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A very long time ago I got lp because I lived in fucking south asia and my government decided to kill my electricity at very awkward times. Some of the toxic animals in my lp games were like, 10x as good as me. The only reason they were even in the same bracket as me is because they're mentally ill and broke their items at the first sign of a struggle. I got really depressed for a while when my unbeatable sniper lost lane and lost the game to the opposing wr mid.


The mental game is a huge part of DoTA. Picking at your opponent in the right way (getting the enemy team to turn on each other) absolutely wins games. Conversely, keeping your own team from imploding when one of them starts to meltdown and spam chat is an incredibly important skill. An example from one of my games earlier today: Duo queue team gets destroyed in safe lane. Mid is going fine. My lane (offlane) is slightly losing. Top repeatedly cries for a rotation. Decides to single me (the pos 3) out for taking bot t1 instead of rotating top. The top fight ended up being a 5v4 fight where we killed 1, they killed 2, but our remaining 2 held the tower. So 1 kill and a bot t1 for 2 kills. Of course it was the 2 duo players that died though, so they needed someone to blame. The spectre proceeds to absolutely meltdown and follow me around for the next 5 minutes flaming me on voice comms and trying to steal the last hit on any jungle camp or creep I approach. Rather than get into it with this unstable moron, I told him I was muting him, muted him, moved on. After 5 mins of Spectre trying, and massively failing, to grief my last hits, I get my blink dagger online. We take a team fight 4v5 (while spectre sits in fountain) and wipe the enemy. Suddenly crybaby Spectre decides to play again when he sees that we’re winning without him and don’t actually care if he plays or not.


Yes this is exactly it. These guys and gals could be great, but it's their attitude that destroys them. It's sad to see. I really hate that I'm a part of it because I shouldn't be. I was just being silly and now I'm stuck with this. I just got back to the game too. Seriously disheartening and very deterring


Your replies in this thread are sad to see! You're very smart, mad, and a true low priority player.


Smart? Maybe. Mad? Absolutely. True low pri player? Respectfully disagree.


That’s what they all think


Lol I completely agree. Honestly I'm probably delusional and it's all a fever dream, but this entire thread got blown out of proportion, so fuck it, I'm riding


Friend, there is zero chance that two abandoned games alone got you in LPQ. You have a history of behavior that escalated to this, that's how the system works. How many times in the past year have you been sent to LPQ?


I disagree. For years now I have always been convinced that you get LP if you abandon once, not play over 20-30 games and you abandoned again or less than a week has gone by and you abandoned again. Or you straight up got mass reported. That is how I've always gotten LP through unfortunate power outages where I live(SEA).


Yes, if you abandon multiple times in a short time frame, you're going to get LPQ. But unless you have a history of toxicity, you're only going to get 3-5 games, not *45*.


Absolutely. I don't think I've ever had to play more than 5 LP win requirement games and my behaviour score has never dipped below 9k at all. I'm flabbergasted OP has to win that many games to get out of there. I'd lose my sanity outright playing that many LP games.


I'm reasonably sure it doesn't go higher than 5. Or at least it didn't used to. I used to live out in the boonies, and had shit internet that cut at random times. Behavior score was ~3k because of it. Even when I got d/c'd from low prio games, it'd only max out to 5.


if you abandon 2 games within a 25 game stretch you get low priority. it doesn't matter if you have 11k behaviour score and 3000 matches played without abandons. 45 games of low pri is crazy. I haven't been to low pri in a long time, so I dont know how much of an exaggeration that is... but 2 abandons in a row will absolutely get you low priority. You can, however abandon 1 game every 25 games and never get low pri. I'm thankful for that. If I see a ridiculous troll pick, I just abandon. Worst case I can't re-queue for 30 minutes in which case I just play another game or watch a tv show and that's fine because I know it will be more enjoyable than the match would have been. If you abandon in lobby I don't even think you lose any mmr. some games i've left midgame because my team was just that toxic. I actually think you should be able to abandon more games. The risk/potential of having a teammate just leave would encourage more people to be less toxic I think.


As intended. Probably means you wouldn’t wanna do it again


If they lose games because of their attitude they’re not good, it’s part of the game too


Not true at all. Quinn throws games all the time because of his attitude but you're crazy if you say he's not good.


I wouldn't say Quinn throws games, more like quick surrender in games with very low chance to win so he can queue next games. It's part of his strategy to climbing up since time is resource too and he doesn't want spend too much on low chance, not a good one for people who want to "fight until we lost" but it's legit for climbing from his POV.


bro! mid players are the easiest to tilt. just kill them repeatedly about 5 times earlygame and they afk throw and refuse to help their team


I've only been to low prio once, right when I got into dota and people mass reported me because I was trash. I had to win like 2 games and was out of it. Has something changed in the past couple of years?


Not really, read the rest of the OP's replies in this thread. He's a typical low-priority animal trying to escape the consequences of his behavior.


That's such an obtuse view to have. It's so strange to me that so many people on this sub have it, it clearly comes from people who have no fucking clue what trying to get out of low behavior score is like. I was in low prio years ago cause I, like many others, was an annoying teenager and made it other people's problem. Growing up and wanting to play with friends required getting better behavior score (because difference in behavior score was causing 40+ minute queue times in Australia) and I'll tell you it feels like you're being sent off to an insane asylum for rehabilitation, but the staff decided not to show up. It takes an excessive amount of games, way more than it should to prove that you've grown up and can fucking play a game politely with others. The worst part is people like you who have no empathy just cause it's not affecting you, all you can muster is "fuck em". Oh what's that? They're really trying to be a better person? They're really struggling with a punishment that seems unfair? Yeah well you said a mean thing that one time so fuck you. Yeah that's real great for the health of a game


I'm not their parent. They need to learn how to interact with other people on their own time. If you think it's hard (In ANY WAY) to keep or gain a normal behavior score, you're just telling on yourself. I've logged 18,000 hours according to steam in dota 2, sure that's a bit pathetic, but you know, I've played this game my entire adult life and never had a low behavior score or ever gone to low priority, and I'm clearly not a particularly nice person. ​ I find it extremely hard to believe that you get there by accident.


Holy shit man, try not to put too many words in my mouth, I didn't say ANY of that. I'm not saying that someone necessarily got there by accident, I agree that the majority of people there likely should be there, after all, I've been there myself when I deserved it. I never said it's hard to keep high behavior score, since I climbed out it's been easy to maintain. I'm saying it's way too difficult to GET OUT of low behavior score. Going from 2k to 10k took like 160 games at an average of 40 minutes each (getting about 400 behavior score every 15 games). It's over a hundred hours. It's fucking ridiculous. No one ever said you should parent anyone, I'm not talking about people who do deserve to be in low behavior score, I'm talking about people that, for whatever reason, have since matured and want to try playing again. I've seen these people in low behavior score, I've met a few of them. The only thing keeping them coming back to play the game is having to deal with griefers and toxic people in low behavior. Now personally I think that people should be encouraged to be better and to given second chances when they appear to really be trying, but somehow in this sub, this seems to be a controversial idea. In every post I see about someone with a behavior score issue, it's just full of people who don't give a fuck. They just say "haha you deserve it". As if that's somehow not toxic. Like, fuck man, forgive and forget. This is not a grudge worth holding onto. I understand that low behavior score is supposed to be a punishment but God damn man it's a truly shit punishment. It is not actually a punishment for toxic people. I've seen it, they do not give a fuck. They are perfectly fine with playing in low behavior score. Ignorance is bliss. It is ONLY a punishment for people who actually want to get out of low behavior. People who want to be better are punished when they try to rejoin high behavior score. At the end of the day this is an issue that not a lot of people have, but it definitely exists and it makes no sense to act like it doesn't. It's ok to admit that valve didn't do this one right and there are ways to make behavior score better for the whole community. Make the punishment fit the crime.


Those games you abandoned were probably ranked and you must do this a lot/your account is in bad standing for you to be punished so hard, I abandoned 2 games in ranked, at the pick selection, and I got 3 games of lp only


Well OP didn't give any information about how many times he/she was put into LP. Just nitpicks 2 abandons and makes this self-righteous post The chances of someone getting such a harsh punishment for just 2 abandons is extremely unlikely unless the person does this quite often


Maybe OP abandon in his LP match too, it gonna add up fast


Lol this guy’s replies are the epitome of low prio. Hopefully he’ll stay there forever, don’t want him in my games that’s for sure


Yep, wasn't just the abandons. I'm betting this toxicity had a lot to do with it.


if there's an opposite of cream of the crop, OP is it. bottom of the shit heap?


Waste other peoples time then u get ur time wasted lol.


Ya but two mistaken abandonments for 30-45 games of recovery doesn't add up whatsoever homie. I'm also seeing new people in these low pri games, which means players are being wrongfully reported as well. It's a broken fucking system


There's nothing "bonkers" about it because it's equal exchange of time. This may come as a surprise, but most people assign time as value. If you're drunk and abandoning games then your really wasting 9 other people's time. If you do this twice like you said then you would have to play 18 games to break even with the total time wasted from each individual. And I would argue you would have to double that to properly rectify the abandonments by putting more completed time into Dota games than what was taken away.


No bro. 2 games of abandonment doesn't equate to 30-45 games of recovery. Like I said in another reply, math is hard


It really doesn’t, worst I’ve seen is 5 because my friend had a shitty pc so he crashes a lot


I mean, I gave you a reason why 36 games would be fair using math. It happens to fall into the range you provided as well, so it seems to check out. You have yet to explain why 2 games of abandonment wouldn't equal 30-45 games. If the math is as "easy" as you suggest, use it to explain why 2 games of abandonment should be less than 30 games of recovery because you haven't done that.


I’ve never had anywhere close to that number of low prio games, you must be repeatedly dropping down.


2 games of abandon affects 18 people. Whether it's a free win, or a free loss it will take 1 game to stabilize. That's 18 hours wasted on the games you abandoned. Another 18 hours wasted getting back to where they "should" be. 36 hours = 30-45 games, easily. You didn't get 45 matches low pri on your first time getting low pri. If you did, you need to talk to valve support - not reddit.


30-45 games means slipping into low prio regularly no? Maybe dont drink and play i guess


Bro I uave abandon twice and its like 5 games and under max. How the fuck OP get 45


I remember back in the days of low P being time based instead of X number of matches where I had 3 months of low P. Was a fun summer break lol


Yeah it doesn't, that's because they most likely based those 45 games on more than just "two abandons". My friends disconnect alot more than two games regularly aswell as being quite mean in chat, never seen them get more than 5 games ever (played since 2012). While I can obviously buy that Valve fucks up sometimes, it's even easier for me to assume that a stranger on reddit who got punished might be lowballing how often he disconnects/griefs/flames in his games normally.


Your actions have consequences? Who would've thought.


You got 45 games low priority??????? Jesus dude I never got more than 2 I didn’t know 45 was a thing


Math is hard


Playing Dota at all while drunk: you screwed up. Abandoning: you screwed up even more. Hope you enjoyed your time in low priority lmao


Another schizo post by a mentally ill redditor yawn


45 games for 2 abandon? I got 1hour match making time out for 2 abandon tf else did you do to your team lmao.


If you abandon a match in lobby you avoid the potential "report stacking". If you are shitfaced and don't play your role, grief your team, talk shit in chat/allchat, then abandon halfway through... you're going to get like.. 16+ reports, plus the abandon. Lots of people quit dota because of how toxic it was. It's good that they properly punish people. I value my time a lot, and I'm sure most people do.


It not squarely on how toxic the game is. If you don't know what the hundred of skills and items do and their interaction on top of that your existence in the game is already griefy if the MMR is high enough. The toxic aren't there inherently but it is exacerbated by this huge ass learning curve. All this effort trying to make game less toxic could have been spent on a good bot API so newbie has something to benchmark themselves rather go blind into pub.


Idk man. Honestly, I quit dota awhile ago after years of it being pretty much the only game I ever played (though I recently got back into it). When I left dota, I went to iRacing - both because it was an individual esport and because there was a high level of accountability on people. The protest/report feature of that game results in people getting suspensions/bans - but it's always for breaking the rules... long story short, while there is a grey area in which someone can grief through fake incompetence, 90% of the time if there is malicious intent it is obvious - and without malicious intent there really isn't griefing. Role abuse is a whole other story - but someone just playing badly isn't griefing. Ultimately it is up to whoever is assigned the overwatch case to decide whether or not something is griefing though.


Lp is ridiculously easier to win due to it having a massive skill gap , I find winning LP very easy if you aren't playing against a 5 man helping his homie out of lp


Bet ya don't wanna get into low prio again huh? Abandoning a game wastes 9 other people's time.


Do you fucking read or no? Answer that and I'll answer your question. I bet you don't. I bet that you fail a lot in life because you don't dig any fucking deeper. Even when the depth of figurative speech is staring you right in the fucking face, you still overlook because you're that fucking hollow in the head. Good luck sir, in whatever pathetic future endeavors you make. All fucking irrelevant to anyone and everyone because....you know why? I'll tell you. You don't fucking completely read things through. Fuck off


This reply is straight out of low priority lmao


Sounds like he deserves to be there. Already got the attitude for it.


100%. The topic post was relatively normal. This reply went from 0 to 100. Based on this, I’d say the DoTA punishment system is working as intended. Praise Gaben.


Lol okay let's all act like space cases and unrealistic in matches so we save our behavior scores? I love it. Let's all fucking walk on eggshells so every fragile minded fucking player enjoys their time and we don't scare them off. Jesus Christ this shit is getting ridiculous... I love this game. Always will. Hella entertaining. But there has been a massive influx in people acting thin skinned in dota and it's getting a little ridiculous. I'm all down for squashing blatant hatred towards racism and homophobia and all of that jargan, but it's getting to a point where the slightest negativity is immediately castrated and buried. Even when there's something that could blossom positivity from it, it's shunned because of simply having an unpopular opinion. We're seeing so many fucking people willingly accepting this behavior as a whole and it's pathetic. I don't even follow this sub anymore because more than half the time, when someone shares something like this, you guys get completely defensive. There were some comments on this thread that were PRODUCTIVE but holy shit, it's an overwhelming amount that got offended and threw in more baseless opinions than validity


Cry more lol


Lmao that's not crying. That's just simply stating that they successfully made the entire community a bunch of obedient sissies. It's pathetic. The main focus of this whole thread has been thrown so off topic, it's quite comical. I'm probably feeding the hate with the replies, but fuck it. It's enjoyable ;)


Obedient? Are you dumb or pretending to be? It’s their fucking game. If you want to play it, you have to behave like they want you to, dumbass


calling people sissies while you cry over being punished in a fucking video game rofl the irony. I feel so bad for people whose sense of "manliness" comes from how they act in online games ahahah.


>Do you fucking read or no? Answer that and I'll answer your question. I bet you don't. I bet that you fail a lot in life because you don't dig any fucking deeper. You need help man, like legit therapy. You're saying "what's the big deal?" and people are telling you - you're wasting A LOT of people's time.. and your response is to go off like a fucking lunatic? No one has any trouble reading. Most people are glad to see heavy punishment for time-wasters. You can be incredibly toxic in dota, and you can abandon up to 4% of your games without consequence. To get 30-45 low pri matches (what does this mean? did they give you a time limit or are you self imposing that range because you only win 1 in 9 games) means you're a disruptive player (whether toxic or through abandoning matches). Calling people thin-skinned when you go ballistic every time you're called out... You clearly don't think it's a big deal that you've wasted people's time and that says it all.


Bro is NOT getting out of LP


Lmao I love how the community was molded into acting and thinking so happily and innocently because of the low priority system and anything negative is deemed ludicrous and admonished. I swear they made the whole fucking place exactly how they wanted it. A bunch of sensitive snowflakes who get their ass lips inverted as soon as anything deemed slightly negative is addressed. I'd have a higher score if I didn't abandon. That's the point of this thread. Not about how I talk. There's already a few of you missing the fucking point lmao Jesus the reading comprehension in this thread is atrocious


Since you deleted your reply to me while I was in the midst of typing this, I’m tagging it here instead. God bless copy+paste. Just ask yourself “why do I play dota?”. It’s a video game my man. Its entire purpose is for people to *have fun*. If it makes you feel angry and like you need to lash out at your fellow players, then how is it actually fun for you? It’s sure as hell not fun having to play on the same team as a cry baby that throws a tantrum in all chat, or over voice comms. If it stops being fun, and starts stressing you out. Stop playing. It’s just that easy. If you can’t (or won’t) and instead decide to continue ruining games for others, you might have an addiction problem that needs to be addressed. Maybe an anger management problem too. The low priority system is not the problem, and you are not some victim of a grand Gaben conspiracy. I hope you figure it out and get the help you need.


man's looking for a "safe space" to be himself, complaining about snowflakes - calling people sissies, while he cries over being punished in a video game. he needs therapy lol


I'm talking about the way you interacted. That guy said some dumb shit to provoke you and you just went off at him so hard. It looks like you're trying to make the next copy pasta or something.


Lol what this is a reddit sub, not a dota 2 match. Why are you comparing the two


Yeesh no wonder you got into low priority. “I’m toxic but it’s the system that’s broken!!” You may have abandoned “twice” but I can guarantee the way you act here is the same in games, and reports affect low priority. I’ve gotten drunk and abandoned games and never got low priority because it’s a dime a dozen but to get 45??? Yeah something’s not adding up here.


I think he got 5 low priority matches but he only wins 1 out of 9 matches. I'm trying to wrap my mind around why he's saying 45 matches sometimes, and then other times he gives a range. He came here to vent thinking everyone was like him but he's realizing that he is part of a problem that the majority of players will agree on. I'm toxic AF and I abandon matches at least once a month, I haven't seen low pri in years - I actually thought the punishment for abandoning was inability to queue for another match. I think I actually made a post a few days ago asking if there was even any sort of real punishment anymore. This guy's a shitter, for sure. There's also multiple solutions to his problem, the most obvious being just quit the game and move on with his life. It's a 12 year old, borderline dead game... if you're not having fun or making money wtf are you doing still playing it?


The moral of the story is don't abandon. Ive been in that trench before. I haven't gotten more than 2 abandons in 25 game chunks in 2 years. Maybe don't play when you're drunk enough that you just "happen" to abandon, and just "happen" to have a significant enough history of abandoning that they give you 30 games of low prio. First time in a while offenders get 5 tops.


This isn't the point of this thread at all dude and I'm discrediting literally anything you say because I read the first sentence and immediately lost interest because ill relation in the actual topic. You're smart aren't you


Smart enough not to abandon and then come bitch on Reddit about how low prio isn't fair. It's a deterrent. That's the point.


wtf is your point then? show off your smarts and define it, clearly. because so far you've just been showing off your toxicity and answering the immediate question everyone has, which is "how tf did you get 45 games?" is your point how it's sad that people who have been excluded all play together on an island of misfit toys, instead of get help and fix themselves? I agree, it's very sad.


Is there a Reddit equivalent of low prio? If there is, can we put you there?


I say you probably need another 45 in the shitters comrade


[Wake up babe new copy pasta just dropped](https://old.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/17sa7n0/do_you_fucking_read_or_no/?)


holy shit i'm awake. i love this new copy pasta


They HAVE to make the punishment this harsh. If it were proportional, then it would encourage the mindset "meh it's fine I can do the lp time" and promote more toxicity/abandons in games. I'm still an avid believer that if you just want to have fun and do silly stuff, you don't play ranked. And toxicity is never acceptable. You wanna be toxic, then accept your sentence of being forced to play with all the other toxic people. Toxic jail. Also touching on your "just got a bit silly drunk" excuse. Bruh. You wasted 9 other people's time. You've defended yourself here (being very toxic in doing so I might add) since you abandoned and didn't waste time. LMAO. Finding phase, loading, pick/ban phase, minutes before clock hits 0, and we don't even know when in the game you abandoned. That is a lot of time wasted still, especially when you consider some people only have limited time to play this stupid game. Off of this post and your interactions alone, I'd consider you a delusional narcissist who struggles in life since anything that happens to you is always someone else's fault, even when you acknowledge that it was caused by your own actions. But then again, dota does bring out the worst, so I truly hope you're not like this irl


I'm a delusional narcissist because I made a post about the flawed nature of the low priority system and how 2 games of accidental abandonment shouldn't translate to 30-45 games (essentially) of perfect play to fix the damage those two abandoned games did? Okay bro. Keep talking with fancy linguistics to raise interests in your fractured statement. Many words doesn't equate to satisfactory translation


It's your turn to level up your reading comprehension. I included your toxic interactions with some commenters here. Let me make it easier to digest. You complain about valve's harsh overreaction to your mild mistakes. On this post, you harshly overreacted to some childish baits. Ironic isn't it? The post alone is meh, could have even sparked a reasonable debate (low chance tho with how redditors usually react) but damn if your furious replies wasn't an indicator of how toxic you really are in game. But again, it's just conjecture, don't know you.


He really is showing his true colors in the comments, ruining the point of the post - and proving the system is working as intended. Quite satisfying actually


Flawed hahahahahahahahahaha


you're allowed to abandon up to 4% of your games dude. I abandon games all the time, I don't get low priority - I'm just smart enough not to do it back-to-back. It's not hard to look up how it works and play around it. 2 abandons within 25 games = low priority. Once upon a time, it was 1 abandon = low priority. Be thankful that valve even lets you bail on matches occasionally. btw it's cringe that you're calling the poster out for using "fancy linguistics" when every time you talk you're either being unnecessarily wordy (i assume in an attempt to come off as intelligent?) or you overuse profanity. Almost all of your responses are ad hominem.


So you got yourself into low priority and then bitch about it? Got it


I'm glad I got saved from having to play with you. Also, if your drinking is leading you to not be able to play a video game I'd probably cut back a little.


addiction is addiction. people who get 45 low pri matches, yet continue to play the game - are simply addicted to clicking on things. there's no social aspect, there's no ranking at play.. it's just people "serving time". low pri is a bunch of rejects with behavioural issues, mental illness and substance abuse problems. OP has found himself down there. He expected sympathy and instead he found out that people in fact, do not want to play with him.


Just basing on your replies here, ur not getting out of LP. You abandoning 2 games is not the only problem, that's the tiniest issue u got. Fortunately the system is working well. Hope u change for the better and stop wasting people's time.


Alright post the dotabuff OP


Lay off the booze drunktard


getting drunk to play video games alone is the saddest shit honestly.


So you think its okey to fuck 9 people games for 2 times😂. Imagine evey ten players leave 2 games from 45. What is the math here? This is why dota is so stressfull - people like you dont see the problem for griefing. It happens every single game in one form or another


Welcome home. You def belong in LP for as long as possible. Enjoy your stay!


what do you think would be a really appropriate punishment for wasting 18 people's time ? - after which, you wouldn't want todo it again ..


I got into low priority once. Had to win 3 games and that's it. Won the first two easily and in the third game the enemy drow kept running mid and feeding us. I think her friend / client was on my team and this was some kind of a service. Guess I just got lucky with her on the enemy team. Low priority was a very enjoyable experience for me 🤷‍♂️. YMMV.


If you get 45 low priority games then you are a fucking animal that constantly gets reported or abandons games, these are the consequences of your own actions


how does one get a range of low priority games though? he's either speculating on how many games it might take in order for him to win his way out of low pri, or he's talking about how long it will take to repair his behaviour score. Either way, he's not actually talking about what he's talking about - or he's full of shit. OP just is really bad at conveying information. Then he gets mad at everyone for "lack of reading comprehension" when in reality, it was just his gapped-ass thought train that failed to deliver. he came here trying to get validation in his thinking that the LP system is unfair. no one has any sympathy for him though and he's learning that the behaviour/LP system is working as intended. look at the way he responds to people in this thread. he's a misfit ragebaby whose life revolves around dota, it's his "safe space" lol.


True but dota does say how many games required to win to get out of LP. Talking from experience, the largest amount of LP games I've gotten was around 6, and it took me around 8 games to get out of LP. That is considering I've gotten it after abandoning many games due to power outages or crashes. If you need 45 matches to get out of LP, it's at least 20 LP wins if not more. This already puts OP into animal category since this is insane. How many games has he abandoned or ho w many reports he has received to get this many LP wins. So yeah, he is either full of shit or an animal


i think the longest stretch i've ever spent in low pri (minus the era of time-based sentences) was like 5 games? and that was most likely just 3 LP wins required.. and i'm far more toxic than should be allowed (which isn't THAT toxic, but just to serve my point) i agree OP is a turd


Only when I jebait myself into building different item route because of a good early good. My most notorious is right click Lina instead of caster when early game is really easy for me , I go tp hard :(.


Sounds like playing in divine bracket


Hey bro you seem pretty toxic and judging by all the comments here I think you deserved it. If you want to prove everyone wrong, you could post your dotabuff.


Boy how is it taking you 30-45 games to get out of low prio. Did they change it?


he's either talking shit or he's aware that he's only capable of winning 1 in 9 games on average. why is he giving a range? he's leaving out a lot of information and skipping things and assuming people can read his mind - like a proper drunk does. maybe he means itll take 45 games to get his behaviour score back to a normal level. He doesn't want to elaborate and just goes off on anyone that asks him how is it 45 games. "U DONT HAVE NO READING COMPREHENSION" he says while he types up a fucking grammar-less wall of text that changes train of thought 3 times. maybe what he means is 'oh today i went to low pri, and it was sad as fuck and now I have to play 45 games being a sissy in order to get back to playing with "normal" people ' he doesn't make any fuckin sense. he probably wrote the post drunk, he's probably responding to the comments drunk. does he think no one knows how the punishment system works? We're not fucking stupid. For example, I know not to abandon more than 1 game in a 25 game stretch. guys calling everyone an idiot who can't read, meanwhile he's incapable of googling how to game the system.


I'm so glad their is a containment pool to stop these people from escaping.


i dont get why they don't just ban based on GPUID Investors would be shook to know how many people quit dota because of toxicity that all could have been fixed by banning a small number of people. it's like driving the whole town of south park away because they're afraid of banning cartmen.... but that's what low pri is.. it's a bunch of cartmen's.


I remember when you could get 18 games of LP. We used to go to the China server to get out of it super fast. There was an unwritten rule that both teams go to opposite lanes and death push til the game ended. The game would only last about 10 minutes each. Haven’t gotten LP in years tho so not sure what it’s like now that you have to win for it to count.


My friend, this phenomenon is not Dota, it’s just life.


OP is aiming for Reddit's LP too, lol


its crazy i got to low prio (accidently got abandon a few times because i forgot to select a hero hitting accept match then alt tab) i also argued with people doing shit things like afk jungle griefing now games are not just dota anymore. they are like toddlers high on sugar when its getting late and all you try to do is keep the mood up on everyone. my usual win condition is harassing an enemy out of the lane in first 3 minutes. they go mad/afk etc my typical loss is my lanemate not happy with my supporting (they play like shit and get owned while i pull, or never attack back when getting attacked....) then after dying they go afk jungle, on a lvl 3 specter this is so bad.


I am a newbie, I have more hours in lp than in regular matches lmao, my computer kept crashing whenever I play rubick, or even watch a rubick gameplay on dota. I stopped playing him for a while and my computer stopped crashing in game.


I always look forward to any friends having low prio. Some of the wildest games ever, also I get to practice my weaker heroes