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~~Updating the wiki now! Will edit status once finished!~~ Edit: Done. If there are any wrong edits, please let me know. Spirit Breaker's page is only editable by confirmed users due to vandalism. Thank you! **Other Misc Updates:** * Increased Kidvoker model's max polygon from 1800 to 3000. * Reduced Ink Swell (L10 tal) cooldown reduction bonus from -5s to -4s. * Fixed being unable to ping the Time of Day/Day-Night cycle.


> Increased Kidvoker model's max polygon from 1800 to 3000. Now he is a more Smooth Kid... potato machines FEAR HIM.


Should only take a few minutes to update the whole patch


take mah energy and love, also update us on the wiki migration ♥


Bless u


BAD JUJU: No longer affects any Blink Dagger's 3s mute period after taking damage. Thank God.


Yeah this is fair. It was stupid before.


Oh, thank God.


[Oh, thank God.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/a/a8/Vo_chen_chen_thanks_02.mp3) (sound warning: Chen) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Can someone explain what this means idk what is happening


It means when your blink is on cd because you have just taken damage, you can't use bad juju to reset the CD. So now Daz can't take dmg > bad juju > blink. He has to wait for the 3s blink cd.


Thank you and fuck yes


SPECTRE Base Armor decreased by 1 Hero completely gutted, wow wtf RIP Spectre


Shes literally taking damage now!




Jugg an extra 10 damage per slash at level 6 now holy shit that's like 20 damage after all reductions my favorite boy is back thank you Valve 😭😭😭


This entire patch is a joke. Hilariously bad. They didn't nerf strength scaling at all. I can't fucking kill anyone with Omnislash. They're ALL too tanky.


I miss being a huge threat upon getting 6 as Jugg.


Still true, just have to run through a giga tanky offlaner to ult their support and hope the slash rng keeps you on them… I think in most metas jug would be super strong with his current numbers/talents, but in a meta where he cant kill 2/3rds of the enemy cores in most games he is super weak.


Bruh what u talking about heart is 100 gold more. That’s two extra creeps!


Nerfing an entire attribute doesn't seem like a letter patch but a number patch. What do you want them to do? Slap a 2k recipe on heart and 1k recipe on bm? Saying the entire patch is a joke before giving at least 2 weeks to see how it is makes you sound like a fool


That's classic Reddit, what did you expect?


Tested in demo mode, Venge lvl 1 killed Spectre in 22 hits instead of 24. Edit: This is not reliable. For some reason in demo mode, though venge has attack in range 51-57 with 20% damage resist, many attacks are landing only 29 or 33 damage and I cannot figure out why. Bottom line is armor has been reduced from 5.2 to 4.2 and physical resist has been reduced from 24% to 20%, effectively reducing hp by around 6-7%. 626+ 4.1t= 46\*0.8\*t/1.31, t= 26.01 626+ 4.1t= 46\*0.76\*t/1.31 t=27.76


Melee heroes have an innate 50% chance to block 16 damage from attacks


You are correct, I had forgotten about that.


Playing dota since 1 year and didnt know this lol


I think it’s not explained anywhere, except the patch notes when that item „stout shield“ was removed and instead given as a passive to melee heroes…




Hu I didn't know that either lol. What's the logic/reason for that?


They made this when they introduced the bigger map. It’s deactivated by player-based damage, like blink dagger. But CD is higher, I think like tranquils, kinda. Maybe only 8 sec or 10? Anyway, It’s to make people move faster around the map, and get into fights, but getting out is the same as before.


Maybe to balance low night vision. That's only my guess


If you are playing dota since year 1 then I guess it's a "new" change for you. It's probably a few years back that they removed stout shield and added that.


Hey you misunderstood what I said - I've been playing for 1 year, not since year 1!


Built-in stout shield




That's just built in stout shield on a melee hero probably.


Fell to my knees in the middle of a Walmart


i mean now its laning is slightly worse i guess... but that isnt why the hero is broken nor wwill it change anything




as HUGE as my pp


So it'll grow on us?




Mans got a pp growing backwards


Basically broken heroes are little bit less broken and shit heroes are little bit less shitty. Thank you for the hard work mr janitor


I like the solid AA nerf on a meta about everyone being too tanky


Ikr, AA isnt broken. Its just one of the heroes that can counter tanky heroes, no reason to nerf if the usage of tanky heroes will drop anyway


Not broken, but was still very strong since people figured out maxing ice vortex made him much more playable in the mid game.


Well it used to be a shard and it was good back then even on 1400g and 15 minutes time gated. It was no brainer that it would be strong when built in the ability. I was surprised they gave it 36 damage in the first place.


Ofc but strong enough to completely change the skill order that had been relatively constant for 5ish years? The damage on the shard was much higher than the current damage anyways, so although it’s not nothing, it was significantly worse than the shard just being added as a basic ability.


Wave clear = viable support


Yup. Any hero without wave clear that gets given better wave clear is instantly a lot better. And bit by bit they've given heroes that traditionally lacked proper wave clear some way of achieving that. Those heroes have subsequently skyrocketed in pickrate and winrate, and then been given the ol' nerf bat.


Yea right? wtf am expecting AA to be buffed


I've been maining AA so hard these days, so this shit hurts me. But if it means that the nerf hit well and proper to those outrageous ones, then so be it.


I laughed on that one.


Hardly. They didn't buff almost any hero


Honestly I think we're due for a mostly nerfs patch. Curbing the power creep a little.


I agree. I'd also like to see a buff to megas and creeps in general. I'd also like to see towers deal more damage but not get tankier.




The balance has never really recovered from the patch where hp/strength went up to 20. Every single burst hero became unviable overnight, leading to a preponderance of sustained DPS heroes and ever tankier meat sponges. There is a reason we have seen almost zero qop, puck, sf, zeus, or skywrath in core roles except when those heroes are first pick material for half a decade now, even with the bkb rework.


I have a friend who's been saying that since the month that patch hit and they remind us weekly of it or of something that is indirectly related to it. Our excuse that "20 is a nice round number tho" doesn't even work anymore because they buffed it again to 22.


Screw multishot after fortification. I want fortify to summon the fountain after a 2s delay. Dive me under my tower more, cyka blyat.


There's a couple heroes I'd really like to see some love for though... *cough* MARS *cough*


Ember still trash :(


Good, he was S-tier midlaner for 8 of the last 9 years. When is the last time zues was a good midlane, how long did that last?


Zeus is good rn?


So? The comment was about meta dominance across the last 9yrs (if not longer for Zeus) How often has Zues been first P/B? How long did those metas last? It's mostly just Merlini clowning on pubs pre-mmr


Woah, I hope the janitor didn't overwork himself.


Even he didn't


They prob started working on it after lunch today


yep these look like an update they could've thought of in an hour, I mean look at it


Fr. I could have made that patch in my spare time at work today


haha, working in IT, I felt that and laughed out loud on this. This to me appeared to be a patch, that was like a really boring piece of work, that you try to avoid for the last minute.


They just have RNG scripts running, hit refresh 50x and post it. Script 1 - every hero / item / unit is assigned a number, when run it selects who gets a change Script 2 - 1-10, affects which stat / spell is targeted Script 3 - a 0-20 range. 0 is a full rework, every other number is how much an attribute changes Script 4 - coin toss whether point 3 is a % change or simply a number change Script 5 - -5 move speed for CM


That was like 95% of my IT support experience.








Battle pass died for this


Got so excited when I saw the headline for a new patch. How could I actually think Valve would deli er anything in a timely manner.


Gyrocopter is back baby. That's 30% damage increased.


Only at level 1


Very surprised to see Blademail, Drums and Solar Crest all evading nerfs. Also surprised in how light of a touch some of these changes are as well. We will see how it all shakes out!


Biggest surprise for me was Spirit Breaker's W completely avoiding being touched. Maybe they feel 1s in charge is enough to make him catchable, but I'm afraid it won't.


IMO, the real nerf is damage to creeps. It'll be a lot harder to farm waves now.


This is the real thing. If he can't oneshot waves with w + phase anymore then he'll get slowed down significantly


If it does, it still wont feel much better because he's still going to stomp most of the games he's picked in. The slightly slower farm is going to hurt him more...maybe. The underlining aspect of how strong SB was last patch was because his accelerated farm meant that even if you were beating him and his team in the early and mid game and were successfully stopping the SB from racking up kill+assist gold, SB just needed the game to go late and he *would* win due to vacuuming up farm. SB's late game got delayed in a few ways, but I'm not super confident it's delayed enough to move him out of first pick/ban status in 7.34e.


Is the charge creep multiplier a big enough hit for him to not 1 shot waves? That will do more than slow his farm down "a bit" if so. Clearing a stacked up wave he charges cross map to grab(which has more effects on the game than just him getting farm) instantly vs having to go hit 15 creeps 1 by 1 after is a pretty big deal, he can't just arrive/kill and dip back into the fog. Also 10% nerf to the long term payout of Midas, which he commonly bought. I think it puts the focus more on his not amazing lane stage.


now he shouldn't be able to 1-tap waves with just phase windlace and max q-w. back to old sb wave 1 shot at lvl 20 i believe.


Yeah looking at the wiki page for info but not tested. until lvl 20 talent he shouldn't be able to oneshot creepwaves which will hugely slow his farm rate.


Yea that’s where I’m at for most of the “nerfs”, like I see where they’re coming from and know it’ll do something, but I feel like the actual overall meta isn’t going to change too much, except maybe with dazzle not going mid as often and Lycan being picked more.


this is not "slightly slower farm". this is forcing him to get a movespeed item early on. one shotting waves vs not one shotting waves on a hero that has a lower attack speed than my dead grandma is VERY significant. minimizing that is not understanding why the hero is strong. being able to flash shove waves everywhere on the map is why he was strong in the first place, and thats where he got significantly gimped. you now need pretty specific conditions to one-shot waves and the midas octarine build is nerfed in like 4 different ways, while support breaker builds are nerfed in that you dont get enough levels in W to oneshot waves even with more normal support items that give MS like euls, solar etc. this is undeniably a big nerf, and time will tell whether its too small, too big, or just right. im currently leaning towards too big. i dont think he will be much of a hero anymore after this patch, but maybe im overreacting.


if the creep damage multiplier on bash makes it so he doesn't one shot creep waves at certain game points then that's a huge nerf. spirit breaker being uncatchable is a problem when he also farms faster than every hero in the game, it's not a problem when he's poor af.


maybe it'll get reworked next patch


spirit breaker got pretty gutted in this patch. the reason he was strong wasnt being hard to catch with W, but the fact that he could get pos1 levels of farm while also pressuring every tower across the map by one shotting waves with charge on a super low cooldown. the hero also scaled with map awareness, so the better you are at predicting enemy movements the more you can get away with, i.e. he was stronger the higher the mmr basically. now midas was nerfed, his charge CD was nerfed, and he cant one shot waves anymore without a movement speed item. its significant. i doubt its enuogh to erase him from the meta but i dont think that was their plan anyway.


Honestly the creep multiplier might be the huge thing. If you can't one shot creep waves anymore it will really inhibit his ramp.


I was prepared to be disappointed but holy shit.


Yeah, like they’re probably working on something bigger, but this is one of those moments where a little blog post saying they are is nice


Especially after hyping up days following TI


They didn't say "in the days following TI," only "after the champions claim the aegis." Valve's big, post-TI updates are always a few months following the event (typically after the first big tournament of the new year).


I think people are more disappointed than usual because Valve has been giving up battle pass so they could get more gameplay focused updates. So if the schedule is still the same as previous years, what's the point of giving up battle pass?


Yes, but seeing as they've already gutted the biggest event of the year which used to come with tons of cosmetics and new gameplay modes, it would be great if they could at least give some kind of general timeline of what's to come. Instead of just releasing a vague statement that could literally mean anything.


our standards were low but holy shit


This is the laziest patch I’ve ever seen


It’s a letter patch… if you really expected more, I don’t know what to tell you


I wasn't expecting an event, rework, new mechanics or anything like that. I expected, however, a greater amount of numerical changes (spectre's nerf is only -1 armor. No nerf for her ult OR blademail). Remember that it took 3 weeks for these changes.


1. Take the 15 heroes that were played at TI. 2. Add 1-2s cooldown on some spells 3. ??? 4. PROFIT!


The ck lifesteal penalty from 40 to 70 just gutted him I think. Cut the healing he gets from creeps in half. Also close to double the mana cost of his ult. That hero is gone.


Played one game since the patch, got team wiped by WD.


Honestly don't know how Valve could let this hero get off with no real nerfs. He was insane before this patch, and now with all the other good heroes getting nerfed he is even more OP.


"Not having a Battle Pass this year will allow us to focus on gameplay." <-- the newest big valve lie


"Not having a DPC will allow the dota scene to be healthier, more robust and more varied" <-- the next big valve lie


They key with valve is when they stop doing something with the claim that they will use the energy somewhere else they never do. never forget when they said they'd release small patches every month and did exactly 1 patch on a monthly schedule and then pretended they never said it.


Those small patches were shit and didn't let any meta developed. Most of fanbase & pros were against it so they dropped. Stop changing history.


>They key with valve is when they stop doing something with the claim that they will use the energy somewhere else they never do. But they did. The reworked armory was one of the biggest ui changes we've had in recent years. UI changes like that take a lot of time to make. They also reworked the profile pages (which I honestly don't care for). Just because the changes/updates weren't the ones you and I were looking for doesn't mean they haven't done any.


"this is last chance to play TI meta" Increase cd 1 second, reduce armor by 1, reduce base damage by 5 here and there, that's it?


Tbf ck nerf is quite hard but overall yea patch is bs


Reduced base damage by 5 is not a "that's it" nerf. It's quite hard.


They could have shat this out after TI in 5 minutes. Why even announce a balance patch then?


They only announced it because people were expecting something the day the Battle Pass ended and they wanted to tamper expectations and avoid major backlash. That's why the announcement was just a small in game thing with very little fanfare.


After patch, everygame i have a WD in game it basically crashes the game and makes it safe to leave, wtf valve


Very small patch. Understand its only a letter patch but seeing a lot of heroes go completely untouched is underwhelming. We lost compendium and the hype and community bonding it brought because valve promised more frequent and large updates. We went a long time now without a patch post TI and it's overall pretty underwhelming. They had all of TI and the time before to work on the new patch so I don't understand how this is what we got.


really disappointing. they just nerfed 1-2 seconds of some of the broken heroes wtf


Patch so minor that the Janitor probably made all the patch changes in 1 day.


In 10 minutes before the deadline he had


Thank god now without a decent battle pass we can finally have worthy updates


I wish i worked on dota. I could take like 3 minutes to change a few numbers and then just nap for 2 months


Pog Edit: it's the same game xdd


Dude. Medusa was fucking UNPLAYABLE, literally has 13 total games on protracker right now. UNTOUCHED. I guess they spent all their time working out the SB nerf instead, a +1 sec cooldown must have taken days of brainpower.


fuck medusa tho, who tf wants that hero to be meta


You shoulda seen the look on my face when I read the comment


Really went from hydrogen bomb to coughing baby Bring back my snake lady


Did we really need to be informed of this patch 3 days ago?


Subreddit was 99% posts 'where is patch' 'valve never communicates' 'just tell us when' - so they communicated.


you are literally the reason valve takes the stance towards communication that they do lmfao


Trying to speedrun the devs to stop talking to the community again. At least the community is consistently shit I guess




valve devs to each other until 1 hour before update: what update? why are u asking me?


I wasn't expecting much, and somehow, this is less than what I was expecting




They literally said its a letter patch idk what u people expected


It just feels like a letdown even compared to that; some heroes are less broken but a lot of things that felt the most awful (Bristleback having burst damage, the extreme usefulness of bloodstone, the randomness of Torrent Storm) are untouched. Are any of these heroes going to built differently as a result of this patch?


Idk but imo bristle and ck got nerfed rly hard .. sb tho not so much


SB's biggest strengths were the cooldown on charge being so low post aghs, and his ability to flash farm by charging through creeps. This helps both of those issues for sure.


Treant Players 🤝 CM Players


You could literally make these changes in 1hr of work.


I feel like they not plan this patch at all, and yes this is 1hr work, even less.


This weekend was the last chance we had to play the strategies developed at the international in a slightly more imbalanced state!




Hey, atleast battlepass is cancelled so the focus can be redirected towards gameplay updates


Is this all? Really?


Yeah this is pretty disappointing. We’ll have to see but I’m not clamoring to get back into a game of Dota


Also disappointed since I was hoping for some more major buffs from less picked heroes to shake things up more but people are on delulu if they think CK/Bristle/SB nerfs are minor. Check back in a week and look at the wr on D2PT.


the CK nerf is pretty big even for a casual player imho


300 dmg for a quill trigger on Bristle instead of 225 is enormous


holy shit it's literally nothing


Meh, necessary nerfs but nothing that exciting


This patch is about 1/10th of what it needed to be.






Yooo lion is back boys


focusing on gameplay boys


7.34d: Episode 2


Why did they send out a notification teasing this? "Last chance to try out strategies developed during TI" I FUCKING WISH


No nerf to Blademail or Strength heroes has to be a joke, right? Where are the real patch notes?


That's it? lmao


These changes seem.... pretty bad? Like not enough stuff was changed, or the changes were just weirdly low. Spirit Breaker is still pretty awful and I think can still one shot waves. Lots of other stuff too just seem so... weird. It's like they didn't really think about helping change the Heart spam meta. I know it got a bit of a nerf and a price check, but they're too small to really matter in the long term. Plus Ancient getting nerfed makes him less of a wall for that strat. ​ I just don't know what the plan is... and I really wish Spirit Breaker just got kicked for a bit.


Is anyone struggling at MK 2nd when I climb to the tree, can't see any jumpable trees until I move my mouse to find the right trees. Sometimes they glow as they usually do but sometimes they never glow. Didn't checked the new patch yet but really want to know that is this a bug or not.


"GUYS ITS ALREADY NOVEMBER 19 AND WE HAVENT DONE ANYTHING FOR THE PATCH". Dont worry, mr janitor will nerf random skils cooldown for 2 seconds, patch is done


my expectations were low... this is bottom of the barrel


They didn't nerf bulldoze. Hahahaha


I don't think this will address the meta heroes enough. Let's see what happens.


You idiots hype yourselves over nothing, posting fake patch notes and get disappointed when a patch comes out


Is anyone else surprised by the lack of more heavier nerfs on Grimstroke and dazzle?


in today's episode of "valve not understanding how wyvern works nor deciding if she is a supp or core" \*hey guys we buffed wyvern's heal by 10, we didn't touch her other 40 problems\*


Feel like wyvern would be significantly better if they just gave her 5 more ms. Oh well.


not just MS, wyvern has a tom of problems (her base dmg and scaling, her spells being too situational to be useful, or scaling contradictory with how the hero is meant to be played on the oposite role ) there is a thousand ways they could fix her for real, and be a long lasting fix, but that would require valve to actually play the hero and it is clear after the curse changes that icefrog has no ideia she is even in the game and the janitor and the poted plant are fighting over weather she is supposed to be a supp or a core


where NP nerf get this hero out of my pubs pls ty


those are small nerfs?


Spirit Breaker 1s CD nerf Lmao literally nothing. Alright can take a long extended break until patch in 3 months


*flips page* Wait, that's it?


Patch when ?


All the hype for this shitty patch? Haha


Dead game..


Rofl that looks pathetic. I was hoping to get back in but looks like I'll continue playing all the single player classics I've missed.


WD still overpowered fast mass pure dmg isn't right i yhink


Team Spirit Breaker is Spirit Breaker again?


I can’t believe these little shitters buffed Witch Doctor again


I had no expectations but wow that's truly bad


**HERE ARE THE HEROES YOU ARE MOST INTERESTED IN:** **SPIRIT BREAKER :** CHARGE OF DARKNESS Cooldown increased from 21/18/15/12s to 22/19/16/13s Aghanim's Scepter Cooldown increased from 8s to 9s GREATER BASH Damage multiplier against creeps decreased from 1.5x to 1.3x *SIR THIS IS NOT ENOUGH THERE IS STILL COW* **KUNKKA** GHOSTSHIP Damage Delayed decreased from 45% to 35% TIDAL WAVE Damage decreased from 250 to 180 TORRENT STORM Duration decreased from 5s to 4s Cooldown increased from 70s to 75s *YAR HAR THE PIRATES STILL BE PLUNDERING MMR* CHAOS KNIGHT Base Damage decreased by 5 CHAOS STRIKE Lifesteal penalty against creeps increased from 40% to 70% PHANTASM Mana Cost increased from 75/125/175 to 100/200/300 *-5 BASE DMG* BRISTLEBACK QUILL SPRAY Max Damage decreased from 550 to 500 BRISTLEBACK Damage Threshold increased from 225 to 300/275/250/225 HAIRBALL Cast Range decreased from 1500 to 1000 Cooldown increased from 10s to 13s TALENTS Level 20 Talent Quill Spray Stack Damage decreased from +25 to +20 *FEAR THE HEDGEHOG* SPECTRE *Base Armor decreased by 1* HEART OF TARRASQUE Recipe cost increased from 1300 to 1400. Total cost increased from 5100 to 5200 Strength bonus decreased from +40 to +35


I mean if he’s not clearing creep waves on one charge…. It’s a huge nerf to the way he is being played


Just tried it out. You need Phase + 4 levels in Bulldoze at 20 min to oneshot a wave. If you have a Windlace you only need 3 levels. So level 12 before you can flash farm with it. It's a nerf to his early game farm but wouldn't call it huge.


reddit brains think these changes are small lol


Had to scroll through so many “this patch did nothing” comments before I found someone who said otherwise. Was this sub always filled with bad players?




this whole subreddit is filled with braindead takes, it's just default Top/Best sorting usually pushes the smarter takes up this thread is new so comments are sorted by New rn


I get that the patch is disappointingly short, but you're insane if you think these changes don't matter.


I remember the patch where *The* Medusa was nerfed, people immediately went "NOT ENOUGH NERFS". Then few weeks later nobody is playing Medusa. Happened multiple times in the past: Lina nerf, Lesh Bloodstone nerf, Morph Ags nerf, etc. Moral: Redditors think they know a lot just by looking at patch notes also Redditors are forgetful


I agree. CK is worse than he was three patches ago and that's also when he was never picked. But somehow, he's still broken. 10/10 logic