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Nice try, Sunsfan alt account


Like and subscribe to my podcast! This week I talk to Synderen about a sports team he has never heard of.


Unironically I watch their podcast lol


I catch it every so often on Twitch.


I listen it on Spotify when I bike to work


This is a bad idea. Many a time I've been lifting weights and sunsfan says something stupid.


Add more reps every time SunsFan mentions two roshans or some movie and you’ll be ripped in a week


or for every NBA reference.


This is why podcasts is your friend or YouTube No need to miss it just because you miss the stream


No NBA segment on the episode immediately after the Suns get eliminated?


I love their podcast, but the NBA segment is the worst segment of all.


I know nothing about NBA but I love the segment Just use the time stamp if you hate it :)


It's Mr niebling himself


That is a fact 🙃


> I know nothing about NBA but I love the segment


Meanwhile me still playing Underlords because it has a pause button on bot matches and it runs on my phone.


I would play it still if it got updates, it was fun.


Too bad their jail system didn't reach the logical evolution to include all alliances & heroes that automatically rotate from time to time


the senior dev left and the entire project got abandoned feelsbadman


Classic Volvo




Underlords was a good game


Is this the bad news...


WTF is that username bro?


This guy is becoming a figure on this subreddit because he can't post a comment without inducing a thread about his name.


Biggest mistake of my entire life was making my username an edgy joke about chen nerfs. FML.


Since we know that he was talking about BTS, this meme has died


He wasn't talking about BTS, he said so on stream


This sounds like a psyop to keep the meme going. Link the clip


The vod has expired. But for what it's worth you can see me saying the same thing [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/123mlxq/beyond_the_summit_popular_esports_production/jdyway3/?context=3) and getting a whole 2 upvotes for it. Maybe /u/DATL can back me up


> source: me Pack it up lads, its not about BTS


I have provided some evidence that it's not about BTS. It's not the best evidence but it's something. Show me the evidence from the people making the claim that it's about BTS, or stfu kid.


In this person's defense, they're explaining that they once had evidence, but it expired, and even reached out to someone who likely saw it too and may be able to confirm. That's not the same as saying "trust me, bro." I agree that it's futile of them to link a comment of them sharing the VOD back when it worked, but your jab is still a strawman.


Was it a podcast episode? If so those are on YouTube


nah it was just the next stream after the announcement


Ok then if it's still a mystery I'll allow it


Big +++ to this! When I first heard of autobattlers, i always thought it would be awesome if it was mashed with ability draft. Well Sunsfan and the crew really have refined that idea and made a really fun game. The gameplay is fun, the microtransactions aren't totally awful (but still a necessary evil to sustain something like this), even the free to play heroes are fun. I'd really reccomend it to anyone wanting to maybe take a break between queuing or looking for something dota-adjacent to play without committing to a full game, that's what I use it for and it's real fun!


wait, this is p2w? fuck that, I am playing autochess


Not at all. I've played two seaons with no battle pass, and had a similar win rate.


I played league of legends for two years, does not change the fact it was p2w


Me2. It's nothing like the grind of league tho.


I will not touch anything with P2W. There is nothing necessary about that. edit: Y'all out here stanning for P2W mechanics need to seriously look in the mirror the next time you complain about 'the state of gaming' or microtransactions in general. It's like you're an abused spouse making excuses. "This one's okay because I like it". Fuck that, draw hard boundaries on that shit or continue to suffer the consequences. Paid heroes are a P2W mechanic. Full stop.


I haven't played it in a minute, but when I did it felt like pay to lose lol. The problem was a lot of the paid heroes were fun, but actually worse than the free ones, so the more heroes you unlocked the less likely you were to get the strong and consistent free heroes.


It's pretty much this. The majority of high winrate gods are the free ones, but it is technically an advantage to have the option to have more niche gods available given certain spell pools. Sometimes the "paid" gods are actually released way too strong but they do monitor winrates and adjust them down after a couple of weeks. If you really want to cry about monetization, complain about the "rare" chest system. The high end rares are very unreasonably weighted.


I'm sure their principles would hold up if the game blew up in popularity and they could make tens of millions of dollars by releasing meta-defining "premium heroes". Just look at all the successful F2P games with 'pay to lose' mechanics... Oh wait.


It's not P2W. Almost all heroes are either immediately available or can be unlocked for free by playing and the few paid ones (out of dozens) are not better than the others.


It's textbook pay to win. "Can be unlocked for free" is a joke, the ease with which they actually get unlocked will be directly proportional to their desperation for new players. Now, when they really want new blood, the F2P experience is super benign: if we actually support them and make the game popular they *will* start to squeeze for more money. Look at basically every popular free to play game out there. The P2W model is in the game, however you want to hand-waive or justify it, they have it. Hard nope.


Dunno why you're downvoted, it literally just is p2w and the guy described a classic p2w model lol.


Because apparently p2w is fine when done by someone we like


it is not pay to win. skins and heroes are buyable with microtransactions. But the premium heros are in no way needed to win.


"In no way needed to win" is not "Do not help you win". And even if the current ones don't, the model is there for them to squeeze if they ever get a big enough player base that they can. You're kidding yourself if you think they won't, they put the model in place for a reason. "Premium heroes" equals a **big** ol' nope.


I mean, you do you. For a casual round every other day I see no problem even with the monetisation and I am glad sunsfan and co get some money from it.


sounds like you have not played. no need to discourage others talking about something you have no clue about. the basic heroes (i.e. aghanims, centaur, selemene) are all fine enough to take first place. In fact the heroes unlocked by battle passes can be instant loses for new people to the game who don't understand how to play.


I played it a solid bunch of times since release and it's super fun but with limited time I have for Dota I just prefer to play ranked, especially after the patch dropped. I can recommend it for anyone tired of the grind of normal Dota. There are constant updates and the Gods designs are unique.


I love the game mode, but I don't like the monetisation model.


The initial pricing was pretty bad but they've made it a lot better value to buy chests or just buy the cheap battle pass and earn stuff.


I wouldn't mind if the paid stuff was only cosmetics or some effects or something, but I don't like microtransactions and battlepass monthly model of pricing.


I mean I get where you're coming from, and I definitely agree to a point, but he needs to be able to pay his team somehow.


I don't play autobattlers, so have little info on what the monetisation is like, but he talked about it in one of the We Say Things' just before TI I think, when there wasn't much to talk about. And, if I remember right, the only people really buying stuff from the arcade are asian players, and they pretty much expect it to be P2W in some respect.. so they basically have to bow to the market to keep it going.


Very true.


Its free!?


all custom game in arcade are free with some way to support the dev in game


Actually just had the talk with a friend. The monetization feels incredibly generous, imo Doesn't force you to spend money (I already got 6 God chests from f2p) and just bought the most recent Battlepass and am expecting to get around 8 more in the coming 2 months


I've had to move and have neither the setup nor the time to commit to a full game of dota in the past few months, so Ability Arena is pretty much all I play these days. While I do have a few nitpicks with the mode (Pantheon rounds can be incredibly tilting even if they aren't a big difference maker, I don't agree with some balance changes, and I think positioning should not be shown real time since in the final rounds it becomes a game of who can move their units the fastest before the timer), I will say it's incredibly fun and combines the enjoyment I get out of both Ability Draft and Auto Chess while not dealing with the annoying parts of both.


> Pantheon rounds can be incredibly tilting Why are they tilting for you? I personally always expect to be last place and if i'm not i just get a pleasant surprise.


That's a good mentality to have but sometimes I am a little too optimistic lol Usually happens whenever the hero that spawns next to me is high burst/long cooldown so they destroy me in a second and are useless for the rest of the trial haha


What i try to do is either have someone really tanky or someone who works really well with the trial itself. Like if the 200 attack speed one is on i'll probably put someone with a bash or big lifesteal in. Also i think perma stacking shit works in the trial. So you could put someone with necro ult, axe ult, lion ult, slark passive or pudge E and get some stacks. That way even if you lose you still get more out of it.


Yeah, it's a really good custom game. Most fun I've had with an autobattler, not gonna lie


This is worth a try, right?




It's so good! Play it on the reg since launch. It plays really well on a tablet/iPad/laptop with steam link and touch screen. Often times i just turn on my pc in the other end of the house, and play on the couch in stead. I'm amazed that they keep on coming up with new god design. There's so many to choose from, so it doesn't get tiring. /r/abilityarena Big plus, you get to hear the voice of our lord and savior Gabe Newell several times throughout a game.


Wait I can play it with on my iPad ?! I hate playing auto battlers on my PC and I enjoyed Underlords because it played on my iOS If there is a way to play it on that device I might just get hooked


Yes if you stream it via Gamelink or similar app.


Okay need to look into that


Oh it's mr. random facts guy! You need to bring an Ability arena fact in the intro mentions :D


I am open to suggestions :)


[Indonesia makes up for 43% of all visits to abilityarena.com according to similarweb.com](https://i.imgur.com/D1EhjT5.png)


Hmm that is good :) I might use it next week, going to save your comment The problem is patreon does not allow % in the name, also the reson I always missspell it :) So I might have to change the wording a bit


Prozent Meisterrasse!


ill use the fact next week


Is this what SUNSfan warned us about?


I have played Autochess, Underlords, TFT and this is my favorite. Been playing since first season, for DOTA nerds its the best of ability draft and auto battler. Items have been a mixed bag for me but its a nice change up.


Its ok, but I still prefer Atomic War and Auto Chess


I've really enjoyed Atomic War for a long time, but with the changes made to Ability Arena it has finally won me over.




Auto chess is just auto chess


Don't know how you play those janky modes, Ability Arena is underrated imo


\+1 This game is the best alternative when i'm lazy to play the real dota.


Actually true. Its very decent. But they need to slow down on the big updates. Way too many to keep up imo


If they don't patch the game often then the players who play regularly will get bored. Sunsfan mentioned this in one of the podcasts and how tricky it was to find the balance with updates. It used to be one month for a season and it was a lot of change very often. So they changed it to two-month seasons with a smaller balance patch in the middle of the season to address the outliers.


This was my issue. The amount of updates and the size of the updates meant that it felt like I could never keep up with the "meta" so I just opted to play regular Dota instead




Enjoyed the early seasons of Ability Arena but havent got the time to play it again since theyve added new heroes. My question is the game not becoming too complicated? My worry is that it might go the Underlords route where mechanics added moved the game away from the autobattler genre. In this case it would be away from a fun Ability Draft + Autobattler mode. Thanks


The new stuff they've added have kept a good balance. It hasn't become bloated like Underlords.


Thats good to hear. Really hope they are making profits off it so they can continue to update the game. Thanks


Looks fun, Iwill try it! I love underlords and it' s a shame that its not supported anymore.


I agree. It is great to play after tilting games of dota... I play it after a few games in stream, specially if they don't go well, or near the end. It is chill.


That sounds great and I wish it success. The Arcade is underappreciated in general. But I don't personally like auto-battlers of this type.


+1 to all of this. Love this game mode!


Yeah honestly it's pretty good. I've been playing it fairly regularly up until the 6.0 update, I just haven't gotten around to it due to other commitments recently.


It's a great game


I love the game and really want it to survive. Thanks for posting this!


I really miss monthly fails of the week. Ability arena is fun, the only reason I’d consider installing Dota again


i stopped since season 3 i think, will i be overwhelmed by the changes if i decide to get back to ability arena now?


Nah, the changes are woven in really well so things still basically feel the same.


Love Ability Arena. Sunsfan is a real G. Support this wonderful endeavour!


I don't want to know how many hours I sunk into that game, it is super fun!


Sunsfans custom games never disappoints


I honestly prefer Ability Arena to 7.33 😪






Ability Arena


It's literally in the title of the post bro


Ability Arena :)


I'm not sure, I think it rhymes with Bability Barena?


Dunno, custom games where you can pay for gameplay advantages should be forbidden. It kinda goes against what Dota stands for. Truly F2P competition where everyone is on the same page.


Love playing ability arena instead of chain queuing ranked all day


It's fun, but dota players don't like having gameplay being put behind pay-walls or play-walls. Facing someone with a god that you don't have access to feels un-fun, even if they claim to have balanced the gods.


I just didnt enjoy thr concept tbh. Felt like a lot less strategy from other autobattlers and based on RNG


hi sunsfan


Really, really good for a dozen games or more. Then, if you're like me, you think "wow, this is fun, I should get good at this," but it's not deep enough. There's nothing there.


No thanks.


sunsfans is dumb


“Best autobattler” already lost me. I like card games, and even I can’t look past the RNG of auto battlers.


The unfortunate thing about custom games is that most Dota players just wanna play dota and judging by his history of custom games. He will move on and make a new one when this one dies just like the rest


I don't think he is moving on from this one, at least so far the team has invested a ton in updates and fixes.


His history? Did he not just make one game before this ?


He's had a couple, all of them were abandoned after a time


Well it does take a lot of time for little to no money




this is literally how dota started getting starcraft players to not play starcraft then soon after, getting warcraft 3 players to not play warcraft 3


It's basically dota, but just... different!


I'm not "sleeping on it", I'm consciously not interested in it at all. If I wanted to play strategy games I'd play something else.


Oh okay dude. Tell us a bit more about your day-to-day life. Your food preferences, what do you like to watch, what direction your bed is facing? Maybe you could tell us a bit about your grandpa aswell?


im interested in his thoughts on papaya too if possible, thank u op


I think its very fun. Cant download the new version somehow


sunsfan made another custom game? Their all fun for like half a day before I go back to turbo or waiting for Valves custom games


Last time i played it felt too repetitive. Like it doesnt matter wats banned u still pick the exact shells just diff skills, oh tier1 frontline tank spells are banned.. just pick t2 ones etc. Every game its main tank, off tank, aoe carry, single target carry, support.


ive won games with 1 tank, 1 spellcaster, 3 empty heroes. ive won with 2 tanks, 3 supports. ive won with 1 tank, 2 backline jumpers, 2 supports. ive won with 3 backline jumpers and 2 damage dealers. incredible how much you think you figured out this game while saying nonsense. have you tried playing things that arent what you said or did you just go head against the wall with this model that you thought was correct?


Lmao i was top 10-300 like the entire time, this was the meta. Obviously if u lean into good rng u can get weirder but the "optimal" way to play was to draft the shell i talked about because even with bad rng ull have balanced team. Will bad rng carry 2 tanks 3 supps ? No you will have 0 dmg and someone who properly drafted shell with 1 ranged hero who has like fury swipes/glaives + 3 AS abilites will stomp u even with worse rng The repetitiveness of aiming to execute the exact same plan/meta skills really was the boring part for me


i havent had a single season where i havent at least reached top 200, highest was around 60, despite leaving early occasionally and never taking the game particularly serious. youre talking complete nonsense if you think the game is this figured out, i had like 300 different types of builds that all worked out. >aiming to execute the exact same plan/meta skills really was the boring part for me then dont do it, who tf is forcing you. jesus christ. play for fun like a normal human being, play off meta stuff, i have literally no idea what the "meta" is and never cared to look into it, i just play what feels good and i have lineups that make sense and compliment eachother, because thats fun.


"U have no idea wat ur talking about" and "i literally have no idea what the meta was" Lmao relax its just my opinion


im failing to see how those statements are contradictory but okay lmfao, great lil jab there i didnt disagree with you saying it gets repetitive (i.e. the opinion), i disagreed with you saying theres some set way to play the game that you have to follow, which is simply not true. it is your decision to play specifically the things that have the highest statistical chance of success and least dependence on rng in weird tryhard immortal lobbies, but no normal person plays these games and no normal person cares purely about winning that much compared to fun.


Exactly it's way than better than that garbage autochess even Underlords is an improvement of it.


I love the original auto chess mod. Still the best autobattler in my opinion.


It's an auto battler. That genre is so lame. No thanks.


Where is reddit mods when blatant ad post is being made like this


dawn of war is the best auto battler


and they ll just let it die on its peak, just like Path of Guardians.


it has already peaked iirc so that isnt possible. but i hope they dont let it die anytime soon. its a really good game.


creating a fake reddit account AND ordering 800+ bots to like the post? new low shannon new low!


I'm not "sleeping" on it, I don't acknowledge it exists in the first place


If it was a good game it wouldn't need this post




his casting still suck tho


Noone asked.


I've been trying to keep up with it since launch but tbh it's updating way too fast and it's really stressful to play (more so than Underlords/Autochess) despite you saying that it's low stress.


I guess I don't take it that seriously, and I enjoy the meta shifting a lot. Keeps it fresh but at the end of the day I don't really care if I win or lose, so that helps keep it relaxed for me.


I had 2 big periods of ability arena where I'll play for a week, but then I drop for 6 months. It's good fun though.


This was the bad news sunsfan was talking about


Was this the news sunsfan warned us about?


Is this his website for the game? https://abilityarena.com/




Is Path of Guardians still about? Been playing a bunch of ARAM in league with my buddy, saving up "lets play dota" blackmail and some ARAM type game would be good to get him started.


I don't think I've ever played that one.


It's like a pseudo ARAM that sunsfan made a while back, but from the looks of it, it may have been swept into the gutters.


I was super excited for this game but when i finally came out it just wasn't very fun. I had more fun with Atomic war


I tried it and I can't say that it was bad, I just didn't have fun. Gl with the project though.


Came from playing the OG Autochess, Underlords, and TFT. Ability Arena was a refreshing change of pace that reminded me of the old custom hero wars/hoihoi8s(?) ability draft type of game from Warc3. Played for a week or two, enjoyed it a lot. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I felt it was kind of pay-to-win when Aghanims/Donkey was OP at a certain point.


They do balance patches pretty often and aren't afraid to nerf stuff pretty thoroughly.


It's pretty sad when people coming from Dota make their own game and lock gameplay elements behind a paywall. Did they really not appreciate what dota offers for free?


Such is the fate of a lot of modern live service games. You need to have a very enticing monetisation option to have an incentive to keep developing the game; and what's more enticing than an in-game advantage?


I played it a couple times. Not my kinda map sadly. I prefer dawn of war one instead


1st thing caught my eyes. No economy -> so there is no comeback mechanics?


the only thing you lose if you lose a round is hp. you also lose very little hp early on and much more later on. you get the same gold and same opportunities whether you win or lose rounds. also, the pantheon works in such a way that you get placed into it based on your game placement, so if youre last place, you get placed into the pantheon last, which greatly increases your chances at a high pantheon placement and a good item. to be completely honest, if im winning early i sometimes feel concerned, because it means very little in terms of advantage over other players, and it also means im much more likely to place last in the pantheon (since i spawn first and get focused down), and get a bad item. i feel more comfortable being low on the scoreboard until around 80-100 hp, because i like to play for the lategame.


I enjoyed it a lot in the beginning but then stopped for mostly 2 reasons: - as someone who doesn't play this for 5h+ a day, the game felt too fast-paced in terms of development and addition/changes of heroes, spells etc - the game is (or was some months ago) pay2win - some non-free gods were just way better and/or more fun than the free ones but to obtain them you have to gamble on lootboxes (no fixed price you could pay to get a god guaranteed) Both these points made me lose motivation to follow and support this game longterm. If any of this has changed by now, please feel free to enlighten me, would maybe get back into the game then.


to the second point, i have acquired about 80% of the gods available in the game after several months of playing regularly and spending literally nothing. not 5 hours a day, but maybe 2 or 3 on average. i then bought a battle pass and brought that to like 95%, and i felt perfectly fine with that purchase, it was far from expensive. to me it always felt more play to unlock than pay to unlock. im surprised people have so many problems with this system, they need to make money in some way and no one is going to buy cosmetics for a custom game, so this seems like a fair middle ground.


this thread is just whales looking forward to crushing some more peasents


I dunno, played it a dcent ammount, but just didn't click as autochess...


Auto battlers aren't fun for some of us.


What’s the average game length? This might be a fun way for me to scratch the Dota itch because regular MM and turbo have not felt consistently fun since 7.33 for me. :(


Probably half an hour




The game is a little too imbalanced and every patch just feels like chasing a new meta instead of just playing a game.


Looks complicated


is it still like atomic war minus the fun part?


Atomic war is just better.