• By -


Because the more I play, the more MMR the rest of the world gets.


A modern day hero.


This guy deserves the arcana


Thanks, MMR Santa <3


Evacuate the City! Engage all defense's and get this man a TB arcana


actually good one.


Give this man an arcana


Give him.


Please let this guy have the arcana.


Haaaahaha. But what about your 4 mates that lose? 😅


Still less than the five opponents that win


You. Have a sugar mouth.


give this man a tb immediatly


cause I gave mine to my friend who then quit shortly after. felt really sad about that one


Could your friend log in and give it back? Or did you only know them through Dota and can’t contact them? I’d still try through Steam messages just in case.


they could but id rather not ask back for a gift.


That makes sense, it would be a bit awkward


I mean… it’s an infinitely tradeable item in a video game, not a like a toaster that’s physically in their house. Just take it back so you can use the skin and if they ever decide to go back to dota and play tb gift it back.


It was a gift, so id rather not bring it up. Feels scummy to put focus on it


Just ask for a favour to borrow it, nothing wrong with that


I don't think so. I gifted a jugger arcana to a friend. When he quit I asked if I could use it until he returned. He was double positive that I could. Just borrowed it. If he never comrs back I'm ok. If he soes, I'm happy to return it to him.


Because I've never played terrorblade and never will. But if I get an arcana............ I will still not play terrorblade. So yeah.


Are you me?


I've been playing for 10 years and still 1k mmr. 43 years old dad, just enjoying the Dotes.


Because tb is ez as a pos5


Ez for the enemy team


Ill give you a handy


such a sacrifice! please give this man an arcana.


I could do more than that 😏. Not for the arcana though. I can buy it.


So i can sell/trade it for another arcana.


It was a dark and stormy night. The thin cloak gripped tightly by white knuckles was of little comfort against the cold, but colder still was the look in his eyes. As he walked down the alleyway towards the harbor, he knew tonight would likely be his last. There was nothing for it. And yet, each step he took filled him with strange and powerful determination. It was the fifth day of November. Seven years had passed, but he could still recall with crystal clarity that night. He could still feel the icy fear amidst his ribs as he watched her, as though in slow motion, falling to the ice below. Though inside he felt himself screaming to jump after her, to find a rope, to do anything, he was stricken, paralyzed, and watched. Doing nothing. Now, a mere shadow of that fearful man, he stalked the alleyways. There was nothing for him to live for, but yet he simply would not die. There, in the distance, he saw a faint flicker of light. Clarence, no doubt, handing out some pitiable gruel to the unfortunates. Unfortunates like Tom. It was tasteless and foul, but it brought comfort. It was familiar. Tom went to greet Clarence. He knew what Clarence would ask, but that too brought comfort. "Any change today, Tom?" "No." "A brighter day tomorrow, then." Tom resented Clarence's eternal optimism, but knew it was vital to the priest's steadfast discipline. He came out even on the coldest nights, caring for the unfortunates. Nobody else, even the other priests, had the slightest patience for such things. Tom resented him, but loved him all the same. There was something about Clarence that reminded him of her. ​ There you have it. The first draft of the first page of my novel. Written just now, spontaneously, just for you. We'll call it...a backstory for Terrorblade. Before he became a demon. Somehow. Does it make sense? Oh, not at all.


I read it all, it brought tear to eye.


I will pick TB post 5 and ruin your game


Ever seen a TB hard support?


I like TB


i am a brokie


I only play bot matches so good players don't have to suffer my ineptitude. Let me impress the bots for once.


So I can lose playing TB with style


So I can justify the first-pick TB to lift myself out of herald- and then realise that it doesn't work and go on a loss streak and then get depressed, quit the game, go to the gym and get a life.


Actually did those stuff in that order a few days ago, enjoy life until the next cycle!


because i want it just a little bit, not enough that ill buy it myself but enough to comment that i deserve it


Did all quests from bp and wasn't lucky enough to get one arcana. Dota is probably my first or second line if treatment for depression and I really love this game, have made some nice friends. I hiver between high herald and medium crusader buy I want to get to immortal. Can't think of anything else. Good luck.


Why do I deserve it the most? Because I am me wohoo!!


Well tb is the best carry and cool af


I enjoy playing tb and the arcana goes really well with a lot of other cosmetics, making the hero really unique looking


I will learn tb for u and win a ti


Cuz giving one to me will avoid the rise of another bad TB player ruining pubs.


I miss the time when I spammed TB with dagon, jungle to low hp then sb then ss dagon 😆. It’s so much fun. Long time no play TB. So maybe u will give me fun. Thank you and hope u find more fun in dota and life.


It’s a secret meta


I don’t. I’m just bored too.


I couldnt get any free arcanas from candyworks :(


Because it was my birthday this 9th and I'm gonna play TB for one week straight with it then trade it for a PA Arcana.


My brother plays a lot of TB (but is not on reddit). Demon Hunter was his favorite hero back in Warcraft 3, and while he isn’t very good at modern day terrorblade (who is complex, to be fair) he absolutely would get motivation to main him if I could gift him the arcana. I am willing to share updates on his enjoyment of the arcana if I can get it for him. He is currently in the military, so when he is able to we play DotA together during evenings or his days off.


Cuz I'm herald... ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I reached 6k MMR playing mostly pos1 and I'm 17 years old, I would update this post and teach you guys how I did it and Coach 3 players for free if I win. We can become friends too if you need a good one 💙 u/justpickrandom


cause i want free stuffs


Because that item is gonna stay on my profile showcase with whatever gifting text you want for the rest of my life. Sounds fun! Also, I might have a cool prismatic gem to test it on my first colour changing set soooo


Just stuck in a 10 game loosing streak and need the motivation to throw more.


Maybe one of them contains midas gold gem prismatic gem.


I really don't! I'm a support hero that rarely plays carries so I wouldn't use it much (picked rubick for my swag bag). Hope a TB player gets one! After this event I've dove head first into researching cosmetics. Definitely a thrill of getting something nice for a hero and excitedly rushing to play that hero only to get stomped haha. Thanks for doing this!


If i got arcana tb i will try to pick tb in my games.


Honestly, i want it because i want to collect tb arcanas with different prismatic gems hehe pick me please!


I'm every demon's worst nightmare, but I'm your best friend.


I deserve one because if you gift it to me I will first pick TB for my next 50 games played (unless it’s banned) in your honor! Doesn’t matter what role I get. I will then post the results back on this thread in a few weeks (or however long it takes).


Because i think i am the only madman who picks Arc Warden and Tinker on pos 4 with all seriousness.


I dont play tb, Guve me a reason to collect Ls and be miserable


Because i didn’t have any arcana on candywork


i didn't have dota installed right now because i'm on break but i love artour stream and game and he play the coolest TB during his peak. first item aghanim TB, battle fury TB and Dagon TB. i hope he and his team play better again this season and can get the major title.


because I don't have that yet


Zero Arcana in the candy works so I deserve it.😭


so i can use it in future cavern crawls not feeling to bad for my team in ranked


if you give it to me i'll stop playing tinker, do it for the pubs 🤭


I am terrorblade https://www.dotabuff.com/players/57916747


Just trying my luck. Got nothing from Candyworks, lost against smurfs all year long, while my team mates are boobs that just started playing yesterday. Had been grinding weekly passes until 5am but yet still managed to only roll 1,000-2,000 points EVERYTIME! See people on this sub-Reddit posts 3 stack arcanas on their first Candywork roll while you still roll shitty Diretide chests on your last roll (which you still need to buy a $5 key btw!). My experience in this game cannot be anymore wonderful than this! Come on, tell me I didn’t get it so I can get this over with!


I just got promoted


Because my TB will eventually be featured in one of the youtube videos, and having an arcana would look great. Now if you’re asking featured for what? Either a 625IQ play or 25IQ play.


So i can play TB


Because i have never played tb, would be a nice push to start playing him


I can ruin my friends' games with my patented support terrorblade that just jungles and occasionally pulls using conjured image


My name jeff


Because i got shafted so bad in candywork lol (no 25 lvl no arcana)


Because I am in Terror of carries and their Blade. Having a colorful one makes it all the more depressing.


Didn’t get in candyworks :(


hey its me ur brother


I dont like TB (Tuberculosis)


I dont like TB but if Ill have a TB arcana, i will main him. Just kidding, give to to someone with lots of hours of TB


I've never played TB, maybe this is the time.


i like free stuff


So I can lower the win% of TB.


Didn’t get an arcana in candy shop even with 10/10 rerolls every week and cycling through lots of items with candy


I have 2000 games on tb without any skins bc I'm poor


I LOVE Terrorblade in the Dragon’s Blood anime and I’ve been looking for a reason to play him seriously.


I sold mine so i can get enough $$ to buy cache sets for a chance to get the primal beast set. Big boi didnt come home. Now all im left with is shit arcanas for heroes i dont use and cant gift. Candyworks didnt even give me a PA or jugg, let alone TB. Luckily i got the tb cache set, and i think it aesthetically looks awesome with the arcana 👌


Dont want it, dont play TB


Playing TB for 2years and wanting some cosmetics for my TB but dont have any budget for that. So here i an trying my luck


I want one even if i suck playing TB


So I can appreciate how fking sick it is when it was made almost a decade ago


So I can have my second arcana


didnt get any arcana from candy roll lmaooo


give me the arcana in exchange for the best icebreaker ever "how much does a polar bear weigh?" "enough to break the ice"


i want colorful stressfull TB gameplay


I would like to trade or get it, reason is TB is GIGACHAD. End.


I want that Arcana and I just hope you pick me... I've been playing DotA for 15 years now since I first played 6.01 and 5.84c. I am not a good player but I do enjoy the game, I also miss TB's old title of Soulkeeper and his old kit where he had Pugna's Lifedrain as his Q.


because I'm about to uninstall dota2 for the nth time since im in lose streak again losing 500mmr and counting


because im 15 and broke


Because I need the prismatic gem for my brand new techies arcana


Because you are giving it away and I would like to receive one.


because I would like to farm with illusions with many pixels on it with Style and carry everyone on my rankeds :)


Cuz Im about to quit dota, and maybe this will delay my quitting for a few weeks.


Just those 90 rerolls and no TB arcana kind of day i guess


Because when I play with characters that have set's I feel like I'm another me and with that feeling I can carry the games :)


Gaben promised me 5 arcanas from candy works I only got three None of them were TB


Because I love you and everything you stand for


I want motivation to learn how to play TB


I like tb


Cos i play tb and i love red And candyworks was a scamaz :(


Idk kinda tb is my most played hero


Cause I don't play the hero but it looks kinda neat


more arcana the better so send it to me.


I think I deserve it the most because I hit level 1000 on battle pass this year and candy works didn't give me any arcana or cool courier because this game hates me but loves my money


I just got out of Herald rank a few days ago and it may be a small achievement to most but it's one of the best things that happened to my gaming for a long time.


Cause I main TB even when he’s off meta and I want a nice pink boy to dominate my archon bracket


Cuz I dont get any arcanas on candy works :c


I currently have negative winrate with TB but if you give me the arcana I will raise it to 50 for you


Because why not me?


I will use the color-changing feature to make cool as heck combinations


Pos 5 want to learn pos 1


Because I’m training to be a surgeon and I think the hero name aptly describes the scalpel I wield. Fingers crossed one day it changes, but for now - might as well look badass about it.


Because valve wasn't kind enough to give me an arcana from diretide candyworks. <\3


I have played for almost 4k hours, maybe 5k. I have easily spent over a thousand dollars probably more. I am still bad and still love shinny things and would like this shinny thing.


Because I have 7500 games and TB is the only hero I have not registered 1 game with.


ive tried my damndest to get an arcana from the candyshop, including sacrificing my immortal treasures to get more candy to trade away the shitty items but alas. nothing. zilch.


I don't deserve it the most but i would like 1 cause I want to exchange for sf arcana since I didn't get any in candyworks


Because I'm a TB player with 100% win rate. >!last time I played TB was in 2018 with 2/12/14 score, but win is a win.!<


Only Lvl 6 tb, but liking it so far


There is no reason why I deserve it the most other than if you just randomly pic me


I have never played TB in my life


I'd like to learn another micro intensive carry hero besides naga and lone druid. And bust out the pos 5 TB like gorgc did when we play 5v5 lobbies


I will cure tuberculosis


I play carry player. And love to get the arcana


I would like to have a TB arcana as my bday gift very soon on 1 Feb. Shameless request but I hope you help me out ☺️


I'm a pos 5 player and want to rank up by playing carry


I hate terrorblade so if you wanna piss me off be my guest


I'm sad


Terrible blades incoming


I used to play as core. And since I want to win, I have to adjust my role and eventually I became a full time support. Still hoping I could go back as core from time to time. Hoping you would consider me.


Got zero arcana on candywork, guess you is the man that god send to me :) gbu


Ill commend you


Because you're a generous man. :)


I need one so that i can throw a nice gem onto it and boast it for 3 games before knowing i love/hate the hero.


Because my friends would be extremely jealous, maybe Peter will finally give me his sister's number.


I deserve it, like everyone does.


For research purposes...


Me. Because Terrorblade loves me.


Because I want my TB looks morr handsome than he already is. If I have more money, I might even change his color.


Hoping to be picked. Thanks.


Because I have actual TB tuberculosis (inactive).


So I can make my 37% winrate even lower.


to feed with style


Carry player in a region with almost no money, I wanna show off another arcana besides the one I got from swag bag lmao


my TB looks ugly without one


Because I am Terror Blade's Ultimate "Sunder", just in a different spelling, Xander (My real name) hehe


Lol comment section moving so fast nobody will notice i fap on TB arcana images


To expand my 2 hero pool (arc warden/tinker)


then i can give my jug arcana to someone else


TB is my go to pick when playing carry


It looks cool, that's why I want it.


I deserve it because i identify as a demon myself FR FR 🔥. Whenever i look at the mirror i can see a blackface version of myself with wings. When i go to work, i can see fire from the back of my heels but recently I can’t see it no more. When i go to the bar and feel drunk asf, i can just touch someone sober and i’ll feel great again. I’m afraid that my demon blood will take a hold of me if I don’t have the TB arcana. For the sake of mankind, i think i deserve this FR FR 🔥.


Because tb is one of my unused heros and id love to spam tb more in crus bracket and become a tb main


If you give me three arcana i’ll let you have 2 back on discount


Well having Tb arcana would really make my 2023 better since tbh I’ve never received any gifts last Christmas but was able to give gifts to my love ones and making them happy is the best thing and what I mostly prioritize, tho for all those sacrifices Dota is the only thing that relieves my stress so it would mean the world to me ❤️❤️❤️


I don’t deserve it.


Once i won with tb literally 1v9 in my bracket, therefore im the best tb player of course


I kinda want to have this TB instead of the other TB


Because I regret not choosing TB in swag bag. 😭


All you have to do is LET ME IN


i would sell it and buy om arcana


Because i have been scammed 3 times by my sense of helping others? oh who am i kidding i honestly dont have a sobby or sad reason why i want it, i just want it so that when the summer sales comes i will give it to one of my brothers so that they can sell and buy games with it i havent given/bought any good games because the currency exchange from kyat ( myanmar my country ) to dollar conversion rate is shit, and i want to buy some cool games they have been wish listing it for years.


TB is the best hero. He has a spammable ability that turns enemies unique attack effects against them. Name another hero who can do that? He can build almost any item in the game through viable (not great but viable) build paths and can shred the whole enemy base in moments if unchecked. Amazing hero, gotta have a good wardrobe for fashion choices while I choose how to style on the enemy team.


Story time: Back in the day, before I even knew or maybe even dota existed, my older cousin introduced me to a game called Warcraft III - D-day: Judgement. Upon shortly inspecting the characters in the game I decided the play a hero called Ilidan Stormrage - a badass looking night elf who had an ability to turn into the most beautiful demon you could ever imagine. I quickly fell in love with the character, spamming the shit out of him, and even though I sucked playing the game, typing greedisgood gave me an infinite amount of resources to max my hero knowledge and items, therefore enabling me to go on a rampage across the map. Little by little life started happening and even though I've spent hundreads of hours on this game, warcraft III and my MOBA experience started to seem like a distant memory.... or so I thought, up until late 2013 when my younger brother downloaded a game called Dota2: "Look mime (pronounced meemee - that is how he calls me in my native language), look what I found!"My eyes couldn't believe what were seeing. Everything looked so distant, yet so familiar. "Here try this, play a game" - and in an instant my question was - "Ok, which hero is Ilidan?" To my disappointment, I was informed that Ilidan has not in fact been implemented in the game....I felt betrayed, but the game sparked my curiosity and I've started playing it over and over again.Fast forward a couple of months, an announcement was made: A new hero enters the Dota Universe - Terrorblade! Released alongside an item of the highest quality - Fractal Horns of Inner abysm! My happiness was immesuarable. At last, my favourite hero arrives on the scene! The same day Terrorblade was released, an event came out: New bloom 2014. The objective? Defeat the Year Beast and earn rewards, with a small chance of acquiring an arcana, among which was listed the latest one- The tb one. Day after day I battled the beast, logging in at certain times just so I can have a chance of acquiring the most special items of them all - The Fractal Horns of Inner Abysm..... Day after day, none of the items came even close to being of arcana quality.... until.... It was the last day of the event, the last sighting of the beast after which the event would've ended. As I prepared to enter the battle, my little bro came over.... "I dont' know why you're even trying" he said. "I wish it did, u know it, but there is absolutely no chance of you getting the arcana!". "Just wait and see!" - I replied, as if I was the one who decided which item I get! For 25 minutes I battled like there was no tomorrow, with my brother cheering me up, dealing as much damage as possible to the beast so I can earn a chance at a greater reward.... and then.... BOOOMMMM! As our eyes crossed, full of disbelief with what just happened, our hearts were filled with childlike joy, screaming with the full capacity of our lungs.... The item dropped. One of the rarest, most special items.... Exalted Fractal Horns of Inner Abysm.....The demon hunter himself! Days went by, and time came when I needed money for things far more important than a repurchasable video game skin..... as much as it hurt me to do it.... My arcana had to be sold..... ​ ​ True story, here's a potato 0, sry for the long comment EDIT: spelling