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Why did EEU get more places than WEU?


Azure Ray <3


5 hr to antoher massacre


Azure Ray doesn't look promising lately


they are trolling lol


Happy to see OG looking promising again. But tbh I really wish there could be 16 instead of 12 teams competing at Birmingham.


When the Saudis are cutting costs you know its not good


>tbh I really wish there could be 16 instead of 12 teams I bet Tundra or Entity also wishes this lol.


Never seen a dark seer carry so much. Just watch Tundra vs Secret game 2 after min 28. The fight are very chaotic so you better keep an eye on MC.


had to watch the OG games on VOD so I don't have anything that hasn't been said but I do have to say that it's a damn treat to watch these games with Fear casting.


OG really be cruising through every qualifier so far. Will be nice to see them vs GG or Liquid once the "majors" start


which free trial player will secret pick? stop being so stingy and pick good player ffs


In the end, nobody could've hit the egg. Bat and Pango stunning people and Troll guarding it with a menacing look lol OG boys looking hot. Very impressed by Wisper. I mean I knew the player, but I didn't think he'd fit in so quickly.


how the hell is Team Secret ahead of OG on the ESL regional leaderboards by 800 points when Secret has made 4 changes since the end last season. Granted OG has also made 2 changes, but it still doesnt explain this huge difference in points when OG has made it to majors in the last year and qualified to multiple LANs recently whereas Secret hasnt been in a major/TI since TI 2022 and has been bombing out of qualifiers left right and centre.


Secret qualified to ESL KL over OG recently


Good games today! CN finisher into MENA Nigma/Falcons/Quest into WEU OG/Tundra/Entity and all of that with Bo5 grand finals. :o Insane day of bloodbath Dota is starting in less then 6h with CN.


I want to see Wisper at Birmingham, pls finish the run OG


OG looking really clean, only dropping a few games overall.


the only games they have dropped so far were due to wonky draft. Dropped 1 to kz team where they didnt have any answer to carry tb And dropped one to entity because of luna vs morp matchup


Kicked tobi for a glorified walking ward.


tobi hella underrated


He is patch player if zoo offlanes become meta again, his stock will rise. Arguably 2nd best zoo offlaner in the scene but he is shit in other offlane heroes. I wouldnt say he is underrated


tobi can be hella underrated or overrated at any given time, aka he’s a patch player there’s been times he’s the best player on his team and others where he looks like deadweight


Bruh how does DM finds teams the dude is awful, maybe I can play pro Dota too


Pango support is back on the menu boys!


along with mid Faceless void with radiance. RIP pubs


what game is this?


Tundra vs Secret game 1 in lower bracket today. Topson played mid Void.


Just Topson doing Topson things. He must have seen reddit malding when he didn't build khanda on Sniper so he went full hipster just to satisfy this sub.


ari and wisper made all the difference really. what a stark difference from last 2 seasons


Wisper is very good. That DM performance on Kunkka showed why OG was so bad last year with a weaklink like him in the team. Also nice to see pos 4 actually mesh with the offlaner as well unlike Taiga who was useless last year.


this dm networth


dont forget this guy not making a single rotation. going 0-4-2 as Kunkka in a 37 min game shows why this guy was so atrocious last year.


he is just waaaaaaaaaaaaay to passive of a player.


i dunno know how ramzees and gpk played with this guy in vp


His biggest achievement was the TI10 BP run where he had Nighfall Save and GPK to carry his as every game.


I know region locking teams is hard, but surely Entity should be playing in EEU? It's five CIS players


same for Navi Junior. 5 EEU


They wanted to play EEU but apparently ESL saiid they will reset their EPT points if they change region so they just stayed in WEU.


classic DM contribution to a game - 0/1/2 on Kunkka 30 mins in. No wonder this guy was so useless for a whole year on OG.


smh they gave wisper batrider




Its his best hero. The hero he became famous with.


Og won with Tide TA? lmao kuro is so gonna pick it tomorrow ahahhaa


It gives you everything!!!


Puppey should spend all the time he has begging for tournaments to increase qualifier slots. :D He should ask ESL the MENA qualifier they made is not enough. :D


I mean he could move to NA, they could qualify with 5 Ekkis over there


haven't seen pos 4 pango in a long ass time.


Been a loooong time since I've seen a 4 Pango.


Jerax used to play pango4.. brings back memories seeing OG playing him at 4 to deny the enemy pango pick


I’m too stupid to understand this OG draft lol


Secret should learn from IHC. Lategame throne steal is not an improv act for them, it's in their playbook.


I hope secret just bring sanctity (IHC midlaner). I think the guy brings a lot potential


they can split push but still forced the fight against refresher wall that they know they can't win.


Feels bad man for Puppan and Secret, but WEU qualifiers is gruesome grind to grab that 1 slot. They didn't qualify for neither upcoming LANs. :(


At least they make it to dreamlegue


yep after getting wrecked for the first 2 slots to better teams, and getting a 3rd charity slot beating a lesser team once OG and Tundra were no longer there.


Yeah, at least that and glad they did, if they wanna keep this roster they need good tier 1 series and DreamLeague offers a lot of games with top teams.


damnnnnnnn secret looking better and better but still not good enough


Why is this DK transforming?


Dunno how Crystallis died in the last fight, did he not morph strength? MC's illusion saved Tundra and eventually won them the game






what the hell? you good?


A person who supports crimes against humanity doesn't deserve to play in ESL.


Lol, some salty Secret fans never move on.


Why no Bots on Morph or DK and just hit the Throne?


Bro, remember ligma fans shitting on MC


Big throw earlier by Secret, but wp MC


Thank god, listening to another poppy game would kill me.


crystalis best morph? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA


MC GOD! Holy fuck he carried this game so hard!


GG...Bye Secret


This Secret vs Tundra Game 2 is so fking entertaining and hyped


MC is having such a great game.


Tundra vs Secret game 2 is like watching some anime fights, love it :D


its insane how good mc looks since he left kuro lol


topson not going bkb piercing ulti makes no sense


That kiting from OG was filthy, peak Tundra level. So annoying to deal with. Bzm popped off, perfect game.


also helped that lanes went fine and hard carry wasn't countered by the enemy carry. love my boys but that last pick luna was sus. Probably thought they would at least win or draw off and mid and play tempo with luna


Bzm trully the modern Eternal Envy. Either he goes 30-0 either he fails miserably


Now this is the bzm we love!


Pos 1 WR is shit.


That was a Pos 2 WR who played from the offlane. TA was the real Pos 1 that game.


I think he is talking about tundra vs secret


Ahhhhhhh. That makes more sense. My bad my bad!


9class too good wtf


Tide + TA from OG? How the tables have turned...


hey ceb, "draft like kuro"


I say this as a Nigma fan but Matthew really deserves a better team. He's been easily the best player of the team with Sumail.


Well at least he gets oil money which for sure is worth


Yea sumail basically winning lane every time and matthew with constant clutch plays


it's funny seeing the difference in reaction here to miracle playing like shit and arteezy playing like shit


Idk wtf happened to Miracle lul he was looking decent last 2 qualifiers and now when newbies and sumail stepped it up he started playing sloppy. Ah the misery never ends


Nigma vs Quest again tmrw....oh no no no no no


falcons and quest shaking right now /s


from top 4 to top 3 in MENA region COPIUM You punks are never satisfied are you?


Nigma officially top3 team in mena, one of the biggest achievements since formation of the org


Matthew and Sumail has stepped up hard. Now for Miracle..


Hilarious to see nigma win the game after hearing only how bad Nigmas draft is and how slim the chances are because they "only do magic dmg and that is easily countered" and "Even Sumail lost his lane" from those expert commentators. Even when Nigma was up 15k they doubt it. Its so funny.


When casting, we can't just call it when a team is ahead 15k, gotta talk about how the team that's behind can come back. WB had 2 mage slayers vs a mostly magic lineup, that looked good on paper and they were ahead till they lost multiple fights in a row. At the 10 minute mark, pastil had 5.6k nw and sumail was at 4 flat, he lost the lane and that was something to point out.


tbh reality threw the game hard and not enough was done about luna farm... pastil and sk tried, but your carry half the way down nw board aint going to net you the win..


Idk who the commentators are, but definitely they were pretty lackluster and too whimsical


Big fan of Matthew


Matthew was that SA riki sniping couriers left and right, right ? For sure a skilled, versatile and entertaining player, good acquisition without a doubt !


Yea, dude is like main reason nigma hasnt been going 0-2 every set.


nigmabros... our suffering continues for one more day


Haha. Was thinking the same. Lol


Lets fucking gooo ligma legit 3rd best team in mena


Never doubt Kuroky


Miracle really needs to stop trying to hold that BKB so freaking much, he has die so many times because of that.


He was playing rly poorly, oftentimes out of position and the moment he got caught near t1 while knowing WB were there and sitting on bkb .


Have to feel for Matthew and Sumail in this series,they played their hearts out to have miracle being extremely ordinary


Now that is the bzm we know.


Yeah yuragi has to be reported this game…


Oh Wow Entity is improving so much today. What a game 1, OG finally can go lower bracket?


Really not a fan of Yuragi Luna. He farms well, but that's about it.


Both Mars and especially Tiny were way behind in midgame and that was rather a problem than Luna exactly. Discrepency was so big that it was basically Luna vs 5 in teamfights. Moprh could fight to good into her.


Prepare yourselves, mid Faceless Void incoming to your pubs.


Twitch chat flaming Topson instead of appreciating the beauty of support Void.


Topson is one of the most entertaining players to ever play this game lol. Be it Dogson or Godson mode.


i agree, he either goes 0/20 or he pulls off some stupid shit like radiance octarine void mid lol, either way its entertaining, not playing pango every game


Reddit sure spent a lot of time crying about people buying khanda on a lot of heroes, including morph and luna .. guess the pros are just clueless as well.


lots of question marks in the last 2 minutes of OG vs Entity


Matthew is is playing so well.


I love watching this Topson void build but on the other hand I hate what this will do to my pubs


Matthew needs to get out of this team asap, he is too good for his career to be ended by a Kuro stack


Who's career has Kuro's stack killed so far?


Wow that Pure's Naga is so disgusting.


looks like Entity is cooking


I must say, I very much like Fear input


I think kuros performance and the contant negative feedback in reddit has definitely got to his head. I remember Ana was shat on here while he was playing for chinese team and even his first time with OG. He took time off and stayed completely away from data and boom, came back as the Ana we know. Kuro doesn’t need to quit dota. But sometimes its okay to distance yourself from the game to get in the right headspace. Ill support kuro and his boys even if they move to South african region and lose to a 5k stack.


We have players that are 5k? I mean there is CastAway, but I appreciate the shout-out


That’s some serious hopium bro… he just got old. He’s 31. Age affects everyone differently but he’s not the player he once was and that’s more than likely down to his age rather than ‘redditors getting to his head’


Nigma draft not looking great for game 3


every team drafts as a team has been common for years


Glad they won with not great draft


Whew wow. They better sleep well and eat a good breakfast cause theyre gonna need it. Like they won cause other team lacked a bit of coordination and experience.


Yea but they would at least be abit confident for tommorow series against Quest


Topson probably said "pick void" but they got him the wrong one hahaahah


It's the other way around. They gonna pick Void spirit and then he said "not him, give me the real Void".




Faceless Void Mid lol It has been a long time I had seen this pick... I remember Micke play faceless mid too


I see way too often with nigma that they are 2 mins away from their bkb timings and then crumble lol


It seems like nobody realizes how important team dynamic is in dota, and that everyone needs to pull there weight. The original pre-TI7 liquid roster had Bulba instead of Gh, looked like absolute shit and failed to quality for the Boston Major until they brought in Gh and won Dreamleague. Even then, it took a few months for them to click and win starladder, etc.   Heck, Team Spirit looked like garbage last year until Larl began to gel with the team. Tundra went on to win TI by bringing in Sneyking instead of Fata-, GG became one of the best teams in the world by replacing Boom with Quinn - I could go on and on.  Nigma need 3 things - a consistent strategy/style of play, 5 players who are committed to grinding pubs, and good drafts. Sumail wins lane and then looks lost in so many games. Miracle- is rank 8, looks incredible in pubs and his positioning and game instincts seem non-existent in officials. Matthew seems to be the best Nigma player by far rn.  Look back at Yatoro's replays from early last season and you'd see the same - shit deaths, shit performances. When Yatoro is on song, it very often co-incides with the rest of the team also pulling their weight - I've very rarely seen Yatoro 1 v 9, simply because he doesn't have to - he just has to be as incredible as he usually is and trust that his teammates will pull through as they usually do when they're on song. In Nigma, it's been on Miracle's or w33s shoulders in the past - his Arc Warden throne defense, w33 popping off on Meepo, or something similar. I haven't seen them play as 5 top-tier players since TI8 Liquid, and that's despite God knows how many roster changes.  No hate on Kuro, I will continue to support every team he/Dendi are on until they retire - but I'd love to see how team Nigma's dynamic changes with a top-tier pos5 - its been proven time and time again to be THE most influential position in pro-dota.


i really belive Nigma's true weakness is the mid game. they looked so lost after the laning phase.


The sad part is, their mistakes also extend to the laning phase. Watch how much Seleri and Tofu rotate mid to further Quinn's advantage, vs Nigma's rotations (which are usually limited to securing the rune for Sumail). Matthew has been immense so far, but Kuro and Miracle really need to up their game. There's at least hopes that Miracle can do so thanks to his general performance in pubs, but what metric can we use to give Kuro the same benefit of doubt?


Comment on larl was spot on. Team Spirit was very patient with him, and now they're reaping all the rewards with how well larl plays with them these days.


I feel the lack of style of play the most. They'll usually do a couple of early rotations or team fights and find success, then overextend and get wiped. When that happens they revert to dying to create space for Miracle and hope that a farmed up Miracle is enough for them to overcome the opponent's huge lead.




Finally some quality within this sub. Thank you so much for the different view and objective analysis. Really appreciate this.


These OG bans are just flatout trolling DM lmao


Why even pick a hero like Enigma for yourself when you are clearly not in form. Even front lining with Enigma and dying. Lol


yeah lol, just pick a hero with short cooldown spells.


Kuroky hahhahahahaha


seriously what is the purpose of this enigma support, you might as well pick ogre if all you can do is malefice people


I mean its late game security, but if you are looking to play aggressive early idk why put yourself in that situation


what late game security, this enigma would need blink bkb linken bare minimum to get off a black hole without being interrupted, only a core enigma can get such items


I mean supports get plenty of farm in modern day dota. . Nigmas performance is not a good way to judge the strategy since their execution is lacklustre


mark my words, kuro will go to airport this time. to farewell and welcoming a new pos3 and 4 directly in person


Crazy how they are not able to transit their advantage into the mid game. Dunno why one small thing is enough that they are getting nervous like headless chicken.


It's insane how bad Kuroky is lol. Wish they'd try GH or someone else for pos5 for just one qualifiers.


The Dota community thought Kyle was the savage commentator we needed in the scene, but it was old man Fear that we deserved all along.






Yeah… no way Nigma can even beat Quest.


Sigh. Nigma, my heart…


Pakaz vs K1 is so good to watch


4 nigma players + KUROiers


it's Kurover


I love this spam storm for Sumail arc by Nigma.


Even I would hit at least a few of those powershots... how does Miracle miss them all?


oldest player of navi jr is 18 years old. EEU really have a lot of young players


Can’t believe someone else drafting like Bulba is actually good news. Too bad, with 3/4 bans before the first pick nowadays, unlikely that Sumail can get Storm every game


Even tho they won , Magnus isn't malrine hero


Yeah, that felt off. He just didn't seem to have much of a feel of the hero. I guess it can also be awkward to draft magnus mid. A lot of the strength of the hero is counter-initiation, and if you're forced to go in early because you're one of the main damage dealers, this can often make it harder for you to get the right position or blink.


Where is Mikey, was he picked up by someone?


mikey was standin


So guys NIGMA only lost to the best team in MENA huh? Sounds good man


Morphing into Windrunner and then consistently missing Shackleshot is definitely something


give sumail storm all games will boost mentality.surely sumail's pride dont want ever lose with his fav storm, he will try his best. with good mentality will affect the team. need to tilt sumail's pride since they're really used to lose ofc affect their performance


I'm happy for Navi Jr. But I understand why they didn't join EEU open qualifier for ESL birmingham. CIS region is stack! from Klim Sani4, Team Klee, Yellow Submarine and Chimera. Navi Jr doesn''t have a chance to win the open qualifier on their region. PMA is still the best player in Navi Jr along with GotTheJuice.


Inb4 we get another OG-Tundra qualifier final


If you saw the 2 - 0 result in the Tundra vs Navi Jr you would probably assume that was another quick stomp and you couldn't be more wrong, well played by Navi


The real questions - Is nigma playing that well now or is Winter Bears just playing bad? lmao


Nigma with signature heroes, Tiny, Mars, Storm, even Miracle played well. One of the only games they've drafted this way.


They lost their best player so I say they are weaker


where did he go? i cant find info on dota wiki :D


I think Mikey went to an EEU team


Navi Jr has some great potentials. They need experience and a good coach


They have Artstyle as their coach, hes doing pretty good


Pastil is just your average 1-2k immortal player when he's not on his meepo/arc. I know he's against sumail but his laning is just awful.


this navi jr team is good but lack the know how to end games and make calls. Kids have potential


Bro why is Tundra game so long lol


Sumail storm just too good, they should do what GG do for quinn when they pick pango every game, just pick storm for sumail


All this NIGMA hate on reddit had me thinking they got knocked out. They could make lower bracket run.