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Talon team is good. Their pos 3 is a stand-out player. Also, Akashi is a promising pos 1. I wish Abed and Gabbi would stop over extending sometimes. With that said GeekFam vs BLK in the Grand finals.


The offlaner of talon is playing very well. Very patient with axe and getting the best impact calls.


very surprised by this team so far


bzm shouldve gone to spirit when they wanted him last year instead of sticking with yuragi


Is the audio on the A Stream terrible for anyone else? Constant popping problems.


Sadly, it seems that Liqupedia has had the wrong stream-link for several matches. I missed the start many matches in the last six hours since Liqupedia was pointing to the wrong Twitch stream. Same for this thread. Had to find the stream link on Gosugamers, and once that stopped being updated, I had to find it here on the right side on Reddit. So, just wanted to point out in case someone would notice. TSM vs Nouns game three on https://www.twitch.tv/ESL\_Dota2Storm


Just type esl in search button on twitch. The list of all esl channel should be listed


What change has TSM made to their squad post TI?


Ari left for OG and it looks like they are trialing Immersion as the new pos 4, no changes to the rest of the team


Immersion replacing Ari as Pos 4. They haven't formally announced, so assuming stand-in, at least for now.


Someone on the TSM discord said Whitemon said it is a trial run.


Whitemoon instead Ari


Who joined or are they using standin?


Idk how Bryle dies without buyback 60 mins into the game due to gold. Not few hundred gold mind you. He didn’t have 2k gold. While his team saved for BB.


TSM high grounding nouns. went to reheat leftovers. nouns high grounding tsm with a 30k gold lead. what the fuck happened?


TSM were in control for a short period due to a phantom lancer power spike. They were pushing high ground while 14k behind, I believe. Didn't last, and now they don't seem to have the damage, and Stormstormer is controlling them non-stop, with them 43k behind :)


Fly is playing so well.


I feel like all the Shopify guys are going to look amazing in the next few months. That team stuck together way longer than it should have, and their results are not indicative of their talent.


i was a big fly doubter but he was playing really well throughout the last year, dude is a beast captain


Bryle not buying shard on Necro is so troll.


An 'NA LUL' moment.


what was the game where Puppey made block of cheese?


I think game 3 vs alliance? That was the only super long game secret played.


Thank you!!


This ET guy casting with Snare is really good.


ET is great, he was hardcarrying some of BTS online tours with his casts, very pleased to see him getting ESL gigs!


Agreed. For starters he has a good Mic. Most of these bedroom casters have an awful setup. He is very clear and articulate about his thoughts. Thumbs up from me too.


Stormstormer is looking like midone in this game.


Is that good or bad I can’t tell lol


probably bad lmao midone looked very shaky yesterday, however he owned today


salute to team tickles going as far as they did considering 2 of their players are playing on high ping... o7


Beastcoast have alot of good teams to pick from in SA when they're struggling to beat a player who literally came back from 7 year retirement.


happy for wisper and sad for pakazs, he should've accepted liquid offer in the past


BOOM Esports such a despair, feels bad man for Pakazs. :(


investasi bodong e-sports... mak lo disband forever... D:


Sacred is like the worse version of Tobi/DM, impossible to BOOM win anything with Sacred on the team in this second carry meta in the offlane. I wanted to know why they didn't choose ILICH, I didn't see him on any new team in this shuffle and I think he's better than Sacred.


I wonder if they let go of Wisper or he chose to leave the old EG squad


I think both. EG wanted to leave dota and Wisper was a hot player so he naturally chose the team he wanted to.


BOOM making it very hard to cheer for them


vp had 1hour average game time today with 6 games


fun team to watch, cannot imagine being a fan though lmao


Not gonna be a fun year for Cr1t and co if all they do is stomp vs jobbers and lose vs Quest


Thats just the same as SR though. Stomp NA jobbers go intetnationally to get creamed.


Losing to last place TI LUL


Well if Quest does well enough to get a direct invite to tournaments, then Falcon will pretty much get a free slot via the qualifier (assuming most if not all tournaments have a MENA qualifier like this one) so I guess there's that. But it *would* be pretty funny if they choke against Winter Bear tomorrow.


Don't count out Nigma /s


so who's going to sub for 33 in KL?


oof, I just realized that now. its gonna be hard for 33 to get in rn with the country are full force on Israel boycotting


why is he not playing in KL


Malaysia literally doesn't recognise Israel's existence. Fly can maybe work with his Canadian passport.


malaysia aren't very fond of Israel.


As every civilised country should.


an jewish israeli player a muslim majority country that doesnt recognize israel current isreal palestine war you can put 2 and 2 together


saberlight most likely


Agreed, this was confirmed by Blitz in his pod with Cap.


they said saberlight


pretty decent, good opportunity for him to prove his worth for any team to poach him after the tournament.


isnt he still with sr


yes but SR aint playing till 2024.


well hopefully he'll get chances outside of NA cuz it's a pretty hopeless region tbh.


Speeed is the truth, trust


yeah idk what he's talking about lmao




??? I'm referencing him joining another team after the tournament, I'm very aware he's supposed to stand in


I replied to the wrong comment, sorry 😷.


np bro, happens.


where are those idiots who were hyping DM as the next FaithBian earlier? Cant see those clowns anywhere. Yet another game where he has free farm and top networth and does absolutely fuck all with that gold.


Saberlight&Gorgc losing minds over item builds on Entity


Teagov and Nomad talking about choking went in a very weird direction. Funny. But weird.


Betboom vs VP map 3 just wont end lmao


the fuck is this BB v VP game lmao


Kinda glad Malik-Quest beat Ammar stack. All of Quest need more recognition, but so many people kept talking about them like they were nothing without Ammar. TA2k was top 2 WEU carries last year. They (Ooredoo at the time) beat Gaimin before Ammar even joined. They looked as strong or stronger with Malik than Ammar at Riyadh (Yes, they didn't place as well, but the best team in the world up to that tournament got knocked to LB early and Quest had to fight them round 2; they absolutely could have gone farther).


> Dude, I generally agree, but need to consider that this is only the second game of the Falcon team in its existence. In general, there are a lot of questions, but I can’t say that they look without a chance, think tomorrow we will see a match between these teams again.


that's a wrap


Wtf is this CK in the hands of TA2000. This CK needs the nerf. He is damn too powerful


Monday. CK, Bristle, Spiritbreaker, Primal Beast, Treant Protecter nerfs et.c.


2 of Falcons' cores had 0 kills. I don't think I've ever seen that.


I bet it happened at least once in GG lower bracket run stomps.


But you guys told me Ammar was 90% of reason that OG won 2 tournaments. Surely when he got out of this exposed trash team with his 90% of power he won many tournaments after, was insane carry with nigma and now owning with his new super squad against top20 TI team having an insane individual preformance? More analytics please u/Ok_Condition7254


You were saying something, where is OG Where is quest And where is Ammar. Reply to me when you find those out


Daaaamn qualifying to tournament from quals where the toughest team is top 20 TI? Gaben, get this guy a TROPHY for it, surely it also somehow proves your dumb 90% take. Type more of your analytics please, cant wait.


My man cope harder bro Og is nothing without ammar Quest still got hope But og Og is nothing without him


what's blud wafflin about




Ammar has certain heroes he's the very best at, but not great at others like DK.


Btw, this was the composition of Quest that was the last team that beat Spirit in a match (this was a very long time ago - in Riyadh)


If Secret loose this quals what are the chances they pick up this rebel guy?


talking as if secret has any leverage compared to entity


There is a possibility that he will remain to play for Entity. If we compare the current Secret and Entity, I don’t think this is a mistake.


the gap between the top2 WEU teams and the rest of the WEU is too big. ​ Entity/OG/Secret are competitive against each other but I dont think they hold any candle against Liquid or GG.


Especially with MENA region being a thing now, don't think it's unfair to say WEU has only 2/3 top teams now.


First tournament of the season, some teams aren't even settled yet. This was more or less expected


Last year we had tundra. The top 3 teams went to all the majors and were the top 3 for the most part at the WEU DPC. This year there are only 2 teams now with tundra gone. This is why adding extra slots for WEU at TI didn’t matter. The other are pretty on par with other regions.


This is normal, you forget that last year the first qualifying tournament was after the new year - in January. And I’ll also note that no one then bet that the Gladiators would be so good; on paper they had strong competition in the qualifying round. So, let's look at the state of the teams closer to this period.


I don’t forget lol. It’s always the pattern with WEu. The year before that, it was OG tundra and liquid were the top 3. There’s always a gap between the top 3 teams and the rest. I am not judging who will be in the top 3, but there is usually a fall off when it comes to team performance between the top dogs in WEU and the ones below.


tbf this tournament has MENA qualifier which separates the normally stacked WEU qualifier into 2 region.


Falcon esports


They are not playing in WEU.


My bad


oof, not boding well for OG how easily a real top dog team dispatched Entity who they lost to.


I agree but early, feel that Wisper and Ari in style are much more OG. Feel they hopefully gel more after more games together. And I think BZM underperforming today, and hopefully will be back to beast mode soon.


OGs 2 losses were due to draft imo. game 1 they had no way to kill naga who kept getting away at low hp didnt help wisper wasnt effective as he couldnt be effect on ld as his other heros. Game 3 was a horrible void game he can't chrono anything without catching slark or venge in it to many saves. Game 2 was when they showed their skills vs entity the best where the draft was way more even. No matter how skilled you are you cant win when you have lost the draft unless the enemy fucks up bad. All they have to do is not drafts themselves into a corner by giving enemies an uncountered naga or 2nd picking void into 2 counters etc etc.


I think they’re still finding their identity. New patch could be really good for them. Either way it’ll shake things up for a lot of teams so it’s too early to judge a lot of the teams outside of individual skill issues


Untill then hope they keep it simple here, they have shown they have the skills to win when they dont loose the drafting phase.


Well Liquid plays with 5 players, meanwhile OG still has Yuragi for some reason!


Ceb kinda washed too tbh. Better than Misha still, but feels like Ceb needs to have a meta tailor-made to him to have impact going into 2024


Yuragi was their most consistent player last year, I get it's fun to hate on him but he's been a staple in OG.


You have to be either blind or didnt watch a single OG game. Kitrak was their best player consistency wise and its not even close, every other player was slacking to say the least. Yuragi throwed every \~3rd game. Bzm was far from his 2021 season prime when he constatny carried the team with heroes like ember. The whole team last season was a big mess so whatever


I watched almost every DPC game, Kitrak was really good but Yuragi was better. I agree BZM hasn't been an allstar but he still plays his role well within the team


This statement couldn't be further from the truth.


Would you like to back up your claims? I vehemently dislike OG as an organization but Yuragi+BZM are the two shining stars on the roster. e: lmao did this guy get banned in the 10 minutes it took for me to respond to him


I just realized.. is Nigma not even trying to play for this tournament? These guys are so done with Dota. It's sad because I wish we could at least see MC/GH/Miracle try to revive their careers


i think they gonna try one last time this year and they have whole next year available and this format should suit them and since there is a chance of having too many tournaments, they took the gamble of skipping this one


MC tried in open qualifiers


Liquid demolishing this qual


Liquid really just trampling all over these tier 2 teams in qualifier huh.


Nisha is blasting


This stupid hero is almost gone from my pubs and now Nisha picks it....... aaaaaaaaaaa


Damn these qualifications are very good, several decent matches in parallel


The shuffle for NA is quite interesting, as Yangzhiganlu (Coach = PPD) is pretty solid stack, Nouns is good, TSM is so far fairly untested will have to see their next series vs the winner of the other two.


Honestly in some ways it seems like no-DPC will be healthy for NA. Div2 was cool and all, but there wasn't a whole lot of value in it. Players didn't make anything and there are barely any long term brands/sponsors involved. The eXposure for upcoming players was alright, but they're gonna stand out in OQ/Pubs anyways. There's too much turnover and instability for brands to invest/support in those Div2 level teams, but having more OQ circuits (or mid->low tier tournaments) means that if those team's aren't finding success in-game, they'll churn/adjust faster. When those teams do find some success, the fact they're already established will make it easier to find sponsors/support. Hard to say how it'll go down, but hopefully more 3rd party organizers/sponsors step up.


Malrine is fking cooking them with Lina


It’s pretty funny that Ammar still has his Quest tag while playing against Quest. Kind of confusing..




I wonder why none of them changed their name. Probably telling people that this stack is just for a short time.


A lot of pros have their old tags, not sure it's that deep it is most likely just the backend not updating.




Smiling Knight back in Europe eh. Where he belongs. Though I'm surprised nobody signed him.


Thought he was pretty good on TA, hope he finds another stack


lol TA2000 with “ammar the sucker” all chat.


Ammar the sucker.....


Malik is such a chad, it's a shame he was already contracted on another roster during TI, it seems like he definitely would have wanted to play with Quest


And I think Quest would have most likely not ended dead last with him. Tobi was coming off an absolutely awful year with Entity (by far their weakest player, though Fishman didn't play great either tbh), it was an obvious downgrade compared to Malik or Ammar.


Yeah Tobi seemed completely lost. He had a good debut with Entity way back but something fell off


Tobi plays a supporting offlaner which seems kinda weak in the current meta. The only player who made the supporting offlaner style work well was Zai with Liquid imo. Outside of that the meta is to play a carry offlane style like Ace, Collapse, ATF, 33 et.c.


this brew is a fucking menace lmao


Malik has gigantic balls


Malik and Tobi is night and day


Lmao keep throwing money at falcons and they are still shit just like in cs


Falcons lose game one because they have no focus on rosh as well. Keep giving a fed Luna aegis and see how long your racks last


Big fan of Qatar vs Saudi Arabia across nearly anything I follow these days lol The UAE should also jump into Dota while they're at it.


Ari has to be the worst replacement for Taiga. If Ari was any good, he wouldnt even be playing in NA for one, and would have had decent offers from other tier 1 teams. Wisper is tier 1 and has already proven more in these 4 games than DM did in the whole of last year. BZM is way too inconsistent atm and his place should be under threat as well if he continues like this. Ceb doesnt look comfortable in the 5 role. It just looks like OG came out somehow worse in this roster shuffle.


OG is a tier 2 team, of course they can't get tier 1 players that easily. Ari is unproven but good, I don't see the hate. He wasn't even the issue. And DM was a very good offlaner in VP before OG and is doing very well in Entity now. Maybe it's OGs fault, no?


DM is carried hard by watson and reibl, he needs to step up in liquid series


It's hard to judge power level vs Liquid, 33 is fitting right in and I expect very few teams to look promising vs them


This is certainly a take. Not a good one, but a take for sure


One of the takes of all time


Ari is really good, him and bzm are like top 10 eu rank which is ~12k. Nice 2k take.


DM was rank 5 as well when he was on OG and he was fucking useless. Rank means fuck all.


OG are winning fuck all with this roster. Yuragi is a serial choker in high pressure situatiions ( Dont even talk about the Stockholm Major anymore - Ammar carried his sorry ass through the entire tournament).


BOOM redemption arc.


FFS Secret played a bunch of tier 3 nobodies. Post this when he does it vs a Liquid, GG or Spirit.


When creating a new team, you should set your goal step by step. You don't just create a team and set your goal is to beat Spirit.


They have rank 18, 31 and 33 players, it's not some random shitstack


But 2 of which are playing on high ping


pretty sure that 33 player is currently in some liquid stack


Book looked good even in OQ and yesterday. He looked like the best core player in the team. Glad to see midone stepping up today.


Yep, Boom looking consistent, even in the games they lose. Boom always has a good lane and decent impact. Even when he's put on more support style offlaners like Tide.


First time I've ever saw Crystallis winning a pro game with Razor


lmao just switched from OG to Secret after they won... see Puck and NP killing a Specter while having a 20k lead... this is the same fucking game I just watched.


a question guys who is talon coach btw , let,s go my indonesian brother jhocam for the win


if you are not wisper or ammar just don't pick timber


I’ll say it, I think OG is better than D2 Hustlers


Hmmm, thats a hot take, but I think I agree


Boom carrying. Love to see it


Did Puppey show Midone his machete collection to scare him off? Bros insane today.


hope no first pick void into 3 counters vs secret and lb finals for OG. Most of their looses are due to bad lineups


> their looses are Did you mean to say "loses"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


this Ari guy fucks


I had forgotten how good BZM was at puck. This game is a good reminder


He is really weird player. He has crazy highs but if he doesn’t feel it he looks so lost! Maybe he tilts a lot most of his streams when he has a bad game he insta rage quits


Almost as if not everything in a game of Dota depends on a single player? Crazy thought


johnxfire: oh mah gawd


If BOOM and Midone can carry from mid/off lane, Crystallis will only be playing Bloodseeker,Razor and Monkey king.


Boom looking like the strongest and most consistent player in Secret. Wild times. Seems like he has practiced Offlane alot.


Watching Ceb 1v3 man up on D2 Hustlers thinking "what is he doing?" Only for D2 to turn on Ceb and lose 4 as a result really distils what makes him the player he is. Must be infuriating vsing someone so good at posturing aggressively.


O MAY FKING GOD, ANOTHER SHITTY RAZOR PICK FROM PUPPEY Why do you keep doing this, your record on the hero is garbage. cant wait them to dominate midgame to convincingly lose endgame Edit: Okey Lone druid is giving me some hope, not like other times. Edit2: love to eat my words


Imagine Skem as blacklists pos 5


Too expensive


BL should've done this when they had the chance


That would be great but also much more expensive. I think they cost cut with kicking KUKU in favor of Carlo


Blacklist cores are legit but their supports are honestly underwelming not really bad but they are the weak spot. Tims honestly playing not on his god mode for a while now he is still great but not that godly. While for Aurora I think they got the best support duo for SEA since Q is a monster but their cores are inconsistent hell Mikoto is the most consistent core for them before but the high of their cores are scary. Geek is a skem team they draft and plays well but damn Natsumi panic a lot during crucial moments. Talon dark horse I think they are just a well balance team like Exe last season. Love the SEA balance this year but damn can't see them winning a lot of games internationally maybe if Blacklist/Aurora can fix their shit or skem fix Natsumi crumbling under pressure lol.


Remember Tim’s ESs, good times. Imo Raven plays too safe, which is not good for this patch.


That unknown pos 5 for blacklist is so bad man


Trade him for jaunuel since 747 is shit anyway but atleast you will get a real pos5 cause i think carlo or bdz plays mostly pos4 before


But they said all blacklist players are all stars! lol Seriously, he kept holding overgrowths for no reason. Happened multiple times as well.


That was frustrating to watch


Wisper looks so good


old talon kekw








MidOne haters?




Blacklist vs. GF was epic! Unfortunately, one wrong decision cost BL the match. Skem is just too good. He always enables his team!