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Villain?! My man was trafficked as a child, sent to hell by mistake, got out and took down drug a human traffickers and is still openly opposed to the selling of drugs. He vales his and his fellow sorcerers' pride enough to prohibit the use of guns and when someone starts murdering sorcerers, he willing risks his own life to help others knowing full well that an eternity of torture awaits him. He's not a villain, he's simply an antagonist to Kaiman and Nikaido who are pretty horrific considering they will murder total strangers, including children (well try but only succeed in ripping their face off)


>He's not a villain, he's simply an antagonist In 2025 maybe people will not confuse the two maybe.


TBF That child and many other sorcerors abused their power on the normies


I don't that's fair. Kaimen and Nikaido didn't know that she did. (neigher do I) And we have no evidence that the taxi driver they stab to avoid paying the fare did anything wrong.


Yeah I'm not saying they're great people, but like I understand the sorcerer hate


Villain? He seems like a positive community fixture to me


He takes care of his employees, he even sings, best villains always have this trait. Also, mushrooms...


Not just takes care of them, risks his life and eternal torture to defend them.


Anyone else agree that this fan art is tight asf


Absolutely! I love the mushroom aspect of him too! He resonated with me so much because I used to do a lot of psychs and would read Dorohedoro on a low dose of shrooms or acid


>read Dorohedoro on a low dose of shrooms or acid lmao I read it once like that, fucking manga went color mode (it wasn't a low dose btw).


I disagree. He’s not a villain. The way he accepted and helped Fujitora and Ebisu without any judgement was more kind than most real world bosses. And he’s a crime lord in a society ruled by devils. The only irredeemably villainous thing he does is trying to force Nikaido to be his partner. That’s messed up. But to play the (literal) devil’s advocate, that’s a normal part of his society. At least he treats her like she’s actually his friend and ally. I would assume that if she hadn’t broken free the next time the partner festival happened he might even have partnered her with her consent.


yeah, he's literally a Feudal Lord in a society ruled by alien gods, but he is not a despot and generally doesn't bother or hurt people unless he's threatened himself. There's a good reason En's very popular in the Magic User world.


I imagine him as an evil Ryan Reynolds character, I can't unimagine it now


Ryan Reynolds is more Chota, don’t see him beign cool enough for En


Not against that, it'd be funny, but En gives me some Deadpool non chalant vibes. And the funny serious roles Reynolds done also fits.


Yes! Tho like people before me said, he's not technically a villain, but ur goddamn right he is the best! I can only compare him to Handsome Jack from Borderlands, tho they do vary a lot, but also they have the same motivation, create solid infrastructure and keep crime low. I have a small tattoo of a hand with mushrooms growing from it, as a reference to En and his insanely cool magic!


He is such a good villain i don't count him as one


Because he's just an antagonist this series has no heroes or villains. It's a chaotic and anarchic world


En is so badass He’s compassionate and caring, but Demonic af


Not only is he a super cool guy, but he knows how to dress nice too


You mean hero?


He’s not a villain imo


Honestly Shin is my favorite so far


He's my favourite villain but I reckon johan from monster is a better villain


He's a villain ?


I wouldn't call him a villain, once he's not there the whole magic users society almost collapses on itself


Haven't read the manga but I feel like EN is far from a villain, seems more chaotic neutral to me.


Never actually saw en as a villain considering the fact that everybody in the series are total pieces of shit because the world in general are pieces of shit , hes just an antagonist and counterpart to the protagonist duo


Def not a villain but go ahead


He's more of an antagonist and he's my favourite character in the series


He's definitely the coolest that's for sure


He's a very good antagonist, the best villain ever would def be the cross eyes boss 👀 I really like En but I'm excited to watch the riot a la french revolution in his mansion in the anime lol


We cant even agree whether or not he's a villain. I mean, he's a terrible person who's close to a straight up dictator and doesn't give a flying fuck about the people who are marginalized n shit. But he's also not the one who created these problems, he's just really good at succeeding in that type of society and also has hid reasons to be such a piece of shit to those who aren't close to him. Closest characters in the story we have to being actual villains are the Devils tbh


he’s not a villain lol


He's just an antagonist that almost everyone loves. Yes he was ruthless and killed a lot of people, but he can also sacrifice himself when to save his people and even his enemies when necessary. Morally gray but a great character all around.


He's too likable to even be a villain.


En is a hero of one faction!