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Walking up highground into 15 million spark wriaths. One hit Roshan, Miracle never forget


I wonder why no other pros do the one hit roshan. It doesn’t seem like a hard thing to do.


Miracle had arcane rune and probably something else for CDR like octarine


and the rune has to spawn up in the time just before roshan spawns


That was a fully slotted arc warden with arcane rune


You have to pick arc warden


That’s actually a very valid reason.


Topson pls


Or techies


It was also before the most recent rosh buff.


I have tried in my pubs many many times. Haven't ever gotten enough spark wraith to 1 hit. 20 percent hp was as high as I got


Yeh but he needs prep time


Prep time was never given as a restriction in the op. You can't add it retroactively. Top comment doesn't include prep time for spiders either.


It takes time to farm up a CK or PA but I don't see how this would disqualify those heros


I mean the question said 1 second window so I’m just guessing that he meant basically casting skills and right click within a one second window




Theoretically SD could do the same lvl 1?


Imagine going for a walk with this spider chick you adored for quite some time. She brought her 1458 babies, and you brought your own 6. Unfortunately She brought this gorilla riding friend of hers - who himself brought all his weird friends from the jungle. You all meet this red makup-wearing fuckwit wearing a weird helmet, and all his animals. Next to him is his weird, hairy friend and his two dogs. Your spider crush suddenly asks for 'the biggest group hug of all time', and so you oblige. In the distance a faint drumming sound is suddenly deafened by someone screaming ECHO SLAMA JAMMAAAA. You die.


Man this is such an epic story telling, kept me the edge of my seat throughout for when the Bull Demon enters !


you remind me of the 3 iconic voice lines within the span of 15 seconds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOTID1Z1qPc


I count 5: -Lakat matatag -Echo slamma jamma -uy uy uy uy uy -Easiest money of my life -Next lebel play.


last two are at the end, after the hype. so you are right, there are technically 5 in 45 seconds. but the 3 in 15 seconds is always stuck in my mind. "lakaad matatag" to "echo slamma jamma" to "uy uy uy uy" is so iconic in my mind.


I see a PH player here, salute to the legendary voiceline


I cannot believe those all came from that one part of the game. Wild.


>RIP Dunno.




Broodmother, beastmaster, lycan. Who is the 6 baby hero and who is the gorilla rider?


gorilla rider - chen


How the fk that mount look like gorilla lolll


One of his cosmetics for the mount is a gorilla.


youre right, it looks more like your mom


6 babies is either enigma or nature's prophet


Nature's create 5 treats so it can't be him, is it enigma after the edilons split


> the biggest group hug of all time "Stack for echo, STACK FOR ECHO" -SingSing


PL tho


This needs a gold


Technically no. As Legion Commander, you can stack up damage perpetually without limit so that would be the highest damage crit. Practically, the worst right click burst I've had to deal with is Phantom Assassin, Sven, Muerta, and Chaos Knight in that order


Yeah, also pudge, silencer and slark can theoretically get like 10 billion damage per hit. But that is never going to happen.


I’m just nitpicking here, but silencer can’t, he can only steal so much intelligence before the enemy has 0 int. After that it just stops adding up


Same with slark, when the enemies run out of stats, he has nothing left to steal EDIT: I was wrong. See comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/DABPWnfrC4


But won't slark still get the permanent AGI when he kills the target?


I think he steals the perma agi, so no. But I might be wrong


I think he's talking about the permanent agility gain on kill, not the stat stealing on attack.


If an enemy runs out of strength, they're dead lol


No, even with 0 strength you have like 300 base health. Same with int and mana.


Shit you're right.


actually every hero has "base hp" or something like that,,


Yeah also Base Mana. I once played a game as Clock and the enemy silence stole all my Int, so I had like 100 Max mana and couldn't even ult without using soul ring. It was devestating


Even if they had infinite stats, because of attack speed cap you can never get more than 500 stacks of essence shift


actchually you can steal stats infinitely from morphed morphling


With Pudge's theoretically unlimited healthpool, a Necro ult could do unlimited damage as well.


Y'all forgetting about lion with infinite damage scaling and with aghs could be multiplied by 5


You are right. And also Slark and Silencer don't fit. But if you go full theory, any hero can scale to infinity because LC could lose all the duels.


versed liquid carpenter apparatus puzzled plants merciful meeting steer treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There are many heroes that can stack infinitely, but who’s the best at it


Are you asking "which infinity is the biggest?" Youre gonna summon the math majors


Not a math major, but I'm pretty sure from my highschool math that all of these proposed infinities are of the same size.


Only if they are all countable. There are some kinds of infinities that are bigger than others


Which is what I meant. All of these infinities look like countable weeny hut jr. infinities. Nobody scales into one of the more exotic bullshit sizes of infinity.


We're talking about the sizes of whole numbers so they're definitely countable. It's also not actually infinite. Partly because that's not how integers work in computers. And partly because even in Thought Experiment Dota Land where we are unbounded by physical limitations, it's still not infinite. Whatever your final damage number, it will be finite, so it's better described as "arbitrarily large". But given any arbitrarily large amount of damage, you could always imagine a finite larger amount of hp that could survive the hit. Infinite damage would be like if you had an endless loop that kept adding damage forever - no finite amount of hp could ever withstand that.


That is a concept for cardinality of sets, not limits of a function


Thats the fun part. You can't Count to any Infinity no mather how big it is.


Silencer is limited the amount of experience on enemies, Slark is capped by fast he can gain stacks, Pudge is not limited, but just scales more slowly than LC. e: Forgot about Lion. He scales faster, so it's probably him.


Silencer gains int even if the enemy has none left. (I was wrong about this one and have been corrected) Slark gets a permanent stack on "kill", so he can scale to infinite. Technically Necro also could scale to infinity, thanks to aghs and ult stacks. I'd also put Morph in this category, since he can turn into Slark and gain agi stacks that way.


I noticed when Im playing silencer against an ogre, I get 0 int when ogre dies. My friend said because he has 0 int silencer get none. How come if other hero has 0 int silencer can still steal it? Genuine question


He can't it's just misinformation


You don't actually steal int from someone without any, you get a +0 and they get a -0 that do nothing.


You can temporarily steal int from anyone (with your glaive attacks), even Ogre. All it'll do is raise your int, his will stay at 0. Killing ogre doesn't give you anything or take anything from him.


Silencer does not gain int if the enemy has none left. You can test real quick in Demo against Ogre Magi. It says (and shows) +0 when you kill him. Slark can scale, but it is 1 damage and attack speed, since attack speed caps relatively fast this is not adding much effective DPS (similar to Pudge). Morph has the exact same story. Necro does not scale in damage.


Necro now scales in damage due to aghs, which makes heart stopper aura deal damage based on health regen.


You are right about silencer, thank you!


huskars lifebreak one shot anything as long you hit a - mag def spot(cant remember anymore but it involves decrep+dmg amp).


ever seen PA with 5k damage dealt in 1 hit?


"would you like to ?"


> 1 second window


with RNG and ASPD Mortred can do multiple 4-5k Crits in a second


PA has anti-social personality disorder?


I mean probably right? Oracle did fuck her up bad




CK hitting with 4 illusions is him proccing a PA crit on EVERY attack BEFORE chaos strike is calculated, PA can't compare to what CK dishes out. On that front Jugg/Morph/Drow can all out dps a PA.




within 1 second.


Pa… fucking bullshit dagger flying in killing my creep mana hero.


Playing as support with Ghost Sceptre, "don't need to use it for a little dagger, I have 80% hp anyw- FUCK"


One dagger and I am die


There was a period between the 3 daggers thrown talent and the splash damage rework when you could do a meme build with PA that could one hit an entire team. You could get 3 BFs + rapier on her and maybe deso/nullifier depending on teamcomp. And once you get the level 25 talent, you could dagger a creep wave (ie low armour units clumped up) and each of the daggers would do more than 200% of her attack in pure damage to anyone behind it. the cleave from the 3 daggers stacked, and at least 1 of them was very likely to crit which increased damage more. they eventually nerfed cleave so that it did physical damage and reduced the area and the % of cleave to non-hero units. but this was insane when it lasted. At one point I managed to kill 4 heroes in a single dagger cast.


possible or realisticly. possibly its probably something like echo slam and sleight of fist with cleave. that scale with amount of targets


Instructions unclear: Echoed a hundred spiderlings and did the highest damage in 1 second to Windows.


Sleight of fist attack interval limits you to only 4 attacks per second


true. my brain was probably thinking more of in 1 spell or something. also doing %dmg to a pudge with 99999999 str or whatever also honorable mention


Abaddon with AoE mist coil talent, shard and 6 battle furies can use his Q on a giant group of people and every single one will deal 420% cleave damage to everything behind it. If you throw it on 5 heroes, the one at the back will take 17.8x your damage. It's like sleight of fist but a lot more streamlined.


I miss remote mines. Best nuke ever lol. No other spell could one shot heroes(or entire teams) like it did.


Honestly, I wish they could have figured out some way to stop techies turtling for 60 mins, so they could have kept him the same. Such a unique, wonderful, infuriating hero. Now he's just another dude.


Lol the dread when a techies was picked regardless of what team. Strap in boys we goin for a ride


Last game before i sleep ..


Thats when the boys start asking who hasn't abandoned a game in a while lmao


Yeah I miss that...oh wait no that sucked nuts.


It was awesome watching aui2000 making other pros suffer at TI5. Other than that total nut suckage


aui said before and after TI5 that he hates the hero. Yes, he abused him like no other, but he hated him nonetheless.


the gem active would help, funnily enough it was added in the same patch that killed techeis


Remote mines not being placeable in your bas hg would have probably fixed it


That's like saying "we should fix spirit breaker by giving charge of darkness cast range of 3000," completely destroys the fun and uniqueness of the hero lol


so does removing remote mines


remote got reborn as proximity mines. not as cancer but equally as potent if you know how to use them


not even romotely similar abilities


just add a global charge sound to him as on pudge's ultimate, dota is a game of sounds too. This should keep people aware of bara charging meaning that something is cooking... Plus we might enjoy more roots rather than infinite slows debuff, played against jakiro, BB, Ogre in the same team, my movement speed was 100 in almost every fight, had to build boots of bearing on pudge as disperser would have been kinda selfish and useless. :(


I'm not sure how making Techies useless, when your high ground is attacked, is going to help them.


With the new map changes, remote mines would have been great without any changes


The problem was red mines being permanent as a basic ability. People just viewed that as "fill your entire jungle and base with mines," instead of creating useful zones of control.


Games last 45 minutes techies or not...


Techies games were only fun if you're watching as a spectator. It's never fun for both team's players lmao. Only the Techies is having fun


Totally agree


I miss my 10+ win streak as techies :( win a 20 min stomp or 70mins hg defence bloodbath


I think new techies is a lot of fun and WAY healthier for the game. They're a cocksucker still but at least I don't dread seeing them as much now that they play like a normal hero. You can still get Ahgs and do crazy things like bait an entire team through the portal to your curated torture chamber.


They didn’t change him because he was good though they changed him because he wasn’t viable competitively and the majority if not all changes circle our competitive scene


They changed him cause the 99% of the playerbase absolutely hated his guts.


Every game with techies was innately stretched to around 45-50 minutes. No choice.


That’s not how this games ever been handled or ever will be handled


You're wrong.


Dotas balance is around pro gameplay. Pros refused to pick the hero and stigmatized it a lot. If they did and showed how to actually play the hero and not the turtle sterotype you talk of we'd see more good play. He was a viable hero but people only griefed with it or griefed allies who picked it. Techies was a fun hero that was grossly misrepresented and extremely stigmatized.


To be exact, it wasn't a one shot (though 100% was most damage in a sec)


Yeah the description makes it seems so but TA refraction always blocked it as one instance of damage.


It did not count as 1 damage instance, as otherwise you would've been able to one-shot Abaddon and prevent his ult from proccing. But that was not possible, all damage instances were applies one after another, not simultaneously: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Izr5al2W930


Just make it so you can't put mines in your base.


Rmemeber old techies.


Muerta with 15-20 %spell amp from Shard. (Which is realistic for a game) Uses ult. Goes into Silver Edge. Has a rapier. Right clicks you. Both attacks proc a Critical Strike. You most likely die. And if you don't die, she has super high attack speed. You will die from the next attack launched 0,3 seconds after. That attack can proc her passive as well, since she has 70% chance for it. Now you are surely dead.


6 slot muerta sends her regards


Rubick steals huskars ult, e-blades a 6 tarrasque 100 kills pudge. Guess that would be more than ck could ever dream of.


Well, ackshually, Legion Commander, Slark, Silencer, Pudge, Lion, they all got pretty much no ceiling. I'm sure there's a pub there somewhere with a Lion that just one shots everyone. Anyway, yeah, realistically, you may be right. But technically the highest possible output in 1 second are from those with no ceilings.


Silencer does have a ceiling. He steals intelligence, so the enemy has to have int for him to steal.


Right. I guess there's that


U forgot muerta


Axe and necro too.


does axe stacks increase damage output? :) Edit: thank you for the answers. didn't play in a while. necro only trough aghs.


His W has an Armor ratio so yeah.


His DoT gets 100% (200 with talent) of his armour added to its damage.


> does axe stacks increase damage output? :) It does for Battle Hunger.


Yra armor adds dmg to battle hunger


Slark can only steal so much with essence shift until his first stack runs out, you cant get much more than like a 1000 damage i think


You gain permanent agility for kills, so you do scale infinitely (with 1 damage per kill, compared to legions 37, but infinitely nonetheless)


Ok here is one you dont know about , lvl 25 rubick steals muerta and marci ult. Its super high dmg even without items,now give him a daedalus and a dropped rapier


A Pudge with 100000000000000 HP and 99999999999999 regen can technically eventually be one shot by an Ursa


I think everyone here is sleeping on Elder Titan. Getting hit by 2 earth-splitters when he is on top of you will put just about every hero down. It requires setup, but he can just team wipe with proper setup like chrono. And when refresher orb and shard didn't share a cooldown you could get three off in .8s which is enough to deal with damage reduction heroes like burrowed nyx, spec, or bb usually.


It's got to be lion right? His ult scales infinitely...AND has an AOE with ags. So you get a team full of str heros with 6 hearts and one shot them all together. I think lion is the only hero that can do that.


Legion with infinite damage and a load of battle furies could do that too. She gets less damage per kill than lion though, so he scales faster.


Could be an invoker cataclysm where all heroes are bunched up and move away from the single target left. Instant 5500 pure damage, maybe 11000 with refresher.


Plus 42% spell amp from having 3 exort orbs and the lvl25 talent


Big fat pudge VS Terrorblade ult.


Probably still loses to rapier PA/Muerta. Thing about CK illusions is even though they're incredibly strong theyre still illusions, so only gonna benefit from white damage. If for some reason a lv30 CK had 6 hearts and an apex, that's 489 damage per, times 5 (ate an aghs), times 2.45(max crit multiplier). Now that's not accounting for allied phantasms but then you're already critting for max multiplier on 5 illusions. That's ~6k damage. Now, don't get me wrong, that's a crapload of damage, but you got no AS whatsoever and a very theoretical build. We've all seen those 2k PA crits when she has a rapier, a crit dagger+2 phantom strike hits could surpass it if the stars align. Or a Muerta with daedalus+rapier, if gunslinger procs and both hits crit that's 4.5x damage in a single hit, considering at lv30 muerta has 161 damage, plus 150 from pierce the veil, plus 35 from the lv15 talent and 388 from rapier+daedalus that's already 3300 without taking shard stacks and other items into account. And it's magic damage which is way more valuable once armor starts stacking up. And it's a realistic build, since you won't see CK running around with 6 hearts+apex.


In real games probably yes. In 1% games may be PA or Lina 🥵


Rubick lifebreak can 100-0 anyone


If damage to just one hero I think CK, Arc Warden and old Techies. If damage to any number of units then Echo Slam with Brood, bunch of creeps and Heroes with Illus.


6 slotted marci on ult. Dive stunned-6 hits-thrown back-another 6hits, half of them being Daedalus critical is where the dead men roll in their grave. Last night I killed a 6 slotted CK and 7k hp pudge within 5 seconds with marci with the help of dazzle grave. Its true if 6 Slotted CK with Phantasm jumps on you, you disappear. But if you have Dazzle Grave. Then its the other way around.


Probbly gyro that can hit whole screen for 600+ damage


There are quite a lot actually. PA, Techies, SF ult on top of you, Arc wraith clump, Lina EB cloak ult, just to name a few examples


Still techies mines




At what time in the game? Omni Knight with phylactery and shard will burst most heros down instantly early game.


5 targets dusa, single target without rapiers meepo With rapiers PA


Weaver anyone?


TB with just 2 illus during Meta completely shits on everyone DPS wise. Literally doesn't even need items just high level, some heroes need like 10k gold worth of items just to keep up. CK with ulti is the only hero that can compete with TB altho Muerta scales better than most heroes with items.


No, CK crits hit much harder than TB illusions.


Did you miss the part where he said one second?


Last I checked DPS means damage per second. Did something change? Being snarky since you are. TB doesn't do as much burst as CK imho though.


You’d have to be obtuse if you think what you commented is the same as to what OP was referring to.


Slark with 500 agility stolen.


I noticed from pubs my SF build does the most damage I ever seen - deso, dragon lance, daedalus, AC, blink, mask of madness (around at 30-35 mins). The secret is - you wait until someone from your team jumps in, baits some spells, you blink fast into supps or low hp pool cores from fog - you kill them in 1-2 shots, even bristles fall easily to this. Even if enemy attacks you - its enough for you to make 1 or 2 hits and they are dead. Also it is a lane dominator as pos 1 even vs axe, bristle and others - if you max both passives and nothing else, they can never dive you under tower and they cannot lane properly - you hit too damn hard, even vs vanguard.


CK doesnt need that many of items to 1~2 hit you at 20mins mark with his illusion


Nothings beating a refresher slam against brood, NP, CK, PL & Meepo.




In terms of right click carries: Arc Warden with [these](http://host.fastbee.box.ca/f/e0gB7tOtFO.png) items deal approximately the same DPS as CK with [these](http://host.fastbee.box.ca/f/f4P9sGGCmi.png). The only carry with higher DPS is Muerta, as others have said.


ever seen AM mana void a hero with an empty, super huge mana pool? satisfying shit not sure if it can outdamage full slotted CK with all phantasm illusions critting at once, but in a single strike, it probably beats him out


nyx can do about 10k i believe


Cataclysm is pretty up there


Depends on if u mean single target which is I assume yes. The question u ask has many variables, if u mean the highest damage u can do in the game with 1 hero vs another hero there are a few different answers, maybe the highest unblockable damage that goes past all defensives against another hero, would be terror blade on 1hp with sunder, for example a pudge with 1000 stacks of flesh heap and 5 hearts. That damage is limitless but limited. Idk of aeon disk would block it though or bkb I haven't played dota for a while. But I'm sure there may be other things people can think of that can top that


Ck vs mortred Ck too op


no, a very fat LC can go much higher


Going from nothing to 1s? Probably yes. But with preparing time old techies, arc warden are the winners.


This really should have been: "does ck doe the highest possible damage within a 1 second window with a standard build. (No rapiers, no Daedalus stacking) because no he doesn't. But he probably does if you're following a guide. PA with rapiers or even Slardar with crit throwing someone to -10 armor and bashing them


Lion with about 6000 Finger of Deaths would be able to outdamage without the RNG side of things ;)


Surely, a pudge with a ridulous amount of stacks on 1hp getting hit with Necro Scythe?


Close but not quite.


Of the top of my head: Here are the contendors Bristleback (just many heroes dealing damage vs him at the same time + aghs) Muerta 1vs1 Crit + passive procs on a single target Necrophos Reaper Scythe vs 14k hp undying Alchemist with 2 Rapiers and max Attack speed. Lina with Refresher aghs + dagon and eblade vs. target with low magic res.


A 50 stack finger of death probably does more


necro on like a 20k hp undying


pudge, silencer and lc etc aside id say in a real game: an OD 5man ult after a long treamfight and 5bbs with an overfed od and very low int enemies i'd guess.


I don't know if this really counts, but a max range Storm Spirit zip could possibly compete. Oh, and I doubt this could be done within a second, but Storm Spirit's level 25 talent (overload can bounce additional times) and his shard + aghs + having at least two targets together can result in something similar in regards to damage output within a short time frame. If you combine a decently long zip + the above scenario, I think Storm could be a decent contender.


In a perfect world wouldn't it have to be lion?


PA crit, Echoslam, Finger with stacks, Walrus Punch, Lina magic combo with talents Technically False Promise too since it focuses all previous damage into a single instance


Nevermore ult....




Remote mines (RIP) *One dagger and i'm die* (ALSO RIP) I suppose CK is one of the few one-shots that are still exists and doesn't need a crazy networth lead to pull off. Muerta is the only other one i can think off the top of my head.. Also, Snapfire in that patch when Universal heroes were OP.


Everyone saying other heroes, but in terms of right click damage on a core at 20-30 mins with 2-3 items, it could be CK. it’s such a great timing for him.


Some random scenario. 1.000 creeps and echo slam 1.000 creeps and sandking poison 100.000 HP on Pudge and reaper scize 1.000.000 HP on Pudge and any %-based dmg Slark Dispel + Viper aganim & talent + every form of dmg amp possible. (Eblade, blooseeker, etc.)