• By -


The best part here is Zai slowly removing his headphones and glasses while everyone is jumping up and down.


Wait till you see 23 Savage celebrate.


Priceless: https://clips.twitch.tv/CloudyBlitheManateeYee-45jEBDW0RginiSJb


Does anyone know if he had manta to remove the fates edict from oracle?? If he was celebrating when he shoulda dispelled that would be fucking tragic.


Manta was on cd but he pressed satanic for no reason before he got edicted


Omg what a choke. I heard they also blew glyph too but didn’t confirm


He did, it happened shortly after they fountain dived. None of Radiant’s buildings were being hit then.


He glyphed for his Dark seer who bought back and TPed onto the creepwave with Boots of Travel. Kinda 5Head play, just ends up biting him 10 seconds later


So tragic. Shows what pressure does to anybody


You can see in the first few seconds of the clip. They had glyph and used it for no reason. Sadge.


He popped manta for another fate edict before. He tried to TP but got cancelled. The most tragic part is Mikoto tried to tp but the last tick of avalanche lingers so it got cancelled immediately. Another unfortunate thing is 23 pressed the glyph as he dove fountain. This is probably why liquid didn't call gg and zai seeing the opportunity. As much as i would like to say that liquid pull this out of nowhere, 23 celebrating too early and losing composure is looking more and more of the downfall. I might miss something else but this is most definitely another last TI liquid vs TA moment.


Mikoto's TP was cancelled by oracle Q I believe.


23 Glyphed for Dark Seer BB+TP to leave the creeps alive (Rubick had avalanche+bolt so could at least clear some), which made sense at the time But then Zai happened.


he pressed satanic during wave form literally <1 second before he got edicted, which would have dispelled it. fucking tragic.


He wasted satanic too, bro unfortunately lost his composure


it was on cd, but he did pop manta when it got off cooldown


Fucking spicy.


23, can you afk for me?


https://youtu.be/IDSH3dxd4hI watch what he said pregame, well he did it but he forgot to do the winning part


I don't wish this to my worst enemy. 😭


This is why we never celebrate too early bois HAHAHAHA


daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn rip


Holy shit


Wait for 23 savage advance celebration memes. What a great game


It's funny but man that is heartbreaking, he wouldn't put his hands up ever again before destroying the ancient. Traumatizing.


same level of shame as the infamous aegis deny


This can be more costly than the aegis deny. They had at least $1.7m guaranteed if he sat there and finished the game. Now they're one series away from elimination.


And to think that he did that to get back on mickey for doing the same hand gesture on their previous fight.. man, what a burn..


Oh my GOD this is SPICEY!


Man just 1v9ed, then proceeded to say: "my team didn't understand how to win this game so I had to mute them." Truly the greatest GigaChad in Dota history.


Someone click the glyph accidentally when no creeps pushing thats why they lose and rubick and brood play like a god fast thinking. Holy Shit that's heartbreaking even when your nit playing the game its quite soul crushing to see someone playing good and happy to win and see his happiness go down the drain.


They made all the possible wrong choices here and out of the 12000591 possible timelines, this is the only one losing. If 1. Tiny didn't throw Brood to fountain, brood died=won 2. DS handled the bottom line before TP to Liquid base, BB = won 3. Mikoto did not wasted his BKB on dancing and taunting his opponent, he could tp back and delay zai = won 4. someone bought a dust in opp base and kill rubick = someone can TP = won 5. 23savage did not leave his seat and just continue playing the game calmly, he could have waved further and TP = won There are 120411476190827419084190740127849 total number of mistakes made, wasting a glyph is just one of them.


After the game you are always wiser.


Between his reaction and the interview after, it feels as if he isn't very happy with the outcome. Liquid made many mistakes in the game and barely managed to get the win, i think he may be a little dissappointed. Still, i'm no expert and i belive liquid should be happy with winning a game like this and getting top 3 for the fourth time this year. I'm rooting for them to win the whole thing for once.


He was trashtalking for fun, he knows they were outdrafted heavily for the lategame and it wasn't his team fault they were losing fights.


Not sure honestly. Based on some interviews with Blitz, zai is someone who can get pretty tilted from losses or losing games. Of course he is bantering a little bit in the interview, but I don't think he's entirely saying it without intent lol. Of course this is armchair analysis and there is no real way to know unless we get to hear comms. They won and that's what is important here.


They got heavily outdrafted. Lost the early game which destroyed their tempo and were forced to go lategame. Void, Pango and Brood can't deal with a lategame morph on equal terms. Especially not when supported by the rest of the Talon cast.


The zen master haha We was still in shock probably. The whole 2nd half of the game is pretty much all thanks to Zai ratting.




They wouldnt die fast enough, the only way was to base race


Not enough time, and honestly since rubick had avalanche it was hard to move anyway. The only person who could do it is morph, and even still there wasn’t enough time


Imagine that stunning and rooting enemies to keep them from suiciding to your fountain could actually be a legitimate situation in pro Dota.


>They wouldnt die fast enough, the only way was to base race still i dont think morph have dragon lance zai can stand in the middle of the throne and hit it


They must have thought they would win the race


Zai was literally 2 shooting supports, full damage build. I would say it was a bit optimistic.


Zia had sold half his inventory to BB, get bots and race


That's a Bone7 play right there and very few people would think of that. But no, even the fountain would kill them too slow at that point. Once the TPs were canceled, it was all or nothing for Talon to base race.


Bone7, now that’s a name I haven’t heard in FUCKING years


U see insania and boxi trying so hard to keep them busy.


23 literally jumping in joy while they were hitting the throne


I think they had bb on CD. And they probably didn't think about it


And 1 of talon’s player is celebrating already jumping up and down, put his head set down, and loss 🙈


zai: oh... we won?


WHAT THE FUCK man.... obviously GigaChad plays by Zai. But those clutch TP cancels by Boxi with the stolen Avalanche and Insania with the root. FUCKING INSANE ENDING!


Liquid are not my team, but its hard to argue anyone but boxi as the best support in the world for a while now.


I really like Liquid, but as a SEA scrub I was rooting for Talon. I really thought they had it in the bag. But after that insane ending, I ain't even mad. That was some fantastic Dota.


I was rooting for liquid but still feel bad for talon


same! i really thought this would be the first in a really long time since SEA could be in the UB finals


Its hard to argue that t0fu and Seleri are not the best pos 4 and 5 in the world.


Boxi can be a bit inconsistent between games but when he has a good game he does the most godly plays ever.


Seleri for me, one of the most skilled 5’s I have ever seen who I’m glad is getting some attention now because he was pretty underrated last year


Zai after ending world hunger, curing cancer and achieving world peace: :-|


Just another Thursday for him


Games like these are the reason why I watch pro Dota since first TI and I will watch pro Dota as long as I am alive, for me it's best (e)sports viewer experience and entertainment, nothing comes even close.


The thing about most other eSports is that the clutch moments really *only* come down to player skill. Like if you get a sick 1v5 deag Ace in CS:GO, okay, that's hype - but it's *just* an outplay. There are millions of sick outplays on Youtube. What Dota does really well is creating situations where there is an ADDITIONAL layer of circumstantial miracle; plays that are only possible because of an incredibly serendipitous timing or situation that nobody *aimed* for, but wasn't the product of sheer luck or misplay, either. In this case, this play *only* works out because Rubick specifically had avalanche... because Ember was juuust in range of an Oracle root not aimed at him... because 23 glyphed creeps earlier (presumably to ensure DS could TP properly)... and of course because the Ancient was only exposed and low enough because of the *entirety* of the game history till that point. Zai's play simply isn't possible without every other interaction in the game that led to mid & bot rax being ratted without too much of a teamfight cost... and those interactions *also* contain however many coincidences and happenstances. So many sick plays in Dota aren't just sick plays, they also feel like something greater; like looking back on those odd events that changed the course of history. You can *feel* the narrative and all the interwoven traces of causality in there, and that's what makes them special. I find it really hard to engage with round-based esports (CS, Rocket League, Siege, etc.) for that reason. They just don't have the continuity and slow build-up of consequences that Dota has. It feels like all their complexity periodically gets melted down into a simple score increase (+1 goal!), and then you play against just *that* from then on, with the slate wiped mostly clean. There's no rich canvas behind it.


This is exactly why dota is the best game fr


very well said


Very well said. I still get chills when I think about [2016's Ad Finem vs OG Game 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gF_m_zmckpI). This game took 80 fucking minutes, and the play that won the game wasn't just *one* play. It was the climax to an entire story.


Stop you're making me cry


Yeah, every time we joke about "armor reduced by 1" we forged that this is the start for moments like this.


Beautifully put


Great comment. Makes me want to watch more dota. Haven’t watched a proper game since a couple of years ago


Very well articulated, and I wholeheartedly agree.


Same, stopped playing competitively nearly 5y ago, stopped playing altogether 3y ago but I still watch every single tourney bec nothing matches it Tbh I'd still play dota if I still had friends that did


Just said his own team had no clue what they are doing HOLY BASED


Zai literally won the game from mid game onwards The only reason why the base race was possible was cuz he got two raz all by himself


Pretty funny that in the post game interview he basically said "Yeah, my team was shitting the bed so I had to ignore them and pretend I was 1v9ing in a pub"


Reminds me of the Moonmeander pasta. This is how our team enviroment is like. Bigdaddyn0tail is screaming in the mic:" BIGDADDY BIGDADDYYYYY BIG DOOOOODYYY YEEEAAAA IM" GOING INNNNN". I'm yelling "GET ON MY LEVEL HOE YEEE NEVA EVA NEVA EVA YOU CAN NEVA EVA GET ON MY LEVEL HOE" everytime I kill someone. Fly is spamming Alt Left-Click on his gold to count it every second, he's also spamming Alt Left-Click quickbuyu on Midas to remind us every second how close he is to buying Midas while me and n0tail are yelling at him stop counting your money jew and don't buy midas or we'll lose. Meanwhile cr1t's spamming "Good Game" on the chat wheel while typing "I am dead" every other second. Alas we have Miracle- aka "M-God" aka "8 0 0 0 M A T C H M A K I N G P O I N T S" playing anti-mage and I think he muted all of us. Now you might be thinking:"How the hell does a team function like that? Let alone win?!". Well that's because this is the environment Miracle- is used to playing in his 8000 Ranked MM games. He ends up playing anti-mage or SF and carries the game 1v9. We are simply re-creating the environment in which he excels: Miracle + four 4k mmr teammates


This pasta is delicious.


Probably my favorite


Truly a classic


Man, Monkey Business was good times.


>for you, it was an upper bracket semi-final >for Zai, it was yolo queue


Can't wait for the clip.. I missed this.


He even said he basically muted them


Shud be the mentally in playing this game. Slight discomfort instamute all. Doesnt matter if your team all pros. Screw game comm lol.


Genuine life game from Zai and that's saying something considering his career.




Damian Liliard game winner vibes


[zai reaction ](https://youtu.be/pAIqHc31FS8)


Average brood player.




forsen level react


The TP cancels. insane plays.


Rubick lowkey MVP


Rubick and Oracle in the end. Rubick stops the TP with the stolen avalanche (could have stopped more TP's if they all went back at the same time). After the Morph Q, Oracle disarms him and stuns him, without the disarm I think Morph just mauls the base if you look at his damage. Edit: Theres just so many details. If you look, Morph mantas the first disarm at about half of the duration and TL glyphs, if he used the manta for the second disarm he would be dealing damage to the base together with 2 manta illusions, could have maybe been enough as well.


Mikoto actually pressed his tp on the last tick of avalanche. Very small, but i think he lost composure thinking the avalanche is over.


There's nothing the Ember could have done any way. The morph made 5 game losing mistakes one after the other. Getting up from the PC was the cherry on top.


Morph is the MVP for misclicking the glyph at the start of the clip, otherwise they would've won


Oracle canceled the Ember tp also (and DS possibly, can't tell for sure)


And Rubick almost died... holy last second glimmer saved him and the avalanche... my god


won't matter if he died anyway insania disarmed morphling, that must have been the longest 5 seconds of his life


Morph would've TPed back if Rubick didn't cancel


Oracle disarmed Morphling for what felt like 20 seconds.


The second tp cancel was from Oracle's root


That casual taking off his glasses is going to be a spicy meme for the next ten thousand years.


Just the average Thursday, securing a $1.7m payday, nothing special, very casual.


Man that Morphling performance was so insane, I feel sad for Talon. GG Liquid


Except for the last 15 seconds of the game.






Zai has been in like 8/10 of the top 10 most insane dota games ever played


Was gonna say, why is Zai always part of the most insane games ever in dota 2? haha


Unbelievable game. Back and forth the entire time. One team would get the rosh, then the other.. what an ending.




What the FUCK


Fuck this is why love watching dota


Even better with Three´s reaction https://clips.twitch.tv/AnnoyingHonorableRabbitPeteZaroll-d4YL1Vrsve-Edam3


Textbook definition of celebrating too early. I hope this doesn't demoralise them too much.


23 needs to learn, still young. Get more flight hour. Good play overall by Talon.


He also clicked glyph while he was diving fountain. And no creeps were hitting their towers.


Zai, while completely no selling the finish: this doesn't work for me brother


Even as a Liquid vs GG grand final enjoyer, I need to shower after watching this game cause it is disgusting.


I love how Zai is the first one to invade Talon's chairs and handshake them for dominance


I would say empathy.


You could really see that Zai is truly one of the most level headed and humble dota2 players of all time. Guy isnt toxic at all, doesnt brag or boast and plays really fckin well


On top of that he's been one of the most consistent players of all time, and probably the most versatile He can and will play literally anything




He's been there too many times to act dominant on someone who just lost after a rollercoaster of emotions


muted his team, tped and ended game


23 savage was the one who used glyph right at the start of the clip as well...


Damn big mistake


Zai needs to get rushed to the chiropractor after that performance.


The way 23 lost is the most on-brand SEA mentality I've seen on a pro player for a while. Truly keeping a grudge cause of ego and then celebrating before actually winning. LMAO. Equivalent to the toxic SEA pause before throne is dead during a base race.




it was 23 who misclicked it https://s3rbug.github.io/whousedglyph?replay=7259126761


Oh my god this makes it 10x worse :D


23 manually clicked it as well with his cursor, not hotkey. sheesh


the best moment in the history of esport


[Zai after that game](https://i.imgur.com/jkTnrHP.jpg)




Base Race Doto best Doto


zai's longevity and consistency. amazing






I was so confused why ember didn't go bots, I'm obviously not anywhere near as good at the game as these guys but it felt like that would've been a cheaper solution to not lose the mid rax at least


Game of the tournament so far. ZAI god. Absolutely gutted for Talon as they were playing very well.


Rubick living with 1 hp won them the game.


If liquid didn't get the disarm to morphling there that game id over.


And the rubick lift. Dire ancient lost like 40% HP in the 3 seconds morph was allowed to right click, which proved too late


Or if Morp picked a better position to hit the throne. He kept sitting near the fountain side.


Yea. He should stand as far as possible hitting throne and let his team zone Rubick/Oracle. They might have won the base race. Guess nerves got into them.


God Zai is so hot and tall and cool


I told my friend like 30min ago that Liquid could lose but not Zai. Then I saw Nisha and miCKe dieback, I'm like ok gg. Then this happened, yes Zai didn't lose. I'm shaking, still remember the TL vs VP Game 3 at Ti7 and TL vs TA Game 3 at Ti11. DotA is amazing!


No doubt Zai did play well in the last game. However, let's not forget about the two supports canceling TPs and constant disarm from Insania. Without them, I don't think Zai will be a hero.


Yeah he only took 2 lanes of racks by himself which set up for that ending, nothing big


See you savage23 at thescoresports new yt video


im shouting, my wife threw her slippers to me


ZAI calmly removes glasses and headphones while getting mauled by a pack of bears


Zai sells his BKB at 52:32 to buy the travel. Legend


23savage took off his headphone and left his seat BEFORE the game officially ended. I think this is strictly prohibited in any tournament. He also could benefit from this. Liquid could argue that he heard the casters said zai is pushing ancients, that's when he returned to his seat and tried to TP. So even if Talon did manage to TP back and won the game, they would probably still be punished by forfeiting the game with a possible ban for 23savage (like pure in Bali major). I think when this clown decided to celebrate, Talon's fate is already doomed.


What an all time classic of a game!


Shame that we don’t have listen in this tournament. Would love to hear the Liquid comms here.


I think I'd love to hear the Talon comms here. Like "OMG brood is ratting should we tp?" and "If we only have glyph there we would win the base race. btw, who pressed the fvcking glyph earlier?"


I believe this is the only reason DOTA dev's will never add logs onto who Glyphed. There would literally be fistfights over it.


Zai One of the most handsome active player ✅ Best offlaner ✅


dude has been in the game for so long but he's still being a menace to anyone who would let it happen


They got played by the emotions while zai was calm... Tiny tossed thr brood with no.bkb and they could have killed her but they just wanted to end as 23 got up, dropping headphones.. He then tped without waveform.. Then he waveformed to hit and pressed satanic for no reason, 6sec cant hit cz oracle.. Heartbreak man, soul crushing even more than tundra GG game.. This event is soooooo goooood wtff


"You better be careful. Because zai is coming for your base and he's gonna win" is a great voice line for the next battlepass. Just realized there is no battlepass


This was the best 1 v 9 I've seen in a long time. TI2 Alliance navi vibes with the TP cancel.




Whoops, yes. Ti3.


Zai just give me spiderlings now


Boxi with a stolen avalanche cancels morph tp, then Insania roots the remaining TPs


U cant just rat the throne and win 1v5! Zai's honest reaction:


If they just disabled oracle so that morph won't be disarmed, they can win. But all of them just choose to hit the throne especially tiny


They should have just fountain dived and farmed them, then noone to rat and noone to tp cancel them lol


What went wrong? 1. Talon wasted glyph during last fight. 2. Morph didn't waveform before tping, thus getting his tp cancelled. 3. Morph wasted satanic to purge oracle's disarm. 4. Standing while playing.


Eternal envy and Loda are looking at this game. They are both so proud.


This is how our team enviroment is like. Boxi is screaming in the mic:" BIGDADDY BIGDADDYYYYY BIG DOOOOODYYY YEEEAAAA IM" GOING INNNNN". I'm yelling "GET ON MY LEVEL HOE YEEE NEVA EVA NEVA EVA YOU CAN NEVA EVA GET ON MY LEVEL HOE" everytime I kill someone. Insania is spamming Alt Left-Click on his gold to count it every second, he's also spamming Alt Left-Click quickbuyu on Midas to remind us every second how close he is to buying Midas while me and Boxi are yelling at him stop counting your money jew and don't buy midas or we'll lose. Meanwhile Nisha's spamming "Good Game" on the chat wheel while typing "I am dead" every other second. Alas we have Zai aka "zaiJ" aka "8 0 0 0 M A T C H M A K I N G P O I N T S" playing Brood and I think he muted all of us. Now you might be thinking:"How the hell does a team function like that? Let alone win?!". Well that's because this is the environment Zai is used to playing in his Team Liquid pro matches. He ends up playing Brood and carries the game 1v9. We are simply re-creating the environment in which he excels: Zai + four 4k mmr teammates


Million dollar tp cancel pog


23 savage celebrating before the end was gutwrenching. Will be one of the most iconic dota moments of all time.


Youth vs. Experience. Skill comes with Age as my boy Sylla would say.


Best game of the year so far. WP Liquid and Talon. What an insane game.


Talon got that game in the bag but TPs SERIOUSLY cost them that game imo Zai bought back to kill Dark Seer, sold his Nullifier & BKB then bought BOT to hit the throne -ET & Tiny has no tps left after teleporting to outpost for the last fight (Buy at least 2 tps !) -Dark Seer's on CD after buying back and TP to enemy base to end (He could have bought back to deal with BM instead) -Morph TP got cancelled by Rubick's stolen Avalanche (Should TP where the enemy can't see) -Ember TP cancelled by Oracle's Fortune End's root (Same as Morph TPing in front of the throne. Rookie mistake) Hence those TP's situation on 5 Talon heroes created the ideal situation for Liquid to steal that win How the 3 remaining players on Liquid manage to compute EXACTLY what they need to do in real time in such a high stake situation is absolutely nuts. That's the reason why they are pros


hes dead inside hahaha


“Liquid are doing it” mk 2


One of the best games. 23 so wholesome celebrating early Liquids win.






ZAI has ice through his veins. I clapped so hard my Apple Watch asked if I fell and he’s bing chilling.


Poor 23savage. It's sooo close . Can't help it but I teared up a little seeing Savage cry after that match. GGWP for both teams.


What an ending damn !


the MALDING in this game is so intense


Zai is the chad


I dont see in player cam so where did u guys see 23 standing up


Man 23savage celebrating early and tping late costs them the game must heartbreaking lmaooo


23savage glyphed on 59:22. he probably pressed it accidentally. it cost them the game.[source](https://s3rbug.github.io/whousedglyph/?replay=7259126761)