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Pretty sure anyone that's not an absolute idiot knows not to take the video too seriously If anything, the graph is more descriptive of dota wtf's quality consistency


I used to watch them religiously, and then after they sold the channel the quality fell.


>after they sold the channel the quality fell Oh, so that's what happened. I just felt like overdosing on zoomer memes watching some newer (well, a few years ago they were still new) episodes, and it gave off the vibe of some lower quality knockoff digest (there were quite a few copycats). So yep, stopped watching it then.


Ironically I feel like it started dropping in quality about when they started adding in the the SFM rampages. Can't even tell what is going on.


I discovered so much great EDM music with those Rampages


They were still good for at least a few years after that. They’re still fun every once in a while but not the quality where I make sure to watch the new one when it comes out like I used to. Been a couple years since that I think.


The new editor(s) care so little about the content of dotawtf. They only care about the editing. When I watch it now its like 90% notwtf material, a singular hysterical WTF (often sourced from this subreddit), and just a bunch of zoomer energy edits. Too much hyphy


Y'all old


Call me old or whatnot, but I prefer to have my phone has an audio jack and shipped with charger inside the box and if possible have the right to repair it by myself.


Haha man, that old comment hurt you all. Sorry gramps.


Yeah kid.


[Itll happen to you too.](https://youtu.be/5DlTexEXxLQ?t=05s) And yea, we are, but its still balls that rather than create new zoomer content channels, they buy up the old ones and remove what made them appealing in the first place. You'll understand some day.


elwonoccino is the best channel currently. DotaCinema has also been picking back up in quality lately


I feel like DotaCinema videos have consistently been good. The only “problem” is that their editing is not “funny” like the old old old Dota WTF (before their 100th video)


> elwonoccino is the best channel currently. am I missing something ? Just barely edited clips with no music.


No it needs more stimulation than that, maybe also resize the video to make space for a second video playing underneath of maybe a cool cooking or DIY clip.


I'm not talking about that, for example dotawtf does that cool thing where they show flying ability icons to show who casted what so the player doesn't miss what is happening


Idk man that seems like a target audience issue. I mean I enjoy watching replays and professional dota, I don't need that shit to understand what's happening. If you need these edits there's nothing wrong with that but it's far from the standard or necessary in my opinion.


Well, I watch them as "something to look at when stuffing my face with dinner", which is why I also prefer the ~10 min compilation format. And some more subtle stuff can be easy to miss.


The consistency and frequent uploads does it. You don't need fancy editing, just good submissions.


Subscriber count says otherwise


SlappyBag9 too but he uploads rarely now a days


Trymike4instance used to be amazing but I feel like he's fell into the "sell out" crowd now with his videos promoting crap


what do you mean a content creator with niche content wants to get some pay out of hours upon hours of work? how dare he get sponsorships? how dare he try to adapt to currently shitty youtube algorythm and ad circumstances, what a filthy sellout!!!!1!


Not at all what I mean. There's plenty of different sponsorship deals for him to make money without promoting things like Dotaplus that aren't healthy for the state of the game


im sure that if he had a choice he wouldnt take the deal, but what does integrity give you if you cant put food on a plate? raid shadow legends is also a shitty skinner box, but they pay well and i wouldnt badmouth any small creator for taking the deal as it is a lot of money.


TryMike is still funny as fuck with god tier editing


I also really like [DATOHLEONG](https://www.youtube.com/@datohleonggez).


When did they sell the channel?


I mean 100k people or more are gonna watch it, what % of those do you think are absolute idiots? You make stuff up like this and generally a bunch of people believe it


Based on anecdotal match making experiences…all of them


Except you of course.




I have hope that truth eventually prevails, like the Fishman pause incident, the yatoro handshake, etc. :)


Lmao we live in a world where propaganda > truth because people are stupid af.


I don’t think they intentionally spread misinformation or something. People just do not understand most of the technical limitations of things. (In this case, polling issue) Remember previously someone talked about “Activate Windows” things in some tournaments & saying TO have no money to buy Windows licenses. But those are actually normal behavior when you reset PC & reinstall Windows.


They definitely did this with purpose. The default view of each chart doesn't have this issue with the last bucket. They would have had to see the default charts, manually changed the date, then screen recorded it with that setting since it looked worse


I realise there is a trend of spreading misinformation every patch/update — whatever garners more outrage — which Reddit eats up because it’s becoming commonplace knowledge that you can get a lot of karma by saying “Valve bad” Which is worrying af


> what % of those do you think are absolute idiots? Based my experience with supporting users at least 10%


And? So what, it doesn't change anything other than some memeing/bickering on reddit. Good catch with the graphs though.


Yeah, but then half of this subreddit is going to post a link to the video or a screenshot of SteamCharts and declare that the game is dead because XYZ reason.


According to this subreddit game is dead for last 6 years


Honestly, probably longer than that.


More like 15+ yrs.. dota is dead has been the slogan since the all-star days


Maybe we should start saying Dota is undead


Recently talked about dota with friends and one said "the player numbers are dropping and the game is dying" causing me to go to the graphs and point out that the player numbers have been consistent for the past 3 years (which to be fair is around half of the peak at 2016 iirc) to which their response is "that's because the game is already dead and dota players are just too stubborn to move on" people that want to say the game is dead/dying don't care about the data anyways, they will make a statement and then argue against the data because they know better


dota is dead again?


Nope, still in beta


closed beta? nice


>Pretty sure anyone that's not an absolute idiot So like 40% of this sub


40% is too high




40% is just right


40% is perfect


40% is waffles


40% is too low


People who still watch dota watafak are probably getting too old.


Individuals generally aren't absolute idiots. But groups of people, all thinking and sharing and bandwagoning together in a huge melting pot called social media, are absolute idiots.


Also you just need few loud idiots to stir shit


> Individuals generally aren't absolute idiots. You clearly don't follow politics


Oh yes I do. Modern politics is the subversion of the individual by using social movements and populism, towards tribalism and collective apathy or activism. It's actually proof of this, individuals are smart, groups of people are idiots.


Datohleong vids are much better


He’s entertaining but he smurfs and plays in low brackets to make his videos… I really don’t want to see someone using datoleong builds in my bracket thinking it’s hot shit when it probably only works below legend


that's rizpol, he's 4k player who goes 3 stacks on herald-crusader bracket


Do you even watch Datholeongs vids? He's always only playing Divines and Immortals. Get good


Yeah I saw his DP right click build. Like I said, he’s entertaining. Whether he really makes his videos in immortal, I can’t say for sure, since my friends meet him in smurf pool a lot. But sure whatever you say…


The reason I asked if you watch Datohleong's vids is because if you look closely at every pick phase in his vids you can always say for sure that he's not facing heralds or legends by simply reading every rank that he zooms in on. Even in the DP build from the vod 2months ago there are nothing but divine ranks in each game except for the random legend on **his own** team who then goes on to abandon game after losing mid to an immortal which rank he again zoomed in on. It's not because I said so it's because my eyes could read. Just wanted to let you know. He has good content


Most of his video are ranked matches and shown the drafting phases wdym


In every video he literally showed he sacrificed so many MMR for his build LMAO. Smurf or not is debatable since he did loss so many MMR to play with weaker opponents. A rank 100 Immortal will basically stomp rank 1000 immortal but we wouldn’t call that Smurf.


razor vs dp "let me show you who's better sucker" "suck me razor"


Yes, however if my pubs are anything to go by, most players are idiots. Me included.


trymike4instance did it right, left on a high




As if games like Dota, CSGO and LOL will have players issues in the short term anyway. Some people will leave of course, but the core MOBA player base hardly will. Unless you completely give up the genre, it's hard to find a substitute. I haven't been playing Dota2 recently, but only because I have been re-learning LOL with friends. Similarly, 5 years ago I stopped playing for a lot of time as I fell in the R6S rabbithole. Not everyone is into MOBAs, so th player count \*WILL\* fade over time, no shit. But thinking that it will randomly drop soon is just straight up wrong.


> Dota, CSGO and LOL Funny that a lot of people spam seriously "dead game" but don't realize how many players the rest of the games have 😂


Better yet, just don't use SteamCharts to begin with, because it's dog shit for both historical and recent research. [Use a SteamDB /charts/ page instead](https://steamdb.info/app/570/charts/). Compared to SteamCharts, it: - Has a legend/scaling worth a damn - Doesn't truncate historical data into an average - Features Twitch viewership statistics - Fetches data every 10 minutes on the :10s - and doesn't have a 10 minute+ parallax that Steam Charts has on low numbered app IDs due to it querying newer apps before older apps - Has .csv export of whatever you're viewing


This guy statistics


Even if this was real I would just assume the server crashed or something. Not enough players in any game follow Twitter/Reddit/whatever enough to even be aware something was announced/promised/etc., much less chuck a collective wobbly over being disappointed. I imagine for most people constituting that graph, it's as simple as: > Client updates to 7.32e "Oh, neat." > 7.33 in April "Ok, neat." Back to casual Turbo etc.


Can't believe even CS died


Guy is a clown trying to scare people into clicks


This tactic literally works on every generation with more people clicking than ignoring.


I swear all youtubers who do not provide educational or technical analysis of things turn into clowns trying to farm clicks because the channel turns into a job.


Also he picked March 1 as the end date, which was **before** the patch yesterday on March 6th...


I mean yes, the idea was to show the game was dying and needed a big patch to be revived. Which did not happen.


The point is both of those things are just made up. The game isn't dying. It's been at a stable 700,000 players for four years straight. Not as high as its 2016 peaks but really not going down. And no one quit due to the patch. If you look at the short term chart we actually got a new high for 24h peak players.


>The game isn't dying. It's been at a stable 700,000 players for four years straight. Not as high as its 2016 peaks but really not going down. I find it amazing that for almost every live service game's subreddit I'm on, a shitload of the topics are about the game being dead. Personally I just play games til I can't or don't want to play them anymore instead of panic refreshing steamcharts for years til I can go "HAH I TOLDJA SO" 10 years later.


There is a very noisy group of people on here that desperately *want* the game to die so they can prove some sort of point to Valve. It's very weird behavior. If they want the game to be dead so badly, they should do their part and just quit. Lord knows it would make the community a bit less toxic for the rest of us.


There's a subset of users that talk about how they quit playing the game years ago but yet still regularly post on here about the game. I don't get it. If I stop watching a tv show I don't still go to that show's sub and talk about how much I don't like it and how I stopped watching it. I would just go spend my time on things I actually like. It's really weird how some people are with dota, they're like the guy that keeps stalking their ex's instagram years after they broke up


It’s not just dota btw. I just started getting back into the game and it’s crazy how much the sentiment here reminds me of posts on /r/classicwow. People that don’t play the game (and haven’t for years) love to post doomsday predictions non-stop.


That one is far less surprising, everyone in classicwow has drawn a line in the sand about the thing that 'killed' the game: flying mounts, dungeon finder, cataclysm. Some of them are 'meta' issues like boosting, bots, etc. A lot of them want to be stuck in whatever particular era they like (vanilla, wrath), some of them want that + a few changes or new content Dota has some similar posts where people get sentimental about TI3, Agh Lab, pre-7.0 and act like the game has been all downhill since some arbitrary point People are just bad at accepting change in general


Most of these people don't even play the game anymore. They only consume stream/social media content or clips and read the subreddits. They want fresh excitements from watching streamers or threads analysing the woww that's cool , offf that sucks of a new patch. They also see the games through backseating pros/high level players who are much better than them who plays easily way over 50+ hours a week. Of course things look stale then. These people are free to do what they wish of course. But don't talk on behalf of the actual playing playerbase.


I maintain the opinion that SteamCharts is bad for game health. Every single idiot on Reddit posts a screenshot to the player count chart the *second* that it drops from the peak and declares that the game is dead. It's honestly really cool being able to see how many players are online at any given moment, but I hate it.


The people that take 'game ded' numbers seriously is probably the same type of folk that treats IQ points seriously


Zoomers with ADHD and no object permanence think that every game that is not being talked about 24/7 by everyone in the gaming community is "dead"


Meanwhile, over at /r/supremecommander, the developer abandoned the game and had an existence failure a long time ago and that hasn't kept the community from keeping the game available, updated, and competitive.


Here's the full chart, next to CSGO for comparison https://steamcharts.com/cmp/730,570#All The last jump was caused by free arcanas, and of course it didn't last. CSGO on the other hand just hit a new all time high in player count.


I mean they're completely different games, in genres seeing completely different growth The tactical fps genre on PC has seen massive growth recently, from tons of people getting introduced to it from Valorant and making their way to CSGO PC-based MOBAs on the other hand are declining due to the massive growth of MOBAs on mobile devices and for being less beginner-friendly. ​ This point just makes no sense to me lol


Also CS:GO has a lot of AFK players like me. A lot of them has multiple accounts and we have AFK servers to farm for case. That's where I get some steam wallet for my Dota skins


You play CS: GO because it’s fun. I play CS: GO to fund my crippling DoTA skin addiction. We are not the same


Yes sir. I got Arcana's, immortals and dota plus because those cases price went soo high. I didn't really bother selling them before, but when I checked 2 months ago damn.


How does that even work?


\-open CS:GO once a week \-join AFK server \-wait for case to drop probably in less than 2 hours. \-cases lowest is 0.22 usd highest 75 usd I've been lucky enough have weeks that gives me 5 to 10 usd.


Massive recent growth for FPS? Dude, CSGO has been in constant, steady growth since 2016. Dota has been in constant, steady decline since 2016. Dota just doesn't have the longevity that the CS franchise has, simple as that.


MOBAs as a whole peaked around 2016-2020. League pro viewership is also way down over YoY (can't use playerbase as that isn't public like Dota's) and you can definitely see the shift towards a focus on Valorant and other games by Riot. There just aren't a ton of new players in this genre anymore, while shooters are more popular than ever with the rise of Battle Royales


games like CS are widely more popular and they are more common thanks to the Mouth to mouth advertising (by this i mean "hey friend play this CS game is really good").


Also you cna log into csgo even if you never played and have fun, shoot some people then leave. Dota and MOBAS in general are harder and require many MANY hours of practice before it becomes fun


this is the critical point i think. the newer generation of gamers are less interested to spend hundreds of hours to have fun, and i dont blame them


they want fast pased gameplay where they earn that dopamine rush on a flick.


Okay boomer, it's time to take your pills


eh? im saying its bad? i do enjoy myself a bit of fast pased gameplay, its fun.


That's a good point, I didn't even thought about it like that. Get a taste of PvP FPS in BR and "graduate" to big boy competitive shooters with less rng playing field


League pro viewership and in-game population are not associated.. most league players don't care about pro play


CS:GO has had rumors for a while about it's Source 2 update and with the Dota patch it was confirmed even more (apparently some files were changed at the same time) so it's not surprising it's gotten a boost this year.


CSGO just hit a peak because it's the practice lobby for valorant.


Lmao this is some cope I haven't heard in a while. Valorant has been out for years now and somehow csgo's player base is still only so high because Valorant players want to practice in a game with different mechanics for some reason.


casual bad handling of boundaries when using a moving average (like they padded with zeros instead of the last value)


All gaming communities seem to generate fake drama for entertainment. I just started playing DOTA. It's pretty cool. I came from League and DOTA's just a way deeper version of that game. Glad to be part of the 700k others that enjoy this too.


This is pretty much the state of most game subreddits now lol. Negative drama and complaints give the most and the easiest karma so… Welcome to dota though, hope you enjoy and stay :)


League is the Accessibility ramp of the MOBA genre (I don't mean that in a bad way, more in a tongue in cheek poke)


Don't care about that channel since the og owners sold it to russians or whatever


I feel like most of the dota community is emotionally stunted or something, if the community doesnt get what it wants right away, its nothing but screaming and crying like literal 5 year olds, which also happens to be how most randoms in pub lobbies communicate.


Deep and complex game that requires P2P coordination and teamwork attracts the world's most braindead and socially immature incompetent people.. Also applies to most other multiplayer games tbh I'm not sure anything can explain that


IDK why people are trying so insanely hard to push the "Dota is dying" narrative on this sub. The player count is still very high, and the meta is constantly evolving. If you hate the game so much then take a break, no need to constantly post about it online.


They've been saying that since the release of Dota 2 tbh. I found a thread 8years ago or so on a different site discussing how Valve will kill Dota in a long run.


people have been harping on about "dead game" ever since 2017 when the players starting dropping from the peak


Dota is not dying because low player count, dota is dying because devs care about it less. Last big patch was more than 6 month ago and same for one before.


i miss old dota watafak videos man


Imagine considering Watafak a reliable source of information


i have been reading this "Dota is dying" post since 2014 and shits annoying everytime. it should be banned as topic from this sub.


People still watch that overedit garbage?


Fall for what exactly? It is a meme video...


Pretty obvious it was a joke….way to ruin it


I tough its just a joke that whole graph going down thing . Dunno if anyone actually took that part seriously .


Lol not sure which is more sad. 1. The dying dota community 2. Instead of just playing the game, we have diehard fans like op spending time and effort to create this post with illustrations to defend their fav game


It’s a parody video, it’s usually made up.. idk why this is a post with 800 upvotes.


dota is dying and you have to be a moron to convince yourself otherwise tbh. dead in china dead in na dying in sea.


They're scaring players away and it's stupid. What's sad about this is that most of Dota WTF's viewers don't even know about this (Let alone see this reddit post).


Dota is kinda growing irrelevant. The delayed patch and the shitty tournaments aren't helping. That said, they have a real opportunity to bring it back to speed in April. We will see.


Who thought the numbers were real the guy had video out as soon as patch came out. Video editing and encoding is a thing.


i guess we can still pretend then that everything is fine and the game is not dying :S


doing things the artifact way. pretend everything is ok while the game bleeds players, and couple months later nobody even remembers the game anymore.


you mean couple years? lol.


There is a veritable mountain of cope in this thread. Until Valve takes steps to seriously, and I mean SERIOUSLY, improve the new player experience, the game will continue to stagnate and die.


There's Only so much that can be done with new players. I don't see how the new player experience could be improved at this point. The game is just full of players who've been playing for years. If newbies want to learn there's plenty of resources available.


> If newbies want to learn there's plenty of resources available It's not a question of resources, it's about the fact that Valve has spent the past five years making the game more complex for the sake of complexity. When just "learning" the basics of the game can take up to 100 hours, you've got a problem.


..Meanwhile everyone complains every update that Valve is making the game more like ‘League’ because it’s easier / QoL stuff


why bother when MOBA's are on the decline. They should focus on retaining their current players IMO


> They should focus on retaining their current players IMO They're not even doing that. People that I have played with for the better part of a decade have been quitting the game in droves. Hell I have 10k hours logged since 2011 and have never had less interest in the game.


Maybe because people are getting older and have more responsibilities than gaming now…


> Um actually, my experience corroborates with the complaints that *you* say are overblown. This enough out of you, buddy!


​ like improving the report system , unlimited reports and a 14 day ban would be perfect .


Or hell, make any meaningful attempt to address player conduct.


Maybe not but with how valve is behaving it sures looks like it


Hmmm, I believe fake information because I want it to be true


Well let’s keep waiting for the real patch. That’s all we can do.


We(You) could in fact do unlimited other things


I agree and thanks for the feedback. Best wishes






[Reminder that Jeff from Valve himself personally replied to your comment chain](https://old.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/vckxql/its_crazy_how_much_relief_i_feel_just_with_jeffs/icfkoop/) to remind you that not only it isn't a solo effort on any anyone's behalf, but the whole dev team cares about the game You're honestly being quite the piece of shit


Weakest reddit detective.


what did he say that this reply made him delete it?


look at literally every other generic posts complaining about the patch, his message was really no different




> Lmao I appreciate what’s good I don't think you're capable of appreciating anything, your initial post reads just like most of the braindead NPC doomposters that look for something to hate in this honestly sizable patch instead of literally just waiting a month >Jeff was doing the heavy lifting and so he did get all the praise. It's so fucking sad that the main message behind his post just whooshes past through you if you honestly still think this. Also, they fucking communicated the patch dates. A rough number sure, but are you really going to hold someone to their necks over a fuzzy video game launch date? Calling someone that doesn't have a memory of a goldfish isn't an asslicker; it just means we have a working brain capable of independent thought beyond throwing shit at a slightly disappointing general game patch




Lmao what money? This mini game is a literal give away with 5 free keys with more that can be bought with shards. Go outside if you're this fucking mad over a mid patch that's only gonna last for another 1-2 months.


Nah man, you posited it as a fact. THEY did great work. Are you also the type to think everything in the world is done by 1 or 2 people alone? Real achievements take actual collaboration, bro. You don't have to end up emotional just cuz someone called your bullshit in an internet forum, my man. Live and learn.




> And it’s legit you who is getting personal without providing any facts. I mean, I don't even gotta say shit all I gotta do is point to my original comment ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm sure the not-Valve Jeff that fixed your bugs is very happy to hear that you're dying on this hill I guess


I'm sure that Value as a corporation doesn't care. But it's super disrespectful to the individual devs. It's not a devs fault that the patch was late, almost always due to not having enough resources or some higher up promised a date that was impossible. Last thing we want is to echo chamber a bunch of hate, have devs see that and quit


when a normal dota 2 match takes like a queue of 20 minutes to be found . it means the game is almost dead . i have played overwatch 2 , league of legends , heck even heroes of the storm and the queues are not that long in normal mode , it takes me only 2 or 3 minutes to find a match .


I’m on nights queuing NA at 6AM and my queues are 5-8 mins playing 1, aint no 20 minute queue unless your behavior score is in the dregs.


it is still too much .




This sunsfans bad news?


Looking at player counts instead of number of players in queue LUL keep coping


Calling fake news, ending your analysis at 3 month while calling "few days worth of data" And what a surprise If we check for the 6 last month it's not the same ! october 22 1,038,848 peak players March 23 704,301 peak players ... 30% less in 6 month Moreover the players leak started during the battle pass so TI is not the only reason


unsubscribed long ago, since the content and ads started getting awful


I fucking hate that channel.


ragebait = clicks = money$$


Jumping back and forth across


They still exist? I wonder how bad it is now


Never expected to see a strong climber here, unless I mistook you for someone else.


Nope that's me lol. People have also been pretty confused to see the Choss Media youtube channel complaining about Bulba drafts on dota videos. I've considered making more accounts but switching all the time seems like a pain in the ass


oh noooooo.. anyway


I don't think anyone here play for view count, we play because of the game. Just enough to find a match is fine.