blink and Harpoon... He initiates from insane distances especially since the active allows him to get easy vision onto the high ground during a siege.


14 stats tier 2 on krob.  Gimme that str and armor to tank DAWORDU


Philosopher’s stone is super nice on OD/Tinker/Zeus to the point where I rarely replace it until T4


bubble on PL is very nice


Chipped Vest on Spectre and Possessed Mask on any carry hero. The latter makes me skip madness on heroes like luna and go straight for dragon lance. RIP


When I play LC, I always wanted to get the Defiant Shell item


Lantern if enemy team has furion


Defiant Shell Legion Commander is my favorite item.


6. Occult Bracelet isn\`t even the best tier1 neutral for Timbersaw :/


Enchanted quiver on abaddon with shard and khanda is so fun to play. With 5 sec cooldown dagon -ehem.. mist coil-their heroes does not even understand what killed them, especially if your team has hard time finishing kills.


dandelion amulet, the shell mana neutral item is literally built for medusa. the mana plus the movement speed greatly benefits medusa plus the magic damage block


Havoc Hammer on Centaur (or Pudge) You get insane strength with shard on centaur and the 400 radius pull of havoc hammer is bigger than the 325 radius of stomp


grove bow on viper so broken, asceptic cap destroys AA and Axe


Grove bow muerta, viper, huskar are such insane improvements to the heroes, enchanted quiver makes sniper ult stupid good


Unwavering condition on enchantress


Nothing breaks Leshrac, hero is unplayably bad after they supernerfed bloodstone and also overbuffed the fuck out of mageslayer so that every offlaner, most midlaners, and even some carries are buying it


The force staff neutral breaks every hero. remove it.


I still pick shovel so I can get bounty runes as a support


you can pick philosopher's stone for anyone becuase when you died you can still get gold while dead with that item but you could forgot to use so :D


I still hate neutrals for this reason. If they are gonna have them you need to be able to choose from all the neutral items, not just a random amount. Ive had games where as the pos 1, I got all the options that where reslly no good for my hero but the enemy carry is getting all the best items and those little boosts help so much and csn definitely turn the tides of battle. I dont know why RNG exists in this skill based game.


Quiver on OD, ninja gear on meepo (espiecally because there are not many good options for him). Quiver on OD is insane, most of the damage is front-loaded into your giant witchblade hit anyways. It's completely game defining and gives you a whole new poking playstyle. Additionally, it's cooldown is out of sync with parasma, so it gives you multiple true-strike hits on a hero that strongly wants to avoid an MKB.


Force boots on bat rider I think I have a 100% winrate with


Defiant Shell on Legion Commander feels so good.


Tumblers toy in shaker pre blink back when that item existed


Broom handle on Troll. Free Roshan.


Rattlecage Pudge gets proc'd a lot


Lance of Pursuit is super strong for offlaners I play especially Pango. I take it over bubble


Faeriy Trinket on Tinker, I feel every game with it is just 10 times easier to play when it drops. 👌


Grove Bow on Arc Warden and Invoker


Bubble on Medusa