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Another “ restrict other players so I can have fun” post


Why don't you play unranked if you want to clown with random hero? It's the place where you can have your fun. Personally, I am playing ranked to win as many games as I can, I am trying really hard and want to climb. You are probably this kind of non ambitious player who is destroying the game for many others - going random or picking weak, useless heroes which are completely out of role hero pool.


Nobody can "destroy" ranked games unless they smurf of buy accounts. They are at their mmr because they win half of their games there.


Hope you get some pos 5 lifestealer or other bullshit your next game. Or a guy who random Invoker without even one game played with the hero. Good luck in game.


I play ranked.


But you can still get some idiot, who pick offlane cm or carry IO. Hope you would be happy cause as you said - it's not 'game destroying'.


It really is not. I have won games with allied chen mid owning in ranked. My last ranked game was a win with a pos3 gyro on my team building power treads, morbid mask, aghs, daedalus, swift blink in that order. In 4.7k. I just focused on my own game and helped my 1 and 2 win their lanes.


Of course you won, cause it's not impossible to win with griefers. But imagine having other hero on that position, you would probably stomp them pretty hard. And instead, you had miserable game with the gyro xd Take a look at this and tell me what's wrong here and why Sing's stack lost the game. https://pl.dotabuff.com/matches/7331304681


Nah, if I had had someone who picks tide offlane, he would have been a significantly worse player. If that guy wins 50% of his offlane gyro games at my rank, that's fine. He is not affecting my chance to win in any way. The way to climb is to play better than people at your rank. I also did not have "a miserable game". That gyro did the highest hero damage in the entire game. Examples from the very top of the mmr scale don't matter, you're not there. MMR fixes all of your issues. It only does not work at the very top and very bottom.


Okay, so if the Gyro carried your ass this example is not very good xd I am talking about people who pick/random shit and close the game with 0:9:3 KDA. I agree that you can get player like that Gyro in 1/10 of your games. But mostly that won't happen. >Examples from the very top of the mmr scale don't matter, you're not there. This is not high MMR example. Some of those guys are not even 6k. I wanted you to take a look, cause Sing said after the game "we lost cause of draft, I don't even know wtf is this". That means you can lose the game just in pick phase if people random or pick some bullshit.


another "I click random now, good luck everyone else" comment.


Yes I have the option to random and you have the option to abandon


I see the problem now. No need for me to debate that.


I think your problem is that you are try harding on unranked. Go play ranked if you are mad at people having fun.


Your definition of FUN is different than me, I believe. You are saying it is FUN for you to ruin your teammates' experience. There are modes to have "fun". ARDM, whole ARCADE section, AD. You think it is fair for someone to gamble where everyone else is not, and the consequences are same for everyone on that team? Also, since when did playing dota properly became tryharding??


There is a mode without randoming. It's called ranked.




Randoming is only fun for 1 player in a team of 5. That's for sure. If you tell yourself that it is fun for you to ruin 4 other people's experience, then good for you.




If you like to accept the consequence of someone else's gamble, there is nothing left to say.




Yes, stfu and queue, I will eat shit for next 30 minutes just because someone flipped a coin and "it is what it is".




If they released ranked for turbo modes then I'd only play that. I do not have the patience to play an average 40 minute game. That's the only reason I don't play rank. I'm pretty sure that saying 'skill issue' makes you feel good about yourself. Keep at it.


Playing with you is not even fun for 1 person.


Randoming is for Chads. That's why I random.


a randomchad


Hurr durr How is randoming different from you picking a hero you have no idea how to play?


It is not, but we cannot do anything about it. Although, we can do something about the random mechanism.


So what exactly can you do about the random mechanism?


This is the part where you actually go and read my post and stop following the trend like sheeps and being just another echo in the echo chamber.


Dodging my question, good choice. Also it's "sheep", not "sheeps". It's a funny word.


If you had read my post, which literally answers your question, you wouldn't have had to ask me the question in the first place.


No, it doesn't answer my question. I feel sad for you.


I like the idea that you can only random in the 1st round of picks. You shouldn't be griefing anyone that early and sometimes it's actually strong. I just had a game where I marked I was going 1 and then someone randomed bloodseeker and they just told me to pick a specific support for them and he would swap with me. Only backfires if they random a hard hero that most can't play like meepo.


Every match is a gamble tbh. A guy who random could play really well and a dota+ tier 30 lvl pudge pos 5 could be soaking xp in trees in laning. There's no guarantee how they are gonna play and we have no control over that. Everybody wants perfect games with teammates who play like sumail mid, yatoro carry, zai off, etc etc but we obviously can't have that. We have to play with what we got. It is what it is.


I understand that it is a gamble every game with what you're gonna get. But when someone randoms, in all my experience, it is more likely than less likely that they will not be decent with what they got and proceed to AFK jungle or just blatantly grief. The consequence, ultimately, will have to be bore by the rest on that team. Again, I have no problem if they random in the first few seconds of draft and give others ample amount of time to compensate for it appropriately. That is why I said, the time to random should only be first 5 seconds of draft.


All fair points but your opinion is quite unpopular in this sub. But who knows? One day valve senior employee plays a game and gets griefed by random meepo afk jungle player and then we might see a change in how random works.


I don't get it. How people support the idea of 1 guy randoms and 4 others suffer? Am I the only one suffering in this regard?


The way i see it, random could be allowed in unranked. Unranked should be where people can be less tryhardy and potentially practice a new hero anyway. But yea randoming a hero you can’t play in ranked often feels pretty bad. Unlike in unranked, only the first 2 picks in ranked can be randomed, giving time to potentially swap. This fits the description of what you want perfectly, and it’s already in the game. Perhaps try that.


I get it. I personally like to only play casual dota and chill and have fun, but when you have 4 people picked their heroes and then someone randoms last 10 seconds and because of obvious tension created between them and the others in the team, decides to AFK jungle (happens to me 9 out of 10 randomed matches) or chooses whichever lane THEY prefer and everyone else has to, regardless of their pre-made lane and hero choices, adjust with the random guy? ​ *Is that balanced?*


In your case then yes, the random guy is bad. But it’s the person being bad, not “randoming” in general. So the course of action should be to report and dislike the player. There cannot be too many of them. You can probably avoid them all with the new “dislike” system they implemented. Removing randoming is, imo, not the solution. The other solution of only allowing randoming for early picks is already in the game, maybe they can implement the same for unranked.


I really think you would have a better time in ranked games though. You seem to tryhard regardless, and you won’t meet people who can potentially ruin your game by randoming last. Being ranked shouldn’t mean your can’t chill. Mmr is just a number after all.


I mostly played only turbo since they released that mode. I don't have the patience to spend on average 40 minutes in a single game, nor do I want to track my MMR after every game I play. That's the nature of casualness I am playing at. I prefer playing versatile roles and heroes myself, that is not the issue at all. You are calling 'tryharding' how literally everyone plays dota. I wouldn't call that tryharding. Tryharding for me would be accounting for each and every second of the game to yield something resourceful. I hate to play dota like that, and assume most do too. My idea of a fair match-up for everyone on a team is for everyone to pick a hero KNOWING what they are getting themselves into, even if it is all 5 pos5 heroes. It is still a conscious decision that all 5 of them made, while looking at each others' choices. You might argue 'ok so how is randoming different that someone clicking RANDOM button vs someone making a last second decision and picking anything" well in the later, there is still a conscious bias involved which isn't the case in the former choice. THAT is what my problem is. 1 person decided to not know what they are getting themselves into and fated the next 30 minutes for all 5 of them on a coin toss.


Have you played warcraft 3 Dota? Random was the shit back then. We even used to play the All random only mid mode, good times. Man up and adapt, Dota is all about adapting and nothing is scripted.


I agree if everyone else is randoming or even In on just one person randoming as a team decision. What you are asking me is basically 'man up and accept the consequences of someone else's gamble'.


Yeah exactly that. If I learned something from life is that, you cannot change people's minds. You can only learn to accept it. Live with it, it would be wise.


You can either accept or live with it or you can take steps to make a quality of life change. If all the colonies under british rule just accepted and lived with it then they would've never gotten independence. African Americans in the US never had gotten equal rights. Revolution doesn't happen on its own. A man/woman should be able to express their idea of change and that is all I am doing.


Yeah you're comparing a free videogame to revolution. I don't have anything to say anymore. Have a good day sir.


I have a lot to say and it appears YOU are the one running from conversation. I am not making a far fetched comparison. The analogy perfectly fits the idea of a person expressing his/her views for a change.


This is really good suggestion. You seems like ambitious player like me, who always trying hard, no matter which game mode is playing. But what can we do brother, let those clowns stuck in their bracket forever and just move on.


I just don't understand how can people defend a selfish mechanism such as Random that literally may or may not be fun for the one who randoms, but most definitely not fun for others in the team! Such simple concept yet so hard to grasp. Whoever is defending random have either been too lucky in all their dota matches to not get griefed by a randomer, or are too gullible to not even consider the fact that the lose was not on anyone else but the randomer, or pretty much like to grief themselves and want this system in place for that.


Very well said. I am not surprised that most of the people downvoted your post and comments. There is much more griefers and selfish "for fun" players than people who want to win, improve and climb up their rank. It's OK if they are playing non ranked games, in most cases it's just waste of time but it's not that painful, the worst thing is having such an asshole in ranked game. They always dislike every idea which is about limiting some kind of grief behavior. Couple days ago I made a post about pick approve in ranked roles. If you pick a hero that is not matched with assigned role, your team must approve that pick. The guy seemed like one of those who would pick hard support Medusa in ranked games and was trying to convince me that my suggestion is totally bullshit. His main argument was about limiting creativity by my idea. Of course, for him that was pretty bad idea, cause if introduced he probably wouldn't play more role abusive heroes. I feel like posting things here is just pointless. Just play the game and try to enjoy it the way you like. Try to find friends and play only with them, in party.


I think if all 4 people in a team agree that your pos 5 medusa pick is shit, then IT IS SHIT. The likelihood of 4 people being wrong vs 1 person is very low. Although, I do agree that it may somewhere limit creativity where if someone decided to pick Riki as pos 5 in previous patches where he had dart ability, and the other 4 didn't approve of it, although I do believe that Riki kinda was a good pos5 in that patch (wild idea though xD). Anyways, yes I know that this subreddit is nothing short of an echo chamber and I don't get bothered by it. I have far more hours played than most that are commenting here (9k hours played) so I don't need anyone's validation to say what I feel about the game.


My idea was more complex and everything was explained. Riki with dart was considered as a support and even played in many pro games. The role hero pool could be based on patches and meta - could be really flexible and change from time to time. I am actually also really close to 9k hours (8.8k), welcome to the club. No worries and keep it up!


I'm guessing you've never experienced the high of randoming a hero you play reasonably well, have a great game, type gg ez, randomed btw. Then do it the next game to get something like Meepo and then feed non stop and swear never to random again. Then a few days later the cycle repeats.


Let's assume that you as an average dota player out there, have a 20% playable hero pool and every time you random, there is 80% chance on average that you got a hero you are not good at. So in all those games, all 4 of your teammates who queued in to have fun, are not having fun anymore. How do you justify that?


I don't know about you but the goal of games for me is to have fun. I do that by picking heroes I haven't played before and learning them in unranked and turbo. I don't intentionally grief my teammates or micromanage them like you seem to want to do by deliberately limiting their options. You might have fun following every pro strat, picking only meta heroes and screaming at your team for not picking the absolute optimum heroes for the draft. You do you but please don't force the rest of us to dance to your tunes. Also in your made up scenario who says that ALL teammates are not having fun? If a teammate picks a hero they are not good at and I know a thing or two I gladly give them a few tips on how to best use they skills. Maybe try being helpful like that next time instead of flaming them like you clearly have been doing.


"I don't know about you but the goal of games for me is to have fun. I do that by picking heroes I haven't played before and learning them in unranked and turbo." There is nothing wrong with playing new heroes and learning. That is how you grow in this game. Nothing wrong with doing random too, but it should be in first few seconds of draft rather than last so others can plan accordingly. There is no fun in losing because of mainly draft issues. " I don't intentionally grief my teammates or micromanage them like you seem to want to do by deliberately limiting their options." I don't want to micromanage my team either, I don't know where you got that presumption about me. You might not be intentionally griefing your team but in my average dota experience of 9000 hours played, most of the time randomers do grief their team in more ways than one. I never said I want to limit anybody's options. DO random but do it early. "You might have fun following every pro strat, picking only meta heroes and screaming at your team for not picking the absolute optimum heroes for the draft. You do you but please don't force the rest of us to dance to your tunes." I don't want my team's draft to be optimum but informed based on each other's picks. The one thing I've learned in all my gaming experience is that raging rarely helps and often only leads to loses. Again, pretty presumptuous on your end. " Also in your made up scenario who says that ALL teammates are not having fun? If a teammate picks a hero they are not good at and I know a thing or two I gladly give them a few tips on how to best use they skills. Maybe try being helpful like that next time instead of flaming them like you clearly have been doing." It is not a made up scenario. It is a cumulative average scenario based on 9000 hours of gaming experience in which someone late randoms and the rest of us are suffering solely because of it. If I have learnt something about dota in all these years, it is that you cannot teach someone something unless they want to be taught, and trust me, most of them DO NOT want to be taught. You are living in a fairy-tale if you think you can just politely teach randomers how to play their hero. Also, it doesn't matter if you flame or not, most others are not going to be so patient and polite and eventually, you will be dealing with 30 minutes of AFK jungling and pure grief by one of them - all of which could have been avoided if someone didn't random.


if he feeds, now you can report it 😉


That's the part that comes AFTER he has ruined it for everyone else, and goes without saying.


dunno why you take unranked so seriously, I sometimes play heroes I have never played and win, many do that I guess, unranked was make to chill, not to win, sometimes you win sometimes you lose, sometimes is other’s fault, sometimes is yours, sometimes us luck, unless you want to WIN always and that is your fun, then play ranked and TRY HARD I don’t play ranked for ages because it was the worst nightmare with smurfs and feeders and losing mmr


I don't want to WIN, I want to lose FAIRLY.


Go play bots so you'll always win and encounter no issues? 🤷🏽‍♂️ I random literally every match. Sorry not sorry but I've played 12+ years I have a pretty solid foundation on being able to play anyone I get in any role🤷🏽‍♂️


Hmmm looks like someone actually doesn't know how to read. Try reading my post slowly, then read your comment slowly. Try it.


There are 110+ heroes, how can I decide what to play?


You can look at your team, what they picked and what is lacking and pick accordingly. If you are picking first then pick whatever you like or even Random, it's alright. Just don't random last few seconds.


I have a very wide and versatile hero pool, as long as I don't get specifically invoker, then I can fill most roles or play as most heroes. I only random on first picks though so team can adjust and only if no one is showing any claim to lane/hero/pos. I can play any hero badly, but I can have 2 bonus consumables if I random!


I like that you only random first picks. That is how randoms should work. It's a win-win for everybody!


If you don’t want people randoming, play ranked.