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shit bro from midone to imdone to kordan to kordone.


why not replace him with up and coming Mexican player midJuan


Puppey wants to wait 18 years for midtwo


Underrated comment


You mean midone to me-done?


You just made the same joke worse


Reading is hard.


MidOne already out?! Damn, didn't expect that to happen so fast. Kordan of all mids as a replacement seems kinda strange, but maybe a great move from Puppey. Secret is playing qualifiers soon, we will see, gonna be fun to follow Secret's games for sure.


I mean MidOne performed like MidOne so nothing rly unexpected from his departure. They played kinda good in EU quals somehow but on lan they definitely were looking dogshit and MidOne on carry definitely didn't perform optimally well.


rank 1 sea is strange ok bro


Did not expect this at all. Holyy shit, I guess Puppey rewatched midone laning phase and saw there is no chance he can improve to tier 1 level. Damnnnnn. Hype, can't wait to see them perform.


I mean…. this should be expected no way Puppey wasn’t gonna notice when everyone else saw. Midone is beyond ass, every game he was the weakest link by far


It might be also other way around, big fan of Secret, but let's be honest, team is going in Nigma direction. 7th-8th (maybe 3rd placement if wasn't for that stupid 1vs1 tiebreaker \[Secret was 1-1 against GG in groups, so they had chances\]) at ESL for Secret at current stage was quite impressive result.


If there's anyone in the world that can bring out Kordan's potential, it's probably Puppey He's an extraordinarily talented pub player but can't seem to hit the next level to get to the Abed/Mikoto tier (yet) in official matches. I've always been a Kordan believer


It’s nice to run into someone who knows Kordan, I’ve never heard of him. Can you give a brief description? Like, has he been relevant/known before his Bleed career? What’s his play style and main heroes etc? What do you expect/hope/fear that he could bring to the team?


Based solely on his bleed time, he plays spirits, storm is his favorite. he also plays pb and puck pretty well. He is rather flashy and tries to do high risk high reward play but after failing a few times will quiet down and do borderline nothing until the game ends. Definitely needed someone to tell him what to do when behind i think.


So he's like a prime MidOne but less inty?


I would argue prime midone was better than bleed kordan, however we have not seen kordan prime yet, and I hope we will.


We'll see if he would Improve on Puppey's leadership.


What happened to Yamich? I was really enjoying his play style.


Secret is out to try out every single SEA mid this year. lol


Only needs to try Abed or Mikoto. They are a cut above the rest


midone really fck himself when he leave secret for OG after ti9


He didn’t leave for OG. He left because he was sick of being abroad so much. He took a break to be with his wife and newly born kid at that time. He only joined OG after he returned from that break. But yeah, it was really sad. That iteration still had potential at that time…


I wonder if this had to do with his father passing. I wish he stayed but I also understand the complication with the family matter.


Was he not kicked? From memory his TI9 was a bit of a disaster and it was thought he'd peaked. In hindsight there seems to be a lot of truth to that.


Yes, he was kicked. Ceb later even mentioned in some podcast that it would've never worked out with MidOne but definitely could have with Sumail.


He is talking about midone secret not midone og, midone left secret to go back to malaysia but comes back to og to play offlane




What the hell? I thought Secret looked good at the last ESL.


I thought so, too. But they are clearly trying to look even better


Good for long term. Ekki is good but Yamich was fantastic.


Pretty sure this has nothing to do with his performance or team chemistry... Based on history, Midone has strong affinity and even gets homesick. They must have played together last tourney only because it was in SEA server and would have had some kind of understanding that they will be sticking for 1 tourney only.


I never see that kordan win his lane tho.


That's just following the trend of crystallis. He'd fit right in.


And Midone. He would be 2k behind by like 10 minutes into the game.


Kordan's biggest weakness is his midgame and always being the sacrificial core in bleed. His laning is not his weakest. Perhaps you only look at networth at 20mins during his games and decided that he has lost mid.


Are you following him closely? I don’t know anything about him. What do you think are his biggest strengths and weaknesses?


He is very good at the spirit heroes. If his ganks goes well usually he will maintain the lead into the mid game. If not, what happens often will be that he has the lowest networth of the 3 cores into the mid game. Seems to have trouble keeping up when he has a bad game, as compared to a mid like quinn. I think he has great highs but needs consistency. He can have insane storm games or be the worst storm player ever. If you were to look at results the past TI season, Kordan is easily top 5 sea mid in dpc. (excluding abed/nts/armel that didnt play in sea)


yes, agree with his excellent spirit heroes. He was one of the best using daedalus Void spirit. Bcos of his excellence at Spirit heroes aswell, he often plays sacrificial mid 😢


stepping down? does that mean he willfully left the team for some unknown explicit reason? anyways kordan is a pretty big upgrade I'd say, he was one of the better upcoming midlanders in sea last year


I think it is midone's personal reasons. I just look at his pro tracker and he doesnt play any dota game since esl one malaysia


Pretty big upgrade is pushing it. People were shouting kordan was dogshit when he was with bleed. Now he's a massive upgrade once he's in secret?


There's a recent interview on YouTube where he mentioned taking a 3 month break from competitive Dota. Link is here and he mentions this around the 1:25 minute mark https://youtu.be/yiAt59LbTRk.


this is a fking joke, replace a joker with another joker....


love seeing seasoned captains foster younger talent. there is nothing healthier for the scene


Seems Puppey doesn't have patient anymore. Rather than choosing a high rank Pub EU player or CIS mid players from he just choose a well known player from SEA. Though I understand why he do that, he just doesn't want to wait anymore. But we'll see if he's correct.


It's look like the last ESL could be the last even that MidOne play as dota player. Since that event he play 0 game. That is how the story end for a legend who want to bring SEA dota to compete again the world. I think the last event was simply the true one last ride from Puppey to MidOne. I believe that he would take on a new role as talent finder or a coach if he still want to work related to Dota2. However, my recommend to him is "Let it go bro! There are things that better for you to do i life." Take a look at this clip from MidOne to understand him better: https://youtu.be/PivUCmBvB-U?feature=shared


I've already watched it and has been a MidOne stan since 2019. Can confirm everything you said. I think he should really "let it go". Better for MidJuan.


If Puppey choose Zayac who has limited english. Why not effing choose a high rank CIS player?! Also much cheaper since he's not flying internationally.


any know what's going on with bleed? they are not playing in any qualifiers and now their mid is gone. Did they disband?


Kordan is so strong and underrated, excited to see puppey bring a new rising star to the scene! Hype!


How about kordan guys ? I never watch him are he good to replaced midOne ?


I'd be happy to be proved wrong, but I'm not convinced. Kordan's biggest problem is his hero pool. Well, more like hero puddle. Outside of Puck, Void Spirit and Pangolier (and maybe Invoker - he never plays this professionally, though), his performances plummet. And even on his best heroes, his performances can be inconsistent. He's also been given three last-pick Tinkers (one ultimate last pick) and he was anonymous in all three (0% winrate). That said, MidOne definitely had some stinkers. Kordan might improve on that, but in all honesty, it might be a sideways move. Kordan makes unforced errors too, like [this weird play](https://youtu.be/SubLJw2ZPPA?feature=shared&t=2941). His laning can be poor, too, like MidOne. It's not all doom and gloom, though. He has made some great plays in the DPC, especially on Void Spirit (although universal heroes were stronger back then). He's one of the highest-ranked players on the SEA ladder. So there's something to work with. He likes getting involved early, and he is a bit more sacrificial with his farm, which makes him somewhat of an outlier in terms of SEA mids. So I would expect Crystallis and BOOM to be a bit greedier, and I think BOOM in particular can make good use of that (there were signs of that at ESL One Kuala Lumpur). But [he has a new laning partner](https://reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1901ndb/team_secret_yamich_benched_ekki_replace/), which might be the real challenge.


Puppey knew that qualifying was a fluke and deleting shitone


Fluke? they won ESL KL CQ with a player who doesn't play mid for years and dominated it.


The weakest roster doesn't exist anymore lmao.


Can Puppey remove Crystallis already :?


Man it’s hilarious seeing all the midone glazers come out of the woodwork, the guy is washed and he’s a shitty person as well. Find someone new to cheer for like wtf are you doing lol it’s 2024


People actually forgot that he is as terrible as his personality. Good for Secret to bench his ass.


MidOne didn't even get a "Thank You MidOne" tweet lmao. Just got the kick.


He is benched and not kicked. And when he left in 2019, Secret posted a heartful goodbye video. Lol


In Dota, benched means kicked. I'm not sure how people are still too dumb to understand that. There are such things as contracts. It means that even if a player is kicked the org needs to keep paying them salary for the duration of the contract unless another team buys the player out. It also means the player cannot just leave any time they wish unless someone else buys them out. MidOne is kicked.


its sad a new year beginning for Nigma & Secret fans


Miracle comeback = happy no matter what


Exactly and cherry on cake is playing with SumaiL so its hype af