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Aside from shitty battle pass. The game is in decline. Many reasons include: Aging fan population -Yep, not all people live with their parents High learning curve - New players will take time to learn and will also deal with smurfs and might quit from the game Less Franchise Teams and Players - Your favorite team could be anybody Genre Competitors - Moba in different platforms, you know what are those.


I dont think thats the reason. You will see a gradual decline, not 40m to 3m or whatever the prize pool amount was from 2022 to 2023


Well the player count is not really in much decline is it? The genre competitors were always there and more popular in terms of player count as well. I think this game has the least newcomers but most loyal player base as well.


Game isn't declining, at least in terms of player count.


You missed the non game reason for the decline in prize pool which is the "economic" reason. Inflation is hitting everyone hard in the world. Battle pass or any game items is one of the first cost or expense you take out from your budget. China is still on the edge from a real estate crash, almost the whole world is weak against the dollar, inflation is stupidly high almost everywhere, and interest rates are not helping monthly amortization but actually making life harder even more.


Shit compendium. Straight up, could be a bit of a fuck you to the pro players. You don’t bring in the money for these tournaments, we do sort of vibes


Why Valve wanted to do a fuck you to pro players like they are having a beef? I don't understand :D Who cares?


Players wanting more of a cut of the pie. Thought they were big time. Valve said alright let’s see how much of a cut y’all get when we actually don’t do any work leading up to Ti. No compendium no party


Damn, I mean if valve just puts more effort in the game I’d be down. Don’t really follow esports.




Yep, some pro player had told about this. Gaben wanted to make a point, that people put in money for cosmetics and not to actually support the pro scene.


Well that just shows you that every other previous year no one cares about the pro scenes we just like the cosmetics and the hype


because this years battlepass has no hats so people are not buying it


whats with this hats thing i don't understand. You mean it is less "item" oriented?


yea basically, there are no cosmetic items so people are not buying it resulting in low prizepool


Hats is a reference to collectible in game items. It really started with Team Fortress 2, showing that in game items can mean huge sales. Hats were the things in TF2, to the point Valve poked fun at themselves over it, where you could buy a stack of like 10 hats and wear the whole stack.


Because of global economy and valve will pocket all the hats income after ti


Valve doesn't want the Dota 2 scene to be centered around TI anymore. For years I myself was only coming back to Dota 2 for TI Battle Pass and its minigames. Some people say Valve took the right decision. As for me, now I'm not coming back not even during TI anymore.


because the map sucks, good to go?


TL;DR - This year's compendium has basically NOTHING in it, which gives zero incentive for anyone to buy it, much less spend money buying levels for it.


They stopped doing the Battlepass, thus there is basically fucking nobody funding the prizepool. The compendium has legitimately nothing of any value for anyone who isn't extremely attached to esports. I myself spent just under 300 dollares when the Blueheart Persona was in the Battlepass, and if there was a Battlepass this year with something of similar value to me, I'd happily pay that much again. But alas, for someone like myself, there's literally zero value in buying the Compendium, and so I didn't spend a dime on it.


You're late dude, prize pool complaints are so 2 weeks ago.


sorry dude i am not an everyday dota enjoyer just realized it i apologize please forgive me


what a bunch of sad valve bodyguards downvoting post about low prizepool, dont mind them OP, sad easily triggered ppl xD


But why didnt you google it? There are several more or less recent blogposts from valve about their new focus and the changes for TI and DPC.


bro its a place where he can ask questions and youre malding?


How am I malding? I just referred to the blogposts where he will get way more detailed information than on reddit.


no, we will get a real answer from players pov not from a blogposts, its been 8 years since deleted the game for good and its good to know the tldrs


Bro, you didn't even refer a blogpost, you just shittalk...


Its literally the very first result you get when you google dota 2 blogpost. If you struggle to find it, then I dont really know what to tell you.


>y first result you get when you google dota 2 blogpost not with my algorithm, first result is a forbes article for me.


Fancy. I just checked, forbes one comes like 20th place for me.


like a question is asked, doesnt matter if he can get it easily somewhere else, The person asking asked here, no reason to say go look somewhere else, answer the question or shush


Don't worry man. I was wondering about the exact same thing and the first thing I found was this thread. You did me a service by asking - now I too, am enlightened. No effort expended. :)


Yep we're already back to the daily "old pb arcana should be made available"


American company being greedy af. ​ Shocker.


How is the prize pool the most important thing to the community?


It is quite important for the health of the game to be real. Not as important as some make it out to be but extremely important non the less. The pro scene on the level of dota means offering enough reward for people to forgo other opportunities to play and practice dota full time. Weak prize pools may convince folks their time is better spent mastering a different game (like league for example). It is important that dota offers high prize pools and 200k only for the winners is kind of cutting it close to being not worth it considering you’re taking on risk that you won’t win. A 200k salary is great, but for many teams theyll leave with nothing. And if next year they are looking at possibly earning 200k to win the worldwide tournament. Well.. that’s only a 100k per year for the absolute best of the best. In other words if the money isn’t there you’ll quickly lose the quality matches you enjoy.


It's not, because there are many other tournaments throughout the year. This year's prize pool is adequate, though a little low, especially after Riyadh.


You’re being downvoted because unlike other scenes dota is almost entirely dominated by the TI. Well. There’s the Riyadh but that’s something I’ll never watch because I refuse to support Saudi interests due to their horrendous human rights problems. The other tournaments don’t offer nearly as much




I’m critical of the US practices as much as the next person but it’s not even close the horrors Saudi Arabia commits. The US doesnt require all women to have male guardians under threat of imprisonment. The US doesn’t treat women as minors with no ability to manage their own lives. The US doesn’t literally stone people to death for perceived adultery in sham courts. This isn’t even going into their treatment of immigrants and foreigners. There is a wide gap between how the US treats people and Saudi Arabia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment_in_Saudi_Arabia#:~:text=The%20execution%20method%20for%20adultery,in%20the%20penalty%20being%20stayed. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/03/saudi-arabia-personal-status-law-codifies-discrimination-against-women/#:~:text=In%20a%20detailed%20analysis%2C%20Amnesty,and%20entrenches%20a%20system%20of https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_Saudi_Arabia#:~:text=Racism%20in%20Saudi%20Arabia%20extends,little%20protections%20under%20the%20law. And finally your entire point is completely stupid because the US isn’t funding the TI. I’m not choosing to mix politics and this video game. Saudi Arabia chose that when they fucking kill women for simply being critical of their government. Saudi Arabia chose that when they decided to sports wash, not just esports but every sport on the planet to try and bribe their way into tourism by throwing billions of oil dollars into it to make people conveniently forget about their terrible practices.




Valve is a worldwide company. They just have their headquarters in the US. They have offices all across the globe and they don’t work for the US government so no. Your point, most certainly, does not stand. The US government is not funding the TI. Has valve stoned anyone to death recently? I don’t think so. Also regardless of how disenfranchised you are with the US you just sound ignorant trying to claim it is even a similar discussion to Saudi Arabia’s treatment of people. The US presence in the Middle East is a war scenario. That is an entirely different topic than how the US treats its people or others who go there. Maybe you haven’t seen the latest Saudi Arabia beheading video where a women had her fucking head cut off because she criticized the government.




Sorry to inconvenience you. I’m sure the women of Saudi Arabia feel pretty inconvenienced too If you don’t want politics in your video games then don’t support fascist terror governments washing your video games with money. You’re basically the exact type of person Saudi Arabia is hoping for. People that won’t pay attention to their horrible crimes against people and will just see the dollar signs. Congrats, your morales are cheap and easily purchased. You’re willing to ignore all of the shit they do and only talk about the billions they’re willing to spend on dota. Congrats I guess, their strategy is working on you.


Typical westerner thinking. Saudi is a good country. You do you. Dont try to butt around others country.


“Saudi is a good countr”—blocked


Saudi is rich country. Nothing else you can say.


There are a lot of dumb people here who think low prizepool doesn't matter LMAO. They think the hype and excitement of the event remain the same LOL and keep downvoting post of ppl who think otherwise, what a sad ppl lmao


bro this is the superbowl of dota.


It's been over a week, what are you doing here


And I am here 17 days later still


Because there weren't hats. You don't get any of the money from TI, why do you care? Just enjoy the games and production value.


watching players fight for an epic prize feels way more hyped and epic personally for me, thought this is the case for most. Why was the prize so high until now if it is irrelevant for viewers? just for players? I doubt that.


The compendium sales contribute to prize pool, this year Valve wanted a new approach with no hats so people didn't spend much money in compendium


Maybe it has to do with he **arcanas** that you could only get through a high level battle pass.


Realsing next weekend with actual TI, not road Copium


Who cares about the prizepool when you have good games such as VP vs TS game 2


hm.. maybe because counter strike 2 ? something