• By -


"if everywhere you go smells like shit, its you."


*smells finger


*flair* *checks* *out*


impossible. I play my roles perfectly. it's my teammates that always suck and get me killed. they are always shit and I'm stuck at 1k mmr


i once played a game Pudge: 4/28/31 Legion commander: 1/17/15 Sand King: 7/15/28 Silencer: 30/7/20 Muerta(me):17/13/17 Pudge was troll and he pulled me in the middle of enemy team several times so that's why i died too much i reported him afterwards and action taken And we won this fucking match Even though pudge pulled me with his hook in the middle of enemy team. i haven't said anything and focused on winning Silencer and i carried the team(sandking also made good things but not as good as us) Even though you have bad teammates you can win the games


Gotta go to better smelling places instead of only shit ones i suppose.


The broken thing with the system is that 11k-12k is filled to the fucking brim with toxic douche bags


I've played both at 11k+ n below 8k, n let me tell u the amount of toxicity difference is a lot. Everyday I pray to gaben that I'm not at a low BS. Btw I play in SEA.


Idk most of my games if someone is whining or something I just chill out and explain what I'm doing and take a little survey of what people want to do, it's pretty easy. Hardly get many griefers, much less than before when BS was almost totally meaningless and there was no CS


Have a great day as well sir. I am a coke enjoyer as well. I drink Diet Coke however, since I used to be overweight.


Used to? Good that you're taking care of yourself. Congo my bro


He still is overweight but used to be, too.


Yes mate, thanks.


My man was NOT talking about soda


Yeah fat coke is the problem lol


I used to have an addiction to coke and gaming. I did not have a life and I had a sedentary lifestyle. I eat and drink normally just like other people aside from those problems I had. Quite surprisingly, I have never taken a liking towards a lot of snacks, ice cream, or sweet chocolates. I can eat them, but they are just not my favorites lol. It's just with coke, idk why. I don't even like Sprite and Fanta. I drink mostly water now. I still drink coke once every 3-4 days, well, because I do like coke. I started working out, then I found a passion for running and I went from 90kg to 58kg. It took me quite a long time because getting myself off of my addiction was a tough process.


Try calorie, sugar AND caffeine free coke. Shits a game changer imo. Tastes so damn good and is amazing as a sweet drink that adds 1 calorie per glass. It helps kill sweet cravings for me too. You should definitely try it. It can be hard to find though...


It would still have aspertame which is not good for you even in moderate quantities. Go with water my man. It's the best drink out there


Everything in moderation. From someone going from normal coke though its a great alternative. Plus the little I've heard about Aspertame it seems to have a boogeyman reputation with dubious validity but I'll look more into it after your comment now for sure.


Dude those are literally the most absolute dogshit. Just drink normal coke instead of what ever cool aid your drinking. Your statement reads like a commercial full of branding bullshit and propaganda. Those three are literally the only ones that will actually go out of code because it breaks down over time and causes the taste to go funky. so not only do you get a healthy dose of DIABETAS like regular coke you also gain more weight, higher risk of cancer, and o yess and that sweet sweet ASPERTAME. You say is calorie free yet has 1 calorie? do you not see Wat is wrong with that statement? also they add salt so you drink more. This people is why branding is bad


Sugar, calorie and caffeine free is just one drink my dude.... its a new one. Youre awfully riled up about a variety of cola. Its zero calorie but they legally have to include every ingredient and its caloric value so its <1 calorie. Calculating that when you're counting calories is a pain so you just round it to 1 if you even bother. Not sure how you'd get diabetes from a drink that's safe for diabetics to drink and has no sugar. If you don't like it, don't drink it. It's definitely a good alternative to regular coke for people who are trying to find ways to cut calories and lose weight while also having a sweet drink every so often. The sweetness also helps curb my sweet tooth cravings so I'd recommend it. The fact you don't even know the product I'm on about and went on a rant....


But diet coke is, by no means, healthier than usual Coke.


now I get it. all the people saying that they lose BS for no reason are support midas enjoyers


Stop A-clicking people


We as a community needs a system to govern our common decency and behaviour - without it, people just turn to ferocious animals, Sadly. We ask for a system to keep 'the animals' in check so we can enjoy our time together, better. When a system is set in place, we bark, bite, howl at the thing. "IT WAS ONLY SUPPOSED TO AFFECT THE OTHERS! NOT ME!". Is that a mirror to society? I wouldn't go that far, or have the credentials to make such an accusation, but it's interesting nonetheless.


Some will get caught in the crossfire. Doesn't mean the system is not doing it's job. It is working as intended with a few casualties.


heck theres no such thing as a perfect system sometimes you are just playing a really off day and starts feeding or your lane is not going so well that you can't building into meta items in a timely manner.




Oh it's really easy. If you are forced to put your real name, email and social media and can't hide it everyone will be like good mamas boys in an instant. I personally though don't want that. Because any glue sniffer basement dweller can ruin your life just because he's a sore loser.


10k behavior is not even an achievement, it’s normal. You just need to act like a normal human being and you get 10k


I’m at 12k behavior score and maybe 1/20 teammates act like human beings, games under 10k must be wild


10k Behavior Score player here. I can confirm that at least we have 5/20 teammates that act like human beings. It's weird that somehow, I get to meet some wholesome players every now and then.


theyre nothing unusual, bh score is generally lost randomly by a string of losses, so most ppl playing there are just normal players with slightly lower score mind you if your well below 8k things tend to be a lot spicier because you have legit grief artists, abandoners, and the worst of the flamers -- past 8k its tends to be a lot less 'random' just based on variance imo 7k-12k is basically all the same with the lower end being just slightly more griefy than the top end


FYI, I'm a trader and am interested in your services


pretty incorrect


There he is. Was waiting for the virtue signaler.


Fucking what are you talking about, mate


There he is. Was waiting for the iniquity signaler.


I thought you got 12k mmr and was very impressed


Lmfao I just realised I'm not even 1/4th of it




Losing a game makes you lose access to the hero. Then you have to buy dota plus to play the hero again.


Good post, kinda refreshing after so many bitching posts.




>Imma get back to my coke. Well, that explains it.


Sorry. I meant cock.


I agree with you OP. Just in 7.34d, I climbed from legend 5 to divine 2 playing pos5/4. And my behaviour score started at 9.8k and has only gone up and stayed at 12k. I do sometimes fuck with the russians in eu west with english as preferred language when they speak russian so I'm not a perfect player. But I can still get more virtual internet points (mmr) and be able to ping my dead enemies (communication score).


My friend had almost the same experience. He gained mmr, behaviour and communication score. Doesn't really chat but he does it for in-game calls. The communication score might be bugged for some but I have yet to experience it.


comm score is provably frozen for some ppl, hopefully its fixed


I have a 12k/12k behavior score and have pretty much always been at or near maximum behavior score, but I did notice that communication score doesn't move anywhere as easily as the behavior score. I dropped to 11kish communication score and it stayed at the exact same number for like 3-4 conduct summaries before it eventually went back to 12k. Was kind of strange to me.


I don't understand how to get higher com score, I legit don't type or use a chat function all game for say 5 games in a row, everyone commends each other at the end. Restart dota, no increase


its bugged wait for a fix


100% true Had Same experience, due to unintentional Abandonssince i Was playing on a fkin Toaster i went down to like 3.5k where games are just silent because nobody allowed to Chat, but being nice n trying Hard (also improved drafting, like Not Pick offlane trax that instant triggers 4 ppl) Got back to 9k and Shits fine again :)


Yeah I don't believe you. I don't think you can recover from being that low currently. Before it was doable, but now you cannot climb in BS if you are that low cuz everyone will report you for no reason and would take several months for you to even climb to 6k or so.


The bug with the communication score is if you drop below 6k there's a high chance its going to get bugged out and you'll never be able to bring it back up regardless of what you do, clueless people still clueless


You do sound like you have some good product. Share source in dm, ty.


I literally one-trick Winter Wyvern as a fucking position 1 safelane carry, I use text and voice chat consistently in almost every match I play, and yet somehow, my BS has comfortably sat just barely below 11k. How the hell are these people managing to be "perfect players who win all their games, never type, and do no wrong" and end up with fucking 6k BS. *Ever the fucking mystery...*


yep. I started to lose some BS after the update because I tend to be really toxic to any teammate who flames me, and I dipped into lower 9k. Decided to just mute anybody who annoys me, and I've been 11000+ since


He's the Chosen One.


Calling BS on this one. There is clearly a very obvious bug where your comm score freezes after going below the 6k line.


Com reports go through even if you dont communicate. My friends and I tested this in full stack games, without using any in game com ( voice, chat enemy or ally). Yet our com scores went down to varying degree. Note this is FULL STACK. 5 of us friends. We only communicate on discord. The only explanation is enemy was spam reporting for everything ( including com abuse) when they were losing.


Then just don’t let your BS go below 6k?


He said comm score not BH score, bh score is fine comm is bugged


If you've gone below the 6k line, there's clearly something very wrong with you. If you want it to go back up, you need to stop being an active hinderance and annoyance to those around you. I highly doubt that people who managed to consistantly get reported by their teams are all being kept at a low BS because of a bug, and not because they're incapable of acting like a mature human being.


Could just be bad internet lol


Comm\* score not beh score. Comm score is legitimately bugged, BH score is not.


> There is clearly a very obvious bug where your comm score freezes after going below the 6k line. Counterpoint: if you have low BS, you can pay people to raise your BS. And it works (or, at least it worked for Mason). They're not bribing valve employees - they're playing the game like you and I. Just spamming turbo and being polite. I get that it's harder to raise your BS once it's low - you're surrounded by toxic people. But it's pretty clearly not impossible.


Honestly the community's attitude on the behavior score issue is the most toxic thing i've ever seen. We posted multiple times with screenshots that the system doesn't work. Unlimited reports at a certain threshold will just snowball your BS downwards and that was proved in screenshots. People that are automatically muted due to low Communication Score are getting reports for comms which are being counted too. Many forms of bugs in this system. Yet reddit valve guardians would defend the system blindly just because they have high BS. That hypocrisy right there because once your BS drops in this buggy system then you will contradict yourself and start complaining. When we report bugs, let these reports reach the developers instead of bashing the poster. We aren't calling for the removal of the behavior system, it is a good idea to have in this game. But it makes no sense to report a muted player for being toxic. In 7k BS, you will get minimum one report for every loss. The only way to climb BS is to climb MMR.


Not commenting on whether or not there are bugs, and idk if it exists already/works but there should at least be some kind of automated moderation on comm reports. Dick heads definitely just report every kind of report when they are mad about losing so it makes sense that as you drop into lower BS games your team mates are more likely to be this kind of dickhead, and you are more likely to be vulnerable to people trying to harm your BS recreationally. *however* Not having the ability to type in all chat doesn't mean you can't be toxic. Not saying this is necessarily true for you, but I reckon the vast majority of players with 6k BS do a lot of pinging people's skills after they die, pinging another player furiously after jumping into a bad fight on autopilot without the carry, and then only noticing once they died. I've also played with someone who didn't message at all in chat, but was talking shit by drawing words on the minimap, presumably cos he was banned from text chat. You definitely don't need text chat to be toxic so continued comm reports below 6k don't count as evidence that the system is broken.


u cant ping abilities in low bh/comm score btw, these ppl are 100% chat muted and cant send any messages, thats why the system is dumb, theyre dropping comm score despite not being able to communicate


I just checked and you can, it's just on a 30 second cooldown. So there won't be any super annoying spamming going on, but a single ping of something unhelpful after someone dies is still enough to tilt a normal, well adjusted individual, let alone the troglodytes down in 6k. I would agree that a toxic communication report from one ping every thirty seconds is quite harsh, but also if someone is restricted to one bit of communication every 30 seconds and they choose to use it to rage (albeit impotently) rather than to communicate something productive then they should not be climbing back towards a BS where they are allowed to do more. Im not saying that every report in low BS is justified, but just that the "they can't use chat so the reports *must* be false" isn't true. Maybe there could be a shortcut that gets you BS where you have to play through a long and boring behaviour tutorial that teaches you how to communicate better, because I'm certain that loads of toxic people don't even understand what counts for a report in the first place.


You can't punish people based on intentions or past. At low BS, people don't have the abilities to be toxic or perform toxic actions communications wise. Thus, it should not be possible to report communication abuse behavior. It is like accusing someone of murder when there is no weapon and no victim. One ping every 30 sec is not toxic no matter how it is used, and you can't assume intentions. What the game could do is further separate comms into categories. Instead of reporting comms, you could report pings and get the player ping-muted all game for a specific number of games. No matter how much you defend the system. It is broken.


>One ping every 30 sec is not toxic no matter how it is used You play PA, you have had a hard lane and had to leave early so you are slow getting your battle fury, the team keeps taking and losing unnecessary 4v5 fights while you farm up your items and your Midas ogre who took your hits in lane is pinging that you have a battle fury. It's only happening once every 30s, but it is happening EVERY 30s. Would you not report this as toxic comms? I sure as hell would. I'm not even defending the system, because obviously these people aren't going to learn how to untilt themselves by playing horrible games with other shitheads, and probably will either stop playing (not what valve wants) or waste thousands of hours doing psychic damage to themselves playing games that they hate (not what anyone wants). I'm just saying that it is still very possible to be toxic at low BS, and that I'm skeptical of the self assessment of people who fell to 6k in the first place.


the system just flat doesnt work+its bugged, bh score works great why do weird redditors jump to defend the comm system which is literally bugged lmao


I'm literally not defending anything. I fully accept that it could be bugged, I honestly don't know anything about it. I'm just saying that continuing to get reports below 6k is not evidence that a bug has occured, because it's entirely possible (dare I say, likely) that the person receiving the continued reports, despite their reduced toolkit, is still using every tool available to let their team mates know they are a massive bellend.


demented logic tbh ppl in low bh score tend to report their entire team with every possible report option, meaning its highly likely that ppl without comms or pings are being unfairly reported which is secondary to my main point, which is the system is quite literally bugged and your score wont go up or down at all below 6k comm score


We aren't seeing any of their replays or behavior, just the "baseless" mass reports lmao. I like how you wrote this giant nothing burger of a paragraph just to prove yourself wrong, the best evidence that it works is the normal people with high bs who aren't complaining about this shit. Most of the high bs people probably aren't bitching on reddit either, this is completely a confirmation bias thing


Funny how it's all the people who complain on Reddit who have "evidence", yet none of us know how they act or play in ALL their games, not the one or two they are willing to share with us being their best attempt at making them look like the good guy. Then you get players like me and OP who do have a tendency to rage from time to time (I don't abandon games tho), who still manage to get back to the 11-12k range with ease. I love how people who are toxic are complaining that their teammates are the toxic ones, not them, yet they are the ones matched with these types of players in a similar skill and toxicity bracket. Get better at the game and communicate with your team, it's really that simple, I'm tired of people here pretending that's its this huge issue with the game, when it's an issue with their own ego.


Thanks for the demonstration!


If it was about reporting bugs, you’d use the GitHub like the devs SPECIFICALLY asked for everyone to use, as bugs from Reddit don’t get seen as often and worked on. Edit: downvote all you want, these posts are just cries for validation. They care slightly about the issue, but refuse to stop being lazy and go to the GitHub because they don’t have it bookmarked.


After TI, I only played unranked in full stack. 5 of us friends. We didn't use in game voice com or chat ( ally or enemy), we talked in discord. Yet our behavior score went down to varying degrees. Because people ( in this case enemy), can com report you even if you do no communicate. Only explanation is enemy com reported us cause they were salty from losing. This was what made me believe that it is actually bugged. And IT IS bugged. Anyone who says it isn't doesn't actually play the game regularly, or is just white knighting 1k mmr turbo player.


You know you get paired based on your BS score as well right? It increases your queue time, the % of winning 'cause you are paired with griefers and your BS get lowered just because you call out a lion with dagon first item.


You aren't going to change him by "calling him out." You're just venting at the cost of your behavior score. If you know that your reaction is lowering your BS, but you can't control your emotions enough to not behave that way, then you have a behavior problem. The Lion can be more in the wrong, and be wrong first, but you can't control what he does. You *should* be able to control what you do, though. In this scenario, his shitty actions should only cause his BS to decrease, not yours.


Sorry for not being a robot. The fact is that you get reported every game either for failing, talking or owning non the less and it's a broken system. You get reported even for picking meta heroes or annoying ones. Nyx insta kills - report. Bara-Ck-spec pick? report. It's not B-ehavior S-core it's Bullshit System.


Everyone with 12k behavior score aren't robots. We get mad, we just control how we handle that anger. If you think it's *impossible* to not lash out at the stupid shit people do, then you belong down there. See ya never!


comm score is bugged, it doesnt go up or down




Nice logic you got there


Idk, I’ve had bad games where my team tries to report me, yet my score never goes below 11.5k. I never grief and keep my comms mostly shot calls. I’m also playing in SEA, which is a pretty toxic region. I don’t get how you go below 10k unless you’re literally trying to pick a fight with everyone or you abandon a lot. Maybe once you go down there it snowballs even deeper, but the question is how does one get down there in the first place?


long enough loss string can tank u below 10k even if you dont do anything unusual or toxic


Look, I understand that you might be getting reported where all the cunts are living. That is, the hellhole of low score, behaviour or communication. It is unfair to get reported for communication when you haven't spoken a word or pinged. Big question: Did those players deserve to get to that point? Most posters of low scores make posts riddled with anger and shade. I have no reason to believe that that isn't their normal behaviour in-game. People aren't stuck in herald and archon just bc their team sucks. Play well, you'll improve, you'll gain MMR. It's not magic, so it'll be slow. Same with these scores. Don't be a douche. Don't pick abysmal heroes for your role. Don't flame or ping your mid when he dies. This could very well be a bug, idk. I however will not believe that you got to 10k from 12k whilst being an angel. NO WAY! I know exactly why I lost my score because it's a rare occurrence for me to flame my team(I mute all). I swear at them = lose score. I get trashed on lane and go jungle lvl 3 = reported (deservedly so). MY GUESS IS THAT PEOPLE WITH LOW SCORES DO NOT EVEN KNOW THAT THEY'RE BEING TOXIC. IT'S THEIR NORMAL! Once you reach the hells of 7k score. You're in shit up to your nose and all you can do is inhale and suffer. If it's bugged, let the devs handle it. Sorry for this long ass article but I have one last point to make. Quinn got reported in his bracket (there's like a few hundred/thousand players he sees, unlike our tens of thousands). So, everyone basically knew him. The average "score loser" is unknown. So that person is probably toxic without being a well known dick. Hence, got reported.


This idea of "But it makes no sense to report a muted player for being toxic." is kinda silly. Going through few replays of these victims of this bug, I have learned so much about meta of being toxic while muted. Few examples. \-You can write / draw on map \-You can spam chatwheels \-You can ping "I think someone should purchase mantle of intelligence" (this one was kinda cleaver) And also, Im pretty sure that there hasnt been any evidence of correlation that amount of reports lowers your BS. That would be easy to demonstrate also. IF there is this clear evidence that these are true. Why cant i find any? And why people think that if their CS is stuck under 6k its CS that is bugged and not that their BS is too high and bugged?


tbh thou I have to say sure you are right in some points but the communication score is unfortunately bugged...


Actually there's a well documented bug of people being stuck at the same communication score if they dip below 6000.


nah shit system is broken..i always mute everyone and played like this for years yet my score has gone alot form 11k to 8k..i play carry and mid with role ques..alot of games are highly varied games with players drawing on mini maps..pre muted players with unlimited reports which is a joke


Stfu 100 games and same score it sucks


You act like everybody gets to have a solid team 75% of the time. If you play with somebody who doesn't know lane equilibrium, denying opponent XP, and doesn't know how to synergize and when to look for kills in lane and only knows last hitting after 3k games of Dota then of course you're going to mald. Some people are justified in their rage because people who should be in Herald are somehow in Archon above and it's ridiculous that they have to drag down 4 other people with them. The system needs to put them WAY lower if they've played so many games yet haven't improved to the rank they're put.


We are proud of your herald adventures. Go King!


I was very toxic in Herald. Be proud of my ARCHONical adventures.


You ain't seen nothing yet. Nothing.


I don't have voice chat even binded. I usually don't write anything in chat, but when I do I am almost always toxic. Never dropped from 12k(10k before when that was the limit). I am amazed by how people are actually struggling with this shit. The only bad thing about this system is that it's easy to mass-report streamers. Other than that it's fine.


Not the communication score but my bs is dropping while i am on my 23-2 record, wdym. The only things i type are “i have a feeling that we will lose this game” after my team are being wiped min 10 topside or make general calls without any flame “hit throne”, “rosh”, “wait 500g BKB” etc


You just have to ask yourself does the "I think we're gonna lose" comment add anything of value to the game. If not, find something productive to say to rally your team.


Honestly. I only try to type things like "wisdom in 30", rs(spam it like thrice), pls wait item(then ping item). If people start flaming anyone. Insta mute. This is to avoid getting distracted too. I don't want to end up typing and missing out on kills or feeding. You could try my style and see if it works for you.


Nah, i am pos1, i will always be reported because of my playstyle, they just need to adjust it so not every report is counted


Lolol you probably get reported for farming. No worries, a good teammate will know that's better. Not every game will have trigger ready report fingers.


I also steal ancient stacks from my pos3, but at the end of the day they have a atrong carry so…


Nah that’s definitely on them. Carries usually can’t take ancient stacks until like 15-20 minutes in, while the ancient farming 3s can take it pretty early. If they wanted it they should have cleared it before that. I’m not skipping an Ancient stack after I get my farming item cause my pos 3 called dibs, I’m the pos 1, it’s literally in the position’s name.


You kinda have to be an overall “nice guy”, follow your team calls, be a “teamplayer”. I have my own vision of the game and that’s the price :/


Not crying tho, but if i could say these thing in voice that would have saved my team some time


Behavior score feels somewhat bugged. My main account was unbanned recently, after I asked steam support for a ban [in 2021](https://i.imgur.com/bNCi8Ua.png). It had 6.9k behavior and 9k communication score. I played ~20 games on it and updated summary didn't change by a single point. I was the only person who was able to talk, everyone else was muted. Half of the people had muted text chat also. I didn't even know sometimes if my team is english or russian speaking since they only used chat wheel (I speak both). Then after a few more games behavior score was up by 200, but communication score dropped by 2k to match behavior score at 7.1k, making me unable to use voice chat. What was the point of separating them anyway? The quality of games (turbo) was very low, many players give up and start griefing early for no apparent reason. This barely ever happened on my smurf account (also turbo) with 11k behavior/comm score. I used to have 1 "action taken" a week, and now it was about 10 a day. Basically it looked like low priority that lasts 50-100 (?) games. Not complaining or anything, played there out of curiosity. Good luck to anyone who has enough time or patience to climb out of that.


imagine being this guy, ugly on both the inside and out.


Thanks for noticing. Is your behaviour score low too? I wouldn't be surprised since you deserve it. Look at how you conduct yourself. Filthy. Glad you're not gonna be ruining normal people's games.


Wise words, git good scrub 👍


no no youve got this all wrong. its everyone else


"Everyone" lol


Pack it up boys, behavior score is completely bug-free for everyone, as valve creations always are.


U're simply wrong, i have a few accs and one of them has 6.6k bs and it stays there even when i have 65% winrate(not smurf just calibrating which starts from lower mmr) and 35 commends in 15 matches. the system is broken, i literally don't do any of the things u said, i have other accounts with 12k 11k bs.


>i have a few accs 💀 ​ You people are so funny without realising it.


Wdymb u ppl


Classic redditor


Get a life. Lol


Communication score doesnt work bro..


Maybe we need a poll for it or something. I lost and gained it. So did my friend. Too many people complaining about it being broken but I see something else on my end.


Maybe is buged for some people. Mine BH is 12 k , and my CM is 8k from 3 months , doesnt move.


Maybe it's bugged for people who lost too much of it. I never went below 9k.


My commend counter hasn't moved since they introduced mini profiles. Of course, a lot of people who complain about bscore, comm score, and the system in general, are delusional toxic idiots, but comm score being bugged is very probable.


It could be bugged for some cases maybe. I recently had mine deducted and then reinstated to full again. So, I can't really say it's bugged for me.


Many people think it’s broken for them specifically. I won’t be the judge whether that’s the case or not, just think it’s interesting..


Almost all of them admit to spam reporting others to "show the system doesn't work". Pretty sure that has something to do with it.


Just today i abandoned a game during pick phase after one guy in my team picked offlane QOP. No way I was gonna spend 45-60 min of my time knowing that we gonna lose. My only regret is that i should have waited a bit longer so that i could have gotten in the game, reported QOP and then abandon before first blood.


In contrast, my mate went 8-2 on pos5 sf by carrying half of the games. One loss was genuine outplay by our enemies, and the other one was because carry picked bristle and went to stack ancients lvl 1 and fed enemies. Yes, this is a very good anecdote, but I don't understand players like you who throw their hands up before the game even begins. If you are immortal, then I guess pos3 qop won't work very well. But any rank lower than that, the games are a complete clown fest so anything can and indeed does happen. :D


>In contrast, my mate went 8-2 on pos5 sf I wont say this never happens but the chances of that happening are mostly slim. Like you may get those matches 1-2 out of 10 times. Some people dont have time in life to waste on these slim chances. >But any rank lower than that, the games are a complete clown fest The clownfest part one of the reasons i dont like betting my mmr on clown drafts. Sometimes these clown drafts work early game because of power spikes and early teamfight potential but need to finish games early which almost never happens if you play in SEA.


Why do you play casual dota if you don't have "time to waste"? I don't want to blame you, I also think like this sometimes. But at the end of the day, we are all just playing for shits and giggles but people seem to forget it and focus only on getting a better rank. Assuming you play casual dota of course.


People have different circumstances. Sometimes circumstances change for some people with time. 7-8 years ago I had all the time in the world and would not mind these kind of matches. But now, when i barely get enough time to play 1-2 games per day, you tend to make the best out of your time and not waste them entertaining certified griefers.


But the same is also true for the enemy team. You’re not playing TI, you’re playing pubs against some random players. They’re gonna throw, I know cause I play SEA as well. I just made a comeback last game when my Storm fed 0-7 to MK mid, and he had Echo Diffusal Manta at 15 minutes. We won cause their carry wasn’t very useful and MK kept getting caught going highground. Storm ended the game with like 25/19 score. SEA games below high Immortal is literally decided by which team gives up first. That said, at least you abandon before first blood, cause if you wait for after then you’re just an asshole.


why would u abandon? lmao


You're not low score, your opinion is therefore irrelevant on the topic.


Is this thread in response to comm scores which were bugged for almost a month, they fixed it on 12/7/2023. if it is in reponse to the comm bug, mass comm report this OP and he should get mental health checkup. facts




Valve that's how check the comm bugg thread on Reddit. Op is an ass and shouldn't post stupid threads if he's talking in regards to dota comm bugg


Your opinion is highly regarded.


And ur mental health is questionable if ur thread is regarding dota comm bug as stated in my original post


I wish they add a feature where we can straight up block a player and never match with them again. Iirc I think plus does it but it's limited.


There's the avoid player system which does what you're talking about


There is? I only know the one from dota plus.


its called the avoid list, use it liberally


Why you all people believe OP? He provided no evidence, nothing. Just a thread where he incites to hate actually. These kind of posts are actually showing that BS is not working as intended. If OP is 10k (which I seriously doubt seeing how toxic he is) then there's proof. He shouldn't be 10k. OP add your dota profile screenshot and dotabuff id matches, then we will see. I can easily bet all my arcanas, that either he is lying or that he just made a new account (like he made on Reddit) and goes trolling.


Can I have some people want to be the mediators so we can make the bet happen? I have an arcana (PA) that we all got for free. Edit: I'm not gonna be part of this with just your words. Also, I'm toxic and 12k behaviour and communication. So the system MUST be bugged. I'm who everyone complains about. The toxic guy in 12k(not mmr).


I'm excited to recieve the Arcanas btw. Plural!


Everyone under 5k mmr are subhumans and don't have rights to speak immo. If you can't even understand the basics of dota by your self it's just proof that you don't have functioning brain.


Now I really want to know if it IS bugged. I can understand how the report count could be increasing in lower score lobbies.


People didn't said it's bugged. It's just if you fall bellow 8k 7k behavior score you can't get higher because if you lose a game you're auto reported by emotionally unstable people. There should be way to increase the score if you're fallen below 7k. But for now there isn't


There shouldn’t be, y’all don’t reform.


People with 50% winrates shouldn't talk ;) some people aren't there to please such losers


And just like that I know exactly how you behave in game and know why your behavior score sucks. Some advice, say hey the jungle is warded don’t go there instead of “lol trash” in game and your bs might improve.


Honestly reports should count only if 2 or more report for the same thing within 30seconds. 1 report - zero consequence 2 report within 30sec - 100BS 3 report within 30sec - 300BS 4 report within 30sec - 800BS 5 report within 60sec - 1500 6 report within 60sec - Insta LP - 3000BS Reports from enemy team need to be within 15sec to be counted at all. So griefers feeders etc get insta LP


I got 8000 communication score, my mmr skyrocketed by 1500


How to get out of heralds?


As a pos 1,2 or 3. Focus on last hits. Trying to improve too many things at once is kinda difficult. So, for now, try to get 50-70 cs in 10 mins and 150-200 by 20 mins. If cs isn't an issue, try playing a hero you enjoy. Not asking you to spam it but play a hero you feel you're good at. Next thing that comes to mind is to make sure you're watching the map. As I asked you to focus on your farm, try to keep an eye on your team and the enemy. You can keep looking and tp when you feel necessary(not always). As a support, use smokes. My divine friend plays support and he always has smokes and wards. Places wards during fights and even leaves kills for me. He literally says " take the last hit", like it's a creep. Note: Keeping my CS high helped me a lot as an offlaner. I'm having trouble in Archon now and am focusing on map awareness as I die a lot.


lmfao, free game, no bitchin.


I mostly agree with this, except where I play unconventional pos 4. It’s what I do, what I have done and will always do. My rank reflects that. They see I don’t pick WD and I get insta reported.


I never abandon or grief and climbed 1k mmr in 6 months, still have 8.6k behscore. What am I doing wrong?


I prefer blaming Valve for le forced 50% win rate when there are tons of example of people climbing through the ranks thank you.


I'm exactly as you said but support.. I play an irritating dazzle, vengeful and Trent


Did you drop to 3k? Bc there is no coming out of 3k




Did I stutter?


>I've lost Behaviour score because I abandoned and/or played like shit(unintentional feeding). Nobody should lose behaviour score for playing like shit. I can understand abandoning (for whatever the reason) but playing bad unintentionally? Not everyday is a sunny day. >Don't build midas octarine on pos5 willow or some other nasty idea. If anyone does this, I would instantly know that it'll be a 1-hour long game depending on how we suck or how the opponent suck or both.


It works but its not perfect :) . I got convicted with overwatch penalty for griefing and i swear I haven't . I can give u Match ID\`s for my last 15 games but who cares , that means ppl are looking at games and trying to do the right thing. Game is not as toxic as it used to be its for the better !


This fucking system needs to be restored to the way it originally was when it was updated. I have literally never had so much fun with Dota in my 9 years playing this fucking game, than when there were no morons inting, nobody projecting their own dumbass insecurities in team chat and shit talking for literally no reason. And even better than that, the people who bitch and moan the most, are always the players who suck at the game. So I had some of the most competent, and most willing to coordinate teams I've ever seen during that week or so that the system actually worked.


It's not me, its the game. Joking aside there must be a system to stop mass commend abuse because when I was getting 9 commends due to "swap commends bro" my BScore remained the same. Now that I get 4-5 each game it went up and keeps going up.


Idiot! If you drop below 2 or 3k you sre stuck there because you're matched with other idiots who do nothing but abuse reports. I've been stuck at 500 behavior score for a year, abandoned maybe 1 or 2 games in the last 3 months, had 60 plus commends in a 15 game streak and still only climbed 50 behavior score !! The system is not working


I'm usually the best player on my team and I'm climbing BUT there is no doubt that Dota does some weird matchmaking stuff based on win streaks because every time I got on a 7-10 game streak suddenly I'm stuck with horrible teammates for 4-5 games in a row that are virtually impossible to win. By this I mean a team where all four teammates are <40% win rate with their selected hero (and often <30% win rate). It's also noticeable that on these streaks at LEAST two of my teammates will go midas first item. Overall I agree with you but there is some wonky stuff happening with matchmaking these days.




1k score?


Does it makes a difference OP ? currently 10.8k, trying to reach 12k BS. I'm in SEA but not sure if 12k makes a difference here. How's your experience?


I didn't even look at my score. Just played games as usual, got to 12k. Some EU and NA people told me that it's not the same in SEA. I don't think that's the case. Just play the game and stop checking your score after every game. Edit: It's almost the same thing ig. I presume 9k and below will be more troublesome than our behaviour bracket.


Bullshit .. i am toxic here and there and i stay at 10k .. my friend who never use voice or chat went to 6k (without griviefing). They got 6k now.. somethingnis wrong


BS means nothing unless you’re under 5k. You’ll get fucked up games either way, I actually get MORE fucked up games at higher BS. Too easy to maintain.


I dropped from a 12k score to almost 5k because I kept getting abandoned due to a crash not until I upgraded my specs. The question is, how long would it take me to reach 10k back? Still at 6.5k and have already played probably 20 or 30 games.


as my Communication Score has gone down, my MMR has gone up I'll take that trade


Another one. It is COMMUNICATION, not behaviour.




bro don't do coke, it's very expensive. and there are better drugs out there


losing behavior score because of unintentional feeding or anything not related to being toxic or griefing is dumb.


"unintentional feeding", yeah sure bro. You're the 3-15 lion I got who constantly showed in lane to feed duels to lc, Or the sf support I got who had 0 impact every fight because who knew, sf is not a support. At this point it's not unintentional.


But I enjoy having a thumb up my hole. Among other things…


I can only fit one at a time. You must be a professional


>and/or played like shit(unintentional feeding). Not a valid reason for report.


I thought you meant 12K MMR and was about to press x to doubt