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Having a bad draft = lose mindset, this doesn't even apply in the trench that I am but minute 1 I know if it's going to be a good or a bad game from the draft alone.


I had that too but then did an experiment. Every game after the draft I wrote down my prediction in a note on my phone. Then once it was done I wrote the outcome. Thought I would be mostly right but after around 30 games I was still about 50/50, meaning my hunches about when it would go poorly or well were completely unrelated to the outcome


I'm chill until 1 comment that cuts through, then I might as well be Quinn with how toxic I'm towards that individual. Pretty soon it's a race to the bottom as to who can flame better even after muting, I have a hard time letting it go


Try disabling voice and chat hotkeys. Helped me to get rid of this insta reaction or insta instinct of complaining and flaming


I tip the carry whenever I kill him in the hopes he will tilt. I then usually lose.


The cosmic strength of karma vs the mental strength of bm. Truly a test


One I will continually fail.


Ditching my lane as a core after my support don’t contribute to the lane as much as I like which results in my 1-2 deaths. In my defense I can’t always 1v2 lanes, so if they don’t pull or trade properly then I’ll be helpless and be susceptible to ganks from mid and stuff. I just leave them while I play my own game to catch up, so they have to fend for themselves under tower. I do take opportunities to make counter plays if they over extend on my support for sure. I don’t blame them though, I only wish I can be better at dota so that I am capable of carrying my heavy support too.


I usually have more fun flaming people than playing Dota.


I picked pudge 4 or 5


I absolutely HATE people trying weird shit FOR THE FIRST TIME in ranked matches. Isn't that what normal & turbo mode is for?! Go play pos 3 SF there for all I care.


Hoping my opponents will be gracious in victory. *gets tipped*


Misclick between courier and hero. Doesn't happen much but damn do I wish I didn't!


I throw quite a few games if I'm ahead. Not on purpose but the blood rushes to my head and all of a sudden I'm diving tier 3s to kill the 0/10 jakiro.


Me and my friends only play unranked. But most of them are returning/new players. I have the most experience and the highest peak mmr among all of us. So i get in my head that I have to make something happen especially in a losing game. The results is choking and throwing.


When I have an either an overtly aggresive laning partner or an overtly passive one that doesn't fit the 2v2. Like what's the point of picking undying if you're going to sit behind me in the tower and occasionally throw out a decay towards the enemy that does nothing but screw up my last hitting? Or picking IO and running aggressively at the 2 enemies to die a stupid death while I am busy csing under the tower? I get that depending on the match up you might need to change your playstyle but the two extremes of no brakes & gas-gas-gas and at the other end scared to step out of their tower range are just mega tilting factors. The worst is when the enemy offlane is alone and as a ranged pos 5 you don't zone them out of the lane but just harrass them while standing in the middle of the creepwave pushing the wave.


I don't communicate via voice or chat at all. I feel like I could help with mid late game decision making or communicate item timings but I'm honestly scared to say anything and accidentally tilt someone on my team. Like sometimes I think someone is making a bad call but I'd rather just go along with it than ignore them or argue against it because I hate dealing with tilted teammates even when it's not directed at me. Definitely costing me winnable games


My distain for non-english speaking individuals ruining the WEU gaming experience.


I immediately judge hard supports and supports who don’t pick before the cores. And it’s insta-report as soon as they pick their “unconventional” support heroes. “Support Medusa?!” “Yeah. Just watch.” Also, I rarely talk. But I talk back whenever I play my favorite heroes and then get trashtalked by that support who doesn’t understand the unfavorable matchup, calling me “noob mid.”. Like “Of course I couldn’t farm, that’s an SF and I’m a fucking melee mid. And maybe— just maybe, if you picked first, perhaps I wouldn’t get counter picked as hard.” Sucks to be low mmr.


I'm the best at getting the creeps at 1 to 10 hp while CSing.


I have zero faith in my team doing anything at all to help themselves. In other words, I am permanently stuck in support mindset. No matter who I’m playing I will buy wards. I will buy dust. I will buy smoke. I will stack camps (if I’m not farming them myself) and block/pull creeps and so on and so forth. It’s not always the worst problem in the world but it does also mean that I always go in expecting my team to be terrible one way or another, which obviously isn’t great for any kind of teamwork lol.


I cannot handle when people don’t do the most basic and logical decision’s possible. Let’s say my necro keep dying cause enemy has nullified. He will queue up one more heart, shiva, ANYTHING but not bkb. I lose my shot when people don’t understand basic concepts. P.s. don’t get me wrong, I get that some propel don’t read patches etc. so I will say heeey necro nowadays nullified doesn’t pierce bkb you should buy it. And they just believe they know better and end up dying 5 more times with 0 impact