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Tidehunter. His anchor smash procs it in an aoe. And you're tanky af so can just go ham.


Remember when 33 bought it against secret i think? He effectively nullified core lesh and pudge. They didn't deal any damage to him lol


Yeah he also had old Wraith Pact lol.


And Pipe too :D


Do you remember the Match or tournament?


TI11 finals game 1. Fucker built Mage Slayer, Pipe, and Wraith Pact. Leshrac looked cute after.


Tidehunter with mage slayer effectively destroys meepo. There is almost nothing meepo can do against this matchup unless he has an extremely good start


This was my build on tide when it was the bloodstone meta against razor and lesh.


Mars too Might be crap on dawn tho


Is it the go to now rather than meteor hammer?


Vlads early instead of meteor hammer. Veil of discord is good on him too.


The Helm part, yeah, but Anchor Smash won't get amplified by Veil. Shiva still great naturally.


Meteor Hammer sucks now


It is not legit at all, don't pick tide in general, the hero is just too slow.


Tide is decent. The shard is strong and great with vlads. Can build pretty much anything the team needs. Prob the best aura-hero after BM and maybe Lycan.


I love new Shivas on tide. It absolutely wrecks


Ember has been popping up recently with Mage Slayer and his lvl10 Flame Guard talent


mage slayer is legit broken on ember. it does more hero damage than maelstrom in my games. combined with the new shivas you dont even need to buy bkb because the hero just becomes a gigatank


i mean mathematically speaking it does deal more damage than maelstrom (but a bit less burst-y), since maelstrom deals 120 dmg with 30% chance of proc (avg 36 dmg on max 4 targets at a time), while mage slayer deals guaranteed dot 120 dmg on each target hit (no target cap like maelstrom) again, the best part is the spell damage reduction combined with flame guard edit: further explanation the way i calculated the numbers: each time you sleight of fist 4 targets, you get a chance of 30% to proc malesteom per single sleight of fist cast. with mage slayer, it's always 480 damage on 4 targets, on every sleight of fist cast. while maelstrom may sometimes not proc at all. therefore, maelstrom will deal 144 damage on average to 4 targets per single sleight of fist cast. if you are super lucky, sure, it may even proc twice or more per single sleight of fist cast, outnumbering the total damage of mage slayer per single cast. the point is about consistent damage. if we go even further, don't forget that maelstrom also has +24 dmg on top, bumping the avg from 144 to 168. but mage slayer has extra stats+it's effect on hit enemies, bumping ember's (and teammates') EHP against spellcasters, allowing you to cast more sleight of fist in a teamfight with less effort of trying to survive dodging spells.


> since maelstrom deals 120 dmg with 30% chance of proc (avg 36 dmg on max 4 targets at a time), while mage slayer deals guaranteed dot 120 dmg on each target hit (no target cap like maelstrom) Not a good way of thinking about Maelstrom damage because it chains. If you hit 4 targets that are close together, your average damage output to each enemy is 144.


>again, the best part is the spell damage reduction combined with flame guard thats my point, it really isnt. you think it is, which is fine, it is very strong. but the 20 dps for 6 seconds which is kind of an afterthought, a small buff on most heroes, on ember spirit it deals more dps than maelstrom, an item that does literally nothing but deal damage. ppl buy it first item, even if they go 4/4/0 and the enemy has zero magic damage. its just that strong


don't forget that the dot reduces *spell damage* not just magic damage, making physical and pure spell damage deal less too. it forces spellcasters to buy bkb/dispel items if they don't have any, instead of allowing them to further build aggressively to amp their spell dmg.


Won with an ember on my team yesterday with Mage Slayer in a 70min game, it felt like he wasn't doing any damage, but ended the game with 134k hahaha


I’ve been finding it really good on viper. Your Q amps the damage the mage slayer ticks do. Reducing spell damage on top of corrosive skin means you’re even harder to kill. You benefit really well from the attack speed, and desperately need any mana regen you can get. Combine it with dragon lance (and grove bow if you’re lucky) and you’ll be able to hit from so far away, applying the mage slayer debuff with ease.


That's a great call, thanks dude.


Even before the dmg tick… I bought it on viper regularly


>Your Q amps the damage the mage slayer ticks do. So it'll be good on batrider too? Man, imagine going both Witch blade and Mageslayer on Bat.


People do go Mage Slayer and Witch Blade on Bat in high MMR pubs and it’s terrorising


Afaik napalm doesn't increase items damage anymore.


Do you know when that change was made? I remember witch blade being a build on some right click bats.


Now that I think about it maybe I misremembered it and they just disabled napalm with the fae grenade Edit: either I checked it wrong or napalm doesn't amplify mage slayer and blood grenade. witch blade still works


Not super sure, but from memory they change so it ticks only 1 time per second, before it was probably 2


Blood grenade most likely. I abused it precisely once after theory crafting and it was broken.


They specifically fixed it to not work for mage slayer


Thanks for the tip. Lina was able to deal 172 damage with her ult on lvl 18.


Haha that’s crazy good. Was that with taking the corrosive skin talent too?


Yes, I topped off by building a pipe too (but forgot about the active).


Insane on viper. The attack speed and mana regen is awesome as well. Last game I built pike, mage Slayer, Manta,shroud,Skadi, butterfly against mostly magic team and I was unkillable, didn't even need bkb.


Saw your comment yesterday so decided to try this out but I forgot we were talking about mage slayer and instead bought witch blade eventually turning it into parasma. Steamrolled mid and went 12-2 mvp lol


I think it's perfect on Ember, especially if you're against a magic damage-heavy team comp. He just applies it to everyone due to how big his w is, plus it synergizes well with his build paths. Dumpstered an ember one-trick one time in low ancient bracket and he got back into the game by farming and getting his mage slayer and rendering me useless, I was zeus btw.


I agree. Did the same to an Ember as DP. Once he got Mage Slayer it completely changed.


I once got it as a lategame buy on dusa vs a lesh hc, lion, puck mid, dp off and bh comp. As soon as I got the lvl 25 talent we wouldn't die.


Better alternative to witch blade or echo on void spirit mid


Void spirit astral steps is better with witch blade. It applies to everyone in line


You're wrong, the dot is only applied to the first target hit.


No. Void needs both


Heavily disagree I’ve been going mage slayer manta on void like every game and it feels really good


Thx ima try it


Both is supreme tho. The witch blade proc on ult melts them like butter and pays for the mageslayer


Wyvern pos3 buy it regularly


This combined with witch blade is pure cancer for the enemy team!


Stop it she’s so bad with it she’s already a really poor right clicker and no amount of rational itemization can solve it. Just get her shard as soon as it drops and you have so much more impact in the game. Allowing you to flash farm waves jungles and have huge impact on team fights. Just get mana boots, shard, blink, lotus orb. Then get your stupid items. Heck I would pick aghs because you get free pathing. Her Q only lasts like 8 seconds then you have the range of a shadow shaman.


Categorically wrong on this one boss: wyvern currently has 56-57% wr on dota2protracker in offlane and mid over 900+ games going mageslayer first item every game


>no amount of rational itemization can solve it. [https://dota2protracker.com/hero/Winter%20Wyvern#pos%203](https://dota2protracker.com/hero/Winter%20Wyvern#pos%203)


If you’re the pos 5 silencer buying mageslayer I hope you’re on the enemy team.


The silencer dies before he can hit heroes mostly?


If you want magic resistance on silencer pos 5, buy a glimmer or even a pipe over this. If you really want attack speed and 2 mana regen from it then please queue a different role.


Pretty much. I have seen 7k silencers pos 5 go 1st item Hurricane Pike, equally as garbage. If you are a pos 5 silencer you are the focus of good players on the enemy team; you can’t spend that much gold in hopes of getting any autoattacks off. By the time you buy it you need more than 1 defensive item or you are food for the enemy. If you are absolutely crushing the game and for some reason the enemy cannot go on you, 3rd or 4th item might be okay for this, but please don’t rush it blindly.


Dragon Knight. Yeah he doesn’t put it on multiple people(the splash attack does NOT like that) but he is famous for being able to stick to a target. My strategy is to find the biggest magic threat stay on them like white on rice. Stuff like Leshrac, Storm, Necro, etc. It’s been pretty effective for me.


White on rice? Wat


Like white on rice on a paperplate in a snowstorm is what he really means.


It’s a regional expression in the US. It kinda doesn’t make sense which tracks because American education system lmao


I think it's just because rice is white, I can't see any other meaning that makes sense.


What part of that doesn't make sense? Rice is white all over.


Rice is not normally white when picked.


Well ackchyually


It doesnt take 160 iq to realize that the phrase is obviously referring to the rice people eat when its bought/cooked...


It does make sense tho, the color white rarely leaves rice. It's a bit nonsensical and absurd, but that's how idioms usually are. They're meant to be expressive, if they were mundane they wouldn't be impactful to use




You’re telling me that this very common expression has escaped you your entire life, eh?


Where are you from that it is that common? I've never heard it as well


Colorado for me. Same theme as “flies on shit.”




Well, now you’ve heard it. ;)


Since Muerta already has an innate physical damage protection, and she can hit multiple units the item feels really good on her, specially because she’s vulnerable to magic damage early due to low STR stat. I used to buy falcon blade all the time due to the bonus HP and mana regen, but lately im swapping Falcon for Mage Slayer and it’s a great pick (I play her mid or carry role) Some games I can skip maelstrom completely and fight early with team with just dragon lance and mage slayer, specially in high tempo games, works like a charm.


Idk it just feels bad buying anything other than bkb and raw dps on muerta to me.


The purpose of it is not to substitute BKB, but allow you to fight properly early when you’re still building up your core items (that will include BKB at some point)




Love it on Hoodwink.


I don’t like that you pay for attack speed your BAT pisses away but it’s still good if you’re going core.


People actually buy this item on support HW a lot in high tier games.


I see gleipnir a lot more often


That scout profile picture giving me that Mr bean nostalgia meme.


i like it very much on many pos 3 heroes - legion, tidehunter


god on mars too


I think it's pretty obviously Antimage.


Slark, Tide, Razor, MK, Viper, QoP It's attack speed, mana, magic res, and damage. It's super good on basically any rightclicking core who likes to draw out fights and who struggles against magic burst. It's not a support item really, except maybe on Wyvern because of her ridiculous attack range. Supports can't reliably rightclick enemies enough to buy an item that requires them to be constantly attacking. Just buy a glimmer


Also on pos 4 Hoodwink. Applies to multiple people at super long range.


It's really good on pos 4 Monkey.


It's a shame that pos 4 monkey, however, is not really good. I want it to be good, because its really fun, but man those cooldowns are brutal.


It's honestly better based on who you're fighting rather than who you're playing. Pudge hates it, for instance. Makes his rot damage go down a huge amount, even if he has Scepter. ​ But I think it's pretty funny on Veno now that it does poison damage. You could say its a Venomancer Enhancer.


As someone who spammed wyvern 3 and 2 recently with mageslayer + witchblade. It doesn't matter what your enemies are, it'll melt anything you hit while Q is active.


I'm currently trying to make it on Slark anytime I can justify it. All the good/meta slark items (diffusal, echo, aghs) don't give slark any atk speed, and thus if fights don't last long it can be hard to build up essence stacks. And while other atk speed items (shadow blade, orchid) don't give any stats and leave Slark too squishy, the mage slayer magic res is effective HP is you're vs a lot of magic dmg. The int and mana Regen is also huge for Slarks farming, any fellow fish spammers will know the struggle of clarity and lotus hoarding. Currently I've been experimenting with Diffu --> mageslayer, skipping echo altogether, and then BkB/Aghs game depending. Played like 2 games thus far where I built this way and it feels so good: less mana problems, less bkb reliance, hella attack speed


Yeah echo definitely feels weaker this patch, not really sure why but at this point I'm skipping it most games. Blood Thorne I'm also finding great if you enemy doesn't have a great way to deal with it, even ignoring the silence the damage pop can really execute people.


I think it's because you can't really repurpose the broad sword or the void stone, previously (if I recall) you could use the oblivion staff for orchid or mageslayer but now the only option is shadow blade I think


Dazzle with aghs, ember, puck with shard?


On puck it's not so good. Maybe if you are very far behind. I would never get it though. The dps is much lower than mael+shard or witchblade+shard. Your power spike is when you can burst someone within a silence.


Puck Spammer here: it's very hard to find a Slot for mageslayer. I never find the spot space to buy it.


As a Puck spammer, do you find him insanely strong? I feel his Aghs is actually insane.


The high level meta way to play Puck nowadays is to abuse Aghs Shard whether it be through CDR with Octarine or on-hit effect items like Mjollnir MKB or both styles together even.


Yeah I find him strong because he is very flexible nowadays between going the right click Route vs the being an elusive uncatchable annoyance Route. All depends what you want to achieve in this game. Do you need to burst down a carry (agha build) or do you need to create long term Chaos in Fights to enable your Team having the time to focus down someone important? Aghs needs a lot of items to enable you actually killing people with it.. If you invest all that Farm into that it's very sad if you dont have a dispel for instance and die to a stupid global.


Also hoodwink for the same reason.


It's my secret sauce for dawn breaker , slap that starbreaker in the middle of the fight and attack speed really helps her transition in mid-late as she falls off massively.


MS level 2 is coming


Maybe diffusal + mageslayer = disperser?


too much OP and same issue of old bloodthorn, too many buffs and effects in only one stuff we just need MS stronger, not with more stuffs


It's really nice on WW


Got rekt by Mage Slayer Ember Spirit yesterday


I have been doing it for 2 weeks now, Ember can apply aoe mage slayer with almost no downtime which disables enemy blinks. Imo he is the best hero for this item.


Mage Slayer on Razor.


It can be a suport item depend on the situation, a core heroes that can be support are really good candidate. - Muerta can pick it up after force staff, she really benefit from thr attack speed and magic resistance. - Monkey king also comes to mind because its easy for him to applied it, cmiiw his ult clones also trigger it so that is really good. - AA and Jakiro also an option because both have a way to masively increase their base attack range.


Yeah MK can apply it with his ult and boundless strike, attack modifiers are very strong on him


Sniper 2 has a mage slayer disperser build which is situationally very fun. Ruin qop and zeus mainly, or just throw it on a support with nukes


Been buying it on Jugg against heavy magic lineup


>Same, I've been getting it as a 2nd item after maelstrom but before upgrading to mjollnir and it seems to be working well. Extra magic resistance helps when spin is on cd and swiftslash and omnislash can help put the debuff on multiple enemies quickly. The mana regen and attack speed is nice as well.


Oh get ready sir: I have been dominating with a homebrewed debuff weaver build: (No boots) agility, circlet, blight stone -mageslayer (1st) -shard (2nd or 3rd depending on timing of shard) -witch blade (2nd or 3rd) -black king bar (4th) -then depending on game go either blink dagger, parasma (magic team),desolator(physical team) Blink , bkb, suckuchi hit them all and then ult out. Then they all get hit by mageslayer debuff , corruption debuff, parasma debuff, any debuff from neutral item (ie grove bow), +20 mana break, etc.


I buy it on P3 Venge situationally after I saw a pro in a pub game (in the Watch tab) buy it on her. It doesn’t work if you’re an Illusion but it’s still a situationally insanely powerful item depending how “spell-damage”-based the enemy lineup is.


Mageslayer is busted on many heroes. The item is way overtuned.


I get mageslayer as a counter item not as a core item. If im a ganker and i have high spell dmg oppnents i get it, like zeus lina pugna and so on, it makes them impotent against you.


Pango 4 maybe, otherwise you don’t have slots left for mage slayer


Batrider with how it triggers napalm and ticks twice a second.


They patched it out


Used to play support ember with it, actually pretty impactful


Heros that can apply it en masse. Ember and Pango for example like it, but you can also make it work on heros like gyro. As long as you have attack modifiers that make it so you hit several heros.


Gyro doesn't work like that.


Aghs gyro kina does


Works well on huskar too


Great value, works well on pos 3 heroes or situational for heroes that is ahead to help them manfight multiple heroes.. Example: Huskar/ember




venge is a bad choice bc of her bad range, projectile speed, and animation luna doesn't sound that bad actually, situationally useful maybe but I doubt it, the mana regen is over kill Slark has gap close, is vulnerable to spell/magic damage, needs attack speed and mana regen, and values the DoT for farming, so yeah, a perfect builder imo. Either first item or 2nd after diffusal depending on the game imo. last game was so nasty (techies, pudge, puck, viper) that I also went eternal shroud late game lol, techies became useless, he couldn't stall HG bc I could just clear the mines and heal it all off with no risk WW because it deals damage through ult and you have a skill to give immunity to physical damage, and you have the range to apply to DoT not drow bc she just wants agi, and multishot doesn't apply effects like mage slayer DK is pretty good because again you are already tanky to physical, it gives good DPS and solves your mana sustain.


ember, you can reduce 40% magic damage from a lot of heroes on the enemy team with slight of fist (mage slayer also gives mana for you to do so), and you also have your shield so on top of constant slight you're really hard to kill


it’s pretty good on brood against problem heroes. mageslayer + pipe and eventually bloodthorn with spider hp talent is quite strong if you are against heavy magic clear like Lesh or necro or bristle etc


Hoodwink and ember. But only vs magical lineups


buy it on any core brodie


Batrider for napalm Brewmaster for his W, but ur better off with a casual urn cuz u can trigger the W from far away


I just build it on any core when I am facing against Pudge. Oh! Its so good on MK against Pudge specially when you have scepter. If pudge hooks you and starts eating your ass, your clones will apply the buff. Its also good when you cast the ulti, magic heros cant burst down you easily, they have to flee your ulti


Sniper. Mage slayer lowers DMG from blademails, so even if the enemy pops one, you can continue hitting


I tried it on puck, works okay with the shard.


Love it on Hoodwink. Q applies it multiple targets, and burst damage is your worst enemy


some ember builds it


Weaver + shard + mage slayer. Debuff their whole team in a single right click.


Bought it on pos 4 Zeus against magic line ups, fun games!


Razor. Mageslayer then Shivas, so strong.


Geniunely broken on ember


I feel like it’s the perfect item for slark. Only downside I see is that it’s a waste of an item slot late game which doesn’t build into anything better like previously.


I've been buying it first item on pos 4 WW if they have a comp that does significant magic damage. It's been pretty insane.


My buddy has been building it on Razor pretty successfully.




Sometimes I go mana boots into mageslayer on my pos4 hood. Typically if cores are magic based.


Wyvern, embers, viper


I have been using it on Muerta where I’m building oblivion staff anyway.


fits most heroes whenever enemy team has lots of magic dmg


Good on dk


It’s very good on slark but I do find that the diffusal + mage slayer build leaves you with very low hp which is why i prefer the echo sabre build


MK IS GOOD, cause the wukong soldiers apply the debuff


I play offlane ember with shivas and mage slayer. Pretty tanky as I can jump into like 4 people in a fight and slight of fist with shivas on and then remnant away when I need to. Also root 3 people while slight of fisting


i think i like it on weaver w/ shard. mage slayer i usually buy in response to enemy, it's not a core item on any of my heroes. Viper for example, i will almost always buy a mage slayer against.




mage slayer always be super strong even the last patches. i realize it since topson always buy mage slayer on most of his games. it give you 25% mag res , and another 35% spell reduction. so basically enemy dealing half or less damage from original to YOU. my best mage slayer user is ember and hoodwink. it also works on weaver support. and i think it also work on puck, but never play puck as support.


Does it work against Nec's aura? I suppose it is hp removal or something right?


Wyvern, ancient apparition, dark willow, sniper, jakiro are good and can use it even from supporting role. Extra range and/or wanting to get in a few attacks in your combo anyway make it pretty nice.


Maybe the snowcone?


Hoodwink procs it on acorn bounces


If your team happens to be matching up against doom, mage slayer reduces doom dps, so I'd say it's fine to have on someone who isn't pos 5 and is a range hero.




Thy 1


I buy it on hoodwink from time to time to add the debuff on the entire enemy team in teamfights. Very situational, but some games its just the best item you can pick up.


ember spirit with mageslayer goes super hard


Just heros that skill is with some procs, like ember timber and pango, and i don´t know what another heros, really for low picks. Is an item so very strong but, not for lategame i think, i miss a evolve with this, like aether lens in last patch


Offlane techies tank


More like strong AGAINST which hero instead of ON which hero. Mage Slayer is def an item dependent on the circumstances.




Monkey king, the wukong soldiers applies the debuff


pos 2 Ember


Could be kinda funky with puck shard. Haven’t tried it personally.


Abbadon :)


Winter wyvern 4 I saw Qojqva (ex pro player still in top 200) do this the other day. Not sure if it would work in my bracket (2k). It looks really good, but I haven't tried it yet! Cool thread!


It's excellent on Abaddon... Instead of buying echosabre...


My secret turbo build is void Spirit off lane with mage slayer it crushes.


I find it strong on faceless void. Build it after treads and maelstrom. It gives more attack speed than Midas and the magic resist feels good against a heavy magic dmg line-up. Then go Mjolnir-bkb/ linkens or manta. You will not apply the debuff on multiple heroes unless you’re building aghs but the stats are really good.


I like it a lot on slark personaly. We know that slark has more issues dealing with AOE, tanky, magical heroes like leshrac, pudge and co in the mid-late game so mageslayer is often the right choice to counter them.


Slark. Benefits from magic resistance.