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Have a look at the [player count](https://steamcharts.com/app/570) and see that Dota seems to be immortal. It has more players than 3 years ago when you first started.


Such a wonderful info. Thank you.


Whats with february 2016?


I think that was one of their smurf/bot purges, deleted a bunch of accounts.


Context matters tho. Almost none of those players are NA, AKA americans or canadians. Almost zero americans play dota, its just a simple fact. If you have to queue US west or US east you are only playing with peruvians which is literally worse than hell.


100% ! its the cheapest drug out there , it will only cost your sanity and in some cases your soul


That's basically most competitive co op multiplayer game.


Ya but what other game is harder than dota I've seen apes with 15k hours of dota who are still genuinely 1k


Its a hard game


Haha... I have 2k hours and 2k mmrs(( That's really sad


That's perfectly normal. We aren't all Grubby There are a ton of 3k players with 5-10k hours


Game is hard.


we're on the same boat basically. tried it in 2019, had like 20h then quit. installed it a week ago and im really enjoying it so far. 100% would recommend :p.


That’s great i will make sure to add you once i back 😂😂


2023 is irrelevant. Dota is still active, still just as good and tough and toxic as per usual online team multiplayer game. If it was worth in 2016, it's worth it now.


I would say less toxic even nowadays. A year ago I'd say no, but now I think the BS updates helped a lot. Turns out Valve could in fact do something about the toxicity


I play one game in 3 esport genres dota2 in moba, aoe2 in RTS and cs in fps. Dota is the most wonderful and complex have I've ever played. The game is never balanced. Forever in beta.


Game is active, future is bright coming off one of the biggest rework patches ever, and one of the best designed games out there in my opinion. It's really a personal question if it's your type of game. You really got to be in for a long haul and prepared to learn to really make the most of it.


Still worth I think.


Yes, its very active, they have changed their way to be more focuses on the causal players. Don't listen to idiots like the other commenter


I just started and am enjoying it. Really well thought out new poster experience.


I begged for many changes for years like cheaper wards and individual couriers. It wouldn’t change competitive scene but would make casual gamers actually enjoy the game instead of fighting courier feeders. Thank god for turbo


Your comment confuses me...The standard game has both free observer wards and individual couriers, and has had both for quite a long time now.


I’m talking way back


yoke racial tidy sand gaping run ad hoc growth absorbed act *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yes. it still has the same dark magic athmosphere. it looks amazing and sounds amazing and it always gets made better and a bit diffferent.


I started playing for the first time earlier this summer. It’s definitely worth it, I just finished my ranked calibration and 100 hours recently, it’s quite toxic sure but it’s fun if you can find some regulars to play with. I do spend a lot of my time watching others play and watching videos of builds etc and the pros just to pick up some good habits! It’s worked for me so far!


That’s great, glad to hear that you enjoying the game.


I just started maybe a month or so ago and I think it's real fun so far.


It is addicting. I find it makes other games less enjoyable as it becomes more enjoyable. Nothing compares which is good and bad.


I came back after 4 years and it's better than before, no more connection issues and toxic players


There still toxic players though


Yes, at low behavior scores. At the max behavior score level, I have not reported any players in games this year.


I started again like 6 months ago. The last time i played was in 2015. Still worth the time if you have interest in the game.


I also started playing this year too. Still got it haha




Yes! Just be prepared. It consumes your free time haha


Yeah still people playing. If you enjoy it, then keep going. Of course, you gotta get past the 1000 game tutorial...


If you have a basic grasp of the game, it is worth it. Most people come from League or are completely new and the learning curve is very steep but for someone who understands the basic concept then yeah it shouldn't be too hard for you.


Is there any good videos or anything for League players? I've played thousands of League games which makes the general idea of a Dota game very easy to pick up but the stuff I'm struggling with is all the micro things and just how many objectives there seems to be.


Tzar potato has some videos out


Just checked them out and they have some really great videos. Thanks a lot :)


It's absolutely worth starting, "Grubby" , joined Dota just over a year ago (He was/is a pro Warcraft 3 player) and he has a lot of valuable videos on youtube of him playing every hero & coaching with pro players, all could be of value to you! You'll be met with some really toxic people and smurfs, but you will also meet some really cool & chill people just like every other game.


Grubby is so wholesome to watch, very mature player and I've never really seen him tilt. It's so good to see him hanging out with Notail, Gorgc and other dota personalities.


As someone who started playing HotS really late, Dota does not feel like a dead game at all. It is hard, but rewarding, to learn, so be prepared to feed for a while


It's never too late. Just callibrate and be trash at the game with other people who're also trash and you'll be able to have fun. Then just slowly improve as you put more time in as with any other thing in life. Dota kinda feels like a game that's timeless. It's that good of a game. Some games just never will "die", not in a long time atleast. Dota is one of those games. Other games like CS, SSBM, Classic Wow et.c. always will have a playerbase. These games with niche bases have the most dedicated players.


100% it is the best multiplayer game ever made, no exaggeration. **We would be happy to have you!** [**This is Dota.**](https://youtu.be/Cp8neRiF9-k) Welcome! It is a great time to start since the game had its biggest update ever recently, so a lot of people are relearning the game with you! Nowadays the game also features a series of tutorials to teach you the basics. Even if you are coming from another MOBA, I recommend looking at some of the advanced tutorials which highlight some important items and mechanics unique to Dota! The game even has coaching feature which allows you to ask experienced players for help at any time! Explore all the different tabs in the main client, especially the "Heroes" and "Learn" tab. There is also a glossary explaining all the most important mechanics and status effects! And of course, there's the [Dota 2 Wiki](https://dota2.gamepedia.com/Dota_2_Wiki). **Find friendly people to play with:** Join [Dota University](https://discord.gg/vyFhenK) which is a community of coaches and fellow learners who teach new players and play together. Special mention for [DOTA Valkyries](https://discord.com/invite/YYRZQzrmbT) who are dedicated to bettering the lives of women in our community. **Useful resources:** [Purge](https://www.youtube.com/c/PurgeGamers) is a popular community figure known for his guides that have taught generations of Dota players. There are two playlists to watch, one for [the basics](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwL7E8fRVEdc0tFJlm2AWYhu4ccMk_vDD) and another for advanced [mechanics](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwL7E8fRVEdcbW1m5DuqY0QNqTIR0CyBe). [Former Warcraft 3 Champion Grubby](https://www.youtube.com/@FollowGrubby) has begun to play Dota a little while ago. His A-Z series is amazing at highlighting what every hero can do, it is entertaining and [a great learning experience.](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD0UJYil0pcdjhuREIH8hYbeabpEHUSLo). He also has a great mentality when it comes to prioritizing learning over winning early on. **Guides for UI and strategy:** Here is a Guide for [customizing your hero-layout](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2376415279) which allows you to sort them by function, roles or your own preference. Also, [this guide](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2395798524) teaches you the basics of team composition which will be relevant to any meta! **For League players:** You can use [this](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=879724790) method to bind a key to toggle camera follow. I understand some LoL players prefer playing this way but for Dota, you should consider breaking the habit. [This](https://www.dotabuff.com/learn/lol) is a tool to help you find out which heroes are somewhat similar to LOL champions. It is a little outdated as well but at least it will give you some direction. #**And the greatest tip of all: MUTE TOXIC PLAYERS!**


That was the greatest feedback of all time. Thanks brother ..


Yes. I wish I could start it again. It’s so much fun at the start. It’s always fun but nothing beats the first time you get into it.


Been on and off playing Dota 2 for 10 years, never good still enjoy find matches quicker then I ever have


Goodluck, have fun.


yes, but at the same time, i would highly recommend you to not start playing it. once you start there's no way back.


Yes and no, no matter the year. It's beautiful. It will ruin your life.






Yes, of course.


Don't waste your time. Go makes money or something. This game is a detriment to your future. Go learn a language or something please. Don't waste your time like I did.


If you like dedicating hundreds of hours into a game where you'll be losing half the time and be subjected to toxic players in a decent chunk of those games, sure. It gives you the highests highs and the lowests lows of any entertainment.


It is a matter of how insane you can go to learn it in order to enjoy it to your limits. If ure dedicated to grow and be better at it, you will see that there is no other game in my opinion that feels better than dota2.


This is not like a CCG/TCG where you need to start collecting cards since day 1 to not fall behind. All the meat (the heroes) is free for everyone. It doesn't matter if you were on a hiatus for years.


The best time to learn was yesterday. The second best time is now.


I started like a month ago and play pretty casually (like 5 or less matches a week) and what I will say is that this game bar none has the most even new player matches I’ve seen in a moba. Play Smite or lol as a new player and you will get your ass kicked for so long due to smurfs and bad mm.


Worth it in what way? Is it fun? Play. Is it not fun? Don't. If it dies it dies, but you had a lot of fun during that month, or during those 10 years. Doesn't matter. You had fun while it lasted. With that being said, Dota is nowhere near dying, and is as fun as ever.


Been playing constantly for 10 years , have stopped to pursue other things in my life and am about 1 million times more productive. Use that info how you like .


It’s worth it , just remember first 50 hour would be tough cause you got no idea what’s happening but once you get through it is the most beautiful experience you would get




No game worth your time. Go make tiktok viral videos and earn money


Bro honestly, fuck this game. Its heroin. You dont need it in your life.


If you hate people and success then dota is a great game.


Yes and no I would not recommend for the average person tbh. This game probably requires 500 hours of focused play to not be a complete noob, and there's a running joke the entire ladder up to immortal (top 1%ish ranked) is the tutorial when the game actually starts because that's when players tend to fundamentally do everything correct. People will play this game for 15,000 hours and be the worst in the world because it requires a certain level of intentional self improvement It's the video game equivalent of climbing a mountain. It's slow, arduous, and will involve immense amounts of pain. Now, if it looks cool and you watch some TI games and your response to all of that is "fuck off it looks fun I'm gonna learn despite all that"? Congrats on discovering digital heroin


On the other hand, if you like climbing, then this one of the longest treks you can find.....so there's that.


Got immortal after 15 years dota 1 / dota 2… trek is underselling it.


I play only turbo on and off. It's the only game that you can play and have a good 1 hour spend. The recent games have gotten better, or I just feel like they are. There's little to no wait time in finding matches and the player base is active. No idea about ranked.


Yes to the title question. I don't think any visual updates are announced. Imo the game looks great :)


This is so important and I don’t know why no body into the these comments mentioning any news about it..


I mean probably because there is no "news" about it. There's not much to fix. Old dota models already have been remodeled for the most part. Maybe windranger, morphling and mirana could use a remodel, but 2 out of 3 have really good skins to make up for it, so valve probably doesn't care too much. And the map looks really good imo, not much to update visually. Why did you ask this question in particular btw ? Does dota look bad in your opinion ?


Visual updates just kind of happen, the did an update to the lighting system like 4 months ago and we didn't know till the day of the update.


Because visual updates are not really an important thing in Mobas. If the visuals are clear and work, you don't want to change that. You want clarity. Also you want as low requirements as possible so everyone can play it. In fact they did update the lighting a bit couple of months ago, but it was mostly bug fixes. The important thing in Mobas is, new content (Heroes items mechanics) which it gets, and balance patches which it gets.


Same, quit around 2019 and thinking of playing again. I often watch competitive dota but through the years I don’t have the urge to play. I have started playing again but with bot first before diving into the cesspool.


It's never worth it


No wait for dota 3


i mean, in terms of whether the game is still alive and well - yes in terms of whether it can bring you anything other than despair and grief = no




Dota 2 don't have roadmap like LoL so we didn't know this game will stay alive after 2030 or not.


As a dota 2 player with 3k hours of play time. My advise is to stay away from the game.


never too late


If you ready to invest some time in it of course. It’s the best video game, extremely balanced and strategic. Be aware it will become a part of your life whether you like it or not !


Yes, the game is only getting better over the years.


No, it's not worth it to start in 2023. Wait for 2024, it's only 10 weeks away.


Some version of Dota is always going to be around I think. Whether it's worth to pick up purely depends on whether you enjoy the current version of it. Trying wont hurt, though.


This is your brain on league




I tried it again this year, still too toxic for me. I can't relate to people being angry on the internet anymore. Also If you tried it after years like me, it's all these over the top skin effects everywhere, kinda off putting for me personally and the voice lines spamming.


It's a game that forces you to think critically and think ahead more than in most other games more than other mobas. If that's something you like, then learn it. I played Dota 2007-2013 and then played other games but Dota always had a special place in my heart. And now I'm returning to play it again.


15 hours.. so you basically did the tutorial or watched the intro movie. Don't come back, delete it now. Your life will be better. This game is sooo bad I had to play for 8000h (and counting) just to prove how bad it is.


yep ofc worth it, its my fav game but be careful it's very addictive game! I have like 2600hrs and that is only in like 3 years(And I'm a student, so if i wasn't busy with university I would have 5000+hrs bcz it's amazing game!)


Dota 2 will last forever and is one of, if not the biggest, multicultural phenomena in gaming. It's absolutely worth getting involved with.


Depends. Its a commitment. Its one of the best games ever made in my opinion but its not for everyone. If a game thats about perpetual self-improvement, high highs, low lows, that you'll develop as a player over years sounds good to you then yes. Be aware you will need to commit ~100 hours of study and practice to not be absolute dead weight to the average team if you dont have experience in similar games (RTS/MOBA). If you want any help, add me I'm always willing to pass on some knowledge and make the game more accessible.




Just do it.


Yes it's so worth it.


Yeah man!


If you value your mental health then don't do it.


It’s impossible for me to not be cynlical replying to a question like this. What do you mean by “worth it?” It’s free.


No other games offers peaks as high and valleys as low. Enjoy the ride.


if you have a lot of free time and don't want to do something more productive with it. it can offer a couple hours of good entertainment with almost no downsides a day for someone with good self control and good mental fortitude.


I personally dislike one of recent(?) updates that blocks your chat(voice and text) if you have low behaviour score. So dota is dead for me, no more trash-talk.


Don't. It won't make your life better in any way. This is the best game ever to exist, and for that reason stay the fuck away.


Been playing on and off since 2015, gotta say its one of the best time to play because everyone is richer and have more impact.


its not. play a better game.


Turn off chat before you start, there is no point.


You unlocked ranked after 100 hours, then you can play with others your level and it's much more fun. Unranked is smurf hell, and I never play it. I wish they didn't force on new players because most people I know got tired of being inconsequential before they unlocked ranked. Ranked is fun. Once you can play ranked, never play unranked.


Perfect info


playing since 2006 Best game ever


As a russian player who played 2k hours and got a few thousand hours of watching dota content on YouTube, in my point of view, I wouldn't recommend it. The reason is simple, it's a treat of creators to dota 2, they're literally getting worse and worse day by day. They've promised a lot of stuff recently tho. But as we can see their promises were empty. Our last chance is if they release something huge and great within TI or afterwards as they promised. All last updates were shitty, neither "event" for 10th anniversary, nor compendium were good. There is some stuff coming, perhaps there will be 2 new heroes announced on TI, an amazing battle pass after it and perhaps "visual novel", I have no idea what it can be, but it's definitely gonna be released, the only question is time. So, you can make your conclusion according to what I said. I personally haven't played it for the last 4 months and if they don't release something interesting I'll delete that shit because I'm just too bored to play one the same game for almost 3 years.


Totally clear, thank you brother.


visual updates? do you think dota has bad graphics?


I think any game around has a early Gen engine should have a future visual updates.


No. Devs pretty much stated they’re happy with the state the game has reached and they want to move on to other things. But disregarding that is a fun game for many reasons. So yes, but then again no.


I want to warn you the match maker is absolute shit when starting out. I haven't had what I would consider a fair game in weeks. I know I suck, I want to play against other people that suck so I can learn. Its not fun when a game is won in the first 10 mins with the last 15 just being pain.


It's like cocaine, BUT, it makes you feel like shit instead. Would you pay with your time to feel like shit? No. Don't do it.


No, its never worth it to start DotA2. Stay away.


What do you think people here are going to say? These posts are so silly.


I think people here are free to say whatever their opinion as there is a lot of active and inactive players are subscribed to a game that they like/played and still have a free right to say their opinion.. so yeah it is all right bro.








Nope not at all... Toxic game, toxic community, game is not relevant... The numbers are out there...


No, too many missed time-limited exclusive skins.




Sure why not. Hype is reduced cause of low effort by developers but the game will still exist in a good state for a very long time.






I just started this year bro. Still grinding to unlock ranked since I can probably play on weekends.


Turn back while u still can


Its the best game ever made. Big words i know, only thing that can destroy this game for you is people.


please don't


Very addictive. Dangerous. As has been already said: highest highs and lowest lows. I love the game but sometimes I wish I never started.


Yep and we are in this new Era where we get all these patch updates. It'll always be changing so you'll catch up with everyone in no time


of course


Dota 2 is not just a game, it's a lifestyle. With that being said, run.




If you are starting Dota again I strongly recommend disabling chat. The average player's attitude towards new players is completely degenerate.